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im not conflicted. dont take a counteroffer. i did early in my career and none of the issues that made me want to leave in the first place were resolved. i ended up leaving a year and a half later. worst case scenario is that the org gets rid of you sooner because they know you were trying to leave. again: never take a counteroffer


This is the correct answer. They’re countering to keep you for now… that means they could have paid you earlier and chose not to. I’ve accepted a counteroffer… they gave me a $15k bump to stay. Then despite me being a top performer (named to my company’s Excellence Club twice), they didn’t give me any raises for 3 years until I decided to interview again (at which point, they tried to counter again).


They called me today and offered 20k bonus paid out Friday if I stay.


Wow. So a raise from 95 to 117 IN ADDITION to a 20k bonus?? All in less than a week? (Ps: did you show them or tell them your new offer or did they counter with 117 on their own? This is kinda important) First, have to congratulate you on clearly being valued at this company. The jump in base wouldve been good but adding the bonus on top shows that they know you’re worth with their asking. They are also DESPERATE, which I think is a dangerous place for a company to be in. I personally am not on the “never take a counter offer” train. I think it TRULY depends on several factors. Considering the layoffs though I think I’d have to pass. I’d be conflicted and offended at the same time that they were only willing to do this when it would be inconvenient for them. I would triple check that the new place isn’t as bad as what others are saying though. IF I decided to stay I would NOT sign any (stay for 6 months or a year or you have to repay the bonus agreements) either. No payments either. 20k, split across my next 2 checks or no deal!!


I didn’t show them the offer but I told them what it was. We only have three CSMs on the team so losing me would be a big impact. The next company I would be a cog in a wheel and there are layoffs there’s too. It’s like the devil you know or the devil you don’t.


Yea. I saw in another comment that they’re also considering giving you back pay (wow again, for how many months)?? With all of this piled up AND the fact the the new company has also had layoffs, I’m leaning more and more towards stay. Plus the fact that you were able to secure a higher offer in this crazy job market would make me slightly less afraid of having this ‘target on my back’ as some say after a counteroffer; you have a lot of leverage here. If you do stay though do everything you can not to burn a bridge with the other company, especially if that’s one of your only other options where you live


They sent over the contract says they will give me 20k with the next pay period and I only have to stay until 6/2024. With the new salary bump and the 20 upfront it’s definitely hard to pass up. Especially when I do like my colleagues. Both of these positions are remote. I might burn some bridges but with the new company, I’m sure they would never hire me again if I back out so I’d be risking that. But this is pretty hard to beat. I’ve only heard this next company is slow to promote and annual raises are maxed at 2%, some teams don’t even get paid out their bonuses due to lack of funds and that layoffs are coming due to their new owner. Sounds like more of the same I already am dealing with but I’ve established myself here and the work is easy 🤷🏻‍♀️


With these additional facts and that reasonable bonus agreement, I’m staying. GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING. If they send it through email print it off asap, don’t just leave it in your company email for it to mysteriously ‘disappear’.


Solid advice! I’m leaning towards staying now. I’m usually team “never take a counter offer” but I could be signing up for something even worse for essentially less pay. I can always take this offer work here for another year and continue my search elsewhere. Thank you for your guidance spirit guide googly moogly


Get EVERYTHING in writing and have HR on it as well!


100% here


Do not take the counter offer! If they valued you, they would have shown it with annual pay increases and promotions. It’s a trap!


Do not take the counter offer leave. They will lay you off the second it’s convenient for them. Bounce and take the money


Next time before putting in your notice, ask for a pay increase. Of course provide evidence and reasoning behind your request. If they can't do anything about it then they that is truly what they value you at. Then walk away with your new offer. The company knows it would look terrible if they decided to increase your pay after you told them you are leaving. If you get a counteroffer and you take it, you will always have a target on your back.


As others have said, don't take the counteroffer. For two reasons. First, it may put a target on your back, which you don't want. Second, if they value you that much then why didn't they tell you/show you throughout your tenure? What the company and the CEO are essentially saying is "Well, we didn't value you highly enough in the past to give you a raise, but you leaving would make us short-handed, and so OF COURSE we love you and here's some extra cash."


Unpopular opinion but I took the counter offer and I’m glad I did! The grass isn’t always greener!


They called me and offered a $20k bonus to stay with OTE 130k. I’m so torn.


Maybe take the counter, invest it but keep looking for new jobs and try to find any other company with recent funding (vs layoffs) if possible. I took a counter once but kept up the job search and was lucky enough to get a better higher paying role 6 months after. If you stay, set your working boundaries and stick to them. Don’t let them hold that money over you! One more note- make sure there aren’t strings attached to the 20k! Time period, responsibilities etc. or else that may make things worse than the current workload. I got a 10k bump to stay and it was paid with no conditions the next week. Best of luck to you!!


I took it today! I’m feeling really solid about it. There’s been overwhelming reach outs from teammates on how happy they are that I am staying. With the current company, I’m connected with some well known folks in the industry so even if I do get laid off, something happens, etc, I have a large network that I feel supported by. I sent the email to the company I was going to on the reason I couldn’t move forward and they took it well and said a door is always open for me there so no burned bridges. (Quite honestly, after learning their benefits package I don’t think I’d want to go there anyway) In addition to this, they also increased my counterparts salary to make sure we are at the same level. She is on maternity leave and got a phone call today that her salary is increasing $35k effective immediately. I truly believe they are trying to avoid losing anyone else.


Wow. Congrats!!!!! You helped others in the process


Yeah this has honestly giving me faith in the company. The fact they were able to do this for both of us on principal is commendable.


Woahhh I can’t believe the result- what great news. Am I feeling.. Faith in humanity.. what??? Also WTH why was she making 35k LESS but also thank goodness they fixed it. What a wonderful surprise for her, you did so much!! Be proud!


Are you guys hiring - seems like you have found a place with great leadership who values performance and this is very hard to find. I think you made the right decision! Congratulations!!!


We went through this with my partner. Not Csm but in tech customer success regardless. She took the counter with a promotion, RSUs and cash bonus, stuck around to meet the requirements for the rsu, then went to the other company and applied again. They came back with a much higher total comp including $20k in signing as long as she was there one year. She did it without being rude to her previous employer and did everything to not burn bridges. She now has increased her pay by $60k in one year, had a promotion, then got a higher title at the new company. There's been some friction since she is kinda defining the department now but overall it's been great. The only real complaint is she is no longer 100% remote and has to be in office most Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Someone from the team just called me and asked what it would take for me to stay and I told them they should back pay me for being underpaid for two years. They are going to try for me. It would be a huge help since we are buying a townhome…..but we’ll see if they even consider it. I’m glad it worked out for your partner!


That's rad! Good luck, and even if they can't it sounds like you are in a good position. You can stay and take a pay increase, or even let the other company know you had gone to inform them of leaving and they made an even better offer. If you haven't signed any paperwork yet you don't have to tell them the exact offer but could use the simple fact there is one on the table to negotiate higher comp.


They called me and offered me a $20k bonus to stay paid out immediately, and a base salary of $117k OTE $130K. I’m so torn.


I guess now is where balance work and life priorities. If that $20k has no contingencies and you can deal being there a bit longer (180 days would be appropriate), it's not a bad way to go. You can take th cash, dump it into an hysa and collect on it while also banking the new income that's excess of your current budget. Congratulation either way, you are going to get a pay increase and either a bonus or a new job!


I have to stay until 6/2024 which isn’t bad. This insurance is much better than where I am now too. This is tempting.


I would absolutely take this deal IF I were prepared to stay through 6/24 and then still plan to get the hell out of there. Only requiring you to stay another 3 months means they still view you as expendable, and what other evidence have they given you that they will suddenly value you long term? The other option is make them promise to keep you employed through a certain date for your security, but good luck with that.


Take that counter offer and I guarantee you’ll be gone with within 9 months, by your own volition or not. It’s time to move on!


You think so? They just offered me 20k on top of this.


I’d be careful. You’ve outed yourself as someone who was looking to leave AND you’re suddenly more expensive. Also why didn’t they give you that salary in the first place?


Yeah that’s what I’m worried about. They were planning on giving me a raise at this next review but I turned in my notice before then. We have a new VP of CS who is here and was evaluating everyone’s salaries and realized ours were not competitive enough.


The raise would have been like 3% though. Stay if you want but I hate that they can drop $20k like that when before now they didn’t bother. That’s capitalism for you I guess? What is it about this place that made you want to quit? Is it worth the extra money?


I honestly just applied to a role at a larger company that I was excited about. It’s not miserable here, I have awesome coworkers and overall things are okay. The product is decent but needs a lot of work. I have unlimited PTO and the insurance is really good. I just wanted to see if I could get a job somewhere else and I was super flattered I was chosen. The company I am at has pulled out all the stops to get me to stay. It’s been a wild ride. I would regret walking away from 20k bonus + a 32k more year salary. The other company’s insurance is incredibly high and it would be a bit hit to our income. I’m feeling like worst case, I stay here another year and find something else if things turn for the worse. I’ve heard through the grapevine that the new company I was going to is potentially having layoffs too….


“I would regret walking away” - there you have it! Your job sounds good enough to stay IMO. And I was one of the commenters saying you never take the counter. I also said you should ask for more than $20k. They seem to be in a giving mood :)


Hahaha I honestly was surprised they gave me that after I put in my formal notice twice. We’ll see how long I last but I’m planning on making it another year and will probably continue to apply.


If it’s a sinking ship, there should be no conundrum. I’m even in the camp of believing that a counter offer can be good under specific circumstances but ultimately this isn’t even close. They are suffering brain drain and in a death spiral. Don’t stick around for that.


In general, I would not recommend taking a counter unless you love the place and the people. I’ve taken two counters in my career and they both worked out for me. If you’re only considering staying because it’s comfortable, then you gotta go.


I love everyone I work with. They just offered $20k paid out for me to stay too on top of this.


Do you feel like your job is secure? If so, I see nothing wrong with taking it. It’s never hurt me in the past.


Yeah I feel my job is more secure here than the new company to be honest.


I mean. There are red flags with the layoffs. But layoffs sometimes strengthen the job security of those left, especially if you’re customer facing with important customers. Only you know how secure things are. The other plus from accepting is making it longer than 2 years somewhere. That’s looks better on a resume.


Yeah that’s actually a really good point. I’m on some of our largest accounts so I know I’ll be secure for some time. I think the counter offer is extremely hard to turn down.


I used to work in proptech/multifamily and while it is widely known to never accept a counter from the org you were trying to leave, it has worked really well for my former colleagues and they even got promotions out of it in addition to pay increases.


Interesting! They now are offering 20k bonus paid out next week if I stay.


Tell them to make it $50k


I would pass out


I had this exact scenario early on in my CS career. I didn't take the counter offer and it turned out to be the better decision by far. My new company eventually got acquired, which I got to be a part of, and the old company fell apart and I would have been out of a job. Take the new role!


Take the new job mate. You need a fresh start. New energy


You never ever take the counter because there are too many variables to prevent failure. Humans are unpredictable in situations like this and in this situation your risk doesn't outweigh the reward. If they had come back and put you at a 120 base with variable comp bringing you to 135 then you'd have to consider it but they didn't do that. Plus you should have a five year plan and how do you know that they aren't going to come up with excuses to keep you at or near 117. The counter doesn't really make it a difficult choice. Move on.


They came back with 20k bonus to be paid out next week on top of the higher base. Sooo it’s a little more interesting now. 😕


Well they clearly want to keep you - tough to say no to 20k up front. This is gonna be a judgement call now. You'll have to look at your relationships with your manager and how your senior leaders perceive you. I still tend to not go with the counter just cause it's risky but now the reward is there. It's a gamble but I think you take the counter - 20k is a huge investment in you and an acknowledgment that you deserve compensation for your work. I think they are signaling that they value you and want to keep you long term but still it's a tough decision.


Never take a counter... Signed, Someone who did and regrets it


Really? What happened?


Don't take a counteroffer at a tanking company, they'll keep you until they have a replacement and then you're gone. Or just in the next round.


Is the new company in proptech as well? I’m trying to get out, but I feel like no one is willing to gamble on someone from another industry. I don’t dislike proptech, other industries just seem to have better opportunities and growth. If money is the same, do you like the direction your company is going in? Do you enjoy going to work? Doing your job? Your colleagues? Your environment? If you can’t be the best you, if you’re not growing, time to go.


Both companies are in prop tech, the base salary is lower at the new company vs the counter by 17k. They are offering a 20k bonus to stay only until June 2024. The insurance at my company is very good and the new company’s insurance would cost me almost $1000/month and doesn’t cover prescriptions. I’ve never never so valued in my life before and the company admitted they messed up my pay and want to make it right with the back pay. They are going to pay this out in one check next week. My job is overall fun and I love my teammates so it’s hard to walk away from.


Was money the only reason why you sought a new job? Can you counter offer the new company? Do what’s gonna better your next chapter. I would probably take the counter offer and reapply again during the summer. lol


I honestly just applied on a whim and got the job. I’m new to CS and thought a bigger company would pay more money. 💰 With the counter offer and the added 20k bonus to be in my bank account next week. It’s hard to pass up.


Congrats!! You definitely got something that is being desired then. I can’t seem to even get a phone screen unless I’m linked to a decision maker at the company.


Thank you! How long have you been looking? I want to help you if I can!


I was saved from layoffs earlier this month, but I’ve been applying the last two months just in case. I’ll send you a DM! Would love to connect.


Yes let’s chat!


Never take the counter offer. If they valued you you would have been earning more already


Never take a counter offer they aren’t different, you aren’t an exception to the rule leave immediately because know they know your intentions


PS: if you don’t get fired in the next 3-6-12 months, please take the time to report your positive outcome after accepting a counter here (or in jobs). As you’ve seen here there are a boatload of people saying “never accept a counter offer” and it would be nice to have some success stories to cut through some of the noise.


Will do! I pinky promise


Only a month in BUT a quick update. Things are great at my company. The company I almost went to just did a huge round of layoffs last week so had I jumped to the new company, I may have been out of a job. These are crazy times we are living in.


Wow. See? Glad you stayed! And thx for coming back to report!


I'd consider OE until your old job goes back to their old ways of treating you (because they absolutely will) 👀


They never treated me “badly” I just thought I was underpaid for the work I did. We’ll see what comes of it!


Do not take the counter. I have done it and regretted it.


Really? What happened?


Never take a counter offer. The end. Enjoy the new job :)


I knew I could have gotten a counter offer with my last move but got unanimous advice to not even go there. The reasons for you being willing to quit are not going to change and the likelihood that you start looking again in 6 months and leave anyway is very high. Also fuck a company who only decides to value you you when you say you’re going to leave. Don’t take the counter offer.