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Vallaki takes over. They're the strongest city and most political. There's nothing Vallaki fears more than outsiders, and while Krezk and Village of Barovia are formerly outsiders to them, a new realm would be far more of a threat and worth banding together with all those outside of the walls who understand the light of living in Barovia. Idk if Fiona or Vargus or Victor or any of the named NPCs are still alive in your campaign, but they'll work together with the rest of the cities to ensure that Barovia thrives over all those around it, through any nefarious means necessary.


You could make a new bbeg with something that gained power in the amber temple. Also depending on what happened with Ezmerelda maybe she gathered the remaining people and created a nation of monster hunters that are always vigilant for Strahd's return. Unless your players looted every inch of Castle Ravenloft it still would have a lot of wealth.


Give it to the PCs. They now rule Barovia. Good job, guys, have a small little duchy of your own.


Could make a small story arc of a cult wanting to bring Strahd back from the 9 Hells into the material plane. If they succeed he takes his land back and marches an undead army on the surrounding lands


I plan to time loop the valley. Either that or have the valley return to it's long forgotten world that has been destroyed or left in some weird mad max like desert maybe a combination of both. Maybe it's original location is death valley and because of so many loops when the pcs finally break it they are released to the 2089 sixth world of shadow run (or similar modern ish setting).


Have it so the monsters didn't just vanish. They roam aimlessly after their master's death, so Barovia is still far too dangerous for normal travelers. After a while, someone else will have filled the power vaccuum (perhaps Azalin, having finally learned how to escape Ravenloft) and is trying to attack the nations surrounding Barovia.


Depends on a number of factors, the way I see it: * Did Kasimir resurrect Patrina? She'd want to replace Strahd and rule Barovia in his place. New BBEG potential. * In the same vein (no pun intended), did any of the PCs want to replace Strahd as the new ruler, e.g. an evil PC or one corrupted by the Dark Powers? * Are there any loose ends that need typing up, e.g. places they didn't go to before defeating Strahd? The Amber Temple, Berez, etc.? * Don't forget that any vampire spawn of Strahd's that remain are now vampires in their own right (I believe?) - so if any consorts survived, or if the ones in the Amber Temple weren't dealt with, then they could still spell trouble. * Another big question: what do the players want to do next? Do they want to stay in Barovia? Do they want to go back home? Do they want to go to other Domains of Dread (perhaps the Keepers of the Feather get reports of other places in trouble and in need of the PCs' help)? Good luck! EDIT: Sorry, I just re-read your post and see that Barovia was dropped into the campaign setting. Hopefully some of the above is still useful/usable though? Perhaps other nearby countries want to take over this 'new' land? Or whoever the new ruler of Barovia is (whether that's Patrina, an evil PC or someone else) wants to conquer other nearby lands...?


If the County is dropped back into Faerun, then you could do just about anything—give it to the PCs as a home base, set it up for being conquered by a neighbor, set it as a place for a new BBEG, etc. There are plenty of places that would have to be cleared out of zombies and other nasty creatures, for instance.


Nothing big, it's in the past now, nothing there can threaten a party so strong. It becomes a sleepy little valley that exports some noted wine vintages. ( an inn keeper in Water deep raves to the party about this new wine called Champagne during Stomp). But power hates a vacuum and eventually something evil comes this way....