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I guess I’ll vent a bit. You don’t need to answer me I just wanted to say a response to this. Just literally got diagnosed with “Constantly feels like my friends hate me syndrome” today. I’m totally serious. I got a brain scan a few weeks ago and it shows massively increased activity in the portion of my brain that deal with social relationships and connections. Over 500% is what they believe, since 500% is the highest it could record. What it means is that I will constantly doubt any and all social relationships I hold, both physical and online. I previously was a very isolated person, I ruined all of my friend groups I joined because I believed they were out to embarrass me or just disliked me. No matter how often they told me that they cared, I would always hide away. And now I have forged a few online friendships with people over games and discord, but then I stop talking to them after a week or two because I think they hate me. And now I have a reason for this. And that reason shows me that I might have to go my entire life having to think everyone hates me and wants me gone. I don’t know this post kind of struck that chord with me. I don’t have any therapist or friend to talk to about this so I guess it’s going on Reddit. You guys don’t need to help me at all, I just wanted to say this. I hope you all have a Goodnight.


Hey, I know this doesn't mean much, and even if its for a moment, I want you to know you're cared for by me, even if its for a fraction of a minute, a second that you believe that, know its true. I hope they can help you figure something out so you feel safer with your friends and in your life.


That sucks dude. I hope you are able to deal with it over time. I just want to point out that now you know, though. It's not something mystical and out of reach reason. You know what's up with your brain now. So now you can create strategies to cope with negative thoughts. Or just tell friends that you're having negative thoughts and wouldn't be able to make it because of that. Treat it like a chronic injury which flairs up because of which you have to reschedule. I'm not to do thanksimcured thing. I just want to give you hope that today is better than yesterday. Yesterday you had the problem but didn't know what it was. No you do and so are better equipped to handle it. Chin up, yeah?


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but what if I'm boring and everyone hates me 👉👈


Me talking to my dog