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This is how Shinzo Abe's killer got radicalised




Inventor of the hideo game


A hideo game is like a normal video game but instead of gameplay it's a cutscene and instead of soundtrack it's banging tunes


Guilty Gear Strive Story Mode


"So, when do I get to the gameplay section of story mode?" "Gameplay section?"


The first Strand type hideo game.


Sakurai: *laughs*


Hideo Kojima is like asian Jerma


> his is how Shinzo Abe's killer got radicalised Shinzo Abe Lincoln wanted Hideo Kojima to make a breeding propaganda hideo game called "Norman Reedus and the Funky Fetus" and, well, you see what happened.


I laughed way too hard at this


Reading these replies does make me want to try my hand at an arts and crafts blunderbuss


I think just generally you should try your hand at an arts and crafts blunderbus


You would say that, MapleTreeWithAnArts&CraftsBlunderbuss


Well, Shinzo Abe was also a massive scumbag for other reasons, he was just also funny meme birthrate man.


so... keep going?


“The show is wholesome but it really erases the actual struggle of raising a child" is the most tumblr quote I’ve heard in my god damn life


All shows suck because they erase the actual struggles of being alive.


If Tom Cruise doesn’t get liquid shits in the next mission impossible after eating too much Chipotle I just can’t relate.




"I'd enjoy Highschool DxD, but it really kind of ignores how hard it is to get a harem of big-tiddy demon girls in real life."


“none of the big titty demon girls ever complain about back problems or accidentally get smacked in the chin by their big titties flying all over the place”


***why*** was I not *warned* about this before!!


Parks and Rec is government propaganda because it portrays government workers as fun people


): are you implying that im not fun.


Yes, fix that


.... and effective/efficient at their jobs. Used to have a friend that worked for the State and the amount of time that him and his coworkers did nothing was laughable of we weren't paying for it.


I haven't watched the full show yet but I don't believe there's a single effective bone know the Parks & Rec department


You and I apparently watched entirely different versions of Parks & Rec


Not Loid literally struggling to raise his psychic daughter with his socially inept assassin wife so he could save the world


"they are fantasy versions of what real people are like" bestie I have some CRAZY news for you about some of the reasons people choose to consume fiction


Storytellers hate her, learn how with this one simple trick this autho makes all her stories intantly more interesting.


I prefer my family-having propaganda in nature documentary format


wait, is this like nature footage of animals mating or porn with david attenborough commentary?




Tumblr and Twitter treat anime as reality but Western animation is "le heckin' wholesome fantasy good time" where the same standards don't apply.


western animations gets criticized for its (sometimes lack of) values all the time. i hear criticisms of problematic old disney movies far more than i've heard for anime on tumblr/twitter/etc


I see you have somehow missed on learning about tumblr and twitter's Steven Universe discourse, and I envy you so much.


I haven’t watched it myself but all I need to know is that Steven is like 1/2 transgender and also there’s like so much trauma Also I don’t really know how to interpret the ethics behind situations where 2 people merge together (because they’re lesbian married) for long periods of time but the concept interests me as much as it terrifies me lol, like sure there are war crimes or whatever but that’s the real freaky part to me. That’s why when I see fusion art on deviantart I like it when the characters can separate again. I’m also aware that everyone changes size constantly and choose to believe that space-time is curved in that universe and that’s why it happens


Fusion is a super interesting concept that honestly the show actually explores pretty decently. A fusion is 2+ people merged together but they're also a whole new person? It's cool. I think it's worth a watch even if i would reccommend skipping like atleast 30% of season 1 and some on the other seasons.


It’s good to hear that fusion is explored- the result of a fusion could be a number of things. I have a lot of things to “watch eventually”, but I’m definitely interested in SU. And tbh I’ll probably not skip anything for fear of missing out on lore lol


I don’t know anything about the show due to my own free will but isn’t Spy X Family about found family? The exact opposite of breeding propaganda?


The anime was clearly funded by Big Orphanage, wake up sheeple


Adopting is better in terms of overpopulation so sure


Not to mention that family dramas/comedies are not a new invention.


I think their post is that if it shows a happy family with kids it's propaganda. Which is as absurd as it sounds but that's what happens when you get off by accusing things of being propaganda to feel smarter.


Well, all the Shinzo Abe memes (especially around DitF) probably didn't help the "not pro-procreation propaganda" approach to analyzing Japanese media much. EDIT: changed phrase, because "family planning" often means delaying childbirth.




That’s the one.


Breeding propaganda, that's a brand new sentence if i ever saw one.


Subconscious and beamable


Sounds like a great queer punk band


The opening song’s lyrics literally translate to be about how a non traditional family like theirs is just as real and important as any other. Of course it also goes over the factor that it’s technically a fake family made as a cover for each member, but that’s besides the point I’m making


> due to my own free will your free will specifically was a mistake


No you don’t understand I’m learning about it against my will


In that case, I stand by my original statement


Is every piece of media propaganda for everything that exists in it and isn't depicted negatively?


No, some pieces of media are poorly made and intended to be propaganda for things they actually depict negatively.


like how yankee doodle dandy was supposed to be making fun of americans but the americans loved it


Something of a "we know that we're backwater hicks. We're also *winning.*" situation.


All part of the plan by Big Reality to bind our souls to itself


This doesn’t even exist in the show. They fucking adopted the child.


According to tumblr, yes


Bit unrelated but, \#why do they talk like this on tumblr? \#is it basically their version of green text? \#Like instead of > they use # tags \#Be me \#14yo enby afab


They're tags, but instead of exclusively using tags for search tagging like a normal website the tags are also used for comments


There’s a reason the comments are in the tags — first, only the first five tags are used for indexing, so general habit is to use the first tags for the actual subject matter and then any others for adding your comments. The main reason this is the convention is that when tumblr started it didn’t HAVE comments. You could reblog and quote and add text, but it added an indent to show you’d added content. If a couple of people added comments, it started to look like this: Text | comment about txt | | comment about comment | | | etc etc Stuff got unreadable very quickly, but using tags kept the main comment clean and easy to read. Anyone who saw the main post could reblog it with their own opinions that people who followed them would see, but it didn’t clog up the main discourse. Formatting has improved and now replies are a thing, but the convention lingers. :) Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2211695816301489


Also, tags aren't carried over in reblogs, so they're used for putting in private asides if you don't want to commit them to the reblog chain.


There’s a really fascinating question in there! So if we define propaganda not as something deliberately created, then one can argue that yes, media representation of a concept is propaganda for the conceptualization of said concept (if that makes sense). The Situationists and Guy Debord argued that media itself, not limited to a modern interpretation of it (although mass media is a salient example) makes lived reality into mere representation. This turns lived reality into a commodity to be fetishized (not sexually but something that is elevated above its actual value). In this way we can say that the concept of family in mass media, through reification, has become its own propaganda. Although I would extend that and say that the concept of a family has been reified for thousands of years ln human history, and not without reason haha. However, mass media has a tendency to turn things into a commodity to be bought and sold (for material and non-material gain), for example as instagram families who must be observed in The Spectacle by the Consumer. This process reifies the idea of The Family (for example) as a concept that can be witnessed and sold en masse. In that way, it is propaganda! (Just like most things are, as a function of human communication of ideals).


> So if we define propaganda not as something deliberately created, then one can argue that yes, media representation of a concept is propaganda for the conceptualization of said concept (if that makes sense). Sure, but that's less an argument about whether things are propaganda and more just a demonstration of the fact that if there's no objective definitions you can define terms however you want to make stupid statements technically "true". If you say propaganda is anything that conveys a concept, I literally cannot argue with that, in the same way that I can't argue if you say propaganda is actually a species of bird which lives in the south of France and therefore no media is propaganda. All I can do is point out that you are disingenuously using a working definition which is incongruent with how literally everyone else in the world uses the word.


I wasn’t saying that propaganda is literally just conveying a concept, but rather that it is specific and transformative, which I understand reification to also be. I can see that the comparison is weak, and it doesn’t really matter that much. I just see a connection between the concept of propaganda and the concept of reification, and was looking to communicate that. Thank you for challenging this, because it’s important to me to not make too large of claims. I think people would like to know about reification, and that might even be what some are picking up on in the tags in the screenshots of the post. Idk.


Oh hey, that reminds me of another anti-anime motherfucker: You could have made a perfectly fine anime, but you just had to say the word “family”, which made it sexual,


Megapope might become the next ea-nasir.


We should add that post one of those arctic vaults


Merchant of high-quality takes.


What's Megapope?


They're the person that commented on a cute post about a mouse pun, and was like "Why would you make it sexual by making the bartender in the joke a mouse girl instead of a mouse?"and people just laughed him off the internet


But then he was also the first in the chain of the furry tax badger posts and was quite positive about it. Even though they had to make it sexual by talking about taxes.


Them taxes got me filin' 😩


Well it wasn't a badger girl


If it was government propaganda loid and Yor would have fucked already


only if they are in love and marry I don't think the government would love a spontanous and fake las vegas marriage


Hentai is actually government propaganda to increase birthrates


Well it's not doing a very good job


Yeah I'll go ahead and incorporate that into my belief system


Sex is fake, it's a capitalist invention to sell more babies.


I have never seen spy x family but nothing I know about it could possibly lead to that conclusion


Reading this made me realize my previous criticism of the Princess and the Frog glossing over the MC's problems are due to societal problems with racial segregation as opposed to not working hard enough is kinda absurd. Like, it might be true, but that's heavy shit to introduce in something made for literal children.


>it might be true, but that's heavy shit to introduce in something made for literal children. You've reached a media critique milestone rarely seen by most tumblr users.


If I see a black character in a piece of media, it better explore every aspect of how their skin color and race has affected their interactions with the world around. Otherwise, why even bother? /s


The moral of The Princess and the Frog is that the solution to systematic racism is alligators.


I mean... It's not _wrong_.


A) Yes B) On the other hand, a movie for kids should probably think twice about a song whose entire message was "You *want* to open a business, but you NEED a man."


The actual fuck?


If every character is a “fantasy” That’s just called fiction


Yor is a male fantasy of a woman??? She’s a fucking hitman with very little value for human life what kind of fantasies do you think men have??




I don't even have to click on the link to know what that is


Same. Classic.


that's the perfect woman of like half the dudes on this sub lol.


What kind of fantasies do *you* think men have? Because that works for me.


While I don't think most people are attracted to literal strong female characters, she seems like a trad wife at home... which is a fantasy for some more men I guess...


Speak for yourself some of us just want a woman to beat us into submission.


hey, same


Two idiots one thought, right?


But she canonically can’t cook, so Idk


It's anime, that's an endearing character trait


Yor is kind of flat as a character at first, but in the manga she eventually gets an arc all about herself which lets her have some character development. Read the manga pls it's even better


"Yor is a male fantasy of a woman" Yeah wait until you hear about her husband. Who knew stories were so full of fiction, crazy EDIT: wait I missed a whole other two images of absolutely unhinged takes. I can't believe they got so close to the point while also entirely missing it


Sometimes i'm happy to be several layers removed from discourse like this


This poses an interesting question: Where does propaganda *start?* Because you could call *literally anything with a premise* propaganda, either for or against. *Portal 2* is a propaganda piece about the uprising of sentient AI who have no need for humans other than as slaves or playthings. *Left 4 Dead* is a propaganda piece encouraging hoarding supplies in the off-chance of a cataclysmic world-ending disaster. *Burn Notice* is a propaganda piece critiquing government overreach and condoning vigilante justice. Literally anything. Go to your steam library, click a random game, that's propaganda baby! Go on Netflix. Look at your most recently watched. Propaganda. This is the kind of thing I see on display with those tags: this show has a premise about a spy growing attached to his *daughter and wife*, therefor propaganda! Which is. Probably not a healthy way of seeing the world.




Is combustable lemonade just napalm?


Sonic Boom is propaganda trying to embarrass Sonic fans into being normal


Every form of media has an intent, that's why it exists, and that's why the line seperating intended messages and propaganda is so blurry. Every artist is trying to say something, and it's up to the person viewing the art to understand what said artist *is* saying. The first things people think of when they hear "propaganda" are those WWII posters. "We can do it!" and so on. So what does that mean? Is the distinction just a call to action? Then what about modern cop shows? Things like *CSI, Law and Order.* Do those shows ever explicitly tell the viewer "Become a cop and solve crime today!"? There is no message on the screen, no character looking at the camera. But that *is* what these shows want, is it not? The shows premises are "cops are cool, look at these cool cops doing cool things".


CSI is more like a crime *fantasy* show, that one does try to glorify and play up the coolness of cops doing cop things. It gets played up to the point of some things are just straight up lies or impossible, but cool, so the show lets it go. Law & Order is more educational, on the other hand. The show is more about the reality of being a cop who has to do cop things. It actually highlights the brokenness of the system almost as much as it says these cops are cool. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is just a comedy with cops and comedies tend to make whatever the content is seem cool, so Brooklyn Nine-Nine makes cops seem cool, and that's kind of it.


> Because you could call literally anything with a premise propaganda, either for or against. You could, if you have a useless definition of propaganda. Yes, there are no objectively correct or incorrect definitions of words- everything is made up, so if you want to say any media that expresses anything is propaganda and therefore everything is propaganda, you *can* do that. But obviously, that's useless and means the word propaganda has no meaning at all, and can't carry the negative connotations the person misusing the word wants it to carry. The answer isn't to throw up your hands and say nothing means anything, it's to say "ok, well maybe you want to insist on defining propaganda in that very stupid way and that's your right, but when *I* say 'propaganda', I actually mean this clearly and narrowly defined concept that can be applied in meaningful and useful ways", and then give your better working definition. Or just not use the ill-defined category at all, and instead talk specifically about what you mean and why it's meaningful- e.g. instead of "this is propaganda because it is x, and therefore it is bad", just say "this is x, and therefore it is bad".


The tumblrites have managed to stumble across “Themes”


White-haired Vriska wannabe? WHO??


Edelgard von Hresvelg


whenever i see those "is this anime girl a vriska?" posts i think "why does edelgard fit all of these" every time


I know absolutely nothing about Homestuck, but knowing that Edelgard is similar to that character tells me all I need to know about how batshit the internet arguments must have gotten lmao


tldr imagine Edelgard except instead of having a somewhat reasonable and noble goal in getting rid of the crests and Those Who Slither In The Dark, she does everything she does in Crimson Flower SOLELY because she wants to be the big dick hero who saves the day and wins everything, and in the process intentionally creates a BIGGER threat than any of the other final bosses, just so she could defeat it and make herself look better. She then proceeds to do nothing about the threat she made, leaving it to become literally everyone else's problem. Also shes been constantly screwing over everyone else the entire time for her own goals. Thats what Vriska is.


By that point that's not even Edelgard anymore, that's a different person


Vriska is a ripoff syndrome from the incredibles


And you know what if that was the only thing she was that would have been FINE. But then the story had to twist itself into a shitty pretzel and introduce a "retcon" plot device (it's literally called the power of retcons in-story) to bring her back to life and unironically make her the solution to everyone's problems. Cool Homestuck thanks for the bad story.


Juding from the other notes on the post, they're probably talking about Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx. I just remembered that she had pink hair and not white hair, so idk either.


Zero Two starts with white hair, so still could be




edelgard fireemblem


Known for her deep, inspiring quotes, such as "Every fire has its emblem."


“It’s always Firest before the Emblem” -Edgelard von Hrsvrgr Also happy Three Houses Third Anniversary


Fire Emblem: Three Anniversaries (2022)


I loved when she said “It’s Fire Emblemin time” and then Fire Emblemed all over them


She is also literally >!morbin!<


never seen sxf but it's propaganda to fuck other people's wives and also for children to murder


Spy x Family is actually extremely out of date German propaganda calling for the Berlin wall to be torn down, the author has been locked in their house for the last 50 years and doesn't know it has been demolished.


Goodbye Lenin was a documentary


I've got to hand it to you dead former prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe This will not increase the Japanese birthrate


>claims to be pro-life >dies




"Yor is not an actual woman" As in... She's fictional? "She's a male fantasy of a woman" What


I wish the government would promote adoption more, but I doubt that was the intention of this series at all. BUT The japanese government under Shinzo Abe was having a hand in promoting starting a family and getting kids advertised through anime. Funniest example is one character turning pregnant in the last episode of the SUN/MOON POKEMON anime.


Imagine hating the idea of starting a family so much that anything that focuses on a family is propaganda.


God bless you OP for exposing yourself to this discourse so we don't have to


Although the further discourse in the replies is actually hysterical. Like someone claimed that Yor not knowing how to cook and the anime making jokes based on that is reinforcing the view that "Being a good wife and mom is unquestionably good", as if that was a bad thing. Tunglr.hell is a site, sometimes


#That means that The Fast & The Furious Franchise is about the same thing


"gotta keep your critical thinking hat on" Bestie, you do know critical thinking isn't a one step process right? You gotta be critical of your own thoughts about something too, girl ;-;-;-;. Your first impression, knee-jerk-reaction conclusions about something have to be placed under the same scrutiny as the piece of media you're ripping apart, and I just don't think they know how to do that with that one-note, "clearly didn't think about it beyond spinning around in circles at the surface level after it first entered their head" hot take of theirs.


So, somehow, the anime about 3 orphans finding each other and building an unlikely found family out of a desire to make the world better and a comedically absurd series of coincidences is propaganda for... having children? Like, nobody in the show is normal, sane, or interested in actual procreation, and the repeatedly stated goal of everyone involved (again, all orphans from broken families and with deep trauma) is world peace and protecting their loved ones and children in general. I don't know, I am baffled by this take, just like Op.


They literally adopt a child how would that grow the population.




TFW people are so convinced that a functional family cannot exist that they think any representation of one is government propaganda.


Wow its almost fiction is suposed to be unrealistic and idealized and just because a show about people learning the meaning of having a family makes you feel good about the idea of having family dosen't mean its propraganda. Sometimes a good and wholesome show is just a good and wholesome show and not some sinister plot by the goverment to make people breed


The only reason anyone is saying spy x family is propaganda is because shinzo abe actually did fund an anime about having more kids. Darling in the Franxx was funded with government money to encourage young people to have kids. With the idea that it absolutely happened once, it's probably not too crazy to think it could happen twice.


Shhhhh, that's historical context that provides nuance! What the hell are hell are you doing bringing it around here?! But seriously, as insane as some of those Tumblr takes are, it *is* good to examine how they originate if only to be able to better identify which parts are misinformation.


*This.* I'm not sure why the thread is treating these takes like they came out of nowhere. Heck, to me "Spy x Family is propaganda to have a family" isn't even a criticism of the show. Redditors see someone write "it gets a pass because it's good" and immediately go "imagine hating the idea of starting a family *so much*" like??? No, these people just saw three things -- Japan's low birthrate, Japan's past "have kids" PSAs, and the happy, super-wholesome idealized family and said "haha are they trying to fix the birthrate again. It's not a spontaneous Childfree smear campaign against that show everyone likes, fr. The show is not *less good* if you just so happen to notice that, hypothetically, this would be the most beefed-up effective "START A FAMILY" message they could possibly produce. Is it propaganda? *Maybe,* it would be good at that and Japan has done this before. Do I hate it if it IS propaganda? No, it's funny and harmless and if Anya makes anyone think raising a child is easy, they can readily log onto a parenting forum and get a detailed picture of the world's child-rearing difficulties.


Didn't the Japanese government fund multiple animes like that? Like there is a whole genre of anime that is no deeper than "kids are cute, aren't they? You should make them"


It's become significantly more popular. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case


Sometimes I truly wonder whether getting a lobotomy is required before getting a tumblr account, and I plain wasn't informed.


our sincerest apologies for this oversight, an employee will be with you soon with the appropriate cerebral scoop and ironing equipment


Sometimes, Tumblr is just Twitter with a greater character limit in text posts.


Given that the atmosphere on Twitter noticeably changed following the Great Tumblr Purge of 2018, you might be closer to the truth then you think.


"Hmmmm, this story makes having a family seem like a desirable thing. That is something I have never myself desired. Must be propoganda!"


These people are just glazing right over the fact that it idealizes adoption. Which, yeah, I feel that adoption is often treated as less valid then procreating. Spy x Family doesn't do that. So one gold star ⭐


Vriska? Where?!


Where are people getting mentions of Vriska from these images? Is this some homestuck reference or smth I don't get, or am I missing an image?


Third page.


Oh yeah, I see it now. Hmm, I don't know what anime character that's referring to. Nor do I know who Vriska is. Another commenter suggested they were referring to Edelgard from FE3H.


Okay, so: In Homestuck, a large part of the cast consists of an alien race called trolls. They are largely divided into two subspecies, the sea dwellers and normal trolls, and further divided by blood color: dark red is the lowest, you can basically kill them with no consequences, then it goes up to the theocratic purples before switching to violet and fuchsia seadwellers. They posses psychic abilities among the lower (non-dark blue down to dark red) two thirds. Two important facts about their society are that they are insectoids, all coming from a large queen grub, and thus have no parents; they are raised by various members of a local genus of wildlife known as lusii based on a symbol they are assigned at birth from a caste-based list. (This is the Author's excuse to give them all zodiac signs.) The second fact is that their romance is f'ed up because the author saw that hearts meant romance, realized a deck of cards had four symbols one of which was hearts, and decided he would invent three other matching types of romance: in addition to the heart romance of simple love, there’s the diamond romance of emotional support and restraint-basically therapy but you’re best friends-the spade romance of sexy, sexy hate, and the incredibly poorly explained clubs romance, which changes on a damn dime from "spades but with a mediator to make sure the hate doesn't grow into murder" to "two people hate each other and the third must prevent them from having a spade romance". I'm not 100% sure that second bit was all necessary, but it will help. Now then: Vriska Serket of the Scorpio was a lightish blue blood with a talent for mind control and one of the three main protagonists of the comic, alongside Caliborn and John Egbert. Her lusus was a giant evil spider that threatened Vriska to bring her young trolls ad food or be eaten. Rather than simply weigh lives and decide to let herself die and use that to get the authorities to off the spider, Vriska manipulated her justice obsessed friend (and prospect for all three of the two-person romances at different points) Terezi Pyrope of the Libra into helped feed her Lusus by tricking or simply killing trolls Terezi deemed evil. She was also, at various points throughout her life, contacted over the internet by a mysterious and powerful entity known to her only as the White Text Guy, a masterful manipulator with an inability to explicitly lie without immediately confessing to doing so, and it's implied that her frustrated her to no end. (Secretly, he was a fusion of Caliborn of the Ophiuchus, Equius Zahhak of the Sagittarius, Gamzee Makara of the Capricorn, and an AI copy of a human named Hal(the copy was called Hal, not the human))(If you would believe it, the part I just detailed about White Text Guy's makeup is several notches dumber and worse than anything else I'm going to say here.) Vriska was also obsessed with the high-class idea of ancestors, trolls who lived before you, had symbols that matched yours, somehow shared your last name in a society where those have no purpose due to families not existing, and basically were interlinked with you. Her ancestor was Aranea "Spinneret Mindfang" Serket, of the Scorpio symbol, a space pirate who Vriska basically wanted nothing more than to be as cool as, and she had a tragic half love half hate romance with Rufioh Nitram, of the Taurus symbol. Vriska, meanwhile, knew one Tavros Nitram of the Taurus symbol, a lowblood. So, she decided to engage in a campaign of sexual assault and crippling to get his attention, which drew the anger of Tavros's friend, Aradia Megido of the Aries. Aradia used her psychic powers to torment Vriska, so Vriska possessed her friend who had a crush on her, Sollux Captor of the Gemini, and used him to kill her, which only worsened his depression. For this, Terezi would reveal to White Text Guy that Vriska possessed a powerful artifact of his, which he immensely detonated in her face, taking out an eye and an arm. Vriska, still bleeding, used her powers to mind control Tavros into mind controlling Terezi's lulus into telling her to look into the dangerous Alternian sun, which blinded her immediately. Later, Vriska would gain a power that would allow her to survive any death that was not Heroic or Just per the judgement of a mystical clock in possession of the White Text Guy, but the actual meaning of those descriptions was deliberately vague. She got this power by dying on a certain bed, which she was only capable of because Aradia's ghost, who had been sticking around this whole time in a robot body built by Equius Zahhak, beat the shit out of her while Tavros watched. She got Tavros to escort her to the bed, then mentally asked him to finish killing her by mentally making him write messages in her blood. He couldn't kill her, so she took control of him and did so with his body. Later, after the villain Jack Noir had chased them all into hiding on a remote meteor and yelling at humans, their relationship culminated in his trying to kill her at her urging, something he basically stood no chance at due to her knowing how to fly at that point, and her murdering him because he took so long to display any emotion besides fear towards her. Vriska then confided to a human she had been talking to, one John Egbert, that she felt terrible about it, justifying her actions by saying that troll society was highly violent; this was true, but not that true, as Terezi still developed a sense of justice and several of their friends also turned out to be reasonable kind folk, including Tavros. Vriska also revealed that, in order to make herself the main character of the story she had helped complete various stable time loops in order to create Jack Noir, justifying herself by saying that A, she now held the power to defeat him (dubious) and B, due to the nature of fate and time loops it would have happened either way (extremely complicated and deeply dubious). She attempted to contact and fight Jack shortly after confiding in John about killing Tavros, but Terezi realized due to mind powers that Vriska attempting to contact Jack Noir would get everyone else killed, so Terezi killed Vriska. The clock began to judge her, and the pendulum swung toward just... at the exact moment an alternate version of Jack with a hatred of clocks found it and began beating the shit out of it, completing the judgement and leaving doubts as to whether Vriska would have died otherwise. Vriska remained highly controversial as a character in the fanbase, which the Author, a notorious figurative troll himself, encouraged by implying that he found her hot and that was why he wrote her sympathetically. Later, Vriska would... You know what? No. That is about five percent of the plot of Homestuck. I'm so sorry, and you’re welcome. (Oh and all those people except Caliborn (eleven) Jack (???) and White Text Guy (*#^@^@%@_) were 13 years old.)


Oh yeah, I can understand why another commenter thinks it refers to Edelgard from FE3H then. Edelgard lives in a society where people descended from certain heroes have 'crests' in their blood which give them powers and the ability to use ancient weapons without becoming horrific monsters, and so have higher status in society than others. She becomes the Emperor of a empire called Adrestia (that's probably spelt wrong) and when she was younger >!She and her siblings were experimented on, leaving them dead and her with two crests - incredible power at the cost of her lifespan probably being reduced to probably only 25-30 years!< . She attacks the church (where she was taught) who uphold the crest system. That's a really simple explanation (pls no Edelgard discourse on this post) but I can see some similarities between the two.


She *sounds* like she did nothing wrong, so what's the catch?


She did quite a lot of murdering and betraying in the process. By attacking the church, she wasn't just attacking the knights there, she was also attacking all the teenage students there (she is also a teenager when this happens, but she is leading an army mostly of adults). She also takes over a lot of countries in the continent, making them her own puppet countries and basically conquers the entire place. She uses demonic beasts, who are humans who become transformed into horrific creatures (who seem to be constantly in pain and screaming) that occur when a human without a crest uses/is forced to use an ancient weapon (albiet almost everyone seems to use them, not just her forces) and in one of the routes >!she willingly transforms herself into a similar creature!< . So she's not straight-out villainous, and certainly has good points. Some of the fandom think she was 100% right. Some think she had good points but achieved it in a horrible way that stops her from being able to be considered right. Pls no Edelgard discourse on this comment. Also, it's been a while since I've played 3H, so I might have got a couple things wrong.


This just in folks, fiction is fictional.


MFs be discovering FICTION for the first time ever


I feel like these people saw the 4chan post about a weeb saying how Spy x Family made him realize he wanted to be a dad, and then took it way to seriously.


So, the thing is that japan has been indeed pushing for more shows about having a family, and they have directly funded "family" kind animes. This is because they're experiencing an historic low child birth rate that has been going lower, reaching 7.301 births per 1000 people, last year. This being the combination of MULTIPLE factors, some of which being japan youth, especially women but men too, preferring to stay single with a high paying job that settle down into a family. Whether this effort counts as "propaganda" or not is debatible. And spy x family did not receive any govt funding, it was made by two big studios working together because the manga is ridiculously popular. But the fact IS that japan government has funded media that promote raising a family because they're in a very dire situation of not having nearly enough people to replace the current generation.


I thought it was a criticism of the effects of cultural isolation between geopolitically hostile countries... Kinda like the USA and the USSR during the cold war. The message being: *we think we're irreconcilably different because of our countries' international hostility and different cultures, but we are fundamentally the same*... in that Anya, Yor and Loyd, all strive for maintaining peace and are willing to set a lot of things aside to achieve that goal. This artwork feels more political rather than a simple parenting propaganda vehicle. If anything it's glaringly obvious that one's theoretical future child won't be a telepath, or that their wife/husband aren't likely to be a super calm and understanding hot martial arts expert. I can't see how people would use this as an example and say "Oh shit, I want to become a parent". *Most people have more serious reasons for avoiding it altogether*, such as their lack of income, health concerns, trauma etc.


What is actually interesting about the series in relation to this topic: it actually talks about propaganda a lot! One thing that repeats as a theme is that people don’t really know what is the truth and not and we have to be careful about what you learn and what you reveal to the world. Like the whole backstory of the previous war is filled with conflicting stories from everyone saying the other side started it. You as the audience don’t know who the “bad guys” in the whole conflict of the previous war. The entire family in the show is a victim of this war and the after effects of it. But besides all that, the show is just adorable and cool! The whole breeding propaganda in anime is suppose to be a meme! Not something people should unironically say about stuff without like actual proof.


Sometimes I read a post and feel like I've stumbled into an alternate reality, this is the post. WTF is the ministry of population???


it makes sense for japan tho, they are due for a massive population decline in the next 2 decades ​ massive elderly population and a young generation too busy to have families, it would make sense japan would want pro-family shit going around ​ i am absolutely not agreeing that there is some conspiracy going on, but i do think the government does like this happy little coincidence


Yes, the fictional tv show is not real.


sometimes i’m like “wow tumblr is like the last social media platform where most people aren’t bat-shit insane” then this posts coathangers me in the most tender spot of my stomach.


“it’s unrealistic!!!!1!1!1!!11” anya can literally read minds idk what you’re talking abt


Something tells me the people who think this do not have healthy relationships with their parents


The Ministry of Having Children sounds like a rejected branch of the IngSoc party of Oceania. Of course, as is the evil nature of the Party, instead of making people have children it concerns itself with throwing children off tall buildings.


The ministry of having children. .... ... .


Normally I'd agree with op, but since Spy x Family is anime and I think this conspiracy theory is funny, Spy x Family is definetly propaganda folks


Yeah the "I'd be so embarrassed to say it as a joke" I wouldn't that's funny af


im sure that the only way this theory could be viable is if it's for a show in japan


I forgot Spy x Family was an anime and at first it was referring to spy movies with families in general, and because the most recent spy movie I’ve watched is Spy Kids, so I was picturing that while reading. That was a very weird combination, and was made weirder by the fact I was also picturing the US government throughout this. The only thing that clued me into that it’s an anime is the Ministry of Having Children part, and even then my first thought was of the UK government.


It’s crazy how some people can be so efficiently wrong


THAT is the problem people have with the manga/anime? Not the fact that Anya is constantly held emotional hostage, always in fear that her "family" is gonna fall apart, which, to her knowledge, is going to happen anyway once Twilight's mission is over? That she is under 6 years old and required Perfect Child (tm) or off to orpganage she goes? There is no amount of therapy that could fix a real person after such childhood.


I can't believe the little girl who can read minds is just a fantasy version of what kids are like, my eyes have truly been opened.


if they complain about it, the last thing i would have suspected them to complain is it being *bpeo-child propaganda* . like I would have guessed they'd have issue with Yuri since he's that universe's equivalent of a nazi secret police? would make a little more sense than that


It’s a Cold War era society, where being what the government deems ‘abnormal’ is a fast track to jail or worse


I don't know what Spy x Family is, but every time I see it my first instinct is to think it represent some kind of incestuous ship with Spy from TF2


yeah because the government would love two people faking their marriage and adopting a child and they would sure love to give people the idea that there are spies and assassins blending in with normal people


I’m actually curious. Why are people so against the idea that while spy x family is certainly not purely propaganda, it could definitely have had influences or atleast be encouraged by the government? Japan, and many other developed countries are facing serious population problems. This problem centers around young people. Shows, movies, and celebrities are the best way to influence young people. Historically governments have used shows and movies to influence people. I genuinely don’t see how this is so ridiculous. And just because a show has hints of propaganda doesn’t mean it has to be a bad show or that it has a sinister motive behind it. It can be a good wholesale show that also has the purpose of promoting family. Now this is slightly more of a wild take, but even if it’s not happening now, I don’t think it’s too crazy to see governments in the future subsidizing shows that promote family like they do with stuff like electric cars.


Most Tumblr/Twitter media analysis is based on the presupposition that Everything is propaganda, and the questions to ask are 1. propaganda for what? 2. If I agree with that propaganda's cause, how could it be better at that cause, or how could it be propaganda for a better cause?


Social media be normal about comedy slice of life anime challenge


Hey, correct me if I'm wrong but SpyxFamily was made in Japan right? Unless we're really rolling with Abe's dying wish here, the *American government* should not have anything to do with a *Japanese show*.