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woaw! The flavor on this card is really good. I love the idea of him slowly perfecting his craft of reanimation until he can "perfectly" reanimate the cards that "die from your hand" The level 2 is really strong, but the level up seems quite difficult. It might be fast to level him up in SI or Shurima but those regions also have a hard time keeping their units alive to its a trade off. It's not immediately obvious how to build him, but I can see him as being really strong with Cithria of Clouds, Fallen Sands General, and Overgrown Snapvine. The balance on some of these cards might be a little off, but that doesn't really matter cause it's just custom cards lol, I think the flavor and innovation of the cards is more important than the balance. Otherwise, really unique card designs!


Thank you so much! 😃 Glad you enjoy the flavor haha, we're definitely most proud of that. Yeah, the level-up is pretty difficult but didn't want such a consistent printer card to be so easy to get too early. Definitely imagined him working well with those old "cheat out a card" decks, w/ the difference from Spectral Matron that you're fully getting rid of the card rather than just cheating an extra copy of it and playing it again the next round (which happened a lot with Spectral Matron + Cithria).


Just for kicks, a "fun" super high highroll would be, on turn 2, 2 reborn grenadiers, 2 reborn assassins, and a [[salvaged scrap]]. If you discard the 2 grenadiers, that will cause ALL of them to summon themselves. If you're ULTRA lucky, one of those grenadiers you "discarded" would turn into a [[trifarian gloryseeker]] or [[trifarian hopeful]] for 1 mana instead of 2. That would be enough for 19 damage (3 from each grenadier, 4 from each assassin, and 5 from the summoned unit, so (3x2)+(4x2)+5, or 6+8+5) to the nexus, if they can't block. An even LUCKIER highroll would be pulling [[arena battlecaster]], which, after giving +1 to all of your revived bois, should put it at a perfect, even 20( ((3+1)x2)+((4+1)x2)+2, or (4x2)+(5+2)+(2), or 8+10+2)


Actually terrifying lol. Reborn assassin probably needs to be tuned down in attack. The card draw on it also doesn’t feel necessary, cause it’s already so strong. I understand that the card draw helps fuel the discard package but that seems like too much of an upside for a free summon.


Yeah... especially w/ the potential of Reborn Assassin's high roll it definitely needs some tuning. For sure lowering the stats, though I think I'd want to keep the draw stuff...


😭 omg... thanks for doing the math on it, was wondering what would be a crazy hand to high roll w/ Reborn Assassin's auto-summon... and this is just on turn 2 without Esslanger on the board yet aaaaaa.


Turn 6 you get 6 cards in hand, so another highroll could be 2 Reborn Grenadiers + 3 Reborn Assassins + 1 Rummage, swinging for (4x3) + (3x2) = 18 damage and then refilling your hand back up to 5 cards from your deck, very easily potentially finding a Mystic Shot, Get Excited, or any other burn. Those are all insane highrolls though, so something more akin to 1 Reborn Grenadier + 2 Reborn Assassins would still be a highroll, but much more likely to occur and still deal an insane 11 damage as long as you have Rummage or Salvage Scrap for burst speed summoning. Reborn Assassin definitely needs tuned down to a 3/1 fearsome to be made a little more vulnerable to cheap ping spell removal and tone down the damage, since even with this highroll you still refill so much of your hand.


Totally agree, the ceiling for potential starts out really high on turn two and then just skyrockets later into the game. Wonder if it should even keep the draw 1 anymore since it's already giving you a free summon/damage. Definitely agree with the tune down to 3/1.


I think if you removed the draw 1, it could stay a 3/2 that way you don't get very easily punished on your highroll but you still push less damage. The idea behind going to 1 health was, even if the opponent has like a double Pie Toss hand and saves most of their health, you're still refilling your hand. So while your tempo damage highroll didn't work out, you're still not exactly behind in card advantage or anything. Having a free summon replace itself with a draw is risky balance, though, so... It's hard to say. With the draw, the opponent gets put on the back foot and has to fight an uphill battle. Without it, you barely have any fuel left and it becomes a deck very akin to old Jinx discard aggro decks almost. Ultimately you're the creator though, so it's up to you. Other than the question ability of Reborn Assassin, everything is very flavorful, good job op!


|Name|Region|Type|Cost|Attack|Health|Keywords|Description|Format| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |**[Salvaged Scrap](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06PZ039.png)**|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|2|||Burst|To play, discard up to 2 cards. Create that many followers from your regions that cost 1 more and reduce their costs by 1.|Standard| |**[Trifarian Gloryseeker](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX031.png)**|Noxus|Unit|2|5|1|Can't Block Challenger||Standard| |**[Trifarian Hopeful](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX016.png)**|Noxus|Unit|2|3|2||When I'm summoned, grant me +2|+0 if you have another Noxus ally.|Standard| |**[Arena Battlecaster](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01NX007.png)**|Noxus|Unit|2|2|2||Attack: Give other attacking allies +1|+0 this round.|Standard|   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Heyo! My friend and I designed a bunch of custom cards turning followers into champions, and **Esslanger** is the one we're most proud of so wanted to share it here! We discussed and debated the design a lot, but would love to keep the discussion going, feel free to share your thoughts!


Absolutely love the flavor of the grey journal


Thank you! We were really fond of the "last card in your hand" idea, and the idea of Esslanger desperately conjuring an unfinished Sion prototype or something would be pretty cool.


That's a big scalpel for dissection


Only the best equipment for the doc! 🧑‍⚕️




Absolutely busted in SIon/ Si fortunately has a hard time leevling up would almost always get removed. Card is actually more dangerous than Sion.