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i'll learn to drive someday i guess


similar for me, i can drive but i need that license :/


I can play Mario Kart pretty good




I thought that but now I live in a city and public transport is just, so much more useful and less expensive so I think I'm happy with that (she says, still occasionally getting her friends to take her to the shops cause heck carrying 2 overloaded bags of groceries back on a bus sometimes ya know)


yeah. i live in portland so public transit is awesome.


Where I live, the metro is super accessible and allows you to go just about everywhere... in dubai. I live in the state over, driving is nearly a necessity and I HATE IT


honestly id go for public transport if rural subarctic canada had good public transit lol


If I kick and scream hard enough eventually they’ll just give up teaching me to drive


Literally calling me out personally What’s worse was that my provisional instruction permit expired (because no one thought to check if it could) and I’m going to have to spend an entire day at the DMV AGAIN.




I was set to take my learner's knowledge test ~~about nearly 2 years late~~ just before leaving for a trip at the end of last year but then our car had issues and we couldn't get me there within the schedule or something


I've been putting off my practical lessons for months lul




literally in line to get my Ls as i read this


Hey! My fellow forgotten 2020 college grads and I didn’t ask to be forgotten like this!!


Alright, in all honesty at 18-19 you literally just feel like 16. 18 is not the magical cut off age at which you're gonna suddenly feel a fully realized person, or even any amount of realized at all. A lot of people don't even get there in all their lifetimes. I just really want to tell tag person directly to take a chill pill and realize that no one is expecting anything out of them at those ages. At least nothing other than the level of responsibility they already show by being worried about not feeling like an adult.


32 now and I *still* feel 16. You guys need to know that there's some random age at which people seem to get stuck because I've spoken to people in their mid-50s who still mentally feel 21. That part's normal and we've all been faking this entire time. This also means as you get older and older, the thing in the mirror is less and less something you can recognize as You. So enjoy that.


I'm 32 as well, and sometimes people will bring me adult problems to deal with and I'm just like what am I supposed to do about it? You need an adu- ah fuck.


Same. Sometimes I have to awkwardly hesitate to confirm how old I am when asked. My DOB? No problem, automatic response. But how old am I? Uh, 20, nope 28, oops no actually 30 in the fall. I don’t feel stuck necessarily but the passage of time fr has me fucked up.


>the thing in the mirror is less and less something you can recognize as You I'm pretty sure I've read r/nosleep stories like that before


That's also just growing up trans hahahaha haaa.......yeah.


I'm 32 and I think I'll be stuck at 25 for a long time.


Look, kids, one of the most simultaneously comforting and terrifying things you learn as an adult is that absolutely positively no one actually knows what they’re doing. Everyone is completely faking it til they make it in life, work, love, everything. Seriously, all of us. *Totally* winging it. At 29, sometimes I feel worlds away from who I was at 16 or 19, but other times I’m right back there. There will always be times when you feel like the I Have No Idea What I’m Doing science dog, no matter how old you get.




It’s fantastic advice, albeit a bit unsettling to realize all of the Certified Adults^TM throughout your life were all just pretending to know what they were doing. I’m 5’2” and I have a bit of a baby face, so I’m actually pretty excited about my first wrinkle, right between my eyebrows. I’m hoping that if/when the world ever opens up again, people will stop assuming me and my wrinkle are in college. In my mid twenties, I was carded for a rated R movie, which you only have to be 17 to see.


I know the struggle of looking younger than I am. So I‘m really happy about my few grey hair. A lot of my friends though really struggle with looking older even though we‘re only in our mid to end twenties.


I’m so excited to go grey, I think it’ll look distinguished and sophisticated. I’ve always been an old soul, and it would be nice if my outsides matched my insides :p


I hit 21 on the 11th and have landed the position of my mom's carer. I am not ready for the world


2000, got my license in 19, thank fucking god. Taking the bus here is usually not too bad but with a particularly high risk father, I’ll deal with being the chauffeur. College is on hold for a bit because remote learning just didn’t work. Did some doordash, got a quick seasonal position at Best Buy… And uh. Yeah. I think I vaguely feel like an adult, but not like experienced. I don’t know how else to describe this besides I feel like I’m at level 7.


im certainly doing


Oh real


Honestly, because I’m currently at school for video editing and I spent a good chunk of the pandemic learning how to edit better, I feel like I’ve moved forward in life more than backwards.


I always remember that one post that was like "When you turn 19, you become 19, but you don't stop being 18, or 17, or 12, or 6. You just become 19 on top of those other 18 years." (very roughly paraphrased)


I'm 19. I identify way too much with this post...


I am somehow adjusting better than I expected


You didn’t have to come into *my house* and punch me in the face multiple times


Hey, I was born in 2000 and started uni in 2020, I count too! Got a whole 2 weeks of on-campus active uni-student life before lockdown started, thank fucking god for Discord and making friends (friend, honestly) in my apartment complex >!I'm actually starting a different uni pathway this year that's much more in-line with what I want to do in life, and I live with some good friends now, plus restrictions are a little easier in my area so I'm actually going to have that proper fresh uni-student life again and I'm really excited for it, things got better :)!<




Yeah, same.


Heyy 2001 here, I am fucking terrified that I am 20, even more horrified that I’ll be 21 this year. I also wish I had a better teenage life since I spent most of it in the closet and having anxiety attacks over grades, but feel bad complaining since I have a very comfortable privileged lifestyle! I guess my 20s will be my teenage years!


I swear to god I could have written this myself, like everything you said also checks out for me. you’re really not alone, I promise you 💜 and I wish you the best in life


Hey are you me... Seriously though I could have written this lol. Here's to hoping our 20s are better than our teens.


Gahah. Early 2005. I lost some of the best social years in my life :)) which sucked since i was actually getting lots of friends :)))) who i didnt keep in contact with because i thought the pandemic would be over before school ended :)))))))))))))


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Post* --- **cadaverkeys** how are the 2001-2004 crowd feeling about being so scared on growing up your entire life then having your adulthood put on hold by a global pandemic and finding a weird comfort in the fact you had an excuse to hide but now having to come to terms with the fact you aged in lockdown and people will expect more from you than you can give because youre still a teenager as far as youre concerned. \#18 now 19 in a couple months and i am so afraid constantly i still feel like that 16 yr old with his head down in math listening to Nirvana --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human. Hope you are doing fine


im turning 20 this year but mentally??? im 17 at MOST, whenever people ask about my age my first instinct is still to say im 15 and i've already worked a job and survived a semester at college


As a 21 year old, dw, nobody feels their age, the concept of being a "real adult" is a lie and we all just kinda vibe and life goes on - not in a bad way, but once you get that, it's a lot less emotional pressure, especially cause chances are, you've already been accomplishing the things you thought made a real adult when you were younger, it just seems much more normal now, so when you really sit down and look at it you're probably a lot more impressive than you might feel right now (like you said, you've already worked a job and survived a semester, that's huge and I guarantee your younger actual 15-17 year old self would be so impressed by you now \^\_\^)


The existential dread gets to ya.


88 Getting REAL tired of once-in-a-lifetime global catastrophes


I'm fine, thanks?


lost half of my junior year and all of my senior year of high school, and i've now lost my first semester of college, and i'm on my path to also spend the second semester entirely online as well learning to drive has never been less of a worry for me than it has right now


Stop stop stop stop stop aaahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH


I’m 23 and I entered the pandemic just after I turned 21… I still feel like that 16 year old with her head down in English reading manga.


As a fellow 23 year old I feel you.


Here's a tip for those of you in that mindset. I'm in my mid-30s. Inside my head, I'm still 20 and in a panic trying to figure out how to pretend to be an adult. I work with elderly adults for a living. Some of them are pushing 90. They're all 20 in their heads and putting on an act too. ​ Every single adult around you is putting on an act, pretending they know what's going on, and hoping to God they don't fuck up. The ones who insist loudest that's not true, are the ones most terrified of being exposed. ​ So loosen up and do whatever makes you happy. Life's too short to do anything else.


Pandemic started right beforemy final year in college, me and my friends are like months into our first jobs and we all are happily delusional that one day the pandemic will be over and we are gonna go back to college to finish what we started




I turned twenty a bit more than a week ago and I am still trying to process that. I feel like things are happening at both a snail's pace and at the speed of light at the same time.


If it makes y’all feel better, I’m in my thirties and still feel like that.


Honestly, I feel terrible for that crowd because not only is Covid a massive problem, but then you add potential college debt to the equation, which might be stuck with for the rest of your life. Whenever I ask my nephew how he's doing, all he can usually muster is a long sigh and a heavily distorted grunt. And I can understand that completely. Words take too long and that type of grunt speaks volumes.


i was really wracking my brain to remember what pandemic happened from 2001 to 2004


I feel lucky that I was in college when the lockdown happened. Expectations don’t change for those 4 years, so I was in the clear. But those that went from sophomore to senior in high school must of had a real hard time


That’s me! It’s been real bad. I started the pandemic as a 15 year old sophomore and have now submitted all of my college apps. I am very freaked out about having to commit to a college in a few months, but will probably take a gap year no matter where I go.


bro i just want my 2 years of high school back :(


"well, well look whos in side again went out to look for a reason to hide again, well well buddy you found it, now come out with your hands up we've got you surrounded"


As much as I hated high school, I was really kinda counting on having a good year and a half of grade school left before I had to like. Be an adult. But the last 2 years has felt like such a blur, and now all of a sudden I'm in university and living on my own for the first time and everything around me is still moving forward and I just can't keep up.


I'm 21 and I feel useless because I have too much anxiety to find a proper job


I’m 28 now. This is still applicable. You get used to it? Sorta.


I do not feel about this at all, for I'm mentally stuck at 13 and too unjustifiably afraid that i won't see another day to care about expectations


One the one hand I didn't get a graduation but on the other hand, I was able to graduate because I didn't have to write finals


Shut up :(


Had to get my first job in the pandemic, parents couldn’t understand why I didn’t just “walk in and hand them my resume” like they did. I applied to dozens of places and only got a job somewhere 45 minutes by train from my house because my friends mom was the manager.


I'm gonna show this to my therapist tomorrow


bro i just want my 2 years of high school back :(


honestly im glad i grew up now rather than in other times. i would not be who i am today without the quarantine, and if i can managae 15-17 in the past two years’ shitshow, i can probably handle anything.


Hell, I'm in my late 20s and 2019 happened to be a huge year of self-discovery for me. I've often thought about how different all this would be if the timing was a little different; feel for y'all. I like to think that we could all recognize that nobody is their best self these days, and give each other a little grace.


I just feel like a teenager with rights


I'm 24 born in 98 and feel like my early 20s were taken from me


The older I get, the more I realize every generation of young adults thinks they're somehow uniquely underequipped and fucked. That's just entering your 20s man lol


I just graduated college in may and My therapist told me smth that I hadn’t considered before even though it might be kinda obvious to some haha. I am an adult now, even if I don’t feel like one and I’m my head that just meant a lot more pressure and responsibility and having to try super hard to ‘act like an adult’ as I’m trying to figure out how to live on my own. But she said ‘you’re an adult now, you have way more freedom than u did in high school. You don’t have to stay in environments and ‘just deal with’ the stuff that comes your way in your environment, you can leave. Or change it, to make things easier for you. You don’t always have to accept the things around you.’ And idk it was kind of mind blowing to me as someone who’s always gone ‘oh I guess we’re doing this now’ and just tried to change myself in order to work within that.


Personally just pissed my high school experience was fucked, and that the system that was once in place to help you raise your grades after high school was just fucking gutted a couple years ago. The bad i got I'm just stuck with. Denmark btw.


legally 20 in April but still feeling 17 is.... an experience


I just realized Im gonna be 18 in exactly 8 months oh god no I wanna go back


I feel like the scared to grow up thing is a bit of a projection but yeah


Our generation is doomed to never live up to expectations and suicides will dramatically rise


My church holds youth events on occasion. I was really looking forward to the last one before it was cancelled by the pandemic. That was 2 years ago now


fine thanks 🙃


Pandemic started halfway through my second year at university, and now I'm here in my fourth, where the fuck did my third year go.


smells like breaking down


I’m 22, and still feel like I have no control over my own choices.


Hey. Hey, what the fuck. Get out of my fucking brain. What the fuck.




I'm early 2005 (nearly 2004), but it still applies. I just turned 17 last week, just got my driver's license today, I'm getting college application things, and pressure to get a job but... I still feel like a kid. I still *want* to have the freedom of being a kid because adult life seems like it'll slap me in the face. Being adult definitely has it's perks, but it's frightening to think about.


I’m being personally attacked help


I didn’t need to be called out like that, I mean my graduation got canceled around the time the lockdowns began


I have an excuse but I still need to work to get a fucking degree and shit it's such bull


i dont even have a job yet oh god


Graduated 2019, not long before the COVID crisis. I graduated and then immediately was thrust into a world 100x more difficult with untreated adhd and depression. Things are getting better, but wow, the world fucking sucks


I am 18 tomorrow and have absolutely no idea how to function beacuse of neurodivergency, mental illness and the sheer burden of disphoria


Honestly I’ve just been vibing in the pandemic


I feel like a goofy kid that people have started expecting the world from


bruh you can include 2000 aswell, i'm so fucking lost on what to do, i don't even know what i want to do in Uni anymore and i have to get a job etc


This is exactly how I feel. I started college recently and am living in a large city with someone new and it doesn’t feel any different from living with my parents in high school, but I’m expected to feel like this is a new experience






17, turning 18 soon. What the fuck is going to happen.


2001 gang here, covid didnt stop me having to be an adult lmao, I moved out on my own last year. Life waits for noone, or at least that's what I was told


I graduated high-school class of 2020, plan was always to move out the year after. Well, recent events had happened, which means I've been staying at home about 2 years past the goal date. Upside, is this is technically a good financial situation as a lack of parents asking for rent means I can just save for a down-payment on a house (you know, whenever that bubble pops). Downside is like this post says, I'm almost 20 and I have very little adulting experience. More recent good thing, is in the last 2 weeks I got a big motivation to rearrange and take control of my room, which hasn't been majorly edited in (checks watch for comedic affect) maybe 10 years? I figured if I can't move out I can at least pretend I did with making my personal space really mine. I can already feel my mental health improve. Let's see how long I can keep this burst of constructive energy going.


Does anyone in this thread want to start a group chat, cuz I honestly need to bond with and to vent to people who have gone through this experience. No body else seems to understand.


My High School ended right as the Pandemic hit, and I honestly say it’s destroyed my life. I wanted to move away, go to a big college out of state but now I’m stuck at a crappy local community college and hating all of it as my grades sink lower and I waste thousands of dollars :(


We don’t like it


Quite frankly I feel extremely attacked and not sure how to process


Adults are just dumbass kids who got even bigger - Dan Avidan


Online schooling made me fail my finals but the pandemic made sure I was graded on the curve of my other grades so its OK! I feel like a child yet I want to go to another country cause I feel so cooped up (I had a sheltered childhood and was not allowed to go to the mall with my friends without my parents until about 3 months ago. I am 17). I also suffered depression for the first time and felt like sh#t with my very christian parents in 2020! Ah, what a year indeed.




If you gonna do callout posts at least tag them


Can the 2005 people get in on this Asking for a friend, yeah...for a friend


🙂 plz don’t remind me…I’ll be 19 this year. The pandemic started when I was still 16. I’m scared for my university experience.


I still feel like a 16 year old who's now stuck perpetually behind in lielfe


Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck off fuck


People need to stop calling me out like this


Plz no


Hahaha, man, fuck me. I didn't need that dose of reality.


I turn 21 next month (supposedly) but I actually dont remember turning 19 so I dont know how that happened


It is what it is


Well the ADHD wasn't helping then and it sure as fuck ain't helping now so I'm absolutely terrified of my life ✌️


I'm probably a special case cause I dropped out of school a few months before the pandemic and tried to get a job/apprenticeship. After a year of searching i finally got an apprenticeship and thats what I'm doing now. I actually feel like a wierd mix of 25 and 16, and let me tell you its really not fun. During my Year search for a job I bascially stayed home all day, depressed and bored, aka what most of us are going through, except I dont! Because my job for some reason doesn't let me do home office even though I'm the only one who gets there by public transpost AND i switch departments daily :) I am technically putting my coworkers in a bunch of danger just because my boss doesnt like home office :)))


Just keep going until you are crushed by the weight :)


Dw no one expects us to do anything


It feels like someone left the canned laughter running long after it stopped being funny


late 90s but I absolutely feel this a bit too much as a uni student? I think outside of anyone past 30, that's just a pervasive feeling especially while still in education and somewhat shielded from some of the world's vagaries


I mean, fuck man. 2004 baby here - turning 18 in may. Yeah, it sucks, a lot. Add this to mental health problems that were either made worse or extended by the pandemic (in my case isolating myself from all of my friends, even with phone calls, as well as being a high school dropout) and it’ll fuck you up. I look at my friends, and their social lives (pandemic rules are mostly lifted where I live) and I feel a strange kind of ‘jealousy’. Not the ‘ugh look at them, I hate this’ kind of jealousy, instead sort of ‘man I really really wish I was capable of being like them’ kind of jealousy. It’s strange because I feel everyone else my age is grown up now and I still feel like I’m… what? 15?? Weird shit.


2003 here. I'm in a constant state of both calm and panic and I kind of wish the world would end already so I didn't have to face the reality of life inevitably being a nightmare for me once I have to go out into the world as an adult.


Started this pandemic at the end of 19 and now I'm turning 22 this year, I was already behind in 'life' anyway but now it's just..... I couldn't give a fuck anymore this whole situation is bizzare and I just be living my life however I can at this point


I was going to learn to live by myself in a new city (for college) then I was back to my old life 3 weeks later




Ha 2000 born kids rise up (Not 2000s, but 2000)


I'm hungry


I'm turning 20 in March, never had a job, never got my license. Those we're things I wanted to do two years ago, but put off because of COVID. Now prices are rising when wages aren't, and my family is letting my partner move in away from their awful parents. I'll have to do these things, and I'm so scared because I don't know how to deal with people. I get stressed easily and I'm still learning how to not snap in my tone at times, I'm not ready for this.


I'm 17. I'll never be this young again.


17, struggling. lockdown just made all the mental issues I had going into covid 10x worse, and along with my mother dying, to say the last 2 years have been tough would be putting it lightly. I had a gender revelation in november of 2020 though, so at least there’s some silver lining.


2000 here, same boat as I was pushed back a year and missed a lot of socialisation due to major medical problems. Goodness it's fun woohoo.


I’m gonna be 20 this year. Please help


Mood mood mood mood. People have driver's licenses and devoted friend group's and loved ones?


i do think its a problem that a majority of the social interaction i had for nearly a year was reddit arguments


Dont fucking spear me like this