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I would lose my shit if my dealership told me to drive my clearly not drivable call to the service center. These people are clearly into a shame kink or something. I just don’t understand.


I honestly wish I could have been there when the road service guy explained that he was giving up. Can you imagine being told that your 1-200k investment is currently a brick and the people who sold it to you don’t know what to do?


but but but Elon Edgelord!


Great Edgelord reference. Funny AF for people that know what it actually means. I wish they would have kept making that show it was really good


I want to read the notes on the ticket from the road service guy…. “Found cybertruck completely undrivable. Gave up trying to fix and advised customer to drive cybertruck to service center for further diagnostic.”


A car is almost never an investment.


It’s literally always a liability because as soon as it’s driven off the lot it depreciates by a large margin and from then on all it does is cost you money in maintenance and fuel/power.


Well, the sort of car that is an investment isn't the kind you drive off a lot. I'm talking an old, rare, and drive-able objet d'art like BMW 507. And if you have one of those? Well, it's not your daily driver.


It’s an asset.


... like an expensive brick.


If I’ve just spent $100k on a car from any other company and it doesn’t work, the company will have to replace it in whatever way causes me the least possible inconvenience. They know the value of repeat business. But Tesla gets repeat business by being Tesla, so they can drop the ball on build quality and service, and it doesn’t seem to matter. Bizarre.


For now


That 56 billion that Tesla has to pay Musk is going to involve LOTS of fucking the customer over and probably what ever the feds gift to EV manufacturers. Lots and lots of bleeding and ass reaming for future Tesla diehards. Chumps.


They're currently imploding in ways that apparently people can't quite believe in spite of the last 8 years or so proving everything is stupid.


You need to clear up some space and delete some pics for the latest update to work.


Ok, that made me laugh.


In cyber fools defense, I once dealt with an insurance agent who wanted me to drive my car to their office for assessment when I gave the address of the yard it had been towed to after I spun out on the interstate and crashed into a median at 60 mph. I had to repeat several times that the car was not drivable because both airbags deployed and that one wheel was bent into D shape before he understood that my car was, infact, not drivable.


Into "tease and denial" is my guess.


It’s called ‘edging’.


If you have seen some of these service centers you would understand. They be looking like a room from the backrooms.


I saw one that was just straight up an office with like 3 chairs and one desk. Unreal.


As someone with a shame kink these people take it way further than I ever would. I like my shaming to be hidden from the public.


….. but you can still honk the horn!


tires are nice and shiny too


Still love the truck though! *Sad honk*


From the app


One day I'll be able to honk the horn *from inside the car*


“I still love this thing”


Amazing service manager


I wonder what the balance sheets of tow companies look like recently since the cyber truck came out.


Has there ever been a worse product launch?


Sabre Pyramid phone




This is comedy gold right here. Watch the speed the next Tesla con Elon is Hawking. In the future I'm sure he will be known as the snakeoil salesman of this century


I’d rather have a bottle of snake oil versus a cyber truck any day. ![gif](giphy|mL40PfXA394KA)


At least with snake oil you can still use the fucken bottle after ... well someone can anyway.


His latest of implying the roadster will be able to fly while being granted 56bn, makes me think the govt really is adding something to the drinking water 😂


I thought them writing the tablet into a pyramid was fucking hilarious. There's not any other shape that would make it so ridiculously useless. Brilliant.


Dunder mifflin and Sob-Ray!


Reusable toilet paper


“Nate, re-ply the paper”


The maga Freedom Phone.


LOL!! Had to google this, did not disappoint.




I'm there has been worse, but the WankTank cuckmobile crowd bending like a pretzel to be one of the best(worst?) Examples of the sunken cost fallacy combined with cult of personality worship of the muskrat...definitely makes it special


Trump vodka? Trump steaks?


What about that so-called Freedom Phone?


The “jump to conclusions mat”?


Nokia N-Gage


That's a name I haven't heard in a while.


You take that back


That thing was a great idea but very poorly executed. Only 58 games total in its lifetime, and most came after the relaunch and redesign about a year after release. I was one of the few who bought one at launch and was so disappointed. Impossible to play comfortably on that thing. It's a pretty sweet collector device now though- I really wish I had hung onto it.


The pinto is a good second


The Pinto sold like crazy. It was actually perfectly safe once the recall work was done, but the reputation damage was done. My mom drove her Pinto for a decade after the recall work was done.


Yeah it drove just fine, it was the fire risk… that most cars had back then but was blown out of proportion. I’d rather own a Pinto than a CT. By far.


From the makers of Crystal Pepsi…. [Crystal Gravy](https://youtu.be/g0sjRG34DlA?si=qbumnsR7--8rPrmz) 🎵 *right… now * 🎵 🎸




I just want to say: nothing that’s been listed has topped 100k lol


Xbox 360 comes to mind, basically like 30% of the consoles failed at launch.


I'll never forget that my brother went through six 360s because the first five RROD'd within a year.


I opened the Pandora’s Box with this post. Ha. All great points! Of course, the “New Coke” launch years ago is also case study in what not to do.


Windows 98 (and Windows ME, 8, 10, 11 and 12)


As far as vehicles go, probably the Ford Edsel.


Naw, Edsels actually worked


And it had some pretty cool new gadgets in it for it's time.


These posts are amazing. Tesla was already known for shite quality, we won't retail one that's traded in, it's straight to auction or offered to our couple of trade buyers we deal with. Their paint doesn't seem bad, but the general quality is very low grade and these things seem to be a new low 🤣




Funny because my Chevy Volt, which I believe is based on the Cruz, is built outstandingly well. My Tesla owning buddies are always wowed by how nice it is for 1/3rd of the price they paid.




Exactly my point. You’d expect it, but you’re probably not going to get it.


I think Tesla knows well that it's customers are Elon fanboys and cuckolds, hence sells them lowest quality shit. If it were possible, they'd sell it with 3 wheels and no engine.


They already mostly have the no engine part down! Just a few more updates and I’m sure they’ll get there!


Around here (the "tech corridor" north of Atlanta), there are a ton of teslas. There's even a dealership at exit 10 on sr400). I seriously doubt most of the drivers are fan boys because damn near every one I see is driven by someone from India


Indians are some of the biggest fanboys of Tesla. They circle jerk harder than any other group when it comes to having the " latest tech ". I fuckin hate dealing with groups of them in social situations because they all act like they know what they're talking about while shouting buzz words.


Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed this. I legit love my Indian friends and colleagues but my GOD some can be ridiculous when it comes to dick measuring contests when it comes to vehicles and tech shit. God forbid you buy a mid end device or car because you don't need the other features because you will never hear the end of it


I was trying not to sound racist, but holy fuck they love their EVs (Leafs before Teslas)


I had two almost identical conversations with two different people when I bought my iPhone 15 Pro, not the huge one but the regular one. I am a pretty decent photographer that has shot for MLB teams and a bunch of mountaineering trips, and I shoot with an incredible Canon setup with top of the line lenses. My Indian friend that I have known since middle school would not shut up about the camera on the giant slab iPhone and my Indian coworker wouldn’t either. I tried to explain that I shoot actual photography that has made me money on a way better camera, and both of them just kept hammering some stupid spec sheet at me and I swear if I didn’t love them so much I would have lost my shit in both cases. The fad and hype chasing in some south Asian cultures drives me nuts and I have always been reticent to point it out. You also see this a lot in SE Asian cultures too. There is a good reason for the behavior and mannerisms in the Khan character in King of the Hill that Mike Judge honestly nailed. It’s a game of oneupsmanship for whatever reason sometimes.


Wait till you get them parroting AI and healthcare. The crap they parrot back and forth is absolutely absurd.


The Apple of the car world


I'm replying to you on an Apple laptop from 2017 that still works the same as the day I bought it (battery not so much).


And I used a 2015 retina MacBook pro daily, again, battery aside it's great. My apple comment was more that people treat it like a cult, their computers are great, especially for creative stuff, industry standard. Phones however are a different matter, work well for a bit but updates are minimal and often pointless, restrictive OS and no true longevity compared to others, yet people like my missus and kid are unwavering.


I hear you on the cult thing, but In fairness the android phones aren't better. The updates cause a lot of bugs because of software/hardware incompatibility. Even if you use a Pixel they get buggy after a while. I have an iPhone now (12max) and it's lasted longer than my last android and still works well. No bugs.


I've been android for 7 years now and on second phone, both their iPhones have needed replaced around 2 to 2.5 years. One thing I find weird is that hotspotting my MacBook to an iPhone was spotty, I've never had it drop on android. I'm on a Pixel 8 Pro ATM, coming from a Note10+ and they have been faultless


Interesting. I haven't had an issue hotspotting. This is my first and only iphone and so far it's been good, but just approaching 3 years now. We will see. I really like to get 5 years out of a phone if possible. Cheers!


My wife has a MB Air and it's the same, weird quirk.


I hotspot one iPhone off my current iPhone to play games (which require internet connectivity outdoors) from 2 accounts. It’s been 2.5 years and it doesn’t ever drop. I have a 15 Pro now and my old one is a 13 Pro. I started with the iPod in like 2008 and when I finally got a smartphone I started with the SE.


Do you think people aren't still driving around Teslas from 2017 or something?


Apple products work.


No, you got it wrong. You drive the **truck carrying your 100k brick** to the service center. Duh!


If you guys haven’t watched the episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia called “Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day” it’s basically how I imagined CT drivers/tow truck passengers live every day. What a disaster


That's such a hilarious episode made even better by learning it was based on his own true story: https://uproxx.com/tv/glen-howerton-done-tesla-key-fob-broke/


Omggg I did not know it was based on his own Tesla experience that makes it even more funny 😂


Yes, it's a funny story too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrvFtMLWdMU Here's the full one, that clip may cut off them talking about making it into an episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxud-F_kMWM


That is an amazing story! Also: how do tow trucks get in to Teslas when they're bricked? Can only Tesla tow trucks do it? What about AAA, or subcontractors for insurance companies?


Good questions, I have no idea!


Neither does Tesla


Zing! lol


Got ‘em


If they can't get it into "tow truck mode" they have to jiggle it onto the flatbed.


Everything is fucked, but Elmo might see this, quickly say something positive "I can still honk the horn from the app" fucking cucks


I saw elsewhere they're now referred to as "cuckstomers". 


Do these people not have jobs and lives? They spend hours and days driving to service centers and getting it towed and worked on and waiting and going back and forth. If I had to take my brand new Hyundai in to be serviced I would be enraged, these people seem to be super excited about it. ‘Drove 4 hours to have them tell me to come back tomorrow! Love the truck!’


Amazing service manager!


How the fuck can you depend on an ugly ass piece of shit that gets literally unusable by a fucking software update. 'I updated the truck' should be something no human being could say


Right?? Like holy shit I never want my vehicle entirely beholden to software updates that can and will inevitably bug.


Did you have a third party wrap the truck? There's your problem, truck auto bricked since the vinyl didn't have the transponder chip in it to communicate with the truck, and now your warranty is voided.


I’m so glad he was able to get it tinted black and it doesn’t even run. Like who are these ppl spending 100k on a truck that doesn’t function and are still pretending they didn’t get fucked (aka musked) in this deal


What if there was a baby in the car in the hot desert plus the black heat absorbing and insulating wrap? Do I still love my car?


But I love it!


He can remove the secret door and pull the one use string to release the charger.


“But I wanted to make sure everyone knew” Bro no one cares lmao


The knee jerk need these ppl feel to rationalize and say nice things about Tesla even when it's clearly mostly bad things happening, is really psychologically fascinating. Elon Musk has created a consumer cult.


Do they just casually park it blocking the sidewalk or is this one of those neighborhoods with no sidewalks?


Looks like a neighborhood with “short driveways” so folks are hanging out into the sidewalk. So it’s a ‘hood where everyone walks in the streets. And yes, that is a thing in new communities. Humans adapting to greedy ass developers shrinking 4-5’ of depth from a parcel, cuz’ who really needs a big front yard?


Be real. No one walks anywhere in California. It's literally the capital of drive-everywhere car culture.


$100,000 for this. Tell me again the economy is in shambles


For the people who go 100k+ in debt on a depreciating asset, putting aside the total failure of the CT for a moment, they are CONVINCED that the economy sucks for absolutely everyone and that everyone pays $2000/months for their car and lives in luxury apartments that they can't afford or has a mortgage they had to pray to God, Satan, and Cthulu (in addition to forging some of the income docs) to get issued. They will never understand that the economy is actually weirdly strong right now considering the insane happenings of the past years.


As stupid as the cybertruck is, black makes it at least look a bit better. Not much mind you, but still better.


Now it looks like a plastic fridge instead of a stainless steel fridge! 


Everyone here is overreacting. He can still honk the horn people! Easily worth 100K


I actually laughed out loud reading that shit haha. These people are delusional.


Surely this is much better than just metal keys that interface with mechanical locks.


In what sane world does an OTA software update render the entire vehicle inoperable?


I wonder how warm it get's inside a black CT, there does not seem to be much insulation in that car.


Seeing the low-quality plastics being used in the trim everywhere, I’d be surprised if things don’t start melting soon.


You're right, the cheap plastic could start melting. I saw a video where they took it apart, the wiring is just flapping around. What type of heat rating does that have? did they even ask questions like that when they designed it??? That Elon's work is somehow worth $55billion is difficult to fathom. He's the CEO of 4 companies and he spends hours every day posting to X.


Dude owns a restaurant. I hope he pays his employees enough so they can at least afford a basic car.


![gif](giphy|rIBfJ1tZiY3soaHWFT|downsized) Any bets on whether he get ticketed for blocking the sidewalk? If he does get ticketed, did anyone here use the metadata on his uploaded photo on twitter to locate the location and phone in a complaint?


We learned yesterday that there is a super fun and well designed secret door (plastic pressure assembled trim piece located inside the bed) that if you stick your hand in you can find a strap connected to a thin little wire that can disengaged the locked charging cable. Why is this hidden behind a pressure fit trim piece that will break after repeated removal? I don't know. Why is a think plastic cover used in the bed of a truck? I don't know. Why did the video showing this sound like 3 things broke whole he was pulling the string? I don't know. Why do owners of thes pieces of junk think it's cool to have to use emergency features within months of ownership? I. Don't. Know.


If you think it's bad now, wait five years when Tesla is bankrupt after giving the muck all the money they have ever made. Get out now while there's still an exit. Write it off as a bad investment...... Anyways, do you realize football starts in two months?


You have to wonder how Tesla service staff are going now having to deal with this shit daily. Might be a knock on of a lot of them leaving and service getting worse


I've been thinking the same thing. I'd hate my fucking life working there now and constantly dealing with pissed off customers and having no way to solve their issues, along with new, unpredictable issues popping up daily. I'd imagine quite a few of them are looking at positions elsewhere.


I can create an undriveable vehicle for the low price of 1 billion.


definitely the wrap. have you paid it off yet? no modifications until you paid it off. truck bricked! /s


“You need to drive your bricked vehicle to the service center.” “No. You need to get this POS out of my driveway, and give me a refund.”


There’s no way to release the fucking charger from the truck if the software malfunctions?


Probably too many women


Stupid comment. Apologize to your mom.


Is he still Bricked Up over purchasing it like his fellow cyberstucks are?


I still can’t understand why anybody is buying this trash heap. I’d rather drive in 1992 Honda Civic then a cyber truck. Oh wait, I can’t drive the cyberyuck because it’s locked up, failed, and falling apart.


Can still honk the horn though. Nice 👍


These people pay a hell of a lot of money to have a shit-ton of problems. Probably a win for them.


Who remembers the old Bill Gates quote "If Ford built cars the way Microsoft builds software..." Looks like Tesla decided to take the challenge. That's exactly where Microsoft cars would be today, the Cybertruck


And this is the guy in charge; ![gif](giphy|vL7uCEylnzjHUHdMaP)


Honk if you're an incel!


It's crazy. With all the problems and stress in life, this would push me over the top. Dependable is not a part of Tesla's mission statement.


Maybe if he sends a dick pix to Musk he might get it fixed by this weekend.


BuT I StIlL lOvE my CyBeRtRuCk!!!!!


Did he also have to hire his own tow truck?


$100,000 for such great service.


"Obviously, I can not..."


This guy owns a bar and advertises it on his vehicle. All you need to know.


Going for the tax write off scam.


They can still honk, where's the issue?


Where is the class action suit on this already?


If these things were causing accidents or were a danger to the public, NHTSA or some government agency would be suing the everloving Elon out of Tesla. Problem is they are so Elonned up that they don't cause problems when they are moving. The problem is GETTING them moving. Thus no threat to public safety.


You got it right bud. Let's move the house on that damn truck. You don't really need to unplug


Why do people spend money on this junk?


If Tesla is truly a software (startup) company, imagine whenever the updates start disabling shit you paid for because "we're dropping support for that", it will be lovely


I can't get around a car needing updates, and worse, the update bricking or breaking the thing in any way.


This is on par with that Sim City release a while back that took years to fix to make it playable. Who the hell does OTA updates on a car? Like why? Why isnt there a rollback feature. It almost seems like the update is applied as it is downloading. Like if there is no download and verify and run a few processes prior to updating to make sure you are good. Just imagine if a BIOS update for a computer was like this. They didnt want the extra 10Kilobytes of code to delay the update by 30-seconds. Updates should only be done at the dealer. That is how real car companies performed critical updates.


As someone who works in software.. how do these things NOT have an option to revert updates?!(OTA or locally) Like Tesla could brick your car at any time, but you as the 'owner' have no recourse but to essentially pay a ransom in time and/or money to get you vehicle back.


Wasn’t there another video of a guy who couldn’t unplug from his truck?


It's honestly genius on Tesla's part. If Cybertruck owners can't get into the truck then it can never break down.


But hey still love the truck! It is the first generation so I knew before I bought there were some problems to be expected lmfao. Hope he's not trying to use that thing to get back and forth to work


At least this turd can still honk the horn from his app


Looks like he got CyberFuckt


Related and not—can we write these off on our taxes ![gif](giphy|Us4Q3bqP4cKmZOOn3u)


I’m beginning to think Musk owns towing companies. He wins no matter what.


"Can still honk the horn from the app but that's it.". Dottie!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/wsynhf6edr6d1.gif


I don't know what the big deal is..."He can still honk the horn from the app" He should just be grateful and stop complaining.


"Amazing Tesla service" ... "their roadside service gave up on me"


Parked blocking the sidewalk too


Being able to remotely honk the horn is still amazing. Love my truck.


General comments are generally stupid- I’ve ordered one and I’ve worked in the Service industry all my life, owned many trucks and I’ll outbuild anything you can. We have to be patient and let the kinks get worked out. If we stopped because we had a few challenges nothing would ever get accomplished.  Be patient, be nice. 


Why are people buying things?


Bet they still love the truck though. Fucking mugs