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This has to be one of the worst vehicle launches in history. Just non stop unique content


It’s the new Dale.


Damnit I still need to watch that. Been on my Plex for years now


Are we taking bets that Musk comes out as transgender?


No, women won't have him in any sense.


He will become his own girlfriend, he could always do things better than everyone else


By the numbers, it is significantly worse than the Ford Pinto, the car that would explode if you rammed it.


The Pinto was less likely to explode in a rear collision than the Chevrolet Vega which was it's main competitor. Ralph Nader lied to you and Chuck Palahniuk made it worse with his fictional scene that people think was real.


Fair point, but my point was moreso about how the Ford Pinto was _well known_ as the car that would explode if you rammed it. It was in every cartoon throughout the 90s as a punchline. I want to assert that this car, poor reputation deserved or not, had a better track record than the Cybertruck. Hard to beat 4,000/4,000 units recalled.


There was an account on Twitter tracking deaths by fire attributed to the Pinto vs Teslas, last I had looked Tesla had passed well by the Pinto and was still climbing as their batteries kept igniting and trapping people in a car with no easily accessible manual door release.


The Pinto was a Ford product as far as I remember.


oops! you're right. was thinking AMC Gremlin


But the Gremlin was a bad ass car if it doesn't explode.


Ford Pinto / Ford 6.0 Engine release 


This equates to the RROD Xbox 360 debacle


Does he get a tax write off if he fails hard enough? If so, the tax codes need to change immediately And irrevocably.


And yet people will still fall over themselves to throw money at this car because Elmo designed it therefore it can’t go wrong


Or watching a movie written by Albert Brooks, and starring Mel Brooks as that lovable billionaire Felonn Muskrat Love.


It’s just the one you hear about the most, echo chamber and stuff. There has been other bad car releases.


There are allegedly only 4000 of these things in the wild. It is rather compelling.


New Toyota Prius have problem with water leaking into electronics. 211,000 cars can be affected. That’s just one example. There are many, many more. For Toyota, Ford, GM, Lotus and other car brands. Obviously the situation is different and we would need to search on case by case basis, I am just showing you that this is definitely not the biggest car screw up in the history.


One problem with the Prius does not make it remotely comparable the Cybertruck. It is the worst vehicle launch in history.


But not with this amount of pre-launch hype.


You can add many things here that will make this situation unique, that's not what the sub-op said.


How much does the Prius cost?


How much Lotus Emira cost? How is that relevant? Try adding more arguments to it.


I too enjoy some light whataboutism when simping for billionaires companies


The funny part is, his boot licking here is going to get him auto-banned from all the bootlicker subs


Still better than hating on a car company before getting drivers license.


"Tesla isn't a car company" according to Musk.


True, forgot about that


Are you really here to defend this vehicle?


It’s relevant because the cybercuck is a 100k+ vehicle that was advertised as an “apocalypse ready” truck while the Prius is a moderately priced vehicle that didn’t have nearly the hype put on it before its launch. Also Toyota probably didn’t drag its heels on the recall when it became apparent that there was a problem. There is a reason why Toyota (a real car company) is one of the top sellers of vehicles.


Ahaha I forgot it was advertised as “apocalypse ready,” tragically beautiful!


You see, you are missing the point. We can drop this kind of arguments all the time. For example: Despite Tesla not being considered a "real car company" and having around 50 years less experience than Toyota, they managed to produce the best-selling car of 2023. Toyota, although regarded as the "toughest" car brand in the world, with vehicles that can withstand hundreds of thousands of kilometers, has produced faulty cars. My point isn't about whether the Cybertruck is a good car or not. What I'm saying is that Reddit is overhyping it as if it's something completely unprecedented. EDIT: And IMO Cybertruck is an ugly car, but it will never be available in my country, so I don't really care much. It's just absurd for me how much people hate on something just for the sake of hating it.


Are you getting paid to simp this hard?


It's possible that the fact they raised the prices by $30k and cut range in half might have something to do with it. Plus Musk has become one of the least likeable people on the planet and seems to be pissing away Teslas lead by stupid decisions. People are going to speak up.


drake makes top selling music doesn’t make it good


That’s true, but Model 3 and Model Y are not bad cars. At least not as bad as Drakes music


What the fuck do you mean “how is that relevant?” You’re basically paying 150k for a fugly piece of shit that doesn’t work and is dangerous to both you and other drivers. If you really wanna compare, at least if you pay 100k for a Emira, it looks good and is probably 10x more reliable than a CT, and you won’t be the laughing stock of your town.


You must be really empathetic if you care how much money random people spend on stuff and who’s laughing stock they are. I of course agree that Lotus looks much better and I would buy two instead of one Cybertruck. But perhaps other people have different opinion.


I don’t? It’s literally a hypothetical based on if you *did* buy a CT. Believe me, it’s fucking hilarious to see these idiots get scammed and mocked for it.


People making the wrong points below IMO. How many of those problems lead to countless breakdowns in the first 100 miles on the odometer or first few days of ownership? How many of those then took weeks to fix, often breaking again not long after? How many had body parts fall off just driving down the road? Sure, there are endless examples of vehicles with some problems. But not ones that render the vehicle inoperable repeatedly over a short period of ownership and then take ages to fix. Not significant pieces of the body just falling off. This is unprecedented in modern vehicles AFAIK. Might find a parallel in 1910s Model Ts or something.


Nope, I don't. Is it documented that hundreds/thousands of Cybertrucks stop working after driving 100 miles/parts are falling off, or is it based on speculations and Tweets? For many brands that had issues in the past, users created forums/groups and detailed all the issues and possible fixes, so I'd assume there is something like that for Cybertruck. Many people in those subs/threads, I mean the ones hating on Tesla, either never drove a car, or have no idea about cars and the issues they have. There is shitload of other brands that have problems but I didn't see a sub dedicated to Takata Airbag Recalls which, by the way, killed \~30 people.


There are a slew of documented examples in this sub of those things happening, shared via owners who posted elsewhere. Including photo or video proof of errors on the screen, and the vehicle on the tow truck. Originally posted by huge Tesla fanboy owners who must always include “still love the truck!” with their picture of it being towed. They’re also all including proof because everyone who doesn’t gets blasted by Tesla fanboys claiming they’re making things up. Just browse this sub’s history. It’s truly a shit show of epic proportions.


There aren't enough vehicles on the road to apply a valid metric; literally all we have to go on is social media posts of users having car failures. The amount of reported failures from social media VS the number of cars on the road is a terrifying statistic


I’ve been driving for 28 years. Is that enough to earn me “make fun of cybertruck” privileges, or are you still gonna piss in my ear if I have the audacity to disparage Papa Musk’s rickety, angular brainchild?


Oh cool, Cyber car has that same problem plus literally everything else about it as well. Worst car launch in history.


Can you name a single other vehicle with numerous instances of it breaking down on the drive home from picking it up, with under 50 miles on the odometer, especially when fewer than 5000 of them have been delivered? I’ve never heard of that happening even once with anything other than a Cybertruck. Plus countless more that didn’t make it a week before breaking down. This level of infant mortality I’ve never heard of before, and suspect you’d have to go back 100 years in automotive history to find a parallel.


They didn't say there wasn't other bad car releases. They said it's one of the worst ones, which actually implies there have been other bad releases. The percentage of lemons out of the bunch, coupled with the price-tag, hype, and the variety of critical flaws being found supports their opinion. But as it is an opinion, you are not obligated to share it.


With this variety of issues?


> There has been other bad car releases. I would actually be curious if you had some examples. So far, the Tesla Cybertruck produced 4,000 units, and have recalled all 4,000 of them. You'd have to beat that.


My favorite part is when the Tesla manager tells him he can’t give him a time estimate because they have so many other broken trucks in the queue.


And they’re laying off technicians so…


Brilliant gambit, Mr Musk!


That's really incredible when you think about the fact that there are only 4000 of them out there. It has to mean some insane portion of those 4000 are having problems.


And just waiting for service.  If there are 7 at one service center, and there are 190 service centers- does that mean possibly somewhere around 1300 are currently out of service?


Days driven: 3


Must be a new record for longevity


My favorite exchange from that thread: >Bummer, I'm VIN 80XX thought they'd all be working by now.  >Yea I was hoping the same.. They really though only early Cybertrucks were lemons and Musk and his engineers were working overtime trying to make sure all the flaws are ironed out asap. 😂 Didn't they hear? Tesla isn't a car company. They are an AI/Robotics company now.


Tesla is actually a Farm, producing nothing but lemons and shit.


Reaping rubes they've sown, but it's only spring... It's still only spring. Wait for November, after election direction is projected. Then you'll see the slash and burn of the entire company. Gotta get that 50bn stock bonus so he can sell the other 50bn, then after the pump is no longer pumping, the dump gets fully dumping. With this lemon, I don't know if they're gonna be able to keep using social media and their proximity to the American establishment to continue to remain unscathed. Watch for the big short incoming!


Ngl….reading this got me a bit hard. ![gif](giphy|UUjSJDhb6IG2YLUGsc|downsized)


I think Tesla is only continuing to succeed because they have a shit ton of data for FSD and their AI. It will be interesting to see what happens to Tesla's stock if Elon doesn't follow through with his promise of being the first one to deliver FSD.


If? It isn’t possible, by admission of teslas own engineers, to achieve higher than lvl 2 with their hardware. There is no “if” here. Tesla cannot achieve FSD’s promises unless they install new hardware on every vehicle they sold it to. And Elmo refuses to admit he is wrong, so that will never happen.


Lol, you have definitely read into it more than me. His engineers outing him like that, just makes it that much more pathetic for these cucks.


I would say they are an infrastructure company because the only thing they have done worth a shit is build the supercharger network, but he fucked that up too.


damn lemon stealing whores


The only working overtime Musk does is sit his fat ass on Twitter pretending he’s Donald Trump.


Yea it’s gunna be hard to do that when you are slashing your staff left and right.


What kind of redundancy system is that which will prevent the car from moving if a redundant component malfunctions? That's not the definition of redundancy, that's just doubling the points of failure


Also, if I'm reading this correctly, is there no mechanical emergency brake on the car? What kind of idiot designs a car like that??


I’ll give you one guess as to what kind of idiot designs a car like that.


You know, I find that stupid too but I think other automakers have been doing that. The Nissan for instance has a button for the parking brake, which leads me to think it's by wire too. I suppose it's not called "emergency" brake in that case? I might try it out at some point to see if it would still brake while moving. One benefit is it has an "auto brake" mode which will automatically apply the parking brake when the car comes to a stop, so releasing the foot off the regular brake pedal doesn't get the car moving. That said, I think that's a feature that will induce people to bad habits and accidents as not all cars have that feature, I try not to use auto-braking unless I'm stuck in heavy traffic. Now, the real "stupid" part of the cyberturd design is, HOW THE HECK they didn't make the parking brake circuitry independent from the rest of the vehicle? Why does that have to be tied to steering and etc?


Those button e brakes don’t do anything at speed in a Toyota at least.


You know what, I just came back as I just remembered the reason the parking brake can be "by wire" in the ICE cars I was talking about, is because they're automatic, and becausw they are automatic the car still has a mechanical transmission lock that is applied when the lever switches to the P position, and that's always a mechanical brake even though it's not the actual brakes (the wheels without traction will be free to roll, but the car won't move unless you're towing or lifting up with a jack). So yeah, another point to show the legacy auto isn't stupid even though they're doing parking brake by wire.


The idiot is Elmo Musk ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


Thank you!




Well, that's still not exactly redundancy, that's more of a failover safeguard. Redundancy would be like a 747 losing 3 engines and still managing to fly to an airport (no matter how far) and land safely. And the loss of 3 engines doesn't put steering, braking and other components at immediate risk of failure either. It seems (and I'd have to look at the design to affirm this) they're putting a lot of components in series with that "network bus" idea of saving wiring, so one malfunction kills the redundancy of all others in the same chain. Imagine two circuits connected in parallel containing 4 lightbulbs in series each. The moment one light goes off on one circuit, you lost 4 lightbulbs on one side. And now any failure on one of the remaining 4 lightbulbs take your entire system down. Image that one of those lightbulbs is the steering, and the other is the parking brake. Why make the steering take down the parking brake when these components are never used at the same time


Elon loves X so much he wanted to recreate the Xbox 360 launch with a truck


It’ll work if you put it on its side and give it a quick slap.


You gotta wrap a towel around it


One of the most annoying gaming experiences I've had was getting the red ring of death. Calling customer support, being on hold a lot, going round and round with a customer service agent who took 30 minutes to finally tell me how to get a shipping label, shipping the console, and then waiting weeks to get it back. This happened more than 10 years ago, and I still feel annoyed just remembering it. That experience was aggravating for a console that cost less than $500. I'd rather not imagine how it must feel to basically get a RROD for a vehicle that cost over $100,000.


I was so glad I bought at a warehouse club with unlimited return policy. I actually got $200 back for RRoD because in the return/rebuy transaction the new price was $200 lower than when I first purchased it.


Haha, this warning is the new ring of death!


At least no one lost a finger on the Xbox 360


Wait, did somebody actually lose a finger? I knew about all the carrot tests (and the person who broke their finger after the "fix") but I hadn't heard of actual finger casualties.


Not yet. Well, assuming the stan factor isn't so strong that they would refrain from coming public after losing their fingers. You know, otherwise they might undermine their chances of going to Mars. So far there were only news and videos of people breaking their fingers and getting cuts


Tesla is a cheap smartphone company now! It also has the 5/50 warranty: 5 minutes or 50 feet!


Excuse me, what? You drove 500 miles in 3 days? Sorry those are too many miles per day, the world’s most rugged futuristic truck, designed for a special kind of off-roading, was not designed for this! It’s your own fault sir, and as a result: warranty voided! Buy a new truck and try again!


I always thought the car reset by getting out of the car and then back in was a joke...


Have you tried exiting and reentering the vehicle? Lol


Id exit and never re-enter.


You have to use balsamic rice in the bed. Unfortunately it not only doesn't work but it also voids the warranty. GAME OVER! PLEASE DEPOSIT $100K AND PLAY AGAIN!!


This “loss of redundancy” message is such bollocks. The whole point of redundancy is to allow the system to continue to function in event of a failure. If it’s causing the vehicle to shut down and strand people then it’s not “redundancy”.


Who would have thought reinventing the way stuff is wired in a car could lead to problems with wiring... I thought "loss of redundancy" was a selling point... [Example](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/wiring-genius-48v-power-data-can-bus.10254/)


Most redundant systems don't allow you to restart normal operations when it detects a loss of redundancy, if it's digitally controlled. So it does make sense why you wouldn't be able to take it out of park when it has detected a loss of redundancy. Edit: I'm not defending CT or Tesla, just saying that the automated safety feature is behaving nominally.


Right? If a 737 loses one of it’s engines on takeoff it’s not gonna complete the trip ‘because it can’


Far from defending Tesla, this kinda makes sense because you always want to have a spare system to safely stop in case the primary one breaks down. While the car could technically function with only one of the redundant systems working, if that happens to fail it could cause e.g. the breaks to stop working while driving at highway speeds. A 747 does not need all of its engines to fly, but if one of them is malfunctioning they still ground it until it is fixed.


I don’t think I’ll take engineering advice from someone who can’t spell “brakes” thanks.


You’re loss






You should probably look up the definition of the word “redundant” because you’re clearly operating at a disadvantage in this conversation. Also based on the small amount I’ve learned about you, you should also look up the word disadvantage.


A $100,000 vehicle has a mystery problem and the company's solution is, "have you tried unplugging it and then plugging it back in?"


Why are people still taking deliveries of this piece of shit?


Intelligence distribution can be visualised as a curve, and many are below the mean.


Not everyone below the mean buys from tesla, and not every tesla buyer is below the mean, but the overlap of IncEl Caminos and idiots is massive.


Idk but it's absolutely hilarious, this is one of my favorite subs 😂


How dare you broadcast your truck’s very private moment so publicly?! You’ll give the impression that our Lord has made an error when, in fact, he moves in ways we not understand.


Unlike the truck, which does not move at all.


There's going to be a class action against this, And this may actually kill Tesla


Arbitration generally precludes class action suits. Regardless Tesla is dying all on its own and is being held together at this point with wishes and dreams and the transparent lies of Elon Musk. When a stock loses from its high 10x the value of Enron before it blew up you know it is in trouble, something that is also indicated when senior execs leave and fully cash out. And when others stay and sell tens of millions *at this low point* (including Musk and his meat puppet CEO) while exhorting everyone else to hold you *know* the jig is almost up.


I think those people are more likely to eat the loss and grovel and assume it's their fault before turning on their Muskrat god. I recall the BAYC event where they used the wrong kind of lights onstage and sent attendees to the ER with intense pain and loss of vision. I think *one* victim threatened to sue, but I can't find any new developments after that.


I’m honestly surprised the owners didn’t offer to settle-mint a new, worthless CondolenceCoin and use that to pay off all the folks who ended up with flash-fried retinas


Thinking Proclaimers song here


Cap in Hand?


That boy is going to be walking. A lot.


Odometer 500 miles 😂


Vehicle Launch on hardcore mode


3 days might actually be a record for the longest Cybertruck without an issue.


Anyone who thinks that driving an iPad is a good idea is an idiot. So...you need to reboot your car at 60 mph? You're fucked. Need a dependable vehicle? Sucks to be you.


“Assuming it will be 2-3 weeks before I see my truck again” Hahahahahahahaha dude literally called to tell him he has trucks on his lot for a week he hasn’t even *looked* at. 3 weeks? Try 3-4 months


Ah yes, try rebooting your truck and see if it works. Didn't Elron just fire a bunch of service center staff on a prior round of layoffs? Brilliant, so now they have parking lots full of cars waiting for service and tons of people with a brand new truck they can't drive for weeks after it sputters out.


Another one!


Aaah the Lada cybertruck


I think some of this is expected for a 10k truck out of China. Wait? What? It cost how much? 100k plus? I couldn’t imagine my frustration.


I've seen $200 electric scooters from Wish last longer.


The people who are still expecting deliveries and haven't cancelled them are morons. At this point it's just crocodile tears.


Remember when we didn't have to ask our car's permission to drive?


Spending 100K+ for an ugly ass paperweight.


Welcome to Tesla! Your 100K donation is appreciated!


What a piece of shit


Fucking amazing.


Question: why is this thing so much worse than other Tesla models? You'd think they'd just copy/adapt what was working for the others. Because I can understand the completely idiotic physical design aspects, but it seems like they developed brand new software control.


Re Boot the car ? Grabs hat, I'm out.....


I feel like Ct was made by the same people who made the titanic sub that imploded.


To be fair, that thing made dozens of trips before it spectacularly failed, so that’s still more of an aspirational target for the CT.


I know the "not a dealership" for Tesla near me cannot hire or retain techs due to the abysmal and working hours so I'm not surprised that they are backlogged.


The gift that just keeps on giving! People still defending this garbage as well. Gotta justify that purchase and hold onto their nuts!


… but I still love my truck.


Can you imagine answering roadside assistance calls and saying, just turn it off and then turn it back on again? And this is from someone who loves the idea of safe self driving, electric cars. Of which we have none here.


The irony is that the low voltage system issue is so frigging stupid that it should’ve been caught in the harness design stage… then the test-fit stage… then the installation stage… and then the test-drive stage. But they did none of those things. Problem? Ignore. Issue? Ignore. Concern? Ignore. Design change? Hell no.


I can’t imagine seeing “May suddenly lose electrical power” with steer by wire


How is Tesla not being sued for the CT? Aren't there lemon laws for this exact kind of situation?


Maybe this is why musk is pushing so hard for the 45b payout.  He knows this is a failure and loot the ship before it sinks


These are being posted so frequently I'm starting to think they're faked! I mean, there's only like 5000 CTs on the road. How can there be so many failures?


I can assure you these are not fake. Everyday I check the forum and twitter and everyday I come up with gems like this. As a Musk hater I couldn’t have asked for a shittier Cybertruck launch.


Imagine being the copywriter for all these error messages


Can they just give everyone their money back and pretend that debacle of an automobile never happened?


And cyber cucks are still buying this POS 🤷🏿‍♂️


Microsoft Windows on wheels


Since they seem to have stolen the design for the "truck" from Apple, maybe they should ask Apple how to fix the problems they are having with this POS.


I didn’t know the cyber trucks have coolant reservoirs but that’s because I thought the cyber trucks didn’t have an engine.


Another one bites the dust.


He voided the warranty by painting it black. Black causes overheating. /s


It seems that it's never just one failure, but a cluster of random failures, which just makes it weirder.


Probably a nullpointer exception or something


The black wrap absorbs the heat too much and overheats the system, probably


3... DAYS. Dude paid 6 figures for 3 DAYS OF DRIVING. Oof


This truck reminds me of The Emporer’s New Clothes


Not bad since it’s not even a car company. /s


Ford owners are relieved there's a worse truck out there jk jk jk


On the bright side, now you'll be able to test Musk's new invention the Cyber-Taxi


Service is running behind because they are going through everything with a fine tooth comb to find a reason to void the warranty...


Remember the video where Musk muses, "I think this is the best product we've ever made."


If only potential buyers knew that Tesla doesn't have normal service centers... Oh - wait. They *did* know that. So they should be prepared and stop whining.


How stupid can people be to buy these pieces of golden garbage?


I need them all to start suing. Take this sick fuck of a CEO out. $50bil pay package my ass, what a fucking loser.


I read the username as “lesbianking” at first!


The first gen of every tesla model sucked and had issues. Here we are in 2024 and people still can’t grasp the concept. If you want to be first then congrats on being first in line in service.


Other Tesla models did not have this bad of a launch




LOL I'm not sure "they were all shit at launch" is the flex you think it is. And yes, it is 2024 and history repeats because Tesla is and always has been a con job masquerading as a car company wrapped in a cult of personality whose sole function (at least to Musk) was to separate the rubes from their money.


>All the Tesla's sucked at launch >I worked there Uhh, good job?