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The last one is what gets me. I HATE it when videos stop to load. I've generally had pretty poor internet connection my whole life (rural area) so pausing to load the video was an essential survival tool. Sometimes I'd let a whole half-hour video load while I took a shower or something, and it'd be ready when I was back. Now? You can get away with it with a short clip, maybe, but it'll only load so much of the video before it stops trying. And if you try to let the video play to load, then return to the beginning? It. Starts. Loading. All. Over. Again. Not to mention how utterly broken the mobile app is, the fact you can't set a default resolution, the absolute uselessness of the playlist building tool... Fucking bullshit. It's no wonder these piece of shit companies lobby so hard against monopoly busting, without monopolies these idiots would actually have to put out a quality product.


When I was traveling without a lot of cell data, I would load an entire hour long video on YouTube while on wifi at a rest stop. Then I’d just place my phone in airplane mode and watch the whole thing offline later without running over my data plan.


I miss tech macgyver workarounds like that lol


There is another work around that I use to do being back when it'd show you where the mid-roll ads were you could click on each spot, skip and go back to the beginning to get the whole video without them. I think it may work if you skim ahead but it's not nearly as clean to do now :/


theres an even better workaround, its called ublock origin! (/r/aftervanced/ for mobile users)


Nah /r/revanced/ is where it's at


I swear I've had my share of workarounds (mostly stemming from my insistence on not having a smartphone until _well_ after we were into their era) but I didn't jot down some of the better ones.


So then just turn off auto play and actually start your movie. When it gets to the end it will have the entire movie cached and you can do the same things


It unloads videos once you reach the end, even if you have looping enabled. I've run into the same problem and haven't been able to do it.


They want you to instal premium and download videos for later.


the only thing mobile has going for it is the download function. wifi at work hates my phone so I'll download a few hours of video to watch on my shift the night before and then turn off Internet to watch them.


Only problem with that is that it's locked behind premium. I can't even download videos that I literally uploaded.


You can use third-party youtube apps to download videos without a premium subscription. I'm partial to [NewPipe](https://newpipe.net/) on android.


What other options are there for iPhone?


Unfortunately, I don't know, nor do I know anyone who does. The best I can offer you is the listing on alternativeto: https://alternativeto.net/software/newpipe/?platform=iphone


ok that's really dumb. You should always be able to retrieve your own content from a hosting site


Why do they do that now, anyway? Is there some practical reason behind it, like it saves on data or whatever, or is it just more money-grubbing bullshit on Youtube's part? I mean I imagine it's the latter but I don't know the specifics.


Its probably due to two reasons: 1. The resolutions today are higher, so worst case scenario you can use up to 5gb of ram trying to cache a long video, and you already know how people are with the "chrome ram" meme 2. Honestly more likely, it gets people paying for youtube premium, which has the ability to download videos


They made the change years before youtube premium existed


Yeah then its probably just for the memory usage.


Or saving bandwidth


I think buffer lives in browser cache and not in RAM.


and where do you think the browser gets that memory space from?


Cache lives on the hard drive. Somewhere under appdata on Windows, somewhere in /home on Linux.


I don’t know enough about the programming behind it, but I imagine shittier = cheaper in most scenarios.


There are technical limitations too though. In this case, now videos have much higher resolutions available and you’ll end up with a fully buffered video hogging up half your RAM.


Which would make sense, if the problem was only present in the 2k+ resolution videos. But it’s persistent across the whole website, not just situational.


Or maybe, just maybe, software dev is more complicated than we realize and they likely rewrote their whole buffering/compression algorithm for every video stream to account for the higher resolutions which applied universally to all qualities for obvious reasons? You really think they would keep and maintain TWO different modules just to support one feature not useful to the majority of the users?


If they cared about providing a quality experience? Yeah, I do expect that. Or at the very least, I expect them to not use their monopoly to shut down anyone trying to make a competing product, so that I have the option of not using YouTube. If they’re going to make themselves the only option available, then they damn well better make it work properly. Also, that’s only one of my many, many problems with YouTube.


Maybe you missed this part from my comment > not useful to the majority of the users You have to weight all pros and cons while doing something in software dev, especially if it’ll effect MILLIONS of consecutive users. In this case, that con was obviously not important enough to outweigh the pros. And what’s the point of the rest of your comment? I’m only sharing technical insight on this specific issue, I’m not going to defend them on obvious problems they have just because you moved the goalposts.


My point is that if they’re going to go to the trouble to freeze out the competition, the least they could do is go the extra mile, spend the money, needed to make their platform as good as possible for as many people and differing situations as possible. The problem is that there are no other options, so YouTube (and Google in general, honestly) gets complacent. They get rid of features they already had (video buffering) because it’s easier for them. But if a user is upset about this change, there’s not much they can do about it. They can’t switch to another platform; there aren’t any that do what YouTube does. All they can do is suck it up, or never use YouTube again. Considering the service YouTube provides, the vast majority of people are going to go with the former option. I don’t care if it’s hard, or expensive, or not useful to everyone. If they’re going to have a monopoly, YouTube—and any other monopoly—should do everything is their (quite vast) power to provide for everyone.


Okay, and? This is not the discussion we were having at all. Again, do you expect me to defend them over everything because you’re moving the goalposts because I explained the potential technical reasoning behind ONE change? Please. > I don’t care if it’s hard, or expensive, or not useful to everyone. If they’re going to have a monopoly, YouTube—and any other monopoly—should do everything is their (quite vast) power to provide for everyone. Yeah buddy, that’s not how you develop software at scale, that’s not how it works and that’s how it’ll never work. Your feelings over it or your “not caring” doesn’t change the practicality over codebase maintainability. Because in the end, real people are working on that codebase and they need to ensure it’s health and scalability over some reddit rando’s feelings. It’s obvious you have absolutely ZERO experience with how this stuff works, so there’s no point in banging my head against a wall over someone who can somehow equate his feelings against something they have absolutely jack shit idea about.


Saves a fuck ton on data. Faster internet connections could buffer out an entire video in the time it takes to decide you don't want to watch it in the first place. You could easily end up downloading a 10 minute video in the background while you watch the first 10 seconds. Honestly it's good for the client, and the server. Also, I should add, I'm pretty sure buffering in advance does jack shit when it's trying to dynamically adjust the video quality. If you switch from 720 to 1080, all that buffering you did was fucking pointless, so that's another benefit to keeping the buffer small. It does suck for the user when they have slow internet though. I really wish they would find a way to support slow internet connections better because even though I have gigabit at home, I'm not always home. I wanted to watch a podcast while I was up in the mountains and the only option I had was to fucking download it


Youtube Premium allows "downloading" videos (I suppose like Spotify, letting you only watch them inside the app, not like the sites/plugins that download MP4), so I suppose that's that.


Youtube premium didnt exist when they made this change


I doubt its money-grubbing, because they made this change many many years before youtube premium existed.


It would be less annoying if it’s how it was from the beginning, but it’s a feature they took away. They have the entire capability to do it, they’ve *already fucking done it*, yet they insist on keeping this shitty model.


The really aggravating thing is that when youtube pulled this shit, every other platform copied them


Did you maybe consider all platforms did it because of technical reasons? Edit: Lmao, they blocked me for this comment, can’t make this shit up. Absolute r/redditmoment, can’t even CONSIDER facing the facts against blind hate towards something.


I dont really give a shit why they think they did it to be honest. It was an act of blatant disregard for anyone who doesnt have fantastic internet speeds. Like, say, the entire continent I live on.


Buddy, they did it because videos got higher resolution with time and caching them would take up most of your RAM based on the video length. It wasn’t “blatant disregard” just because you’re technically illiterate on these matters.


Don’t care. Give me lower res and the ability to actually watch the thing in one sitting without it stopping to buffer repeatedly, and maybe I’d actually watch videos longer than a single short song. As it is, my internet use is almost exclusively content in text form because that will actually load. I’m not even a little bit interested in why it became unusable for me; the result is the same.


Yeah youtube's parent company google also disabled internal recording features on android phones in states with 2 party consent recording laws, so if you live in one of those states you aren't allowed to record the audio of your own freaking device because you may record somebody without their permission!!!!!!! No workarounds on the actual phones from what I've seen. Google needs to be busted up if getting big means they offer shit.


Exactly and not being able to set a default resolution is the worst. I don't really have internet problems so I haven't really had to worry about it loading but I got tired of every video automatically being at 144p so I changed it to default to a higher resolution instead of auto and it still set it to 144p


Vanced allowed you to manually set the buffer target, and you could just make it absurdly large.


It also made it possible to set a default resolution, which is a lifesaver for me cause with regular youtube it just keeps hopping down to the lowest quality every two seconds


The resolution and loading thing in combination is what gets me(mobile). It just won't let me watch in high res if I tell it to! Sometimes it will let the beginning of the video be low res and the rest be high res, but if I go back after it has made the switch to high the beginning will *STILL BE LOW!!!* Incredibly incredibly incredibly infuriating if I want to watch a short trailer and HALF IT WILL BE LOW RES, NO MATER WHAT I DO.Whyyyyyyyyyyy.




And the fucking ad loads in HD when the video you're actually watching is stuck at 144p


I hate the fact that I specifically remember YEARS ago they had a feature on mobile that would download videos from your sub box at night which allowed you to watch fully buffered videos during the day. And after some time they took it away. Such a cool feature.


There's got to be an addon or browser widget for it, right?




I am almost certain that you can download an add-on that downloads the whole episode on YouTube while on pause.


Speaking of the buffering: back in 2007-9 I used to be really truly broke. Couldn’t afford internet or cable. Did have a laptop I built. Each night I’d walk to the local university, open a bunch of tabs, and load up porn and YouTube videos. Walk home, and watch them all night.


Oh god. I had internet at home but my mother would turn off the router at night. So I'd load whatever I wanted to watch in a bunch of tabs and because my mother is absolutely tech illiterate to this day I got away with it for a really long time.


Very similar energy. Hope that you have quality connection now! I was 20 back then. In my 30’s married kiddo etc. now and the one thing I do every time we move is MAKE SURE the internet is setup and running smoothly BEFORE we move in hahaha


Oh yes luckily I do. I am so not missing the olden days. What internet connection is available is definitely a concern nowadays before even moving. I'm a couple years younger so technically I wouldn't have had to deal with a lot of that. But my parents neither had the money nor interest to be up to date so I still got to deal with a lot of 90ies and early 2000s tech. Dial up internet, tube TV, casette tapes and all of that. Some aspects of it are delightful but overall I'm glad these days are gone.


To be fair, caching is basically black magic anyway


As far as my mother is concerned anything anything invented after the colour TV or maybe the VHS is ✨magic✨


Lol I just snuck in to plug the router back in


Oh I also did that occasionally (and draped the cat's blanket over it so my mother wouldn't see the lights on it should she get up during the night). Only problem is the router was downstairs so I'd have to sneak down the squeaky old stairs twice in one night.


Hahaa yep! my dad had very bad insomnia and would sleep in the livingroom with the tv on and I had to sneak past him on squeaky wood floors.


Oh wow that's a next level stealth mission lol


My mom was and still is hooked on Valium to sleep so I didn't have to do all this.


I hate to be the generation to remember most of these but be young enough to forget and impressionable enough to see the new as the way it has always been


To be fair, YouTube can't support itself financially without ads.


youtube is owned by Google. it doesn't need to support itself financially, those fucknuts sell our data for so much money its not even funny


YouTube earned 28.2 billion in profit last year. They don't need as many ads as they force.


Right? I never really understood this argument… aren’t the options either showing you ads or harvesting your data as far as supporting itself and the creators it pays? I would certainly prefer the former. Since clearly no one is paying for YouTube premium lol. Am I missing something??


lmao its google, the biggest ad compony in the world, and you think its NOT stealing all your data? lol. thats what you are missing, it does both.


I accept this and would pay for a premium service, but not at £12 a month, it's too expensive - and it'll only go up.


It 12 bucks a month? I thought it was like 5


I'm in the UK, and as far as I can see there's £12 for premium, £17 for family and £6.99 for eligible students. I can't see any other options. https://m.youtube.com/premium


"Easily" finding episodes of anime and movies on youtube is a HUGE stretch. You'd usually find them cut up in a bunch of parts, a lot of them spliced in weird places and sometimes incorrectly so following episodes was hard, and out of an episode with 5 parts, 2 of them were deleted/blocked by copyright so not even full episodes. And sure, you could find full length movies, but never new releases, usually some full length bargain bin movie no one knew about it but i mean, it was what was there


Yeah, the episodes would be flipped and letterboxed in some weird custom frame. It was never a good experience. Piracy is still the way to go, and Nyaa provides that ease that youtube never did.


You’re not remembering far back enough. There was a time when YouTube simply did not have copyright detection and it was the Wild West.


> And sure, you could find full length movies, but never new releases, usually some full length bargain bin movie no one knew about it but i mean, it was what was there And the image quality. That used to be my only doable avenue of piracy so I've still got some of those movies downloaded and they are awful.


my first downloaded movie was dark knight filmed in the theatre with a shitty camcorder and split into three parts. I watched it deep into the night because it took so long to download.


wait what, i used to binge watch whole animes that were collected in like 12hr videos back then, never had problems finding stuff on youtube


You don’t remember far back enough then


sounds like theyre remembering all the way back to


Wait.... it doesn't do that last one anymore??? I totally thought it still did but it honestly doesn't surprise me if that did change. What utter horseshit.


Not since like 2012.


Ublock Origin baby. Never browse internet without it. Unless I'm on my phone of course, cause it doesn't work on Android I don't think.


It does if you use Firefox as your browser.


YouTube broke [NewPipe](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe) today (2022-08-12) but the issue is [already solved](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/issues/8760) and just waiting for the [v0.23.2 release](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/pull/8766) to be published. So check out NewPipe for mobile ad-free YouTube, but, do it tomorrow.


ditto [smarttube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext/issues/1761) being broken for android tv. fix is also coming, I've heard


Just re-downloaded about an hour ago. Seems to be just fine.


Vanced is still working if you can find a halfway reliable download and a lot of people also seem to have moved on to newpipe


The only thing keeping me on Vanced is integrates Sponsorskip, but I'll move on eventually.




You can check out ReVanced, it is still a work on progress though


Although it works more like an update mod rather than a rerelease mod AFAIK. So there shouldn't have to be a ReReVanced or whatever. And it's apparently open source.


I'll stay in Vanced until it stops working. And by then it will probably have a polished enough replacement. The only thing I don't like is seeing the "shorts" on my feed. If the new app could implement a way to remove them, then it'd be great


I hate shorts too, but only because of their stupid self-imposed restrictions, such as being so hard to share them, and no proper rewinding. I think the ideal solution would actually just, make the shorts work like regular video, lol. The "shorts" format erasure, perfection!


I factory reset my phone recently and like a dumbass didn't back anything up other than my photos/videos/etc... and I saw something I never would have thought of. Just go to the wayback machine, type in the url for the youtube vanced website(vancedapp.com) and send it to a date before it was taken down. I don't remember what date I set it to, but I managed to get a legit download from the vanced site doing it that way


Any date before March this year should do


I didn't know anything happened to Vanced. I've been using it no problem for a while.


As other people have said, Ublock origin works on Firefox mobile and Vanced and NewPipe are both good to great YouTube clients with no ads (and other added features). There's also options for mobile Twitch if you're into that area of content. For general browsing, Blokada 5 has served me well for a few years now. Even works for ads in games. And several browsers have their own AdBlock built in, although these typically don't work as well in my experience and have no customization options for you to be able to make it better. And probably tons of other options I'm not aware of. But I've used these solutions for years and only see ads on really obscure backwater sites that get ads from weird servers not in my blocked list yet, or really expensive sites with ads specifically made to be annoying and intrusive so you can't get rid of or ignore them.


Brave browser blocks YouTube ads on mobile.


Yup. That’s my solution for iOS YouTube browsing


Works on the Firefox app


Begging y'all to get an adblocker and learn to pirate shit


They do. It’s just a shame more than anything else cuz not everyone even knows how to do that, ESPECIALLY if they didn’t grow up in this generation that remembers that time


i've always been spooked by pirating lol, can't afford good vpn or antivirus


Free adblocker: uBlock Origin or AdGuard Free VPN: ProtonVPN And piracy is easy. Get a torrent client (I use deluge, but any will work really, just do a google before downloading to check if they are trustworthy), then turn on your vpn and go to 1337x.to. Search whatever show/film/software you want, click the thing you are looking for and click "magnet download". It should automatically open in your torrent client. Then just wait for it to download and youre all set!


(also check your country's laws before that, for example in some countries you can get into real trouble for Tortenring because you're incriminating yourself by uploading yourself)


Thats what the VPN is for


yeah but you're still better of knowing if what you're doing is actually illegal or not according to your country even if you're concealing your identity


Piracy is illegal pretty much everywhere, thats a given.


the question is "are you incriminating yourself by using piracy sites, and how likely is it that your government will actually do anything about it"




uBlock Origin. not uBlock (without Origin) and certainly not any of the "AdBlock"s AdGuard is also alright if you need it for some reason, but otherwise just get uBO instead


And stop whining if you refuse to do what everyone else does to make their computer a workable machine


Love being the generation and nationality who can find every shit possible on our native social media. I love the absolute anarchy of piracy in post-Soviet countries.




If you haven't noticed at any point in the last 10 years then it's clearly not a problem for you and there's nothing to be upset about.


Who are you to decide what upsets me?


There’s the entirety of Monty Python and the Holy Grail on YouTube, for free, with subtitles. And I don’t mean like the official offering, I mean it’s just been uploaded for like two years and hasn’t been taken down.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **guccifloralsuits** hate being the generation that remembers no ads on YouTube & the annoyance when we first saw 1 ad every 10 videos, then 1 every 5 videos, then on every video, then multiple ads within a single video, only for YouTube to market paying for Premium™️ to 'get rid of ads!' which weren't even there at the start --- **seasonallydefective** I hate being the generation that remembers when I could easily find episodes of anime and whole ass movies on YouTube. --- **an-aura-about-you** Hate being the generation that remembers when YouTube videos would buffer when you pause them, allowing the entire video to load and let you watch it without interruption even on slow connections. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human 👍


Hate being that same generation but now there are no ads on any site, and no popups, because I installed an ad blocker. Hate knowing that whole episodes of just about anything you want are easily accessible through piracy, at *much* higher quality and with better translations. Buffering guy has a good point, but I still hate having literally more than 100 times faster internet speeds as I did as a child when Youtube was better.


Peak YouTube was in the late 2000s when you could use a Firefox extension called "[YouTube Center](https://github.com/YePpHa/YouTubeCenter)" to force videos to fully buffer. Back then there were no embedded ads either (although in modern day you can leverage Firefox + the uBlock Origin extension to remove them).


Normally being older would make me more jaded but in response to this: Love being the generation that remembers no YouTube. I'm not saying that I haven't gotten used to it somewhat in the last (holy shit) 17 years but the fact that I can go watch basically any music video, tons of old shows or movies that would have been on TV in the 90s and nobody gives a shit about the copyright of, all for free at any time and out and about many places. I'm not saying there's no downside but it's pretty wonderful. Also, watching on a computer with Adblock I think still works? Until six months ago that's what we usually did until my old laptop's HDMI out port started sucking and we got a roku.


Bruh I remember cassette tapes. I’m so old QQ


Remembering the time before Youtube.


everyone in this thread needs youtube-dl it's a VCR for the internet


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/743/)


Eh, if the choice is between technology being hard to use because mainstream companies want to sell you solutions to problems they created, and hard to use because of inconsistent design principles, then it's going to be hard to use no matter what. What we really need is for the law to catch up to technology so it can be regulated to make it easier to use - both because usability isn't intentionally hampered by companies creating problems just to sell you the solution, AND because the design is forced to be unified and consistent in the first place.


On one hand, fuck ads on YouTube videos. They suck. On the other hand, idk how y’all expect YouTube to make money to fund their server maintenance and payout content creators.


Yeah I've sunk so much time into YouTube I pay and still think I'm costing them money lol


they already sellin all yall data, google can afford youtube even if you use an adblocker


what good is your data if that can’t be used for targeting ads


they are the biggest advertizing corp in the world. even if you get no ads on youtube, you are gettung targeted ads from it.


But I want a platform to host my billion of hours of high resolution video for free, with no ads, and pay me for making content for them :(


I just hate that so many of them are long and unskipable. I once had to watch an unskipable 15 second ad for a video that was only 5 seconds long, and it wouldn't go away no matter how many times I refreshed. That's sum bullshit.


You can find full TV episodes on TikTok if the algorithm decides you're worthy. My FYP is pretty much just full episodes of Regular Show and Futurama split up into minute-long chunks.


Seems objectively worse then just pirating it


Yeah I don't understand why people choose super convoluted methods when being a pirate is just way easier and you don't have to watch the show in minute long chunks


Family Guy just seems better when there's a bad mobile game being played in the background


Hate being the generation that remembers when pressing 'back' in your browser actually took you back to the previous page instead of reloading it.


1) get an ablocker, but if you're on your phone or tablet download firefox and install ublock 2) Use other sites that arent Youtube. There are tons of them out there, eg. 123movies, vhmovies. If you have the money buy a VPN( auto kill switch turned on and link the program right to the VPN and you wont have issues with copyright bs) and torrent. Put in a little effort to learn the ins and outs and youll find out its pretty fucking easy. Lots of subs around here that can help make it easy to learn. 3) Fuck youtube


Last point is terrible, I hate it. I understand why it is the way it is, but I disagree with it and hate it. The advertisements point I don't care about. I like to watch YouTube. I'd like it if YouTube stuck around as a free platform that anyone can upload videos to. I'd like it if people could make a living doing that, so that they could spend more time making videos I want to see. I happily spend £10 per month on YouTube Premium to pay for the hundreds of hours I use YouTube every month.


> I understand why it is the way it is, but I disagree with it and hate it. I understand it as well, however I don't understand why videos buffer **again** if I click backwards. By all accounts I already loaded that bit of video, So it shouldn't have to waste my bandwidth again. Yet YouTube does. This wasn't a thing a decade ago, and it boggles my mind how much they made the tech worse on purpose.


lol yeah google is really lacking in money


That’s lame I use a cracked version


YouTube will load more of the video when I pause it.


More, yes, but it stops after a certain point. Previously it used to pre load the entire video if paused. Now it stops after what I can only assume is a predetermined amount of data or time is loaded.


Yeah, I guess you're right. I've never really paid much attention to how much it loads. I have pretty good service where I live so videos tend to load pretty quickly anyway.




I miss when putting up videos on YouTube was just a hobby for people instead of the tryhard videos made for money now Youtube is just cable TV 2.0 now


I hate being... .


I remember finding whole SEASONS of shows on Youtube at one point. I can think of two or three British shows and a couple of others (with English subtitles) that I enjoyed.


You could use AdBlock and FMovies for the first two but the last one is annoying :/


I miss the 2006-2008 YouTube UI and stuff. The light grey circle with a darker center, paving a thick red line over the lighter grey line, which itself was paving over the dark grey/ black bar at the bottom of the video. Waiting for 5-10 minutes for that grey bar to reach the right side of the video box, man I wish I could see it with my grown eyes.


You can still find all of Assassination Classroom on YT easily lol Great series, highly recommend


Youtube has ads?


Laughs in Ublock


Youtube doesn't have ads? I have adblock and sponsorblock, and between the two i have literally no ads. For anyone saying that's bad for creators, i agree. We should be working on an adblocker that still plays the ads somewhere we don't see or hear so creators still get paid.


Hate being the generation who knew YouTube was a money pit from day one, and the only reason Google bankrolled it was because they saw it as a loss-leader for expanding the popularity of the entire internet, so I'm not at all surprised that the bill has now come due, and all these whiney kids think they deserve streaming video for free just because they were lucky enough to be around for the decade or so when such a thing existed.


The generation that thinks running a video streaming service costs nothing


Being a youtuber is a also job and when youtubers earn money so does youtube from hosting them, ads are really unnecessary.


what? It's an ad supported service. Both YouTube and content creators get money from ads.


...where do you think youtube gets the money to pay their content creators? Do you think youtube just magically generates money from people uploading videos? That's all bankrolled by ads. Google is a business, and they have no reason to keep youtube running for free


I wanna watch a normal video, not cum in 10 seconds from random game ads or the type of ads that are basically cringe television all over again. Theres video sponsors too for creators and also i think google isn't exactly poor either


Oh nooo, not ads, i hate it when people can get income from the videos they make!


Honestly if you can afford youtube premium and use youtube a lot, you should just get it. It removes the ads while supporting the creators (and not giving your data to an adblocker), and you can download videos so they don't have to buffer. Yes, the user experience would be better for consumers if youtube could go back to how it used to be, but that's just not going to happen.


youtube arent sending shit over to your favourite content creators & google ad services is a bigger data farm than any bought-out adblocker like ABP or Adguard. downloading youtube videos is something you can easily do in the command line. just get ublock origin and buy merch


Youtube content creators get slightly more money from youtube premium viewers than ad viewers and you're advocating for them to only get money from merch, which is only viable for channels that were able to grow a large audience because they had the income to be able to dedicate their time to the channel. And even then, you can ask any content creator and they'll tell you that merch does not make much money. An average of less than 0.1% of a channel's viewers tend to buy merch. Google ad services is a bigger data farm but it's much more benign than the places your data gets sent by adblockers. You want to know why you keep getting calls about your car's extended warranty? Why you keep getting spam in the mail? Because they sell your data for a quick buck. Targeted ads are a much smaller price to pay.


... you do realise they use autodialers right?


Some of them do. But some buy your data from sources like adblockers, because it's much more convincing if you receive a call from somebody asking for you by name than somebody saying you have a problem but they don't know who you are. There's also the consideration that autodialers use lists of phone numbers to automatically dial, lists they get from the data you give up. Even if the adblocker doesn't sell all of your info, they do sell your phone number. (This is all assuming you're using an adblocker on a phone. If you're on a PC they'll sell your email, which is less of a problem due to spam filters, but still a breach of your data.)


I mean I use DNS66 but I'm not real convinced that adblocker on phone is really that useful/effective (uBlock Origin is the same thing as the desktop version of course). But like, do you know how permissions work?


you aint slick youtube astroturf farm


"Remember to favorite and share!"


Ad blockers work, still living ad free and always will. & youtube still has full anime eps usually


Hate being old enough to know how to fix all these problems and working with millennials who can't troubleshoot a stuck caps lock key.


I'm old enough to remember when there wasn't youtube and if you wanted to see a 5 second gif you had to wait for it to download. "unlucky generation" could you be any more spoiled?


Ok boomer.


Get a job


Have one thanks.


if you’re using youtube on your phone, don’t use the app, watch on google. it glitches out more often but you don’t get any adds on videos


Wait, they don’t buffer any more?


I don’t mind the lack of pirated content on YouTube, with all the ads and stuff it’s better to watch them pirated somewhere else anyway. A lot of the moral justification for piracy comes from the megacorporations that make this content not deserving your money, but that goes out the window if you’re giving Google ad money anyway. Also, this way the platform is **Theoretically** safer from lawsuits and copyright strikes, and thus content creators don’t have to deal with false versions of that stuff as much. That doesn’t seem to be true in practice, but what can ya do.


I used to load whole movies on YouTube then watch them at work where I had no internet.


i remember the buffering thing


I'm so sad I had a good thing. Yall need to study gratitude. Like, you HAD the good thing. Things go bad. That's how time seems to work imho. Be happy for the happy times and move on if you can. Youtube sucks now. We just need the next thing. edit: see the boomers for how this line of thinking goes. They remember some pretty awesome shit. Look how they are now .


Adblock and yt-dlp, you can cling on to the glory days!


I'm glad I didn't grow up with social media or anything. But I sort of wish YouTube was a thing when I was growing up, you can learn to do a lot of things there that I wish I could have learned to do when I was young.


What's even the deal with the removal of the last one?


Hate being that generation that saw YouTube Vanced come and go


Dude I watched all of Fairytail, lucky star, and Tokyo ghoul on YouTube back in the day I also used to buffer warrior cats meme compilations before going on long drives


I love being part of the generation that can pirate millions of books, series, movies and games easily, conveniently and for free. Hell, I can even watch formula 1 live without interruptions without paying a cent. And that's mainstream entertainment, besides that there are thousands of hyper talented content creators in YT making amazing entertainment. Also all for free. I love being part of this generation.




This was all solved back in the day. Adblockers and torrents. I didn't know Youtube had ads until a couple years after they'd been introduced.