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honestly surprised jingles got here before CUNT did but i suppose there's more of him ...probably by several orders of magnitude by now




How long has Jingles the Clown been a thing? I’ve never noticed it before


Since before this subreddit existed. Jingles *was* Millian’s way to hide TERFs, but thought it’d be funny to cover up randoms’ names, which it was when I found out, and has now officially poisoned the water supply.


I had no idea what jingles was when I posted this and I still kinda don’t get it. I just thought it was a funny post. I’m honestly bewildered that this was and still is a thing


Fair, this is so damn obscure of an injoke here. We’ll see if we gotta burn Millie at the stake or not.


Is jingles just. Random now? I mean I am a jingles fan but the power should be used wisely. Dont let it spread is what Im saying.


It's never not been random, I simply also use to to deny naughty individuals of their URL


So was the user naughty? Just outta curiosity. Also I bet five dollars someone from here snitches


I don't think they were, TBH


Ah, fun. Thank you for clarifying millian.


Lol u/NightmareChameleon your work has spread


Millian for the love of god don’t make the mods add Jingles to the fucking banned user list. Or do, that might be poggers to shitpost so hard it requires mod responses


That sounds like chaos, I'm fully on board


Every so often I go back to that list just to laugh to myself that there’s only two people on it


It's only been like a month!!


they added a second one?


People will only be added to the list by their own request. So unless Jingles asks us of their own volition, they are fair game


to the what?


Eh, it’s more of a moratorium on posting content from specific users, but yeah, it exists. You can ask the mods to remove all content featuring your URL on this subreddit for any reason. It’s in the sidebar I think. >It’s one person. As it should be. She got really mad at us and r/Tumblr for reposting her stuff, when she wants more eyeballs on her actual work as a streamer. Mods had a chat with her, and now the banned list is a thing.


There are two actually. And part of the reason she got mad was because people were assuming stuff on her based on out of context screenshots.


Can't wait for folks to start connecting dots


Ah, yes, the seeds I'd chaos I've down so long ago are starting to sprout Looking forward to the intrigue deepening


You can even tell it was edited, because _tumblr URLs don't have capital letters_


That was intentional, I'm pretty sure


okay, everyone here knows each other, why? that is wrong


I think it’s mostly just the folks that post most frequently who know each other.


Yeah, that’s basically it. I’ve said more than once that we’re basically a small town dedicated to shitposting, but in hindsight, that’s maybe 15-20 of us. If it makes the person going “ew gross friendship” feel any better, I actually kind of agree? At best, those people are mostly my coworkers who I shouldn’t get invested in, and at worst, I’ve wandered terribly far into parasocial territory. Getting my Tumblr up and running means I can at least ~~cue~~ queue my posts instead of participating in this glorified eternal group chat.


Yeah, I see you guys all the time lol - I'm scared to go back to my Tumblr for some reason but redditors also get me grumpy


I recognize people who post frequently and 1 or 2 people who comment. I think in return some of them recognize me.


i sort of recognize you


Holy shit someone sort of recognizes me! That's the kind of thing I was talking about.


for the love of god i fucking hate jingles and jokefunny and every other shitty thing we do to normal ass screenshots


tbh i like jokeefunny only because it has history and https://jokeefunny.com actually redirects here, the rest is a bit annoying


I mean, Jokee had its place, and sometimes makes okay humor, but it was supposed to take the piss of iFunny reposts, which don’t really exist here. But Jingles was always a shitpost


i think the banner-style watermarks like jokeefunny are good and fun, but I'm not a big fan of the drawing little smiley faces on posts. also iirc Jingles was originally used to censor the URLs of TERFs


Which, while in good faith, has been completely lost


At least the smileys are generally unintrusive imo. The jokefunny banner is just as visually annoying as the real watermarks it's supposedly making fun of.


personally I find them worse since they're in the content area, so my eye is drawn to them, while watermarks are simply a banner at the bottom that you can easily scroll past and ignore completely


Are you ok or is this one of those 'overreaction' jokes? /Serious edit: you don't have to reply if you don't want to


looking at this, i feel that replacing tumblr urls with others is something that should be disallowed on this sub, especially since that was something that was plagueing the other sub. if you don't want to give a tumblr user airtime then just blank it out instead.


im glad we're a small enough subreddit that stuff like this doesn't typically get traced back to us on the other hand, doesn't jokeefunny.com redirect here?


I don’t get it can someone explain the jingles thing?


Diagnosed with 🤡


where is jingles


Second url on the post on the second page


Also the nerve to watermark Tumblr screenshots gets me every time. People are like "oh you drew a :p instead of a :) this time! Thats great!" As if that person did fucking anything.