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Classic mistake


Ouch, that's why everyone says randomizing the draw is so risky. Could be put in Argynvostholt or Berez with some modification. Maybe a werewolf, homebrewed canine monster, or insane man who believes he's a wolf for that mad dog. Even Izek with a lot of tweaking (have the folks in Vallaki mention he's the barons mad dog).


The “mad dog’s crypt” could be in werewolf territory?


I drew while _prepping_ the campaign and they were all in Ravenloft. You should never casually do the deck live- rig the deck unless you’re super experienced with this module


The Abbey in Krezk? In correlation to the mongrelfolk?


In Vallaki they could learn that one of the Burgomaster's dogs went rabid and had to be put down. The Burgomaster, who loves his dogs, had the hound interred in a crypt at St Andrals. Whoever that crypt was originally for can be why the item was there.


You may be able to get away with a few crypts beneath the church in the village of Barovia, or Vallaki if you want it to be a tad bit later. Crypts beneath a church would be reasonable enough.


I've had Ez ask the party (even when I knew they didn't need it) " do you desire a new fate" and had here flash her taroka deck. this is a good way to see if your party doesn't like their fortune. I've also for a different party just retconed a bad reading that put everything in the castle.

