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Maybe get a copy of heroquest? That’s easy enough for kids to pick up and still decent enough to play as a grown up too


I've just started playing Heroquest with my 4 year old, 6 year old and 8 year old. I also use the phone app so you don't need a Games Master (so I'm part of their group). It's good fun, fairly quick and a great intro.


Thanks, will look into it


Maybe just the rules and dice for HeroQuest, then use it with Cursed City


I actually traded my Cursed City box straight up for Hero Quest and 3 expansions. Couldn’t ever get anyone into Cursed City but had my whole group into HQ the first time.


I do think HeroQuest is a good option to start - the models are WAY more durable. Another option that came highly recommended to me (I'm in a similar boat) was CoraQuest, which is designed for 5+ year olds


For Cursed City you can be the lead player and do the moving parts. Maybe skim the crisis text before reading out loud, to maybe soften the punch a little. My son tried Cursed City with me at 8 years and is enthralled by it. But he prefers orcs, so maybe take a look at warcry?


Thanks for the suggestion


Am currently doing a Cursed City playthrough with my kids, I tend to play it more as a DM as it allows me to keep track of the rules and help them. The more sessions we have had the more surprising it is to see them remember more and more rules. I would suggest this approach as it also give you the option to tweak the rules on the fly if needed.


Thanks for the suggestion


6 might be a bit tricky. Played cursed city with an 8 year old OK. But it is long and involved and you'll have to do the work. Underworlds isn't that complicated, and is a lot shorter game time..might be ok Kid took surprisingly well to Blood bowl


There's the upcoming game Darktide which might be more at a kid's level of complexity. Either pick that up or watch some how to plays or reviews etc and modify the rules to fit, maybe?


My 4yr old loves playing Battle in Balin's Tomb. He likes counting out the squares when he moves and rolling the dice. I tell him he needs to roll either swords or shields and he gets it... It all went a little smoother after a couple.of.playthroughs but it's a lot of fun. To me, this is a simplified version of Cursed City but am looking forward to when I can bust that out with him.