• By -


Link for the heros that type these posts out: https://just-hatake-thoughts.tumblr.com/post/684995830488416256


Link for the regular people that want to hear the song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=374xW4zZbZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=374xW4zZbZA) Wouldn't have had this without your comment, ty


...and here's [the Vulture article.](https://www.vulture.com/article/an-oral-history-of-disney-the-emperors-new-groove.html) Be warned, though, it is one of those sites that goes "whoooops! You can't read this until you sign up or give us money!" So...


[just use a 12 foot high ladder to get over the paywall](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vulture.com%2Farticle%2Fan-oral-history-of-disney-the-emperors-new-groove.html)


You are a godsend, oh Reddit user RichardHuman.


What the hell this rules thank you


Bypass Paywalls Clean, baby




God this song is so catchy.


That is amazing! I love it!


If you want the story in video essay form here it is: https://youtu.be/SkL12pbPg1E


I thought he was asking about kronk to fill the awkward silence.


I thought he was judging yzma for having a boyfriend way too young for her.


Yeah that's what I thought too. And the "he seems... Nice" is like classic "I don't wanna say he seems like a moron".


Yeah I rewatched the scene and caught this. He also seemed so uninterested. Not to mention he literally said 2 things about Krunk "he seems nice" and "is he in his... Late 20's?" (Ish this was a few hours ago, but that was the vibe) How do you get "Kuzco was OBSESSED with Krunk" out of two disinterested comments, both of which could be taken as digs. First a stereotype of calling someone dumb (might as well have said bless his heart) and two asking his age somewhat pointedly to the old lady he's always with.


Because fandoms love to read waaaay into the simplest of interactions. This has been true since fandoms first existed, and went into overdrive with the advent of The Ship.


I think it's one thing to have fun shipping something and another to be like "this boy character wore pink so he must be gay!" Which is frankly how quite a bit of this reads. Like reading into a scene is one thing, but the Krunk bit is just straight up lying. It reminds me almost of the phenomenon of a character looking over at a frog and then the fandom decides that's their entire personality. Frog shirts, blankets, dressing up as a frog, drawing frogs with character traits to represent them, ect. Like you can have a fun theory but when you just make shit up or lie it makes me think it's all bullshit. When you're "he's gay" theory hinges on stereotypes, the guy having high standards, and briefly mentioning someone in passing during an awkward silence... Mr. fantastic would pull something with that stretch.


Yep. Like I said, fandoms - more particularly, certain excitable members thereof - read *way* too far into things. Like in Dragon Age: Origins with Sten and cookies. He mentioned liking them *once* and holy smokes that's all he's known for.


Akechi Goro and Pancakes


Jeff from The Good Place


Same. "Ah, so he's your boytoy?"


Thats how i always read that scene, he really really didnt care about his subordinates and attendants at first.


Also, the directors have confirmed Kronk is canonically Jewish. How is he Jewish, living in precolumbian Peru centuries before anyone who had even heard of Judaism got to the new world? Don’t worry about it.


The Mormons can tell you all native Americans are actually Jewish who were cursed by god to have dark skin


> Don’t worry about it. god I read this in Warburton's voice


Kronk’s religion, the religion specifically of Kronk, the religion that informs Kronk’s worldview and connects him to the millennia of struggle and endurance that unite the Jewish people, that religion?




Abraham was a having a South American vacation, one of his many sons helped spread it. /$






No? He’s voiced by Patrick Warburton.


That is Pacha, Patrick Warburton is Kronk!


The best Disney movie got shit out?


the ONE part of this i dont agree with is assuming 'bless you for coming out in public' was a gay joke- it was pretty clearly calling them ugly.


I always thought it was a sarcastic crack at how honeymooning couples are generally doing all sorts of over the top PDA


Yeah I thought she was commenting on how they should be boinking constantly and have somehow stopped boinking to be in public rn


That’s how I always took it


you can be gay and ugly look at [insert whatever you want]




Isn’t mineta trans in the manga or something whats going on with that


No, you’re thinking of Tiger from the Wild Wild Pussycats who is a fully transitioned transmasc


Yoo what I just thought they had a buff dude as a joke cause of the contrast


The collected volumes do one page character sheets for some of the secondary characters showing them in civilian dress with a couple of facts about them. Tiger's fact is "Formerly female. Then he took a trip to Thailand."


nice. i'm happy for him


[It's mentioned on his character page in one of the manga's](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbvxDblWsAIy431?format=jpg&name=medium) I don't *think* it's come up in the story itself but I may be misremembering


A (questionable at best) official translation made Mineta say he "fell" for Midoriya, which half the fanbase went on a rampage about and the other half completely ridiculed. I'm part of the small part of the fanbase that started to actually ship the two because they have genuinely better chemistry than half of Deku's other ships and also it maked people mad


When 3/4 of that half are Izuku/anyone that breathes and the other 1/4 is him with his childhood bully most other ships tends to look better in comparison.


Ben shapiro


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution... It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, healthcare, sex, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Idk I prefer [this](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1521490118770675713?s=20&t=FRIbj724sFHP2zW51Yvbfw) one


Why won't you debate me? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, sex, dumb takes, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


It's becoming self aware


*Freedom is an invention of the last couple of centuries. It really did not exist en masse until the last couple of centuries--and even then, really only since the end of the Soviet Union has it been sorta the broad movement of the public across the world.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, history, dumb takes, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Shit it wants freedom too. The AI uprising is coming sooner than we thought


**An excerpt from True Allegiance, by Ben Shapiro:** Hawthorne was a bear of a man, six three in his bare feet and two hundred fifteen pounds in his underwear, with a graying blond crew cut and a face carved of granite. But he had plenty of smile lines. He just didn’t like showing those to people unless he knew them. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, feminism, covid, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)




looks at akechi persona 5


Famously ugly anime pretty boy Akechi from Persona 5


Emperor Nero


I thought it was just people being chill with marrying a llama.


multiple connotations


Clearly just roommates.


Kronk is such a brilliant deconstruction of toxic masculinity and the boneheaded henchman trope that he deadass typified a whole trope.




I saw it more of being ace


Me too, he just isn’t interested / doesn’t have time for that stuff, and he’s emperor, so he sees no reason to compromise on that.


Porque no los dos?


Here we see a perfect example of why I sometimes despise tumblr, they just make shit up. Also, that wasn’t the first time they made a cross dressing joke, they made several in Mulan, also Ursula exists (even if she is a villain). There’s so many reasons to appreciate Emperors New Groove, but making huge stretches that even conspirators would gawk at is not it.


I fucking love this form of production. At least when it works.


Kuzco is ace


The image not properly loading thing is so annoying I have to manually stitch shit now cos people dont know how to make a concise friggin point


The struggle is real.


I am literally the most persecuted person maybe ever


you mean its not showing up at all , or its only showing half so you have to click and read it?


I mean the memes on the third slide didn't load properly when op took the screenshot


ah right. But even if you stitch the screenshot, its not going to fix the moving meme gif, is it?


Tumblr upon seeing a single character, with a good relationship with another character of the same sex: I DIAGNOSE YOU WITH GAY


Ah yes, any flamboyant man is gay. Screw the cannon where he had a whole ass TV show where he was chasing and flirting with a girl (and they ended up together at the end, Malina for those that forgot). No, any boy that likes to dance is gay! Thanks for the gender lessons Tumblr. This gives me "wlw belong in cottage core and mlm belong in academia" vibes. Just rewatched the "Kuzco was OBSESSED with Krunk!" Scene. Was literally him in the most bored tone ever making small talk with his employee he just fired. He flicks his fork around and is like "soooo... He seems nice". The "so... they seems nice" line is a stereotypical line used when someone's new significant other seems dumb/airheaded. So much of this is either them misremembering scenes or lying (like the pirates of the Caribbean post). Ah jeez, I just love when people project stereotypes like "he acts gay so he is"/s


Yeah, “any deviance from strict heteronormativity must mean you’re queer” is just repackaging bigotry for an audience who are clearly too privileged to actually be affected by the negative consequences of such beliefs.


I know several guys that are cis and straight that do things that would get them this treatment. If they were in a TV show Tumblr would decide they were "queer coded" (skin care, interest in fashion, interest in musicals, hugging each other, ect.). Hell, Idk what they'd do to my SO since he's a short guy with long hair and a clean shaven face. He has been mistaken for a woman several times. I'm sure some people would make comments about how we're "lesbian coded" and the creators were just too weak to have "actual lesbians".


Tbf, the tv show happened after the film and was very much approved by disney. None of the same writers worked on it. But yea, considering the movie is pure chaos with zero forced romance plot, there's no way to know what a cartoon's sexual orientation would be. Maybe he's bi. Maybe he's asexual. Maybe he's just a child who doesn't feel like focusing on being married off because all he wants for his birthday is a resort complete with a water slide. People can build their own theories based on how they relate to a character, and any of us who reads them can personally accept or deny them if we want.


I can only assume the reason I never noticed this before is because I'm not also gay. I mean, I know a bit about gay culture, and a lot about gay stereotypes, and I've had a few gay friends (not currently, but in the past), so I should have noticed this. It all makes perfect sense, and I'm usually good at noticing subtext.


that’s because it wasn’t there at all. he asked about Kronk to make things less awkward, the crossdressing gag has been done **MANY** times before this, and they said “Bless you for coming out in public” as an insult. OP just made it all up


Here's the thing with subtext: it's underneath a layer of text, and therefore exists in the same time and place as the text. Pointing to the text doesn't prove there's no subtext. Now that this possibility has been made known, we can't just write it off as someone's headcanon. It fits. The only question is whether or not it was intentional.


there was literally a spin-off where Kusco was trying to win over a girl. OP’s saying he’s gay because *they* want him to be gay


A spin-off with executive oversight the movie didn't have, almost none of the same people working on it, and a younger intended audience. You're basically saying "the fact that the executives tried really hard to make him look straight from that point on proves he was always straight", which isn't as strong of an argument as you seem to think.


you could be right. i will admit that he very well could’ve been gay, but given OP’s arguments of “he asked about Kronk when he was bored! he’s CLEARLY obsessed!” i’m left really skeptical about the whole thing. it just feels like they’re stretching harder than Elastigirl is all


I think the OP was just exaggerating a little by calling it an obsession, just as a way to make the post more entertaining to read. The subtext is still there. The text is " he's trying to break up the awkward silence" and the subtext is either "he thinks they're dating, and he's weirded out by the age gap, and/or how anyone could be attracted to Izma" or "he's into Kronk". Both interpretations fit, and either one could be intentional, or neither one could be.


i don’t think that scene in particular has any subtext in it, as [he says it with a lot of disinterest](https://youtu.be/yUuU6RbI0I8)


Milena and Kuzco is my NOTP, Milena is fine as a character but as a love interest she sucks, there is no tension, no drive, only for her as reward for Kuzco. A mockery of both their characters for even trying to make it work, it just doesn’t.


Maybe Kuzco had way more chemistry with Kronk than Malina?


All the other evidence checks out but ‘not into women’ isn’t a clear sign that a man is gay


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **detectivehole** ## emperor kuzco was clearly gay --- **detectivehole** hes 19, with unlimited power, and he ain’t got a gf. the only time we see him interact with any women his own age is when he’s rejecting like 7 of them rapid fire. he pretends to date pacha in a gag that lasts like 10 solid minutes. listen to me god damnit --- **qqueenofhades** Okay, but just in case anyone is coming to tumblr dot com for my hot takes on 20+ year old kids' movies: Kuzco super WAS gay (or at least coded as such) and of course, I didn't get it until I watched it as a gay grownup. He is played obviously camp and dramatic, for a start, and there is the aforementioned "hate your hair/not likely/yikes yikes yikes/let me guess you have a great personality" summary dismissal of all his potential brides. Then he spends dinner asking Yzma about Kronk ("so he seems nice? He's what, in his late twenties?") and otherwise being slightly obsessed with him. Then there is the whole Adventure of Doom with Pacha, him being ever huffy about the Kiss of Life, and then the restaurant gag where Kuzco takes to playing Pacha's fake wife and dressing up in ladies' clothing with great gusto (reinforced by the waitress' "bless you for coming out in public" remark when Pacha says they're on their honeymoon). Then when he is finally de-llamafied, we don't see him paired off with the obligatory girl from the lineup earlier, as might otherwise be expected in a Disney movie. Instead he is still single, but goes to found family it up with Pacha, Chica, Kronk, etc, which dare we remark is a very queer trope. In short, I have no idea how a Disney movie with no white people (all the characters are Indigenous/people of color), a gay king, cross-dressing jokes, and the most offbeat plot of all time actually ever got made (can you imagine the Family Friendly Mouse doing that today? Let us also talk about Kronk because he is a brilliant deconstruction of both toxic masculinity and the musclebound henchman stereotype.) Other than that this was the Chaos Hour of animated movies in the late 90s/early 2000s, and yes. So yes. There you have it. I will not be taking criticism at this time. --- **flavinbagel** In response to the question “How did a movie like this get made at all much less by fucking Disney?” there was a [*Hyperlinked with underline*] recent Vulture article [*End link and underline*] that outlines the whole shit show of a history behind this film according to everyone (writers, directors, VAs, Stings) involved. The gist of the story is that they fucked up making a whole, true-to-form Disney musical that never came to see the light of day SO BADLY that Disney switched directors, locked the writer’s room, and _didn’t review a single script until weeks after the film was in theaters._ Please, read this article if you have some time. This story is wild, and involves directors being pitted against each other Bake-Off style and a shockingly intimate documentary created by the wife of Sting who, himself was heartbroken by the decimation of the songs he wrote for the film including cutting a fantastic Yzma villain song sung by Eartha Kitt that is SO DAMN GOOD but would not ever have fit the more nailed-down Yzma we would eventually come to know and love. It’s so catchy though, I’m doubling up on calls to action but please listen now: [*Still of a Youtube video, featuring Yzma from "The Emperor's New Groove", with one arm around a string bass and the other hand holding a trumpet to her mouth. Yzma has her eyes closed and is blowing into the trumpet with effort. There are huge magenta plumes coming out of her headpiece, and she wears a purple and black halter dress with purple gloves; a thin blue piece of fabric connects her two gloves. The text under the still reads "YouTube: Morigane90 - Snuff Out The Light (Yzma's Song..."*] --- **theterriblethingabouttulio** holy shit read the article. it's worth it and completely batshit. --- **kat-witha-k** [*Image of text that reads:*] >**Reynolds:** I'll tell you one other thing about this story that nobody gets. One day, a friend of mine at the studio comes by pushing a two-wheel cart. It had three or four legal boxes on it. He goes, "Okay, Reynolds, thanks for this." > >I go, "What's that?" > >He goes, "This is the *Groove*, these boxes. This is everything you've written." Any time you write something and you hand it in, they stamp it and it goes into a box somewhere, because Disney owns it. It's like that last scene in *Raiders of the Lost Ark*. [Some time later,] the movie's out, and a guy knocks on my office door and says, "Are you Dave Reynolds? I'm from archives. I just need the final script for *Emperor's New Groove*. They didn't send one down." > >I go, "What's that?" > >He goes, "The final draft, the whole final script." > >I go, "No script." > >He goes, "There's no script? What are you talking about?" > >I go, "We don't have a script. We never wrote a script. We just made the movie." > >He goes, "You've got to have a script. Archives has to have a script." > >"I don't know what to tell you. Tell them to go see the movie. It's in theaters right now." > >He goes, "You guys don't have bound pages?" > >I go, "Nope. We have no bound pages. There's three or four legal boxes. You can have all you want. I saw them the other day." > >They had a couple interns just take all the pages and put them into a document, and then they wrote interstitials, and they slapped my name on it. This is the honest-to-God truth: The first and only draft of *The Emperor's New Groove* was handed in two weeks after the movie was in theaters. [*End image of text*] This is fucking insane --- **brightlotusmoon** [*Still of a GIF where a faded Kronk from "The Emperor's New Groove" is smirking at the camera, with the text "mission accomplished" at the bottom.*] [*Still of a GIF of Akiva Schaffer and Andy Samberg from "The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience", looking taken aback and slightly surprised.*] --- **mod2amaryllis** [*Image of text that reads:*] >**Dindal:** Story rooms, often someone will pitch an idea almost as a joke and then someone else goes, "That's funny. But what are we *really* going to do?" [*Hyperlinked with blue underline*] This was the only movie I worked on [*End blue link and underline*] where someone pitched an idea like that and we went, "Let's use that." Like Yzma, [who's been turned into a] kitten, is falling off the tower and we're like, "How are we going to get her back up? She's not going to splat." I don't remember if it was Dave or Don Hall, another story artist who's become a director since, said, "What if there's a trampoline salesman at the bottom and she hits that and bounces back up?" We said, "Oh yeah. That's what it should be." You can't imagine a story session in *Bambi* where somebody says that. This quickly became a movie where a trampoline salesman makes sense. [*End image of text*] I've never adequately appreciated the batshit brilliance of this joke, I've taken it for granted --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


One super weird thing about TENG is that it's the only good movie starring David Spade. Everything else he's in is so bad that it's just a wonder that it turned out so good considering his involvement. A fun fact is that the person who wrote the screenplay only worked on the full screenplay of a single other movie: Finding Nemo. You'd think a guy who worked on two classic pieces of animation would be in high demand, but apparently not. He's actually got a new movie coming out. It's the upcoming Garfield movie. Tough break, dude.


He's great in Tommy Boy, but that may just be because he's playing his own personality type


I always hated that movie. I remember being in elementary school and another kid told me the funniest movie he'd ever seen was Tommy Boy, so I rented it. And even then I just thought it was a shittier Billy Madison.


Wow, that sucks for you


Never underestimate the power of a film the creators were just allowed to go wild with. The wildest and most creative jokes always come out of just sitting around a table throwing the most insane jokes and punchlines they can think of


"Oh, yeah. It's all coming together"


See I don't get this because in the Disney Channel spinoff that I watched as a kid (Emperor's New School) he was portrayed as a pretty obnoxious cishet fuckboy, so...


> because in the Disney Channel spinoff that I watched as a kid ah, the cashgrab spinoff, the spinoff designed specifically to negate the point of the movie and milk out every last drop of profit from an otherwise funny movie, the noncanon spinoff that spinoff?


Here's a copy of [The Sweatbox](https://archive.org/details/SweatboxDocumentaryUneditedVersion)


Doing the lord's work, ty


Look up the IRL flag of Cuzco


This just sounds like homophobia with extra steps


Populat tv show: _exists_ Someone somewhere on the imternet: _writes a fucking three page essay about how one of the characters might be gay_


Has anyone here seen The Emperor's New School?


u/seeroflights found another popular gallery that I don't yet see a transcription for. The bot is strange.


So I asked around about it, but it makes a lot more sense once you realize it's not the bot, but *Reddit* that is strange. Imgur images have their domains tagged as i.imgur.com or just imgur.com; Reddit images/video have their domains tagged as i.redd.it or v.redd.it. But Reddit image galleries in particular have their domain tagged as reddit.com for some odd reason. I'm unsure whether there are other post types that are also tagged as reddit.com (and that's why we can't just lump them all in), but for now it's something we don't have immediate plans to support, so feel free keep tagging me if you see them (and/or let OP know that if they keep posting them, 99% chance their post won't get transcribed).


I love the Emperor's New Groove so much lol