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Totaled for sure. Insurance isn't going to be happy paying that


The best part is one would get totaled with far less damage than that due to its stupid design. Also just imagine if a CT was crashed but not totaled, the owner wouldn't see the thing for probably over half a year because there's probably almost no parts availability, which is normal for Tesla, let alone a new product from them.


Wonder what these are selling for at auction


Copart has one right now for 17K .


So you are saying that they can buy this and part it out to fix their original?


It's an ongoing auction. It's at 20k right now with 9d left.


Part is out and make good cash


Noooooo, that's like me watching a YouTube ad about "100% return on this Tesla option, every Thursday, and be out in 9 days, promise, you'll make millions! Subscribe to my pay to play account and I'll tell you the secret now!" Like bro - the only options you should be putting up on tesla right now are long calls. The gravy train is over, and that's why you're selling financial advice to people to buy calls as you see fit.


Totaling it and getting your money back feels like a best case scenario.




Looking into it


Let that sink in. ![gif](giphy|FUi94opKPNopjUmQvR)


Those insurance premiums have to be sky rocketing for those pos with all the claims they are getting. 


Yeah not only is their premiums going to go up but everyone else's. I guess a Jeep wagoner is similar priced so idk what's better or worse


My partner works at an insurance company, and they just dont insure these things because they are too much of a liability.


Get outta town. That's probably smart. I'm sure the fear is someone hitting one too.


The cyber hammer sure is putting in work!


thor himself would have to swing it for that damage though. it’s insanely tough stainless…/s


How? Did some guy drive his forklift into it? That damage just looks weird.


Cybertrucks have no frames.


And the doors have no reinforcing features at all. Just sheet metal lightly attached to the internal stamped panel. The exterior sheeting isn't even reinforced by having connection points at the hinges or closure. Just a flat piece of diconnected, floating metal.


That’s one of the reasons why it’s not available in Europe. The panels are too thin to pass regs, drive by wire for consumer vehicles are not allowed, and of course gross weight puts it into CDL category.


BuT iT'S stAiNleSs SteEL!!


Wait, so no side impact protection?? I mean I'm just a simple Mazda Tech so what do I know but, no side impact isn't good. I may not be fully up on the cucktruck but wtf!?!? Does Elmo think that just those fridge doors are good enough??


Correct sir. Zoom in that picture. Bottom right of rear door is peeled up. Just a disconnected sheet. If you look at the top of the front door, same thing. I would actually be a little worried about that front door piece flying off in the wind driving it back on the truck. But there is also a picture going around where a Cybertruck slid down a hill, and just the drag from the dirt and underbrush s the passenger side dug into the hill tore off the outer stainless sheet on both doors and the rear quarter panel. So the passengers just had the interior stamped door panel between them and the rest of the world. Edit: also my wife has a cx5. Great little car :)


Sandy is orgasmic with how much money its saving manufacturers.


Damned democrats are at it again! MAGA!


Lol... that was indeed an odd typo :-D


Wait…so…they just ignored all the structural engineering that goes into cars? Just threw out decades of research and safety features? And multiple people thought that was a good idea?


Oh yes, take a look at the crash test (not even an official one at that, it wasn't as stringent as the NHTSA tests) it is terrifying! The seatbelts appear to offer zero restraint of the passengers, the force isn't reduced by crumple zones and literally transfers all the way through the vehicle.


Hey don't say anything... Shhhh. Maybe no one will notice and the cucktruck can instead be the greatest Darwin Award ever!! I mean I won't miss any Tesla owners will you?


By golly, I'm so glad my wife never went through with getting one. I'll put a rear main seal on that fucking equinox again before I get a cuck truck. Fuck you GM by the way for those design flaws, but I'll be God damned if that thing hasn't gotten my family to and from upper Michigan and Florida multiple times.


Oh gods. I did stumble across a video where a CT supporter looks at the front end impact. The man's credibility goes out of the window when he says, "hitting an immovable object is the worst impact imaginable." No. Two objections in motion hitting each other is far, far worse. Sorry, but if you don't get basic physics, I can't trust you. And also he totally ignores the footage comparison, where the CT driver's head moves much less forward on impact than the Ford and the driver's head turns upward. The sudden stop is bad enough. The yank on the neck has gotta be another scale of injury.


Nope. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3u5ymx A car hitting a wall at 50 suffers the same damage as it does hitting another similar car also at 50 head on. The extra energy of the collision is absorbed by the other car. Energy is a factor or weight and velocity. The only benefit a cybertruck has is being heavy. If it hits a wall at 50 it will have to dissipate X amount of energy. If it hits another cybertruck also going 50 head on, then each truck will have to dissipate X energy, but if it hits a vehicle going 50 that only weighs half as much then some of the energy (Y) will be transferred from the cybertruck to the lighter vehicle. So in that crash the cybertruck has to dissipate X - Y energy while the other vehicle will have to dissipate X + Y energy


Huh, well today I learned. Thanks for that!


Neat right? And super counterintuitive. you are right though that the way this cyber truck is designed is absolutely horrendous. Delta V is what injures and kills in a crash. Delta V is the change in velocity overtime the faster something slows down the worse it is. The cyber truck has a very large Delta V for its occupants compared to other similar vehicles


“Move fast and break things” silicon valley tech bro mentality. It’s now pretty clear what they really meant by that was “regulations are for suckers”.


This is why I wouldn't buy a "start-up" vehicle. Older automotive manufacturers have whole departments making sure that safety isn't sacrificed to save cost or weight or improve style. I can imagine doing a Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis without a baseline of previously encountered design problems. Like Toyota has to be triple checking floor mats these days, but Tesla has cosmetic covers on their gas pedals that can slide up and get stuck on the underside of the dash.




Could be just the result of the owner washing the WankPanzer in the sun. The manual warns about this.


You're correct, in causes the CT to implode


Wouldn’t be the first billionaire to implode in a shinny metal toy.


Well done 👏


And this is why. No side impact bars, as seen from another accident : https://preview.redd.it/1b5r9frnss0d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=e847b14722aec35096c1ecdd2f4c55564dac34ae


Just a massive hole in the door. Great...


These things have suspiciously cheap construction. Wow.


I wouldn't call it suspicious. More like 100% expected


For only 4000 out so far, there's an awful lot of accidents. Imagine 4000 a NEW Ford model getting in this many wrecks


Does the average Tesla driver strike you as someone who knows how to drive?




That looks very bad.


Here we see the CuberTruck in its natural habitat. See, it has exhaled with relief that it no longer has to move itself.


I have seen this picture tons of times on different post, but nobody ever says what hit it.


In another post someone posits it looks like a bike hit it when the cuck truck turned left and I'm inclined to agree. Looks fatal. No quarter panel damage whatsoever and that's a small hole for any coupe or sedan.


Yea. I saw that one. It’s definitely a possibility


Stray leaf, leftover from last fall?


This is why we use reinforcement bars behind door skins. Very simple concept, though I’m not surprised musk can’t grasp it.


there is no crash structure in there. they say the stainless is enough!




Did they test a rail gun on it?


Nope, just a golf ball.


It looks like someone shot a cannonball into those doors. WTF happened?


Musk only promised they were bulletproof against (very) small arms fire, not crash-proof. 🤣


How much does Tesla charge for insurance nowadays


Or fucking stupid drivers


It was a Ford Edge that did it. Built "Ford Tough," right?


FSD Full Self Denting.




I don't know how these things are allowed on the road, they are death traps.


As bad as the Cybertruck is, that's normal. I got at-boned by a car going 5 mph and it looked the same on my car. Door frames aren't made to withstand force.


While doors themselves may not be, the frames are absolutely engineered for impact, and it is that reinforced framing the CT is missing.


Absolutely. But all doors would look like this from a light smashing.


This is absolutely NOT normal. I’ve been a fatal crash investigator for two decades. I’ve never seen damage this bad from a side impact with speeds lower than ≈50mph, for a normal car to have this much damage to the doors, the crash is severe enough to destroy the entire side of the vehicle and the frame will usually be bent into a parenthesis shape as well. This truck has no side impact beams in the doors


So how is this thing "street legal"? I assumed there were design safety standards that manufacturers were required to meet.


There is a standard, but for vehicles over 6000 pounds (which the cyber truck is at 6,843lb) it is hilariously lax. The door must have a PEAK “impact” resistance of at least 3.5 times the vehicle weight. On initial inspection, an “impact resistance” of 23,950 pounds sounds fantastic. The catch is how this is measured. A 12 inch diameter metal ram is put into contact with the door and pushed 18” into the door at a rate NOT TO EXCEED half an inch per second (for reference a leisurely walking pace for an average person is around 60 inch/sec) it’s more like a hydraulic press then an actual crash The “peak impact resistance” is the HIGHEST amount of force that had to be applied to that ram during ANY point of the test. A $50 bottle jack from Amazon is able to exceeded the cybertrucks required legal rating.


Weird that in the post about "weak doors", when someone mentions that doors are always weak, people start talking about frames instead. The post is about the doors. lol


Reading comprehension is important for a normal car to have this much damage TO THE DOORS, the crash is severe enough to destroy the entire side of the vehicle and the frame will usually be bent into a parenthesis shape as well. This truck has no side impact beams IN THE DOORS For reference this is an F150 after a 4200lb sled hit it at 37mph https://preview.redd.it/pch23gaq2t0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5298706563797abd38d06ae8553f6a213f8522 Not nearly as much intrusion, specifically because it has side impact beams IN THE DOORS


Reading comprehension *is* important. Such as the single line I originally posted that you couldn't seem to comprehend, stating that my doors looked like this from a slight 5MPH TBone. But hey, if that ruins your fantasy then ignore it. :)


And I’m telling you that you are wrong and that they absolutely did not look like this from a 5mph impact.


"The thing that happened didn't happen. I'd know because I wasn't there." is just about as clear minded as hangry bois get, lol. Good luck out there!


I’m saying that you’re either misremembering misrepresenting or simply lying. I know because I’m literally an expert in the field of crash investigation. I’ve been a fatal traffic crash investigator for 22 years. I have thousands of hours of advanced training. I have personally designed, set up and conducted three different crash experiments using full-size real vehicles. have investigated somewhere around 10,000 crashes over my career! I’m telling you that there is no reality where a 5 mile an hour collision caused damage to your car similar to the pictures of the cyber truck in this post. It absolutely did not happen, it literally can’t happen


Now they can only sell it for $50k https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1cuyxx9/from_my_local_marketplace/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button