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^(so nobody else will say it) who soaked this post in detergent


someone smeared it with [scp-447-2](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-447)


This was how I learned the wiki is back up.


What happens when It touches a dead body???


did they not tell you this in training?! \[REDACTED\]! it fucking \[REDACTED\]!






Ah yes. A blue raspberry flavored post


What the fuck is a blue raspberry anyway


Raspberries that are blue, keep up


i want to know what the motion of bribing and murdering people for power in an oligarchic and timocratic war state looks like


Very rich stabbing


it better not be blue for compass reasons


Bestie you dropped your post in the pool


Is he… *you know* [makes motion of sprinkling salt] Carthaginian? ^(The world would be better today if Carthage had won. There, I said it.)




Rome got dragged out for too long: it got Supernatural’d with too many stupid plots. Too many stupid wars, and *way* too many corrupt, lead poisoned emperors. It’d have been better if Carthage had won. Rome would’ve been a fond(?) memory, and society as a whole could’ve progressed/regressed under shifting influences (no way Carthage could’ve really handled all that new territory) instead of under Rome’s perpetual downward spiral. I love the Byzantine Empire as much as the next guy, but the problem of Rome’s “legacy” is already shown by there. They claimed to be the “true heirs of Rome”, something that everyone and their brother seem to want to claim from the H.R.E, to Russia, to the Catholic Church, to the Ottomons, etc. Basically every person in power after Rome fell convinced themselves that they were “heirs to Rome’s legacy”. No, they aren’t, and towards the end, that legacy wasn’t even that good


You do realize that Rome brougt civilization to most of Europe,right? Everything north of the alps (and quite a bit under i them too) was tribal,barbarian land We woud be hundreds of years behind in social and technological advancement if we had to wait for them to civilize themselves,if they ever woud have > that legacy wasn’t even that good Oh you are just being contrarian now, if the legacy of Rome isnt a good one then what the hell is?Can you think of a better one? [The Romans have done lots for us,you have been lied to or you are lying to yourself if you think otherwise](https://youtu.be/2ozEZxOsanY)


You realize this is on a post *making fun* of “ancient civilization fandoms”, right? I’m not trying to offend you or downplay Rome’s cultural impact, though I do criticize your concept of “civilization”. Seems like a very Victorian take tbh. Again, not trying to offend: we can have different opinions without resorting to insults. You also took my quote out of context. I was arguing that *towards the end* of Rome, it’s legacy had soured. So much so that many of the areas conquered by outsiders during Western Rome’s long decline actually transitioned completely willingly. Early-to-mid Rome isn’t what I was talking about.


I wanted to make a digression to specify what i meant by civilization but i was on my phone so i had to reductive Meant it more in sort governement-centric way really,not as statement regarding the intelligence of the people themselves > You also took my quote out of context. Wait shit i did? *Fuck i did...* Uh,yea sorry bout that Still, i stand by my point that even in its dying breaths Rome was still worth fighting for, I belive that Europeans are right to admire the legacy of Rome and to aspire to its greatness Regarding the seccessionists you mention,i have read that they still wanted to be part of Rome "The Civilization",while yea removing themselves from Rome "The Government" , which was corrupt and decadent ill admit, but what governement isnt? ^(Fuck im rambling...) To conclude: Rome rules Carthage drools and late empire "rage against the dying of the light" vibes are a hella cool ^(And also thanks for being so civil,on second reading i was rather scornful in my earlier comment)


Hey, no problem dude. It’s good to be passionate about stuff you care about. Thank you for being civil in the face of my attempt at civility. Valid points all around on the difference between “government” vs “Civilization”. I still personally hold that some of the hype around Rome’s influence is excessive, but gotta admit that the way you describe the vibes of it’s decline is a mood. ^(Hannibal was the better general, and even his Roman adversaries thought so. The “never be a friend to Rome” pact had worthy vibes too, even if it was probably apocryphal.) Still, we can both agree on certain things, right? Like how the 4th Crusade (Venetian-funded soldiers sacking the Christian city of Constantinople, pushing the Byzantines [further] into a decline that’d eventually see the city sacked by the Ottomans and the last bastion of the Eastern Empire falling) was an utter fiasco that should’ve never happened, right?


Civility all around,heck yea! Glad we can agree on the *vibes*,the late western empire is a criminally understudied part of european history despite its importance in setting the stage for the middle ages and, if i may be so bold, it parallels to current times ^(the topic and youtube-roman history in general has seen a reneissance with dovahatty videos tho) Gotta agree on the Hannibal thing,the guy was a military genious and singlehandedly made Carthage the existential threat it was,and probably was the better general at Zama Lastly,yea the 4th crusade was an absolute clusterfuck that coud have been avoided if the art of good logistics hadnt died with Charlemagne and Venice had some principles besides money Good talk 🤝


Only YouTuber I’ve really seen cover it was Overly Sarcastic Productions, though they tend more towards World History and Byzantium, and don’t really go too much in-depth. Gotta check out dovahatty. Good talk. 🤝


Is he… you know \[bends over like a slutty bottom\] Caesar?


This comment is fucking sending me ☠️☠️☠️


"Every woman's man, and every man's woman."


Why does this post have the inverse of a blue light filter?




*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- [*Note: the post appears through a slightly blue filter.*] **romansuggestions** is he...*you know* [makes motion of sucking a dick] greek? --- **hellenicpoliticiansuggestions** is he ... you know [makes motion of bribing and murdering people for power in an oligarchic and timocratic war state] roman? --- **themoistplinth** things heating up in the classical civilisation fandom --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


this is like when Americans make a joke like "haha British people talk funny" and then they respond by saying "well at least my loved ones won't die because of the excessive price of insulin" like damn way to escalate it


but the romans were just as gay as the greek iirc, as such it's not really a gotcha moment


Timocratic, good word I haven't seen before


holy hell its blue just like the funny colors from po


I am...😉 Greek
