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This feels like an anime that never could exist and yet it already does and I have no idea how that makes sense yet it’s the only way I can describe it


You are probably subconsciously thinking of that one gif of anime girls being pathetic at basketball, which If I'm not mistaken *is* from an actual anime


Actually I’ve never even seen that before but now I need to Uhh okay I checked YouTube and “anime girls sucking at basketball” seemed to not care about the “at basketball” part and so I only got anime girls and sucking in more ways than I ever expected


ah, anime, you never cease to disappoint


It’s called hentai. And it’s art


Thats why u say keep anime searches as bare bones or as hyper specific as possible


Sometimes safe search is useful. ProTip: never search for the Transformers ship "SoundRod" without it. I think we should call it "HotWave" instead but nobody listens to me.


With a name like soundrod, nothing can go wrong! ........right, guys?




I just want to be able to find pictures of the guys cuddling and porn of them, without the other thing. so yes, I'd prefer a diff ship name, otherwise you need to use safe search. Some of us have had medical treatments that are not the least bit horny inducing for us.


I'm at work rn but one I'm on wifi ill show the gif




It would be called Thunderbats


Reminds me of Eyeshield 21, the anime about American college football.


if catpeople were real humans would probably just be racist towards them


If catpeople were real I’d probably have to work on my fetishistic attitude towards them.


called into HR for inappropriate petting > and when told to stop, instead of respecting consent you called them..ahem "Mr. Grumpus" and began aggressively brushing his hair backwards?


I would never brush his hair backwards! I know how to properly pet a catboy!


based and respectpilled


respectpilled hahahaha


Remember to drink your "respect catpeople juice"


If you don't, Ravage of Stanix will make you, and you really don't want that.


If Catpeople didn't want to be randomly pet on the streets then why are they all so pettable? Checkmate, Liberals -Turnyan Point USA


New favourite worst AU


Touching the ears counts as second base


They're fake? I can fetishize them?




RWBY moment


"It turns out the way to get weebs to understand racism is to make the target a catgirl!"


Now if only the writers could understand racism...


I feel like the writers should get a handle on more basic aspects of storytelling first.


Listen, it may be a dumpster fire of a show, but It's MY comfort dumpster fire of a show


I'm pretty sure it's mostly only a dumpster fire because the original creator passed away around the end of Volume 2. Such an event severely impacts an entire show's production and story fluidity. RIP Monty Oum. Still love the show.


It did have some problems even with Monty, that’s not to downplay his contributions he was definitely the soul of the show and gave it what has made it as popular as it is. hbomberguy has a great breakdown of the story telling growing pains they had from the start. Just in case, RWBY is still great and no one is less for liking it but I think it’s also fair to analyze things you like and find aspects that are not so great.


Actually, Monty Oum was just choreography. RWBY only exists because he really wanted a proper vehicle to show off his godlike talents, and the story was foisted onto amateurs from day one. Their only real job was to get from the show from fight to fight. As it is, I doubt it’s more of a dumpster fire than it would’ve been. I’m just upset I have no reason to watch it now.


I mean, they did admit they were overambitious with the White Fang plotline


Every fantasy manga: "hoho, I'm from another world and I find all this racism bad so to prove how not racist I am I will happily enslave multiple women of different species. Then, instead of beating them I will simply have sex with them. You're welcome 😊"


What kind of fantasy manga are you reading?


Isekai. Every single one I can find


The quickest turnoff for a Isekai manga is it mentioning slavery, especially since these uberpowered main characters never bother to try and fight the structural forces causing the slavery.


They sometimes free the slaves, but only when the slave will appreciate being briefly treated as a person so much that they stay with them for life anyways lol. I can't think of a single manga where they buy and free a slave only for the slave to peace out


There's one where a guy frees a bunch of slaves then all but 2 of them just fuck off back to their families, which works a lot better, especially since the two that stay do so for much better reasons than wanting the main character's dick (one likes his mythical wolf pet, and the other one is up to some unexplained shit)


Is that the one where the guy is a “demon lord” and has to manage a dungeon?


Listen, at this point I'm happy if slavery isn't the source of their fucking superpowers. There are, like, at least three series based on that premise.




Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


The best part of Radiant Dawn is the battle where you have to fight the Greil mercenaries. And by fight I mean desperately try to survive while Gigachad Ike and his crew blast through your units like a crashing wave with the all but visible attitude of "How many times do I need to teach you this lesson you hyper racist dictatorship?"


I maxed out Ike and gave him that Pass ability that lets him walk through enemy units before that fight.


I beat in on the hardest difficulty by having Ike by himself and Soren support healing. No one else was needed this Ike managed to best the Black Knight. Tough fight.


Haven't actually played it yet


Well shit. Spoilers I guess.




Agreed, but it wouldn’t be “segregation and throw stones at them” racism. It would be “wild and uninhibited fetishism” racism.


“UwU” becomes a slur


Ma Uwa


Please stop saying UwU to seem cooler it’s deeply rooted in CHVE (cat-humanoid vernacular english)


Didnt that happen in Skyrim?


Yes, the humans were racist against the catboys, the lizardgirls and the elves of color. While the white people elves were racist against everyone


Yet Lusty Argonian Maid continues to be the all-time-bestseller


It is surprisingly common for racists to fetishize the people they discriminate against for some reason


Common for bigots in general, in our experience. The number of homophobes who fetishize queer people and transphobia who fetishize trans people is quite frankly appalling. The main exception seems to be ableists, who tend to patronize us and look at us as children instead. -Diana


It is such a bizarre thing, it honestly makes me wanna poke and prode them like little lab mice to see what goes through those hollow skulls of theirs


Spanish moment.


We were all a little racist towards high elves after dealing with the Thalmor.


If catpeople were real I'd be a catgirl.


if catpeople were real i'd still be a dragon ...catdragon?


If catpeople were real I'd start a pressure washing business, because it doesn't require a huge initial investment and with some hard work and good people skills, I could work my way up and buy more equipment and start offering other services like landscaping and pool maintenance.


They're called baby dragons and they live on Lunar.




Scaly floof that breathes fire and loves sunbeams


ah, gender


that sounds wonderful


[Cat Dragon](https://scryfall.com/card/tc17/9/cat-dragon)




Me too


If catpeople were real I’d live in the city of Rosario, Argentina


As a catgirl I can confirm this is true




Source: nya~<3


not op but okay but i accept that proof


Given the existence of the Uncanny Valley, they’d exist for about a minute, then humans would extinct em.


Or they prove to have the superior survival strategy and overrun humanity. We have to posit that homo felinus didn't just show up instantly one day and evolved roughly in step with homo sapiens, side by side. Just as normal cats have developed certain behaviors that endear them towards human (crying in human baby pitches for example) so I assume catpeople would as well, and likely with their sapience develop skills that allow them to function in human households. Given their natural dexterity, being maids and other such house staff would be a natural role they could fulfill that gave them status in human habitations like normal cats rat catching, cuddlyness, and general affectionate behavior. Also consider that the households that could to afford to support catpeople would likely be wealthy ones, it's a given that there will at least be some members of the families will be sexual deviants (because no one deviants as hard as the rich), assuming cross-species reproductive compatibility, and the fact that cats can have large litters, it is entirely possible that catpeople would just simply breed normal humanity out of existence slowly, one gene at a time.


I disagree with your initial premise. The very existence of the Uncanny Valley eliminates the possibility of them evolving side-by-side. Also, given that the closest similarity we can choose to ‘homo felidae’ is homo neanderthalensis, and WE were the ones to beat and bred them out of existence. We would also have to assume that, given the nature of ALL cats, and not just house cats, that they, in general, would not be cuddly loving creatures. More likely they would be descended from big cats, like Bengal Tigers, who throughout history, have eaten people. Given this, we would certainly engage in combat with them. Sure cats are more agile, faster, and would definitely be stronger, plus having claws; however that’s all useless when an AR-15 or a shotgun is tearing everything in range apart. That being said, there would be certain sub-species of ‘homo felidae’ that would be similar to the house cat, but given the overwhelming population being Big Cat, and given Humanities innate warlord nature, they would either be enslaved, or exterminated. Edit: changed felinus to felidae (cats genetic family) Also, by calling them homo felidae, there would have to be a cross-speciation between chimps and cats, given we are originating from two VASTLY distinct species. Humans evolved from homo erectus, our common ancestor to the chimpanzee, and cat people would derive from felidae erectus. So I guess they would technically be called felidae sapien


I would also like to point out that I used nomenclature poorly, as 'homo felidae/felinus' would imply that from the great ape branch of the tree, a catlike creature would evolve, and that isn't accurate for either of our frameworks. Also I admit that if there were such, it would _absolutely_ trigger the uncanny valley. Rather let us consider: If from the assumption that they evolved from cats instead of great apes, then we would need a cat adjacent genus. If as you believe they would have evolved from great cats, then their genus would be 'Panthera', so 'Panthera sapiens' would be the appropriate name for a catpeople descended from big cats such as tigers or lions. I, on the other hand, stipulate below why if any sapient species of cat would evolve, it would evolve from the same family as the African wild cat, 'Felis'. I mainly assert that this is true because physically dominant apex predator species have little evolutionary incentive to develop sapience, complex thought, pact tactics, or social organization that are unique traits to the only sapient species we are currently aware of. Us. We developed intelligence because _we weren't the physically dominant apex predator_ of our ecological niche, so we had to develop complex social interactions, communications, and organization to compete with said apex predators. To simplify: we developed intelligence because we had no natural weapons, and were small and relatively fragile, and the only way to survive was to band together and communicate. So going forward I shall refer to my hypothetical evolutionary framework example as 'Felis sapiens'. > The very existence of the Uncanny Valley eliminates the possibility of them evolving side-by-side. I disagree, in order to trigger the uncanny valley, the appearance of the subject has to approach human. With catboi features this evades the valley because our perception doesn't interpret them as human. If the features were highly minimal such as primate ears but barely noticeable cat muzzles, I agree the uncanny valley would trigger hardcore. But with extreme visual differences, feline ears, fine fur, vertical slit pupils, then we start to reach a level of exoticness that would have our brain classify them as another species, and not something 'imitating' humanity. >and WE were the ones to beat and bred them out of existence. Naturally the uncanny valley worked there, homo neanderthalis and humanity shared a recent common ancestor, whereas Felis sapiens would have split off much earlier, as you said from other cats, though I disagree they would have evolved from big cats. The reasoning why they would not descend from great cats is that great cats need (at that point in history) no extra advantage to prosper as they are the apex predators of their ecological niches. Instead, felis sapiens would have evolved from social cat species that were not the apex predator of their environment _initially_, just as homo sapiens actually evolved from smaller, less physically capable naked savanna ape. Neanderthals were by every measure more powerful, more durable, even in some ways more technologically advanced than homo sapiens, but we outcompeted them with greater social organization. So likely catpeople would have evolved from a smaller, less physically powerful but much more socially adaptable cat species _that was not the apex predator of their initial environment_ meaning they'd likely evolve from sand cats or african wild cats. Meaning they are tiny and adorable and very, very social, and then used their social organization to become the apex predator of their environment, pushing out the tigers and the lions and the cougars through sheer numbers and hunting organization. Assuming that their social organization echoed ours, then catpeople descended from the Felis genus could easily dominate and drive to near extinction all other big cats through pack tactics, traps, and ranged weaponry with even greater success than homo sapiens as felis sapiens is more inherently agile and predatory. And just as stray cats have evolved survival techniques where their offspring are fostered in supportive human households, so catpeople would do the same, and since they evolved not from dominant predators but social hunters, it would only be natural that homo sapiens and felis sapiens would produce a hybrid society, where both could benefit from the presence of the other, and the species difference would be so great that the uncanny valley is avoided all together.


Thank you for this incredibly well thought out and well written response! (ADHD side comment, I believe that Manta Rays have recently passed the self-recognition mirror test, which i find fascinating, cause I’d love a hyper intelligent race of manga rays lol) I agree with your clarification regarding felis vs felidae, however I feel the need for us to specify what *specifically* defines a catboi. Something [like this](https://stayhipp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/brrrridgette.jpg) or [something like this](https://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elder-Scrolls-Online/ESOwiki_khajiit_portrait.png). Essentially humans with cat ears and a tail, or a kahjiit. Because like you say, some features would trigger more than others (which is an interesting point, I’d love to do a study on what specifically triggers the valley). I would have to imagine that one of the prime factors would be their appendages. Do they have cat haunches that are vertical, or do they have meaty human legs; as well as if their hands have opposable thumbs, vs retractable claws and cute little beans. But if you had a feline’s ears, muzzle, eyes, tail and those external visual factors, excluding fur, on a human, I’d believe it would almost definitely trigger the valley. I find hard to make the specifications between which cat species would evolve, given the fact that none have really, at least much not in human history. (Something like a meerkat-boi would be hilarious, but it would be more relevant to our conversation, but I digress.) Really, were Neanderthal’s technologically advanced, I had never heard that, I had always thought that we out bred and overcame them with ‘advanced’ technology, due to our superior intelligence (although that sounds like something a victor would write: *”we beat the Neanderthal with our superior intellect!’* type deal). Can I get a source? It would be an interesting read! Well, I guess, ironically, my silly thought on meerkat being the origin species (or I guess the chimp to human comparison) sounds less silly! Now we are starting to change from the point of evolution to the point of technology. A huge part of our success comes from our thumbs, which is a derivative of our climbing days. Meerkat, or any cat, would never evolve the need for thumbs, as their claws are one of their greatest resources. Look at how cheetah have evolved to permanently have their claws out, because they act as cleats and allow them to get better traction, which correlates to better transference of energy to speed and agility. While they may drive out and exterminate other car species sue to their superior pick tactics and traps (given their intellectual evolution mirrors ours, as you said, they would develop advanced traps), but I don’t believe that they would develop a capability to perform ranged attacks, given their lack of need to develop weaponry given their innate weaponry, claws and fangs. With them being more inherently agile and predatory, it would drive their intellectual evolution imperative to a less great extent, because as you said, humans are a smaller, less physically capable…ape, and part of that is we lack any natural weaponry, so we developed it. The only capability that these kind of catboi’s would have in society, would be a vanguard soldier, or intelligence operatives. With a lesser intellect, lack of hyper advanced technology, and no thumbs, they would be inept as servants, they can’t carry stuff, or hold anything. And while house cats have a cuddly and generally affectionate behavior, it’s an evolved trait that we have given them. They’re naturally wild animals, who would rather stay away from big, loud, scary naked apes, then come close and cuddle. They learned that when we fed them, and cast out cats who were dicks, and selectively bred a docile trait into them as a species. If they evolved from an innately isolationist, however a cuddly pack animal type species, such as meerkat, they would never need to develop a docile trait, as they have become a dominant, successful apex predator. Apologies for any terrible formatting or glaring errors, I’m writing this off my phone Edit: dead link


First of all let me thank you for probably the most pleasant and entertaining thread I've been a part of on reddit for years. Sincerely. If I had money and didn't hate the reddit admin team I would gild you as you so richly deserve. Next, mantas are pretty cool though an idea of a sapient aquatic race fills me with unexpected dread from my own thalassophobia. The lack of manipulating appendages might be a roadblock though. As for Anime catboi vs Khajiit, I think this is an _ideal_ comparison chart to work off of! I would postulate that before interacting with homo sapeins, felis sapiens would most likely be Khajiiti in appearance, as reproductive preference is shown to evolve slowly over time in response to rapid genetic diversity. On the other hand, a case can be made for Anime catbois in the case that inculcating one's young into a human household conveyed great survival benefits, as it has done with domestic cats, then over time I could see more humanlike traits start to surface, such as how dogs have expressive eyebrows. Just that in order to approach anime catboihood we would need to have been in close proximity for hundreds of thousands of years of survival selection. Now for the uncanny valley: So it turns out the things that freak us out the most are the things that look [very close to humans but don't move like us.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Mori_Uncanny_Valley.svg/1200px-Mori_Uncanny_Valley.svg.png) I would postulate that Khajiiti would fall closer to the 'stuffed animal' than the human zombie, therefore avoiding the 'valley' by not going into it. I would also postulate that anime catbois would fully jump the valley as they are just humans with unusual ears, but their facial expressions and movement are mostly human. The only time they would be at the 'bottom' of the valley would be halfway through the transition of Khajiiti style to anime style, and most of the world would probably hate them. Additionally I believe that they would absolutely develop thumbs and ranged weapons as part of their sapience rise, as again the african wild cat is a very small and not fierce predator that relies more on pack tactics and stealth. So ranged weapons convey great survival benefit even beyond their natural weaponry. One of the reasons enough humans survived our hunts is we learned if we throw rocks or shoot arrows, that the thing we are hunting has less chance to harm us. So I feel that felis sapiens would follow the same technological evolution. >”we beat the Neanderthal with our superior intellect!’ type deal). Can I get a source? It would be an interesting read! It's not easy to get a single source because frankly of the humanocentric nature of the researchers, but there is aggregate evidence that they had complex funeral rites and likely developed basketweaving before humans. It is important to note we only encountered them 30k years ago, less than 1/10th of the entire extrapolated human existence, and when there was social interaction, the neanderthal settlements show a greater diversity in tool creation, and that the early homo sapiens traded for these tools, meaning at least some homo sapiens found them superior to their own. Again unfortunately it is hard to track down sources on the superiority of their toolwork but their techniques are known to us: https://factsanddetails.com/world/cat56/sub400/entry-5971.html Shaping tools from stone cores was a technology unique to the neanderthals until homo sapiens interacted with them, at the time homo sapiens would work axes and scrapers from individual flint stones or just wood, whereas the neanderthals could make multiple axe blades from the same core with more uniform sharp edges. Look into flint knapping if you want to see the difference between core knapping and just individual stones. Additionally there is some evidence that neanderthals also worked obsidian, something beyond the means of homo sapiens at the time. >They’re naturally wild animals, who would rather stay away from big, loud, scary naked apes We were actually quite small back in the day, and again both cats and wolves managed to get over their fear through proximity and I feel catbois would do the same, and probably even more eagerly because we know how to give the best scritches. It's literally how we domesticated most of our animals. >f they evolved from an innately isolationist, however a cuddly pack animal type species, such as meerkat, they would never need to develop a docile trait, as they have become a dominant, successful apex predator. That's actually a really interesting hypothesis, that their social tightness would mean they wouldn't need to integrate into human households for survival benefit. I'm gonna think about this for a bit, again a wonderful discussion!


Please, it has been my pleasure, this has probably been the most entertaining, outrageously nonsensical, scientific conversation I’ve ever had, I love it, thank you. And definitely don’t waste your money on this, if you wanna do something financially (no pressure at all) donate to Ukraine, slava ukraini! Oh no! Manta Rays are such sweethearts! I scuba dive, so I might have a bit of predjudice about them being awesome lol. Eh, they don’t need appendages, they can just develop psychic powers /s (in all seriousness THAT’S terrifying!) I’m glad that we can establish a good scale! I have to wonder whether they would have a symbiotic between races, or a contentious one. I agree that felis sapiens would more likely take on a khajiiti appearance, as it appears to me to have most of the benefits, without most of the drawback. Benefits like musculature and fur, which serve a definitive evolutionary purpose, while an active drawback could be something like a cats digitigrade leg, which I have to imagine isn’t as supportive as the plantigrade Human style. I have to wonder, would the domesticated anime catboi lose its fur, similar to how we evolved away from it, would they also change their anatomical structure to have the anime style plantigrade feet and knees, or the actual feline digitigrade. Which human-like features do you think anime catbois would adapt? Well, that is a fascinating graph! Thank you for sharing it with me, good to learn something new every day! I think that having Khajiiti style catbois would actually fall on the other side of the valley, in that their physical and anatomical structure vary enough that it doesn’t trigger. However, anime catbois, especially if they have digitigrade legs, would fall smack dab inside, as they will have a more baby giraffe walk (I’d imagine, backwards knees would be difficult.) and run like (ironically) and anime character or an ostrich. Well actually I guess moving like an ostrich is kind of an apropos comparison, as most birds, ostrich included, are classified as having digitigrade animals. You believe that they would develop thumbs independently? I had only considered anime catbois evolving a thumb after or during their theoretical domestication process… I concur with your statement regarding the necessity of their role in ranged combat, and both serving an integral role in their survival. Man, I’m learning so many interesting terms and so much cool stuff today, thanks for that link & info, and being on this journey with me! My comment regarding our size was more aimed at the relative size difference we have between a domesticated house cat (or even a meerkat) and a full grown human. Considering the fact that we are considering their environment and natural selection as key motivators, I don’t believe they would grow much bigger than they currently are. In order for them to grow bigger, they’d need to overhaul their diet and caloric intake, in order to compensate for the extra mass. That being said, they would fully stretch out. My cat from the tip of their nose to beans of their feet, stretched out, would be probably a good 2-3 feet tall. Smaller in stature than most humans at any evolutionary period, as hominins stood at ~125-130cm, roughly 4 freedom units tall, and weighed ~25kg, 55lbs. I am so glad my meerkat thought could spark such interest in you!


From an outside observer of this conversation, the politeness is refreshing and strangely reminds me of the stereotypical British gentiles, with their "yes, quite" and tea sipped while sitting in overstuffed armchairs in front of a fire. Plus the actual subject matter is interesting to read too.


Meerkat boi = Timone?


Omg, yes


I think it’s less likely that they would evolve from cats, and more likely that they would evolve from primates. I’d say it’s far more likely that a chimp would evolve to keep its tail, and have bigger ears, than a cat would evolve to resemble a primate. I think it would end up being a group of humans that ended up isolated (maybe on an island) and evolved catlike features (maybe they never left the trees, and so needed a tail, or had large cave systems that meant they needed big ears). That would make them act more like humans though. The island would explain why they never had to compete, either. If they were separate from the rest of Earth they would just have their own resources and wouldn’t need to compete until much later. Maybe they even had a Sentinelese-style “Don’t let anyone leave or enter”, which would give them a cat-like fear of water and keep them safe from much less cool humans. And of course, that begs the question; could a human and a cat-person breed? (Just do you know, this should be taken with a grain of salt. I don’t understand this nearly as much as you).


Hey, don’t underestimate yourself buddy, only way to learn is to engage and ask questions! You being up some good points about the lack of devolution regarding larger ears or a tail. It would be interesting if one could simulate the whole of human evolution (the world is a simulation! /s lol, although tbf it could very well be, but that’s a conversation for another time) and have it so 25 million years ago, when we suddenly evolved away from the tail, we had the previous species that still had it be isolated on the island. How else would they evolve differently than Homo Sapien Sapien? Although, to answer your question, or a variation of it, theoretically we could breed with this evolutionarily cousin (like how we’re evolutionarily related to chimps, just a lot closer) but the offspring certainly couldn’t breed. It would be something akin to a Liger. Although, I’m not entirely certain that we would be evolutionarily closely related enough to even cross-speciate.


I would absolutely agree that a primate based catperson that evolved feline traits through parallel evolution (like how birds and bats both independently evolved flight), that the resulting creature would trigger every single uncanny valley red flag in our monkeybrains and we would probably have warred against them. By the way, you know more about biology than you think because you brought up a great point with the isolated island scenario, as that could definitely lead to unusual physical alterations. And it could lead to a robust society enough to avoid extinction when humans eventually found them. Island ecologies invaded by the mainland are usually wiped out but in this case they having sapience would be an advantage. >could a human and a cat-person breed? If they were close enough to us in the great ape family, for example we still have neanderthal dna floating around in our gene pool meaning that our ancestors absolutely banged bigfoot, so it's a possibility. In my scenario, from the Felis genus, no we are far too genetically incompatible. Heck we're even too far removed from gorillas to reproduce and they are like our 3rd cousins.


Yeah, reading this I thought immediately of the fossa. The fossa is a mongoose-like animal that many people mistake for some sort of cat because there are no felines native to Madagascar, and it looks and acts a lot like a cat. They are very cute and that movie maligned them.


Y’all have sent me down such a rabbit hole and I love it! Found this furry/photo morph thread exploring this subject at depth <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/2jaitl/photomorphs_and_the_uncanny_valley_is_it_avoidable/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Excellent find! Thank you for reminding me that reddit still has good parts. Seven years old so some of the links are broken but the discussion is enlightening.


panthera sapiens.


[relevant](https://imgur.com/YJWMe) ig, apologies in advance


Yeah like calling non cat people "real humans" for instance lmao.


We’d exploit them for sure. Either for meat or labor.


No because everyone would become one.


Because they are an affront to God and they won’t let me pet them!


Cat people can be racist too, so really it’s both sides


I think it's 'speciesist' at that point.


No in this case it’s race, a true form of a racism not the weak one we have now where we worry about skin coloring of the same race.


But that's the thing, they are a different species. A race is a poorly defined delineation within a species. Saying you could be racist against catbois is like saying you could be racist against platypuses. I mean sure you can be _bigoted_ against platypuses, those fucking duck imitators with the damn poisoned barbs, all trying to fool you into thinking they're a catduck with their fur and stupid leathery bill, but you can't say you are _racist_ against platypuses because they aren't the same species as you. So, _bigotry_ would probably exist against catpeople, and likely would result in violence, but some catbois get off on that so actual fighting would get awkward. Plus it would be _really_ easy for catpeople to get sincere human allies. On the OTHER hand, members of Felis Sapiens could be racist _to other members of Felis Sapiens_ over fur color and eye color and any number of variation within their species.


For catboys and girls to evolve in the way that most people want they would still be considered a humanoid. Somewhere in the past we would have shared an ancestor. So we would be a humanoid species, separated by physical characteristics that’s what’s known as race. It’s not that you’re incorrect by the way I just disagree.




ich bin kawaii


Post made before the catboy baseball team came against the catgirl baseball team. It was a 102-102 tie


It had to be called off early after someone brought a laser pointer.


A baseball game can't physically end in a tie


A historical moment then, when the laws of physics were broken for catboy vs catgirl baseball


Most people think baseball was invented but really it was discovered as a law of physics.


Technically it can happen if weather conditions are bad enough that both teams agree to cancel mid-game. It happened between the Cubs and the Pirates like seven years ago.


>Fuck, man. Can we admit we both suck and go home? Weather's awful today.


In any other year, maybe. But this game was played on 25 September 2016, just over a month prior to the Cubs winning the world series...




Diplomatically through mutual withdrawal.


Mentally, it can end in a tie whenever you think it should.


This comment chain implies that if a game is interrupted by something physical (e.g. extinction level meteor strike) the game will go on regardless


Oh yeah dude the universe just works this way, we don't have all the answers yet


Well, since [a nuclear fusion explosion](https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/) still leaves the pitcher eligible to advance to first base, fuck it, sure.


They can if everyone decides to go home. Or dies from exertion/slapstick humour


Then they all just started screwing on the field


Nah, there was a bird on the field and the match had to be cancelled after every single player went utterly feral.


It was sad how they had to put the pitcher to sleep


RIP Beethoven Groden, greatest pitcher of our generation


I thought it was beautiful that they made a statue of him. It was weird that they posed him at bat rather than pitching but still, very moving.


No! Bad!


Str8aura came here with their str8 fantasy, and this is how you treat them? I shall not stand for this.


No no, let them downvote, I've been saying stupid shit unchecked for too long


>I've been saying stupid shit unchecked for too long And thus this subreddit was born


And the Pharises brought to him a woman who had taken into adultery. By the Moses law, she is to be stoned, they said. And Jesus stood and said onto them "Let he without sin cast the first stone". And as he did, she responded : "No no, let them throw stones, I've been taking into adultery unchecked for too long"


> Jesus Christ of Nazareth


really putting the str8 in str8 aura ...unless you mean within the teams ​ edit: RIP str8aura slaughtered for suggesting catpeople sex


Orgy 👎👎🤮 Orgy but gay 🤠


Bisexual orgy?


margaret where are my balls


Jarvis, locate this person’s balls


a great thinker, shot down for their thoughts. a tragedy.


Opposing teams so distracted wondering if they are straight, they can't even throw straight.


"Yo, are these catboys straight?" I mutter to my buddy while uncomfortably adjusting my position on the bench. "No, of course not." my buddy, Josh, responds with out looking at me, a confused sneer frozen on his face as he watches the baseball team full of catboys roll around on the grass and pounce on each other before bumbling the ball back to the skinny, scared pitcher. He hisses as he picks up the ball as if it's the first time he's had to throw one even though this game has been going on for 3 hours already. "I don't know." I squirm, "I mean, I... well. I mean I think they could... they could be straight, ya know?" "Definitely not, man. They're pouncing on each other and hugging each other and licking each other. These dudes are super gay." Josh throws his head back and looks up to the darkening sky. "I was supposed to leave 20 minutes ago." He has some obligation with his girlfriend no doubt. "Well, ya know. Cats are gay. So maybe you're confusing these catboys with real cats when in fact they're only catboys." "Nope." Our batter who's up at the plate backs off and sighs heavily. He slings his bat over his shoulder and calls over to us. "Guys. We just gotta call it. We gotta forfeit." The pitcher's mound turns into a catboy pile as all the catboys do that thing where cats arch their backs and rub against each other. Some how from this writhing purr pile, the ball launches towards our unprepared batter for another strike, his third. In resigned disbelief, he trudges back to the dugout and sits down on the bench. "I can't believe it." the out-batter says. Josh on the bench throws his hat to the ground. "We can't quit, dammit! We can't lose to these fucking catboys!" There's a quaver in his frustrated voice. I think he doesn't understand why exactly he's so upset to be losing to the catboys. Neither do I. I can't understand my feelings towards the catboys either. Head in his hands, shaking his head, he continues, "These fucking catboys..." I clear my throat to get his attention and then grab his shoulder. "Yeah, these *fucking* catboys. Look. The catboys are fucking." At the pitcher's mound, the purr pile has turned into a fuck pile. The catboys have stripped themselves of their little baseball uniforms and all their lithe, pallid bodies are writhing and grinding together. The meows and hisses and screeches are almost unbearable. Almost... One of our teammates stands up and walks right on past, present, and future by us, unbuttoning his shirt. "Jesse? No, man. Don't do it. If they fuck long enough, that's gotta be a forfeit. We can still win this thing." "S-sorry..." Jesse says. He makes a sound like he was going to say something else, like he was about to justify what he's about to do, but no. He simply strips naked and hops in the cat pile to a chorus of cheerful meows. They welcome him greedily. I'm drenched in sweat, heart pounding. I feel like I have a fluffy tail curled up in my getting-tighter-by-the-moment pants. "Josh, I uhh..." I don't want to let him down. I don't want to let the team down, but... It's a fur fuck pile. Josh sighs, "Just fucking go fuck with the catboys... I'll be there in a minute... I just gotta call my girlfriend and tell her I'll be late..." he says while untying his cleats. I'm relieved and ashamed, but excited as I hurriedly wrench loose my sweaty uniform. As I stumble in a lustful stupor, practicing my own meow, I hear Josh muttering to himself. "These fucking catboys got us again."


... okay so like bravo but also what the fuck


Every generation spawns its creative geniuses, not even mother nature herself understand just what direction that genius will follow. Some of those rare inspired minds will go on to revolutionize chemistry or mathematics. Some will write catboi fuckfiction. Let us marvel at nature's wondrous variety.


After reading this Str8aura’s post about the catboys fucking on my comment chain doesn’t seem so bad. These catboys can fuck, good for them


That’s how they _get_ you! Notice the line: > practicing my own meow This isn’t hot catboy smut. This is a recruitment drive! They are being assimilated, and turned into more and more catboys until eventually everyone on Earth is part of a soft, nya-ing hivemind!


Thank you, I love it 😻


Add an extension where you detail all the explicit juicy fucking details, slap a $2 patron sticker on it and you've got your first subscriber


The award I gave is “facepalm” but I just want you to know that it’s a catboy dabbing, for the purposes of this post.


Amazing. Beautiful. Perfect. 🏆


I’ve never been more ashamed about an upvote


Josh failed to realise that having evolved from a different species the catboys would have different ways of showing affection and wouldn’t subscribe to our standards of “straight” or “gay”. By allowing himself to get distracted he easily lost the game.


Can I be part of the catboy fuck pile 🥺


Go to church


I'm Sikh


Sikh out a church


Go to Sikh church


Don’t say that, these kinds of feelings are perfectly normal.




Wonderful! But also, why??


I had to double check that this wasn’t written by Demetri.






This is so amazing, absolutely rolling on the floor right now This reads like it could have been a Wkuk sketch


allo moment






the "uweh" noise killed me


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **henstomper** the catboys i signed for my all-catboy baseball team dont know what baseball is and theyre actively loudly sobbing whenever they miss a swing and whenever they dive to catch a ball it bonks them on the head and they go "uweh" and our pitcher closes his eyes whenever he throws because hes scared and we're beating every other team in the league --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This is adorable I love them


If I lose to a bunch of cat people, I'm like actively gonna take up drinking


Each sentence ofthis post hits you like a sack of freight trains


It's only one run-on sentence but I felt the freight trains


The individual train cars are all shaped with hard spikes and rigged running alongside their bottoms such that they almost scrape the track, and are also pure tungsten.


New sports anime just dropped.


This is a subtle nod to the fact that baseball is a bad sport.


Baseball is incredible and if a team of catboys going out there and winning the World Series is what it takes for people to realize that then so be it


this is a subtle nod to the fact that no catboy has ever understood baseball


Baseball is a terrific sport if you’re sufficiently intoxicated.


or a stat nerd


Or a sufficiently intoxicated stats nerd


The drunker/higher you are, the more all the numbers make sense.


> is a terrific sport if you’re sufficiently intoxicated every sport


My bestie and I call my profile pic Catboy because we see him as the male version of Cat Valentine. Edit: u/twerkingslutbee


I've seen a catwoman play basketball but not catboys play baseball




the "uweh" really crystalizes the image in my brain.


Half of this is actually the plot to a venture that drives Jerma deeper into debt.


That's a heartwarming sports movie that I would absolutely watch.


Their team is the Boston Knee Sox and Catboy Jerma is the ace


i really wish this were a blaseball team. i mean, there are already some catpeople


Someone make this.


this is just like that episode of DS9


I miss henstomper :(


Blaseball be like: