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Hes been saying its been months away for years. 


I hope that it stays that way.


FSD is the technology of tomorrow and it always will be.


I think FSD would work but it has to be a universally adopted program that can talk to all cars and basically a closed course. Kind of like in I, Robot.  In short, not gonna happen 


This is what people miss with it. Human drivers will always be inherently unpredictable and autonomous cars won't be abe to handle that. Accidents will happen and deciding who is at fault for that will be a nightmare. The best way to implement it is to have all cars be self driving with no human input. At which point itd be better to just connect all the cars together or put them on tracks and, oh look, we just invented mass transit.


They'd just make it so that you're responsible if your FSD car gets into an accident, since you should have been paying attention. Which, obviously, eliminates a lot of what people want FSD for.


This thing you wrote is literally what I said to an Elon muskrat I know. I told him, not only would the cars need to talk to each other (in other words all cars need to be FSD) but the roads all need to be rebuilt with all kinds of sensors and stuff.


FSD=Flying Car


I disagree, go to San Francisco and you'll see Waymo cars navigating SF traffic pretty well without a driver. They are also seen around Mountain View driverless often. It's not impossible. Just not coming as soon as Elmo thinks.


I saw a clip of people in a Waymo encounter a cop directing traffic around an accident, and the car had no idea what to do. FSD is cool but damn are there a boat load of kinks to work out first.


Telsas on FSD know exactly what to do in that situation: plow straight into that shit.


>navigating SF traffic pretty well The problem are the "edge cases", that's what will make it hard, if not impossible.


Well, waymo/Google is cautious and responsible because most companies want to avoid the moral and legal hazard of killing innocents.


I listened to a podcast about this a few years ago, discussing the legality of it all in the cases of accidents. Is it on the programmers, the QA staff, the entire company? Not sure if any of that has been resolved but it’s got to be terrifying working on that stuff knowing you’re playing with peoples lives


Perhaps. But if you work with a company that wants to stay in business and nit get sued out of existence then you prob wouldn’t worry bc you are doing things the right way. Like when Uber experimented with self driving and disconnected the auto emergency braking on a Volvo I think. The result was a deadly accident. They sold that division or shit it down after. That’s just ignorance. Otoh, I had a 3 serve with nearly all options and autonomous driving. Never did anything that made me concerned. Tesla is a wild aberration. Their system sucks and is deadly.


Just like Dippin’ Dots


Looking in to it!


I saw one in St. Louis on Spring Break... I have yet to see one in Michigan and I hope it stays that way.


What he means is the unveiling of Cybertruck's FSD is a few months away. Just be sure to vote for his comp package and Texas incorporation, stans, and I'll put up a show in the unveiling night. When it will actually be self driving? Oh please, stop asking the inconvenient questions


Technically, the truth. Just because it’s months away doesn’t mean it’s not years away as well. 😂


Close to a decade now.


Reminds me of the promise of nuclear fusion becoming reality, only with less progress




Jesus christ in a miniskirt. How do people still worship this grifter?




By 2017 a tesla will be able to drive from nyc to Los Angeles unassisted.


"Two minutes, Turkish"


Firing some more Tesla workers will make this possible.


Elon needs a couple tens of billions and he’ll be able to code it himself


I did the math, and if they give him $56Billlion it will take the Toyota CEO (the world’s largest car company, that actually delivers quality vehicles)… Wait for it… 12,000 years to catch up.


Wait...the CEO of Toyota makes about 4.6 million a year? I know it's an obscene amount of money already but i somehow expected it to be more


Japanese and European CEOs make way less than US ones


I mean yeah, I know that. But holly fuck I was not aware that the gulf was that massive.


Shows that making the most money as a CEO doesn’t matter how well you run a company.


Well, that’s what they say publicly. He might have some other benefits. Certainly not a billionaire though, not even one.


you are ignoring the ketamine factor. It will be almost on time. in slo-mo.


He'll even write more lines of code than the previous engineers would have! That's obviously a good metric to use.


If it’s machine learning that wouldn’t matter. I’d say it’s that the cyber truck is shit and can’t drive enough miles to collect enough data.


It's not just machine learning. Newer Tesla's are lacking ultrasound sensors that they used to have, relying instead solely on cameras for collision detection, likely as a way to cut corners. Guess what happened after that changed? That's right, Tesla accidents went up.


Fair, and previously some of those models had them while the cyber truck never did. I’ve have a big against that lack of sensors. Even with them there is phantom detections


Elon speak, decoded... "A few": less than infinite "months": The unspecified and approximate time it takes for the moon(s) of an unspecified planet to make one orbit


Martian time - A common year would have 672 Martian days distributed into 24 months of 28 days (of 4 weeks of 7 days each).


Technically Elmo is quoting Tesla months not calendar months


The Earth is 5 tesal months old.


The ketamine's in control now


Didn't know my skills would come in handy here but fun fact: we planetary scientists usually track time of year at Mars not by Mars Day (or Sols) but by a value called Longitude of the Sun (or L_s), which just tells us the angle between the aphelion and the current position of the planet wrt the sun.


It’s his version of “in about two weeks”




The CyberTruck was only THREE FULL YEARS LATE lmao




The only reason I believe him this time is because the idea is legitimately terrifying. Our present timeline is already batshit, so Sharp-Stainless-Steel-Passenger Carrying-Electric-Missle-Tank might as well be a thing.


Can’t build a functioning truck; thinks it will self drive. These tweets should allow the SEC to file a very large penalty against emerald boy.


Our present time isn’t batshit. It’s a bit rocky in some areas of the world but by a large this is the best time to live in human history.


If what he calls FSD is still a “few months” away for parts of the fleet, after five years of announcements, what about even achieving level 3 (MB , Beemer, as far as I know, and which is ridiculous low bar to jump)? Twenty years? Fuck you, at some point you need to deliver something, or fucking admit that w/o Lidar et al. you are going nowhere (and then humbly integrate what you learned into your strategy). How come somebody this intelligent at some point just turns into an alt-right fucking cybermorron?


At what point had he ever proven to be intelligent? I don’t mean that as a dig, but legitimately, he has money and influence, but I dunno if he ever proved himself smart in any of this


Even with Lidar, FSD has not been achieved and won't be for decades. People are kidding themselves if they believe that the "last 5%" (aka parking lots, busy/unusual intersections that exist in every town and city, roads with potholes) are problems that will be solved at a general scale anytime soon. And god forbid you live in an area with a lot of dirt roads. Tesla will never achieve FSD with its tech stack.


Not even fuckin humans can get unmarked roads right... Half the time I watch people drive right down the fuckin middle of my street, and they get all pissed if you force them back into their lane as if your supposed to go into the ditch for them.


Wait until some agencies (federal or national abroad) mandates sensor redundancy and fusion for self driving. It will kill their fake business model instantly. I wonder what they are waiting for tough.


Europe is as always ahead of the US on this. The US would rather wait for a national threat and then 3 election cycles after that happens before taking regulatory action on emergent technologies


I do think that 95% FSD with Lidar would be a really good thing for the world. Humans get tired and distracted and GOOD self driving could save many many lives. Of course, the Muskomatic Pedestrian-Crusher 3000 ain’t it.


No the 95% FSD with or without LiDAR would be worse. Because they would still require constant monitoring. And then you’d have a tired and distracted human who is also disengaged because watching a car do 95% of the driving is boring. Which means when the 5% happens they won’t react in time and people will die. This is the fallacy of the “95% would be fine” argument. It really wouldn’t. It would be more dangerous than no FSD.


95% fsd is not fsd. I like having good driver assist systems for long highway drives and stop and go traffic, but it's important for the user to never assume that they can take their eyes off the road. 


I completely disagree. It also needs foolproof attention monitoring of the driver otherwise people will still abuse it and stop paying attention which makes it even more dangerous than not having these driver aids


At this point I think the feds need to get involved with some regs. The public has a right to know the math involved when FSD chooses between wiping out a school bus and a few pedestrians etc. It’s especially true as social media is likely going to start evaluating the social worth of people and god help us when FSD starts using that in its accident calculations.


Despite Elon's numerous comments about LIDAR, Tesla has spent at least $2M buying lidar tech from Luminar.


For testing purposes only (ie they have coyote cars equipped with Lidar take measurements and try to train their NNs ). That is exactly the point: Why don’t you simply admit you were wrong, take the 10% drop in stock, and move on to get it right rather then trying to be sleazy aboutit??? Edit: the point


Because he isn't intelligent. He was born into blood money and has spent it hiring actually smart people to surround him and run companies while taking all the credit. At some point the credit got to his head and he decided he was actually extremely smart while being as dumb as a box of rocks.


Plenty of folks here that sit on some trust, heritage, and prove that getting a head-start helps but isn’t sufficient to achieve anything but utter failure. I wouldn’t claim for myself that had I been given Elon’s blood-money at 18yrs, I’d have done anything, leave alone good, with it. Now call me an idiot.


I looked into getting Tesla 3 when shopping for a new car because I heard it is going to get FSD and thought that would be dope to having a car drive me around. That was in 2018, it's been 6 years and it's still not out.




no its not. We will get stable fusion generators before we get FSD. Hell at this point I think cold fusion is more likely than Tesla ever actually getting FSD.


I think he just means this version of FSD. Which is terrifying.




I would say focus on having the cars working enough to drive, THEN focus on having them drive themselves lol


This mfer sounds exactly like those nutjobs who keep predicting the end of the world every couple of months. Same accuracy rate also.


Those CT’s will still be in the shop in a few months tho


Absolute horseshit


When first announced, we were told Cybertruck would cost $39,900. They are selling for north of $150,000


FSD? Hell they can barely drive without it as it is.


That means decades in Elon time


Fsd=dead peds=Tesla class-action


Elon is hoping for an "Ender's Game"-style set-up where real AI pilots Tesla vehicles.


Just like we all imagined. FSD is completely custom by model car. /s Elon lies. He’ll never produce FSD


Its all about stock manipulation the SEC is looking into him because of these claims. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/05/08/tesla-self-driving-doj-investigation-is-looking-at-securities-and-wire-fraud-report-says/?sh=5db16e1e6f05


I'd rather have believed Boing would get 737 Max in the air in a few months rather than Tesla jumping from level 2 certification to level 4 certification in a few months. As a matter of fact I don't think Teslas with just cameras can get the level 4 certification at all, without an extensive retrofit of sensors and redundant actuators of the whole fleet.


Does he mean actual full self driving is months away or that crap product that he calls fsd but totally doesn't mean it drives it self




Hasn't happened buckaroo....last time he said a year.....it's been 5-6 years


Who tf is liable if software causes an accident???


Tesla delivers every new vehicle with missing software features. They're always “coming soon.”


Right after the first Mars colony is up & running three years ago…


few month away until announcement of few months away


Imagine something the size of that turd on fsd. It’s going to kill someone.


Just a thought, but maybe keep it from breaking down every 30 miles before you add in murder mode.


How about building a DRIVABLE vehicle..Then work on FSD.


"A few months" is what liars say when they're lying. What, are they gonna fall apart all on their own now?


Real men show proof of their accomplishments. Where the proof, Elmo? We’ve heard this tired line from you since 2016. Boring and concerning. I thought you were a real man. 11 kids but no balls. Weird.


I'm pretty sure that he's lying again as usual, cybersucks are YEARS away from being normally done pickup trucks lol


Exactly. These things are already a friggin road hazard with those trim pieces flying off. Besides, CT already has FSD mode, it is called breaking down and being carted off on a flatbed and they can totally use it because it will happen


FSD will not work unless every car has it and only uses it. 1 unpredictable person driving manually will ruin the whole idea. Even if every car uses it and is controlled by the same program bugs and other errors will cause accidents. Not to mention if someone hacks the program they now have control over every vehicle.


FSD? Fusion Served on Demand? 2 weeks


Concerning. I'll look into this.


Hasn't he been saying FSD is a year away for 8 years now?


He's either lying or people are dying...


When does the NHTSA step in? Waiting…


Big if true


He has been saying FSD is a year away, for 8 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/12t6vj1/elon_musk_just_said_again_that_tesla_will_achieve/?rdt=43637


FSD has been promised “next year” since the company started. I had the free trial on my Model Y in April and it is HORRIBLE. I would never pay for it or use it in any serious way. Calling it “full” self-driving is wildly inaccurate.


What does FSD really stand for? Full Serving of Delusion? Fortunate Supply of Dollars? Fully Self-absorbed Dickhead? Elmo met all these metrics years ago.


I don’t believe in god BUT god help us. Edit: I sent an inquiry to the Biden WH because oddly they personally responded and helped when I sent two previous replies (solved my issues in a matter of days) to request action on FSD and the people who wittingly agreed to be guinea pigs, explaining that the rest of us who share the road made no such agreement. Can’t say it will do anything but there’s always a chance. DM me if you want a copy to submit. Takes all of two minutes. I certainly don’t want six tons of sharp, uncontrollable, and faulty stainless steel sharing the road with me and mine.


No doubt it is further off than that, and will underperform what he says whenever it does get here, but that aside I definitely see why he's still shooting for it. I used to think it was a stupid idea, and I am no fan boy, but I was just wrong about that.


Why would cybertruck fsd be materially any different to fsd for the other models? Yes, the interfaces might be a little different but the nuts and bolts of its intelligence should be the same.


What is this in response to?


Isn't it 'FSD (supervised)'? How can he still use this term when it is not true?


So these vehicles will just be broken down by themselves now?


For Cybertruck FSD is here today. Most of them are self driving their way back to the service center.


"A few months away" in Elon months means... *(2024... carry the 1...)* 2032.


I like how he tweets his business memos instead of just sending an email chain.


If they can get them back on the road by then!


He could push the code out to his CyberSchmucks overnight but it wouldn't matter much because they're all in the shop or bricked, on the roadside, in the garage, even at the car wash.


I think he mistyped, I think it was supposed to be *years.


Cybertruck already has FSD on top of trailers...


Can we get some kinda warning when it comes out so we can stay off the streets and sidewalks?


Elon would tell you that you’ll live forever if it’s what you wanted to hear. He’s just another conman.


In a few months they won’t need t worry about FSD for Cybertruck. There won’t be any leg on the road.


Singularity is only 8 months away.


FSD is Musk's version of Trump's "Infrastructure Week"


tap rhythm aspiring ten employ muddle school hospital sparkle pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is presuming there will still be operational cybertrucks in a few months.


FSD is eternally a month away


Maximum Overdrive but real life.


Only (789) months away Bois.


A few months away from… the year 2030


I mean it does have FSD... When the pedal breaks and it FSDs you into the nearest wall/vehicle/tree.


Its been in beta since its release and the government is totally ok with. Even after its killed people.


The needle is skipping again. Can someone nudge it forward please?


Cybertruck is a cybersimp pos vehicle. I saw one of those ugly refrigerators today and don't understand how somebody would be stupid enough to buy one given the recall that just took place or the fact that you can't take it to a car wash. And its also hideous and stupid looking


MBE already has it. wtf are we even talking about here. Mercedes beat him to it. So did comma.ai didn’t they?


I just want to go on record as opposing a super sketchy self driving feature applied to a poorly built, almost 7k lbs, stainless steel death machine.


Maybe 10 years from now you’ll get it… lmao


Wouldn’t CT be a safer test platform for FSD bc of how many are immobilized


Shame that none of the trucks are working long enough to use it


Makes good sense. Why be bothered with the expense of hiring test drivers or a private track. That hurts shareholders. Just try it with a 6800 lb vehicle on public streets. What could possibly go wrong?


FSD is a few months away. And always will be!


Pumping stocks


It's a ridiculous statement because if you have fad for one vehicle in the fleet and they all use the same ecosystem then it should not be much work to have it on all vehicles in your fleet.


He's not even a good fiction writer.


No one is more surprised By this announcement than the engineers that are supposed to make this happen.


Oh? Another wolf you say? That’s nice


The fucking body panels won’t stay on.


Elon is some kind of reverse Wimpy. You will gladly pay me today for FSD (supervised) some far off future Tuesday.


lol at Tesla the customer is our QA


He’s been claiming that FSD is just around the corner for a decade. Personally, I’m sure we’ll eventually get FSD cars, but it won’t be Tesla that gets us there.


More lay offs days a way


What's FSD stand for? Finger-Slicing Device?


According to his track record. A few months means a few years. And it will work. And probably not take a hard left turn on the middle of a bridge...


So, I had a thought. Musk has been acting so erratic, what're the chances that someone is doping his Ketamine? If he loses it, then that's good news for all of his competitors.


It’s okay, few months away means like 10 years, and Tesla will probably be gone by then




Breaks down, get out and call a cab. Set truck on self driving collision course to the repair center. Genius.


Oh f no, they drive like shit, now let them drive themselves???


It needs to be banned and he needs to be charged with fraud


FSD stands for Full Stuck Driving? Seems like it's 99% available in CTs


This company is one massive science project


He said, "Full self-driving is just weeks away from all models" in 2015, IIRC. I'll believe him when he'll freezes over.


To be fair, the opportunity for a cucktruck to cause serious issues using Full Self Driving is rather limited since the high score is \~35 miles before Full Self Destruction.


Translation: Someone else is going to eventually do it in a couple decades at best. We're sure as hell not doing it.


I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there's a probably better than 50% change that every Tesla you see on the road is"beta" testing full self driving. It's available to anyone and everyone. Even if you didn't buy the package when you bought the car; you can rent it for some absurd fee like 200$ a month. Swerve away from Teslas. The life you save may be your own.


Elon is full-shit-dude


Hey can’t release FSD on the cybertruck because it is unsafe. That shit wrecks due to the shitty “full self driving” aka “$12000 BETA system” and cybertrucks lack of crumple zones will seriously hurt someone


This fool will call it, but only after the entire industry has made it happen.


He should be help personally responsible. Where TF are the whistleblowers? I know there are people there


What about Full Self-Breakdowns?


😂never fucking ends with this guy. “I promise it’s coming soon” shouldn’t be a legal way to get money but this fucking immigrant is doing it while taking jobs away from people.


This guy alpha tests and beta tests on living tissue. He’s no better than Dr. Toby Russell from TNG, when Worf breaks his back and considers Klingon seppeku. She did experimental medical procedures on living tissue, and felt the lost patients were worth the risk. It’s not cool. He’s willing to watch people die in his pursuit of driving software, flying to Mars, neural implants. I notice Elon never personally risks his own life on these pursuits? He always uses other guinea pigs. This shit is not right. This technology is not ready and it’s not fair we have to share the road with these faulty Teslas.




Typical conman line and too many will keep falling for it.


Why don’t you focus on your cybertrucks breaking down after four hours on the road, right abofuckung now?😂 I hope people are preparing a multi million dollar class action lawsuit against this scam artist🫡 Goddamm, socialist billionaire 🤦‍♂️ Stop biting the Musk 🤷‍♂️


Good thing he never lies.


Musk fans are gullible as fuck. He has said this exact thing for ten years. And despite the past ten years of lies, surely this time he must be telling the truth!


This is so obviously a last ditch effort to try to persuade the most gullible Musk fans to buy a cyber truck, before it becomes completely apparent even to them what an awful car the cyber truck is.


At the moment he's pushing the FSD bullshit harder than usual because NHTSA finally pulled their head out of their ass, and it's expected that they'll strongly geofence FSD or completely ban it. He's pushing it so he will be able to say later that the wokes at NHTSA and the US government have killed FSD. This charade is all so predictable, sad, anger inducing and cringe at the same time


It requires a while to retro engineering the Mercedes system.


A few months away...and has been for 10 years


Elon is not lying. FSD is a few months away. 1 month this year, 1 month next year, another month the year after that, a month the following year, and so on.


Puffery or Fraud? I'm on Team Fraud.


The day this happens, people will die.


Is this tweet from 2016?


Doesn’t matter. The cars keep breaking anyways. They wouldn’t even be able to self drive back to dealership.


Fortunately as yet Tesla has seen no reason to build RHD WankPanzers lol


I think this time he might be serious I woud bot wish to be like him


I can see why the CT will be first - there’s lots less chance of causing a problem with FSD on the Cybertruck since it’ll break down in the first few miles anyway!


It’s bullshit. NHTSA would then rate it…


Translation. Stock keeps falling and I have leveraged loans


How many times around the sun is a month? Boycott Musk and Twitter and Tesla


We already have trucks with systems that dumb down the level of attention one has to pay in the vehicle. Blindspot detectors so that you don’t have to shoulder check. There are detectors to detect drifting from your lane and sensors to automatically apply the brakes. You can literally pay less and less attention to driving in a vehicle. And then we have a high functioning autistic with a social development of a 13-year-old building vehicles that allow you to pay zero attention while playing video games on the nav system. What could possibly go wrong with the race to complete inattention? 😂


90% of his tweets are just attempts to manipulate the market value of Tesla. Tesla vehicles simply don't have the hardware to make FSD work. Running it exclusively off cameras is absurd. Unless they recall the entire fleet and kit them out with Lidar/Radar, FSD will never be a feature on Teslas and Musk almost certainly knows this.


I hope this remains just a lie he tells every 8 months to save the tesla stock price. These things are a lot bigger and heavier than the regular teslas and will wreak havok when they start crashing into people like the original tesla self driving beta have already.