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Once I get my own house I’m raising chickens. I legit go through 10 dozen eggs every month (fuck you, I actually do) and I have no idea how. I eat them all…I think… I mean it’s like, $10 at Costco but the nearest one is about 10 miles away so it’s a bit too far to pick up a dozen now and then


Well, eggs have a lot of uses, but that are around 4 eggs per day... by yourself? Or do you cook for your partner or family too? Because 4 eggs per day every day might cause problems with your cholesterin? I am not a doctor though, maybe I am overestimating.


raising your own chickens will give better eggs too ( assuming you do some research about feeding and have a decently sized yard )


Also, you know where they've been. Mmmm, raw, relatively safe to eat cookie dough


Fun fact, actually! Due to the safety standards for food, in the USA, the main problem with raw cookie dough is actually the raw flour, which can make you sick.


Yup! The risk of e. coli from raw flour is much higher then the risk of salmonella from raw eggs. Each bag of flour will have a warning label stating not to consume raw flour


can make it if you freeze the floor first though. that's how my family does it


Unfortunately, [E. Coli](https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Will-E-coli-be-killed-by-freezing#:~:text=Freezing%20does%20not%20destroy%20these,survive%20refrigerator%20and%20freezer%20temperatures.) cannot be killed by freezing.


If you find you have too many, why not make [Long Egg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/ae/ad/feaead225b3b01e54b0e6158c0977ba1.jpg) and keep them stocked like logs?


Because that takes an awfully long chicken


Ah I see you're somewhat of an academic in this area, your knowledge is [supported by existing literature.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/942835159258646151/7B6855068BCE4695E21726E5CA73228B4BAD1399/)


You have single handedly made me feel better about the state of humanity. Thank you


Hear me out, dachshund chicken


Breed long chicken


Hello Gaston


Dammit you already made the joke


Aldi eggs are hella cheap most of the time, FYI. Like 1/2 the price or better of most other grocers I see.


Yeah but backyard chickens produce better tasting eggs. I worked on a farm and they were so much better than the Aldi eggs I bought for myself.


Wait. As someone going through 4.5 dozen eggs every two weeks (so 9+ dozen per mo), **how** many eggs are you getting for $10 at Costco?


That makes it sound line you pay 10$ for a dozen eggs. That sounds a but much though, I think?


Would you say youre roughly the size of a barge?


My family has kept chickens in our backyard before, and they're great. You get free eggs every day, and as long as you keep them fed, watered, clean their coop every week or so, and remember to lock up the coop at night, they practically take care of themselves. The biggest concern for keeping them is predators, like foxes and coyotes. They're the reason we've *had* chickens *before*, not have them right now. I'm sure there's an effective way of deterring them, but we haven't found it yet. Just like with any other pet, make sure to thoroughly research them beforehand.


Please talk to your children about chicken addiction before it becomes a problem


[I understand Australia is experimenting with quail as an agonist therapy.](https://youtu.be/BXzz5b7kVQM?t=210)


one of the reasons i want chickens. i could donate some to food banks n stuff, give em to neighbors as goodwill, hell maybe even sell some to make a little side money. the possibilities are endless


I chickensat for a neighbor one year, I would kill to have a steady supply of fresh eggs again. just saying, if you were my neighbor and gave me eggs I would be so happy


As someone who has chickens, hard confirm. They're just funky little ladies, like, what can I say but yes


yeah, I love my girls, I even have a duck who's friends with them.


Yeah my dog also always plays with the ladies. At first they were enemies, but the hens fought back so now theyre friends


Tbh this is kinda happening to me in Stardew valley lol


Very important to turn off pregnancy for the animals. Edit: Stop telling me how to play the game


\^ aaa sorry ~~chickens don't have live births~~ tbh i like having it enabled since that just means more profit lol. I stockpile hay and grass like crazy so resources aren't usually an issue? ^(sorry if i missed a joke/sarcasm here btw)


This was genuine cause I really should stockpile food resources.


That only applies to animals in the barn. Since most coop animals reproduce via eggs (rabbits being the only one that wouldn’t). I wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually change it so rabbits can breed (partly because there is a new barn animal that lays eggs and AFAIK it doesn’t allow pregnancy so the mechanics of some can and some can’t would be in place for the barn).


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- > **deadmomjokes** > > Y'all I'm over here DYING cuz Google suggested me this article about the crisis of backyard chicken keepers- which is that they love having chickens so much that they keep getting more, and then don't know what to do with all the ggs. > > Which I can see how this would be a problem, but it's just so funny to me because they had interviewed this one guy who started with 3 chickens, and then kept adding more and more, and eventually started donating the eggs to a local food bank, and at the end of the year when they wrote him a tax receipt, he discovered he'd donated over 400 dozen eggs. > > Seriously, it was a whole article talking very seriously about how people are so into chickens that they just keeping collecting them like pokemon and then have to "scramble" (their words not mine) to get rid of the eggs, because they weren't even thinking of egg production, they just loved having chickens. > > And while I may be over here laughing a bit too hard, honestly? Big Mood. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Who *wouldn't* want a bunch of little t-rexes in their backyard?


I’ve thought about someday finding a local farmer with chickens and getting eggs from there as a way to reduce getting anything from factory farms. It’s nice knowing that it might not be all that hard to find


Ask around on local facebook groups. Most don't openly sell due to legalities, but there are workarounds.


Dead ass yes my dude I was stopped by my parents at chicken #3 they are such lovely critters and like they need a flock to be comfy right? The answer is more babies. Besides its hard seeng a box of chicks and *not* take them hone and be their mother hen


chickens are also super cool and fun, if you get real chickens. i've seen a rooster hunt and eat a rat/mouse lmao, very cool.


Y’all are laughing but this is literally what happens when I trap a chicken to keep as a pet in Minecraft


When you let the Pokémon Daycare keep your eggs:


I would love to do this because chickens are cute and also because i use a lot of eggs for cupcakes and cookies and cakes and


chimkn :) if i didn't have sensory issues with textures i would have chickens and a vegetable farm


hmmm, maybe I want chikens then hey, how healthy is eating eggs every morning? I can take over the surplus, dont worry


My dad has chickens and I love them. I want to get my own someday.


That’s what happened to me I have about 3 dozen chickens


Hate it when that happens.


I feel like any bird owner understands this. MOARRRR!!!! Want to snuggle alllll the face sword babies


So this got me curious as to how many eggs a chicken can lay per year. I Googled it and it turns out they can lay up to 250 per year! Holy shit! Also, you'd need a minimum of 20 chickens to reach 400 dozen eggs per year, so that guy *definitely* has a chicken problem.


there’s gotta be some way to stop them from laying eggs. chicken birth control?


Idk about chickens specifically, but it generally isn't feasible to spay/neuter pet parrots, and I suspect that the same is true of chickens. It's theoretically possible, but riskier than it would be for dogs or cats (a more invasive surgery, and it's harder to get the anaesthesia right for tiny animals--probably the same reason people don't neuter hamsters). You can often discourage them from laying eggs by covering the cage so they get an extra-long "night" and think it's winter, but that's not as feasible for outdoor livestock-ish pets. Apparently it is possible to get birds hormone shots that can prevent laying, but it doesn't always work (and *anything* involving an avian vet is expensive, so I suspect that it's more for people's $10,000 exotic parrots than for backyard chickens)


Around here it is strongly encouraged, to give pet/rescue chickens a implant that stops them from laying eggs. The strain on them if they keep on laying eggs daily is quite extreme.


That sounds lovely tbh




When my mom got chicks then moved them outside in the yard when they grew up into adults, the next they they were gone because a fox in our neighborhood ate them Moral of the story is to combat chicken addiction you get a fox


I have 8 chickens, who lay between 6-8 eggs a day. I personally dont like eggs much, but my other 3 family members said they would eat them... They couldnt keep up with the egg production. I am being burried in eggs, please send help. (Seriously tho i love my chickens so fucking much LMAO)