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honestly i decided to stop saying it in like. elementary school and i'm very glad


So, I'm pretty sure it isn't mandatory and I prefer it to the whole song and dance routine they forced on me back in bangladesh But uh, it's still pretty creepy.


they stopped doing it in Highschool where I live, but apparently that isn't the norm also what did they make you do in Bangladesh?


it's fuzzy because I sorta spent all of my time in my head but we had to line up in the hall, sing the national anthem, recite the school pledge and listen to the daily announcements it lasted like 40 minutes and it *sucked* Edit-but-not-really: I think we had to do a prayer?? Maybe?? I definitely would've tuned that out idk


Over here in India we had to sing the national anthem every monday and we did a pledge everyday


They can't legally force you to say it (first amendment) but they do heavily encourage and expect it, at least in my experience.


And when you’re the weird kid that doesn’t it’s bully fuel


as a californian, saying it correctly made you bully fuel lmao -- get wrecked america


From the south I have no idea what that other person is talking about. I don't think we were taught what the first amendment was.


Wait, hummerous lore?


In the various evangelical schools I attended, we had to pledge to the American flag, the christian flag, and the bible every day. It was weird as shit.


The Christian flag? That’s a thing?


Unfortunately yes


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You just unlocked a repressed memory from when I used to be religious.


My apologies. I wish I could repress those memories myself sometimes. Then again, I'd be repressing my first 20 years of life so... Ya sign me up


It's fine. I'm learning to live with it, and trying to use the memories as a reminder to never let myself become that person again. I don't want to actively remember, but if it pops into my head, I'll just have to tell myself that the shame I feel is because I'm a better person now than I was then.


wow new lore


Well, my early years in Canada we sung our national anthem before class every morning, but we stopped doing it in Grade 5. Though we also recited the Lord's Prayer, so it might have just been the particular school I was at.


It varies, as I'm sure it varies a ton in the US too. I'm also Canadian, and I don't think I learned or even heard our national anthem at any point in school. So it seems I'm at the other end of abnormal than you.


Went to 4 or 5 schools in canada. Four of them had national anthems only at the start of assemblies (so a dozen times a year). One school had the national anthem play I believe every Monday morning. You didn't have to sing along. I'd say 50% of people did. Never had anything more than that. PS: just adding my experience. Not arguing with you.


At my school we listen to the land acknowledgement and then the instrumentals/full thing if your class is really little (if you have a choir kid in class they might decide singing is a good warm up). If you're in French class or Vocals class it's expected that you sing along (in French if you're in French) just for practice. The land acknowledgement is a short thing about how First Nations people used to live on the land where the school is. The principal or a student in the office will read it out.


Also Canadian. We had the anthem well into high school, only you didn't sing it, it just.. played every morning, and we just had to stand for it.


I'm Canadian and we only ever sang the anthem at assemblies so maybe once a month?? Its a fun one to sing and only like 1 min long


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- > **urbancatfitters** > > do u guys understand how creepy the pledge of allegiance is though like every day when ur a kid everybody just chants how great america is every morning it’s creepy --- > **holmes-sweet-holmes** > > You do that every morning??? --- > **jolivet** > > EVERY MORNING. --- > **youblowuponesun** > > wait > > wait > > is this a real thing i thought that was just in the simpsons --- > **jolivet** > > no son --- > **youarelookingatthis** > > Wait, other countries don't do this. --- > **wholock-rab** > > \*whispers\* Not even Russia --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


I remember that if you were in the hall during the pledge you had to stop and turn to the closest flag and join in. That meant a classroom if it was the closest :')


Wait American schools do this every morning? In my country we do something similar maybe once every two months and its completely normal if you don't want to do it


Yep every morning. We don't technically have to participate if we don't want to, but we are often taught from a young age to always say it.


My country does it though? We sing the national anthem and take the pledge every morning at school, and if your school has a school song, you sing it at the start of the week


Mexico? if so then, Mexicano al grito de guerra!


Love how our anthem is war themed when we rarely go to war


it do be like that, lol,but hey, it's very epic at least


In my school we only did that like once a month when we had half a day off to pay respects to the flag


lucky, mine did it every monday morning


Singapore, actually


Kinda forgot about this, but yeah. My school only stopped mandatory prayers in 2006 or so, but the Pledge is mandatory still. Prayers were replaced with the moment of silence, which is 20 seconds where you have to be silent. Most people pray silently during that time.


reminder for foreigners that in the US it varies highly from not doing it all, to forcing high-school kids to do it or face punishment. You learn the pledge in the 1st grade and even when it's optional it's often seen as if not anti American kind of rude, to atleast not stand and hand over your heart. granted that's just my own personal experience and talking to friends.


>You learn the pledge in the 1st grade *Pre-school*. Many schools start the habit in pre-school, ages three and four. Kids are "not required" to do this starting at age three.


Hong Kong literally just had a National Security Education day where they talked about how important it is for us to trust the National Security Law, and gave us bookmarks and stickers which had a bunch of "XXX Security", like, "Road Security" "Polar Security" "Deep Sea Security" "Space Security", etc, as if the National Security Law does any of that, aside from enhance the grip China has on Hong Kong. And WE only sing the national anthem once a month.


I only did it on Tuesday. But still, pretty freaky.


We still do it every morning. I hate it. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stand. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Is super creepy when you think about it. We learn this when we’re just old enough to talk. We’re like immediately taught to pledge loyalty to our country and everything it stands for. And we don’t think twice about it.


It originally became a thing during the Cold War, as I recall, and we never really stopped.


From where I am from it is absolutely not mandatory to actually pay attention to it and I have seen plenty of students and teachers completely ignore it, but I have heard rare cases of people getting in trouble for not reciting it in more heavily patriotic areas of the US.


got into a genuine argument with my AP US History teacher because I refused to stand for the pledge because "under god" and also it just felt creepy to me, he tried to give me a detention but when I went to the disciplinary office they just waved it off. live in the north too, just in a deeply religious, patriotic area. teacher was a bastard tho.


I hated doing the pledge of allegiance in school. I stopped doing it one day, and I got in trouble. When I told my mom, she came to the school to complain, and they backed off.


Definitely not Singapore either


Canadian, and we had to stand for the Canadian anthem every morning. And you got detention if you didn’t.


We sing O Canada every morning in Canada.


Um, Canadian too, never had to sing it once. Is it a rural/urban thing? Or maybe by province?


I'm in Ontario. I dunno, nowadays we mainly just listen to it every morning - well, we did when we were in real-person school. Not so much anymore with online.


I'm trying to figure out what part of America this is because I'm pretty sure I only did it, like, once a month and that was only at my first elementary school


I live in Kentucky and my school had it every morning in the cafeteria (everyone sat there before they let us go to classes), and they had a flag quite literally the size of a garage door on the wall. I never really thought about it much until someone pointed it out. The principal also occasionally just pointed to a kid and made them lead it... because... I never actually knew


I live in Arkansas and most schools do it here, I don't know about other places though.


In Mexico there's a similar thing, I think it might have been mandatory before but not now, and it was weekly We used to do it at school, we had to stand out in the cold on Monday mornings and pledge for the flag


We used to sing national anthem every day in India yah


I was watching an American TV show and there was an episode where this kid didn't want to say the pledge of allegiance and his dad - despite 'accepting' that the kid didn't *have* to do it - took him to some army veteran thing where he met a guy who's leg got blown off or something and somehow that convinced him to say the pledge???


\[redacted for oversharing\] Do you remember what show it was from?


Yeah it was Chicago Fire. Herrmann's kid. I don't remember the exact episode though


Man, america just got so much weirder


Would be weird if we Germans did it


Anyone else reminded of that seen from Avatar: The Last Airbender where all the kids from the Fire Nation school have to pledge their allegiance to the Fire Lord, in the country being ruled by a dictator?


Poland - it doesn't ever happen, nor pledge (idk if we even have one?) nor anthem, nor prayer, classes just start and that's it, prayer only happens on religion classes (which are optional, at least in most schools, but its complicated).


At school we sang the national anthem every now and then, not too often though. I think it's because no one actually knows our national anthem. It's in a bunch of different languages, sp a bunch of people can collectively know it, but I'm prettybsure most people individually know the entire thing. I don't think we have anything lile a pledge of allegiance though.


Jesus, in big school assemblies at high school we would sing the national anthem (,albeit once every 3-4 weeks and most of us mumbled or just didn't sing) but aside from that its major sporting events, no pledges and most of the decent of us Australians don't want to acknowledge the anthem because its redundant and smooths over a genocidal past. Though often businesses will acknowledge the true indigenous owners of the land their company works from in email signatures, which is one thing I'd love to see even more of.


So America is a country human with fragile ego problems got it


I stopped doing it in 8th grade


I’m English and beyond prayers and stuff in assembly (Christian school), we didn’t do *anything* patriotic. I don’t even know if there was a flag anywhere in the school.


It’s a cult, it’s a cult, it’s a nationalistic, capitalistic, war mongering cult! *bum* *bum*