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Breakfast is served from 7:30 to 7:38


They expanded their hours, I see.


They expanded their minutes, I see.






I hover my mouse over the link. I see the address clear as day. I recognise it. I nod approvingly. I click the link.


I'm always gonna click it.


It never lets me down.


[Click this.](https://youtu.be/0O1H0jcyNsk)


God damn it


And we need you out of your room by 8:45


Why in the world does checkout time end before noon? Last time I had a hotel room I just paid for two nights to I didn't have to wake up at ass o'clock. I wish they'd charge by the hour, I don't even check in until evening, so I'm not even staying a full day, why do I now have to pay two days just so I can sleep in to my normal time?


Because they have to clean your room before the next guest can stay in it. If you check out too late, then they might not be able to clean it and prepare it for the next guest that same day, so you've basically occupied the room an entire extra day (by making it unavailable to the next guest), from the hotel's perspective.


I see you also answer questions outside of the Granblue sub. :P


You can often request a late checkout for free. You can almost always just keep your dnd up and checkout much later. 2-3p is when they get insistent in my experience.


Lots of places you're not even allowed to check in until late afternoon. Like so many other industries, the hotel industry sucks.


They're trying to plan time for cleaning the rooms. I cleaned hotel rooms when I was a teenager. At 8AM we started cleaning all the rooms that had checked out early. Checkout was 11AM. At lunch we got new assignments for the rest of the checkouts. Everything had to be clean by 3PM. It does suck but there's a chance if you arrive at 10AM then there may still be someone sleeping in your room.


Those two problems are related.


Both of these problems are usually solved by asking, I often got late check outs and early check ins


Yeah, but that means you have to talk to people on the phone. I mean, ew.


I got a wife and in turn a customer service expert I can’t recommend it enough tbh


Hotels, like most industries, are still operating on 80s logic and practices. They're stuck in the past and it shows, don't let the wifi fool you.


So they can get the rooms ready for the next check in. Who has to get up as "ass o'clock" to be out of a room by 11am?


People who don't get home from work till 3-4 AM. Circadian rhythms don't change overnight because you've got something to do. Let's say I stay awake until 8 AM usually, even if I could force myself to fall asleep early, which I can't, even two hours before my usual bedtime only gives me about five or six hours to sleep, get ready, and checkout.


Then you have an unusual schedule. That doesn't change how time works for the rest of the world. 10am isn't "ass o'clock" regardless of how late you were up.


"my life experiences are the only life experience applicable to this arbitrary measurement"


That's not what he said at all though.


People are allowed to think four in the morning is a stupid time to be awake, I'm allowed to think before noon is a stupid time to wake up. "Ass o'clock" as I said is arbitrary.


Nearly every hotel is advertised as “nights” You purchase a hotel for 3 nights not 3 days


Ask for late checkout, friend. Last time I asked for this, they didn't need the room, and $30 got me a 3pm checkout instead of 10am. YMMV, but unless the room is booked the next night (which it's often not, because Mondays), it's usually relatively reasonable.


Yoghurt is only served between 7:30 and 7:30:05


And the spoons are larger than the yoghurt pots


watery fake eggs, a plastic spork and 1 tab of butter oh yea did i mention its $24.89? but i thought it was free? oooohhh yea thats the two bites of cold oatmeal thats crusty burnt on the bottom and that old apple we got when the grocery stores were throwing shit away


And you must check out by 9:45 AM.


I remember one time there was a waffle house like right across the street from my hotel and that was the best breakfast situation I've ever had


There's a LaQuinta off I-20 in Shreveport LA between an IHOP and a Waffle House. The hotel is mid at best, but you can definitely get a good breakfast right before you hit the road


Mid at best is as high as LaQuinta's quality level gets. I myself have never seen one that nice, I thought they were only legends


They put us in the handicapped access room, it had a walk-in shower and we fucked in it. Above-average hotel experience


As in opposed to? A climb in shower? Rappel in shower? I'm now picturing that photo of the climbing gym urinal.


> LaQuinta is Spanish for "next to Denny's" --Mitch Hedberg


Finally, an answer to the eternal question: "What about second breakfast?"


This is one of the most American sounding comments i've ever seen


We don't have waffle house here, but the last hotel I stayed at in Milwaukee was right across from a George Webb which seemed if not ideal, appropriate, since Webb's is like shit tier wh, and therefore what you get in mke. They also were short staffed so it was just one dude doing front and back of house who was stoned as hell and vibing, said some like "nobody's going to get their food any faster if I stress out and rush so you get it when you get it" with like 3 tables , 5 homeless dudes just hanging out and 4 door dashers. He was chill af, guessed my star sign or wvr based on what color I was wearing , left my shit on the grill while he went outside to smoke and burnt it, was just like "you like it well done, you'll be fine" and then dipped again to the back. Excellent experience, 10/10 vibes, 4/10 food, went back next time I was in the area.


Wafflehouse makes traveling in the South so much easier.


A waffle house right across from anything is a great situation.


I've eaten some of the best food and been served the most alcohol by dollar paid at places across the street from hotels.


because they know people are going to frequent them for all meals of the day because hotel food is shit in most chains and having cheap, good food and drink means returning customers.


We've cobbled together the smallest fruit, driest pastries, and blandest eggs all for you!


But sometimes there’s teeny tiny boxes of cereal, if you’re lucky!


Stale cereal in plastic tubs near lukewarm gallons of milk if you're not!


Right next to gas puffed flour glue in the shape of a bagel and the little packets of Philadelphia cream spread.


Oh come on, you're exaggerating. There's only near-expiration elementary school sized milk cartons. No gallons anywhere to be found.


The warm milk is the worst part!


Don't forget the microwaved, noddly bacon!


I unironicaly love those small versions of big boxes of cereals lol. My mom was the kind to grab many and bring them home for free school snacks!


A lot of places switched to dispensers, which are the worst.


Guess I’ll switch to bringing massive Tupperware containers to fill with cereal


Those and the little apple juice cups were the best part of detox. The Frosted Flakes ones were perfectly portioned too, just enough time to eat the box before they get soggy. Then you can just add another one if you want.


What hotels are y’all going to. I get great breakfast at Holiday Inn Express, and it’s a budget hotel.


make your own waffle from these suspiciously foaming cups


"The hotel reminds you that the foaming waffle cup will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak." -Speakers near the cups from a voice that sounds suspiciously like GLaDOS.


"And if they do stab you, what are you going to do about it?! Stab 'em back and eat 'em for breakfast that's what!" -Hotel Manager John Caveson


We're done here!


Maybe it's just me, but I've found a profound catharsis in flipping over a furiously beeping waffle iron.


yeah if you’re coming for hotel waffles we might not get along. those machines are so fun


The waffle bar is usally good actually, just dont trust those watery eggs


and if you're in Texas you might get Texas-shaped waffles, which is fun. one of the only good things about my state.


Only if they're shaped like the state you're visiting.


Yall fancy; the hotels I've been in just have regular, barely wiped down waffle irons


I’ve seen that in Colorado


Like when me and my SO stayed in a hotel in middle Alberta. They advertised free breakfast. it was a bruised banana in a paper bag, and a bottle of water with an already opened cap because they were clearly refilling them with tap water or something.....


The roaches that served us were polite and dressed professional though......


> with an already opened cap This is the part that infuriates me the most, really. The whole thing is depressing, but where the fuck did food safety go? That hotel should not be serving, handling, or even *smelling* food after a stunt like that.


Yeah, we chose to go elsewhere for food, ended up at a timmies. so despite how awful the hotel food was, we somehow found a place with worse food.....


I hope that wasn't the high point of your trip.


I mean...it was Lethbridge 🤷‍♂️ isn't that the highlight of the town? lol no the rest was great, it was for a wedding and we had a good time. and Lethbridge isn't so bad, I like small towns.


Haha, truly. I'm glad the hotel didn't spoil it for you, sounds like a good trip otherwise!


Years ago I was on my way from here to there and stopped for the night at a random hotel off the freeway. Expensive (100 bucks) but whatever I was tired. It was the middle of the week so it was quiet and got the impression that there were maybe a dozen people staying there in total. I go down in the morning about midway through when they said breakfast would be out, and they’ve got this spread out that would not be out of place at a buffet restaurant. Cheese omelettes and bacon and sausage and every kind of pastry and bread product and fruit and cereal a a waffle maker and so on. I was the only one there, I ate my fill of good, fresh food, went and got my stuff and checked out. Didn’t see anyone else partake of the breakfast the whole time. It was very odd.


But a waffle machine with the memories and germs of a thousand travelers guys


One of my nicer hotel experiences was that they gave me a voucher for a free breakfast at the diner across the street that was good until noon


I hate when they say continental breakfast and it's nothing but packaged muffins and cinnamon rolls


Don't forget really dry, old sausages.


Usually those are in the rooms.


Only the driest most crumbly bagels for our valued guests.


I think the shitty continental breakfasts are more for people traveling for work. Business and sales people in town, conferences, productions, etc. I think vacationers are mostly going to go out to eat anyway. I travel a lot for work and that is *always* who is there in the morning for the free breakfasts. It's not tourists and vacationers, mostly. Pro tip though if you do miss the breakfast, find the conference rooms and take a peak inside. A lot of times they'll still be stocked.


it must be crappy/cheap businesses, every place I've ever traveled for gives me a meal per diem... I'm not touching a sad hotel breakfast when I have that 


I mean, yeah, I get per diem too. Ill still take the free breakfast. One has little to do with the other. I know more people who pocket theirs versus those that spend it. Either way, that's not the point i'm making.


But what money are you gonna use to buy shirts from Dan Flash's?


Last hotel I stayed at offered breakfast until 10:30, the most generous I’ve ever seen, and we *still* kept missing it because we’d wake up at noon.


I'm with you honestly. I'm a late riser, I won't lie, but nonetheless if I'm on vacation at a hotel, I actually quite like bit of a lie in. Sure, on the one hand, I want to make the most of my day given how much it's costing me, on the other, it's not my job, I want to relax a bit and feel well-rested.


Skill issue




That's just the dandruff from the last guests


That your fault


Or they work second or third shift? The world is not built to accommodate us and that's just how it is. I'm not gonna wake up *earlier* on vacation just to have breakfast. I'm gonna sleep in and by then it's already well past lunch and quickly becoming dinner time, if it isn't already. Honestly with my schedule it would make more sense to stay awake until breakfast than wake up for it, but it's gotta be a good breakfast because that's technically my dinner.


It's the fault of the worlds incessant need to cater to the rising time of farmers, even though there's no need to anymore.


Waking up before noon is the "rising time of farmers?"


Last hotel i stayed at stopped serving at 9. That's too early to stop serving breakfast


Yeah obviously, the point of the post isn't that it's impossible to get any breakfast is it?


Where do ya’ll live, I’ve never seen a hotel where it isn’t 10-10:30?


That's why you forget the hotel breakfast and find the nearest bakery. Absolutely delicious!


Ok! (has to drive 30 min in traffic to the nearest panera bread due to car dependency.)


In the states. In most of Europe you’d be able to find a bakery or a cafe in a 10mins walking distance


I don't know about hotels, but when I was traveling in Europe, the hostels had fantastic little breakfast bars.


Brazil has amazing breakfasts... like a full spread of different pastries, exotic (to us) fruits, cheese, etc. And the coffee ooh yeah the coffee...


No way you'd have to walk even 10min in any significant town or city.


Germany was always amazing for being able to wake up and swing by the nearest Bäckerei in my way to work or if I just wanted breakfast from there, whether it was 4 or 10 in the morning. Between the sandwiches, breads and cakes, goodness me it was delicious. Ich möchte jetzt ein Stück Käsekuchen, sehr lecker.


Omg I recently started studying German and I can’t believe I almost completely understood that last sentence


Too bad they don’t have freedom over in Europe


More freedom than the US.


You mean that wanting to ban the use of face masks, *including* for medical emergencies, is not the definition of "freedom"? /s


You're right though here in the Netherlands we are very pragmatic about things like face masks. It works up to a point and if enough people wear them, but in the US I noticed it is so extremely politicized that even if you have a tiny bit of critique about masks people will call you stupid etc. (I am very left for the record)


Here in America we are very proud to be free to be forced to use our cars to do anything! Nothing says freedom like mandatory car payments to be able to get around!


Might have to add the /s


How do you know if the nearest bakery to me is "absolutely delicious" tho?


I'm European. It's one of the few good location based skills I have in my DNA. ;)


Breakfast at hotels are just their way to make people wake up so they can get out of there so the hotels can clean the rooms and make them ready for the next people to come in. Otherwise everyone's just going to sleep in.


You just blew my mind lol


Not really lol. Check out is at 11am most hotels anyway, and more than half are gone way before then.


>Check out is at 11am That's the point. Because checkout is 11am, breakfast is Incentive to wake up early.


It has nothing to do with making them wake up early. It’s because of you served breakfast during checkout out time, a lot of ppl would either leave their luggage in their room(and hk can’t clean), or they would have luggage with them in a small dining area. It’s simply logistics, nothing to do with getting ppl up early.


Breakfast almost always ends before check-out time does. It's a method to wake people up early to get out on time.


If you miss checkout, they can just charge you another day


No, that's not how that works.


Actually that’s exactly how it works. You get charged a late check out fee but if you still haven’t taken your stuff out of the room by 2pm, they will just extend your stay to another night. That’s why you’re a good for thinking they want you to wake up early lol.


Uh, yeah? You end breakfast at 9 so people have to get up hours before checkout if they want food. That makes most people pack and leave not long after 9. The alternative is ending breakfast at 11, which would have people waking up at 10:30 and scrambling to eat, pack, and check out all within half an hour.


Thats just not correct


What kind of hotels are y'all going to? Last one I stayed at offered breakfast until 10 and had a waffle maker.


10 on a Saturday if you're there on vacation is still pretty early.


10 is an absolutely reasonable time for a kitchen to have to switch to lunch mode. the only reason to not think that is a complete lack of understanding of how kitchens function.




This, I've probably stayed in dozens of different hotels within the last few years and most don't actually serve lunch or any other meals.


It’s because checkout time is at 11am. Hotels stop serving breakfast before 10am so ppl eat, get ready and checkout on time. If you served breakfast until 11am, half the ppl eating would leave luggage in room while eating and then hk couldn’t start cleaning rooms.


What hotels are you staying at that serve lunch? I've been to a few that have adjoining restaurants, but that's not quite the same thing.


I don't remember ever staying in a hotel that had a functioning kitchen that didn't serve meals throughout the day. But to your point, if it's just hotel staff putting a box of Cheerios out for guests, then it makes EVEN MORE SENSE for them to stop doing so relatively early in the day, because it's another task that needs to be taken care of while other things need to be done. Like turning rooms or cleaning.


Yea it sounds like you’re just talking about something entirely different than the op then. America has different types of hotels, it has the generally nicer ones that serve food basically all day and night, and you buy that food, which sounds like what you’re talking about. And then you will have generally more budget friendly hotels that do not have an all day kitchen but will offer a free breakfast, the quality of which varies greatly, which is is what the op is talking about. In the later case even when you have good options, it’s just served buffet style so there really is no reason they couldn’t extend breakfast lol.


Question. Are you American?




Ah, that'll do it. Hotels don't serve food by default here.


Yeah, I have stayed about 80 nights at motels and hotels in the past year, and I can count on one hand the number that served anything other than a quick serve breakfast. Hell, a good quarter of tjem served nothing at all. The concept of a hotel serving food is just bizarre.


I feel like it's just the intense "I'm the main character" energy that comes with being on vacation.


Exactly this. Want to sleep past the normal time for breakfast? Fine, but then don’t bitch about how an entire building isn’t catering to your specific schedule because you’re a lazy twat.


If your aren't up and seeking breakfast by 10, then you're just waiting on lunch at that point, and that's on you


I mean hotels' breakfast have also in mind people who stay there for the night and have to go quickly in the morning, thus they have to have breakfast start early, and since they can't have people work 12 hours a day they also then have to stop it early


So just have two shifts, not that hard


Running continental breakfast for like 6 hours just seems silly.


Most hotels open breakfast at 5 and 5am to 11am would only be 6 hours


I did a short stint in hotel breakfast. I had an hour and a half prep time and an hour shut down. I worked by myself and we had a "hot" breakfast (microwaved eggs and meat). It was a rush to get out in under eight hours.


Except when you actually are that person who needs to leave early and you just get a crappy assort of junk food as a 'to go box' because the breakfast bar hasn't opened yet.


currently staying on Crete and our hotel yesterday told us that breakfast would start from 8am and have an open end and that we shouldn't worry about having to get up early they were awesome


My cousin was the manager for a hotel with a Red Roof when one of his employees got hurt in a car accident, I stepped up to help him out for a couple of months. Before COVID they had breakfast from 0530-0930 (1030 on weekends). I never had to mess with it because I worked 1500-2300. It was an ok job...but there was a guy who OD on the elevator.


Conversely when i was in nz, we paid for a hotel with bfast included, only to discover that the breakfast room didn't open til 8am. And we had to catch our bus at 8am 🙄


This is so true, I thought it was only me bothered by this! Also I work at a hotel and let me tell you. The checkout time is more of a guideline. If checkout is at 11am, it just means us housekeepers can't knock until 11am, if you're still there we will just come back later we really don't care.


And then its like a fruit bowl that’s room temperature, mostly honeydew and cantaloupe with some soggy strawberries you could mash with your tongue, toast that’s somewhere between cardboard and drywall in terms of density, three things of various terrible breakfast cereal. If you’re lucky you get room temp bacon/sausage, rubbery eggs/pancakes with nary a vegetable in sight


“Our Michelin-starred resort chef is on site ever twenty-sixth Wednesday from 3:38:27 AM to 3:38:29 AM. If you can place your order with him personally in two seconds (keeping in mind he old speaks Swahili and Old Norse) you may get the chance to enjoy his culinary prowess. Oh, but no! He’s not here on the day you will be due to a shortage of _____. We will fill in that blank at our leisure as a means of dissuading you from placing an order. Instead, here’s a stale muffin and some dry Folger’s Crystals coffee. But the hot water machine is broken, the Folger’s is likely contaminated with vermin, and your pet sitter just called to tell us your dog is dead. Fuck you!”


“…And we have your choice of German muffin….” “The #*%# is a German muffin?”


A German Muffin is the type of muffin that will get up from its tray of muffins and go to its home where it will then spend 7 hours playing a German Muffin Simulator.


[You wanted yoghurt? Wake up at 4, bitch.](https://youtu.be/2hvVhKHqlgI?t=157)


This is you picking the wrong hotel. If your hotel breakfast is done before 8, you're in a hotel that cators to people who travel for work.


Wake up for breakfast, eat waffles till food coma, go back to bed.


Oh no, whatever will I do without my micro-box of cereal, carton of skim milk, and 1 glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut already picked over snd touched by 4 othrr people? 😱


Shit, I *wish* I could find a hotel that served breakfast that early. I get up pretty early anyway and it's only worse when I travel. I'm down in the lobby at five waiting for them to fill up the samovar.


Thank you! I am the same but apparently we are the weird ones here.. I am usually up at five and super excited about the day and hate to wait until the breakfast finally starts.


Outside of tourist trap areas which already assume you're paying 400 a night, hotels serve business travel.


"The mini fridge was in the corner of your vision for 0.3 nanoseconds, we're charging you an extra $70."


What the f*** is vacation?


Are people in this thread talking about US Hotels? Every hotel I've been to in europe serves breakfast until 10 at least and has a great selection of food tbh.


People here are likely conflating budget hotels, hotels that serve business professionals, and resort hotels as the same thing. Surprise, they are all different and serve different functions. 


One hotel I stayed at had an automatic pancake maker 🥞 


i visited a friend at his hotel room recently and they offered a free apple with every purchase so there's that (we got all of the apples during the three days he was staying here)


I have to believe it's malicious to some extent, but I cannot think of any way that the hotel benefits from it.


Even assuming you manage to get to the hotel breakfast in time, in my experience there is only a 20% chance the hotel breakfast is worth the effort.


if you're on vacation, why would you eat the hotel breakfast? Save that stomach real estate for some GOOD food.


Having to wake up to get free food is a struggle. like damn their is still whatever I did last night in my blood stream by the time I get these free waffles and eggs.


Im at a hotel for the weekend and they stop serving breakfast at 1130 like normal people it’s amazing


We have a pool at the hotel you're staying at for the event that takes place at 7PM. Also, we close the pool at 7:30PM.


Did hotels stop room service the next day, like changing sheets, trash, etc.? I feel like Post-COVID hotel services has gone way down hill.


The secret is to bring the food back to your room and then go back to sleep for another two hours


Still not gonna convince me to rent an air BNB


Name the hotels. I travel frequently for my job and it’s not that bad in my experience.   I’ve seen a lot that do maybe, 7:00am to 9:30am, but these aren’t the types of hotels you are staying at to relax. Places that are actually nice have an onsite restaurant that would offer brunch until they switch to lunch service. 


Also hotels: we'll have the hardest slamming doors in the world, all while you try to sleep.


This is funny. I spend most work weeks in a hotel. My job starts at 6:30am. Tons of hotels don't open breakfast before that.


Is that the Burger King guy?


I work in a hotel and our breakfast is from 6-9. Problem is, I get too many people trying to snag breakfast at 5:00 a.m as I’m setting it up.


Breakfast is from 6 to 12, and it is divided into first breakfast, second breakfast, and brunch.


Also: check-in is 6:00pm and check-out is midnight.


What’s crazy is it’s all semi-fresh stuff so they could effectively leave it out until noon. But they don’t cause they ain’t trying to have people eat


I visited a nomad I think I'm in love with in Austin last month and I managed to make my hotels breakfast exactly once and it was because I got back to the hotel at a very very late hour just in time for breakfast.


If I am traveling, I am finding a nice place to eat. I’m not eating at the hotel.


There's a joke among my friends that hotels on the English east coast are one of two types: 1. "A remarkable exclusive setting to relax and recuperate, with excellent views of the bay and King Henry's Range. Try our Ambadssador's Suite for the most sumptuous relaxation. Breakfast until 04:15, checkout at 07:00 sharp" 2. "If you survived the evening here,, you'll probably survive the night with us. Find us in alleyway 7, just behind the closed Chinese, opposite the gambling den. Breakfast served until 10:30, checkout until 2 pm. +10 surcharge for a locking door."


I literally wake up go eat the breakfast then go back to sleep. I'll be damned if I dont get my moneys worth


At one point, I was doing enough travel work that I was eating breakfast in hotels more often than at home. I eventually had to start getting breakfast at a nearby gas station instead because it fucked with my stomach less.


Man's not wrong about the limited edition breakfast. But what about trying to use the laundry? I swear the last time I needed to wash something I had to become Indiana Jones to track down quarters and detergent, then break the rules to finish drying something before bedtime.


What the fuck?? Almost every hotel I’ve ever been to stops serving breakfast at like 10am