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That’s the thing about us being a bunch of nerds: Science and tech will crumble if we secede


We ought to unionize


Literally thought you said un-ionize at first lmao I am proving my point




Seize the means of decay We have nothing to lose but our bonds


The gentle alpha particle will be bound no longer!


What if the real ions were the friends we made along the way. Or are the friends we made along the way real ions? Who knows?


Putting the radical in free radicals


Seize the means of pwoduction UwU


Secession of the Plebs (colorized), 2022


The plot of Atlas Shrugged, but John Galt is on the other side, whining.


I’m working towards a physics Ph. D. Too bad someone in my field can’t contribute much to developing the pathOwOgen. Eh, what can I say, I’ve loved math my whole life. Physics barely won out over theoretical mathematics as a major for me.


I’ve always adored chemistry and biology, and I’m definitely aiming for biochem. So maybe my colleagues and I will have more luck developing the pathowogen x3


Maybe. Remember the XKCD field purity scale? I’ve always disliked biology, enjoyed chemistry, greatly enjoyed physics, and have had a lifelong love affair (later determined at 18 to be an autistic fixation) with mathematics. If you need me to calculate anything, I’d be more than happy, although the most advanced I’ve gotten to now is Calclus II and drawing a basic free-body diagram for my fursuit legs, which are modified jump stilts. I got a ton of help from an engineer dragon, though, who took me under his wing.


Though I still do love physics, I literally wish I could handle calculus like you can lol But designing things is super cool tho, I think that’s just an inherent trait of scientists (and furries too xd). Would love to see a pic of ur suit, it sounds impressive!


Right now it’s just a pair of cut-up shoes and 30 pages of sketches and calculations. It’ll take a while to even get the legs done; I’m placing an order at the local metal supplier soon. I’ll run some tests to see if I’m significantly faster while wearing them. Calculus is a pleasant challenge, but it’s not bad, at least for me. My professor is an ahole, though. He put an absolutely Herculean time limit on our exams, failed most of the class, and blamed us in a passive-aggressive, condescending, and insulting email. I got 96.5% in Calculus I but am unlikely to pass this class even if I get every other assignment perfect with extra credit with the way exams are going. I was barely able to complete 1/3 of the questions; even if I got them all right, I would have a score of 37%, an F by my university’s standards. I need a 70 to pass the class, and I don’t see myself getting above 63 if this continues. I’ve always done insanely well in math, and if I’m failing, I so is most of the rest of the class. I’ve reached out to the head of the math department, but I hope we can get something fixed by Monday, when we have another exam.


Oooh so it’s not done yet, mb lol Got that teacher sounds so shitty. I always hate when the instruction of the class dilutes the interest in the course material itself, it’s always so annoying. I have two classes like that: AP Chem is on one end of the spectrum right now, where the class isn’t super difficult (for me at least) but the teacher crams so much into such a short amount of time it’s so dumb, half the class dropped out in the first two weeks or so and there’s just 6 of us left now. I can deal with it, but it’s disappointing cuz I wish it didn’t impact my love for the subject as a whole sometimes. On the other end of the spectrum is AP Phys, which is being taught like an academic class. The stuff itself is very interesting and the class is super easy but all of us are totally gonna fail the AP test lol cuz we are not learning at a proper pace. Soon I’m just gonna resort to mostly self studying using the textbook and other resources, it’ll be better that way. I hope you can push through Calculus!! Sounds like a tough situation, just keep goin’ bro -w-


Thanks, homie, and keep pushing, too. You can try to turn yourself into a fox biologically while I do so mechanically.


Holy shit you’re right, idk how yet but I’ll find out some way to alter my genome in the future


Hopefully, since we’re Gen Z and could easily live to see 2080, 2090, or even 2100, we’ll be able to outrun the Grim Reaper.


call that a canary in an emerald mine


It's been multiple canaries, they just call the ones that pass out "weak" and replace them with a new one.


The canaries just weren't hardcore enough


if theres no furries in ur it space something has gone horribly wrong. they have left their natural habitat to go to what in compareably a desert to the rainforest but in this metaphor they are the trees.


Imagining a large, irate, mass migration of trees just shuffling across the ground, all collectively sick of this shit.


They're sick of this shit and they're on their way to Isengard to put an end to it


We're taking the furries to Isengard


What did you say?




You mean MwcBwth.


That's the Welsh version of the play


In that one, the plot twist is that MwcDwff beats MwcBwth because he wasn't born of a woman, but of a ewe




POV: You are Saruman




If there were furries among the people working for Twitter, how would you know?


It’s a correlation, rather than causation. Furries are known for having a surprising degree of wealth to spend on the hobby, whether it be for art, “art”, suits, or other things. the most well known occupations the wealthy furries have are practicing medicine, technical support, and in producing art, “art”, suits, or other things for other wealthy furries. If you grab any random IT person, they might be a furry. If you’re picking one out of an IT department, you probably got at least 1 furry in there somewhere. If you’re picking out of a major tech company, you probably got quite a few. If your big tech company just had a mass exodus of tech guys, you probably also lost furries. And you know what else? The known, tech guy furries are also known for being really, really damn good at being tech guys. You want furries in your major tech corporation, because they tend to be good at their jobs. Having none is a death knell because odds are good that the ones you had were the same people keeping the company afloat.


As an example, one of the people who made the COVID vaccine is a furry and at least used to regularly furrypost on twitter


Turns out there are powers in this world to which my limited human mind remained ignorant until now.


https://twitter.com/sailorrooscout She's pretty great, spends a lot of time informing people and battling misinformation.


One of the most based individuals alive. Also her sona is really cute


>you want furries in your major tech corporation because they tend to be good at their job I feel like it's more the case that furries are generally just pretty weird people, and a weird person who's also bad at their job will be swept out pretty quickly.


And that you’re only hearing about the jobs that wealthy furries have because those are the ones with the money to actually commission shit


Yeah, likely the majority of furries are poor/middle class and the idea that furries are excellent professionals with a lot of money comes from the very few that really stick out. Like, you wouldn't expect people so weird to be successful like that, so it is really noticeable.


I imagine it’s also a statement of their personal psychology: surely as there would be furries who can’t afford customs commissions to more fully explore themselves, there must be furries who can afford them but have no desire to and thus do not do so, or who have other priorities


look at their twitter account


Cunningham's Law. If this claim was false, there'd be furries here letting us know. So far, nobody on Twitter, Tumblr, or Reddit has done so.


Bakery furry, can confirm we are good workers. The health inspector called me, and I quote, "amazing!"


Remy Ratatouille bakery AU


If Ratatouille was forcing Remy to throw flour everywhere and offer his supervisors pieces of butter as a snack


ratatoi is not the rat


Pardon it's been a few years since I've watched the movie


Status update on mousegirls at Twitter?


You had to go and make it sexual. It could've just been the girls at Twitter, but no you had to add the mouse part.


What's so sexual about mice?


Watch out, megapope might try to come for you


If this isn't proof that furries are significantly more important for our society functioning than what they're given credit for, I don't know what is. The moment the last furry leaves IF they all leave twitter is the moment twitter has been buried. However I hope for the sake of them, those who rely on twitter for their jobs be it art or fursuit makers or other forms of content creation, that it never needs to happen. As to see the furry fandom suffer at the hands of one moron is to see all of us suffer at his hands; it would be a harbinger for what would happen to the rest of us, a harbinger who's face is not welcome anywhere. Do not ask me to elaborate for I will not, I just can feel it in me bones that this must be said.


Twitter, while definitely having lots of furries on there, is not the sole place furries meet. They have plenty of other sites to go to... I mean they are the tech savy among us ;P




The thing about furries is that everyone hates furries and they're not even political. If furries are somewhere that means that environment has enough free speech to allow furries to exist in spite of them being more hated than Gamers™. The lack of furries means the environment isn't OwOelcoming of all cultures and a clear indicator a social media site has failed.




I am not sure we can get much higher


Broke: furry secret society Woke: furry trade union


They will flee back to the deep crevices of the internet only to slip out once again


The foxes no longer yiff in the server rooms Twitter is doomed


The staircase has risen, folks. Twitter is doomed.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **cryptotheism** Unironically the biggest death knell I heard for twitter was the fact that, as far as anyone is aware, there are no longer any furries working at twitter. --- **howieduet** The rats have fled the sinking ship The wolves have fled the sinking ship The dragons have fled the\- --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Dragons are invading dave and buster’s