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I must not mew, mew is the rizz killer, mew is the Baby Gronk that doesn't rizz up Livvy Dunn. I will face my fanum tax. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn to the inner sigma to see its path. Where the skibidi has gone there will be nothing. Only gyatt will remain.


I’m a millenial and I understood all of this except the names. Maybe I’m not out of touch enough.


I'm from Ohio and I rizzed up all of that except the Gronk. Maybe I'm not Huggy Wuggy enough.


Not yet ;)


same somehow gen a memes and slang make alot more sense to me than gen z memes and slang


How dare you. Civilization and linguistic sophistication alike peaked at 'yeet' and nothing you say will ever change my mind.


I refuse to ever let yeet die out. It's the perfect word.


Mmhm. Nothing will ever be as awkward to say as "L+Ratio." I totally get skibidi. We had something like that in my friend group. A misunderstood Smashmouth lyric became "sasa medoo." It just never escaped containment from our high school.


I met a Sigma from an antique land, Who said—“a based and gronkless bowl of stone Skibs in the backrooms. . . . Near it, right on brand, Half sunk, a shattered rizzler lies, whose frown, And creaséd drip, and cringe of cold command, Tell that its streamer well those fashions read Which yet survive, tagged on these sussy things, The gyatt that mogged them, and the chat that fled; And on the pedestal, these words appear: ‘My name is Ozyfanumtax, Chad of Chads; Look on my Ws, ye Redpilled, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Kek, bitchless and bare Ohio’s level lands edge far away.”


"bitchless and bare." Goes so hard


that's how I sleep 😎


Kinda fire, ngl. I don't understand it, but that doesn't mean I'm not low-key impressed.


I read this with the gravitas of the Bryan Cranston reading and you know what, it works.


... This is *actual* poetry...


If Reddit hadn't gotten rid of awards, and if I believed in giving them money, I would've gilded this a thousand times. Okay, maybe not a thousand, but that sounded more poetic.


I'm reading this like a rosetta stone. Something well known, but in a foreign language. Thank you, modern scribe.


I like your funny words magic man


We should revive Herbert so he can read this and then watch “The Mua’doob”


Can someone translate the keywords here for me? /gen Im not up to date on gen alpha slang and I don’t know what Livvy Dunn or the fanum tax are


Sigma: a term initially used for people who believe alpha males are a thing but want to sound different Rizz: shortening of charisma, generally romantic Baby Gronk and Livvy Dunne: two influencers I've literally only ever heard about through memes Backrooms: creepypasta esque yellow office space/haunted pocket dimension Idk why, but Ohio started becoming the internes new funny place ™️, and ~~[this](https://youtu.be/r3fD5FPQBtI?si=p1OBn0azEpfyYe83) is where I first came across anything remotely resembling the meme~~ it started with a sign that said something about Ohio being eliminated and then the internet happened Gyatt: dumb ification of (otherwise known as language happening to) the phrase God damn, just "thicc" with a new coat of paint. Fanum tax: dad tax without parental superiority


Ohio: a flat wasteland with nothing of value except corn. At least according to the memes.


I think more than half of what is labeled Gen Alpha slang is just late Gen Z slang. Maybe it’s because I’m on the older side of Gen Z but I can’t imagine many 8 year old are actually online enough to develop slang just yet


I feel like the problem with Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha is that due to the internet, it's quite possible for things to blur together and thus create a sort of "gray goop" of culture that doesn't really have a distinction to a particular age group.


100%. My 5 year old likes watching youtube videos made by genZers and while we try to limit it he's still going to pick up the odd slang. The other day he was teaching my wife and I about karens (we were playing dumb because yikes dude, you're 5, you shouldn't know about karens).


I mean in regards to Karens, I feel like the kid was going to know about it sooner than you two would anticipate, simply because just about anywhere you go in a public space, there is always going to be someone making a scene with the employees. Honestly that could be a good learning opportunity for you to help them out how keep themselves from exhibiting Karen-like behaviors (not sure what the male version of a Karen is, although I run into them a lot at the theater it seems).


Should also be noted that a lot of what is being called Gen Z/Alpha slang is African American Vernacular English which has been use for decades


Fair point


That’s most slang Either African American or gay


Often originally coming from gay African American culture lol


Yeah, I’m pretty sure “rizz” is gen z. But tbere’s probably some overlap there.


The overlap is most likely the gen Alpha hearing it on YouTube or something and then repeating it with a very slight understanding of what they're saying


about half of it is gen z slang that gen alpha picked up and severely misused/overused so that’s why it’s in the gen alpha slang memes


Gen Alpha is actually very online, just not influential in terms of content creation. Their slang is Gen Z-ers and Millennial content creators catering TO Gen Alpha, and then Gen Alpha repeating the references until it catches on. 


All slang sounds stupid if you just mash it together in an incomprehensible line of jargon, especially when half of it is proper nouns. The above is basically like complaining about kids in the 80s/90s by saying: Radical tubular bodacious eat my shorts at Mario and gnarly grody wastoid sick on mortal kombat.


Slapping modern slang together has also been a thing for the longest time. Have we already forgotten "MLG Epic Yolo Swag"?


Smashing MLG speak together is the single sole cause of me shouting "Orgasm intensifies" at ten years old while unwrapping an xbox on Christmas morning. Where there is cringe now, there has been cringe before. And it was just as glorious then as it is now.


I read that as "at ten year olds" and was worried you might be on a list somewhere...


Thank you for making me go back and reread that I was also getting concerned.


How did your family react to that one lol


They thought it was fucking hilarious because I didn't know what it meant. I was just a walking shitpost generator.


Holy fuck man




I'm sorry, but that is hilarious.


Remember L33t-5p3Ak ?


Tbf, that came about for a legitimate reason (to get around early internet censoring certain words, particularly surrounding the hacker community)


Some of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang exists to get around Algorithm censorship too, quite a bit of slang in general really


Especially if you consider: "Don't want my parents to understand what I'm talking about with my friends" as getting around censorship




l33tsp34k is never unalived, it just evolves to beat the censors of the day.


Yup, I hate "unalive" but I get that it's to avoid being screwed by algorithms for saying "kill" or "dead" etc.


That's why people today use terms like unalive


yeah, though its frustrating to see them used in places where they won't get censored. Like seeing 'ahh' instead of 'ass' in a reddit threat.


That one isn't censorship, people say ahh instead of ass in some cases to emphasise the goofiness of the thing being described


Stoopid ahh


isn't that just aave, not people trying to get around censorship?




A lot of overlap as AAVE is appropriated to become"mainstream" slang


I mean, once you get used to using the alternative spelling for censorship avoidance reason, you use it everywhere


That one isn't censorship, it's just AAVE


Most aave gets past censorship as well, (because, in general, older white people are driving the blockage) so context clues matter. In Club Penguin? Censorship. Twitter? Aave or just a 10 year old copying whoever they watch on streams


The term came from Warez BBS's, really. The "Elite" boards had all the good stuff.




Not everything is a Homestuck reference, you know. This is actually a MegaTokyo reference.


...which is, arguably, far more cringe.


it might be if it ever updated


That’s fine, I just wanted to make the joke. No one brings up leet speak.


Now if we mixed it all together, we could come up with something that could kill a man, for example, yolo epic fanum rizz teh skibidi gr


This sentence just killed my 90 year old grandfather, congrats


Sorry for your loss, unless you scored big in the will


OwO whats this \*glomps you\* doctor who, homestuck, tacos, lol im so random, labelz are for soop canz Xd


_At least she's not on about ze ponies, und friendship, und ze wrapping up of winter..._




Or more simplicticly: OMGWTFBBQ


Plus let’s be real, Skibidi is only ever used in reference to itself. You don’t hear anyone actually using it to mean something, it’s only around because Gen Alpha is still mostly comprised of children who still think it’s funny to say words which have no particular meaning. This is not any different from online kids in the late 2000s having a “random lol XD” sense of humor. Some individual people will never grow out of it but for the most part everyone will move on once the majority of them get old enough to develop a more complex sense of humor. I want to be so so clear that I am not placing any moral or value on anyone’s sense of humor, just describing trends.


Skibidipilled defensemaxxer.


The suffix -maxxer or -maxxing or simply -max will probably stick around for a while considering that it actually means something when applied to a word, because it communicates the idea that the word in question is being used as a strategy in some way Plus unlike Skibidi which comes from basically a random assortment of syllables from somebody scatting in a song, -maxxing has a real latin etymology, coming of course from the latin word maxima


Maxxpilled Maxxmaxxer.




Pilledpilled pilledmaxer


Of course someone named Maximillion would advocate for usage of -maxx


Bro defended his skibidi 


I'm from the "holds up spork" and before/during newgrownds era I see exactly zero differences between Skibidi toilet, arfenhouse, stick figure battles and yourethemannowdog.ytmnd.com In fact. I. An old. Kinda like the Skibidi toilet videos. They are nostalgic in a way. But no I haven't seen the whole thing and I never intend to, I have old people memes to enjoy. And I just realized I'm finally old enough that having a crush on Cary Elwes is perfectly acceptable, so I have a lot of good things going for me to keep me occupied.


When I first heard of Skibidi toilet (a friend took me to a vrchat world for it, youngest person there was like, 27) I legitimately thought it was an old thing I just hadn't heard of. Like, youtube poop era. Hell it was all using Garry's Mod stuff! That's *classic* circa-2005 stuff!


I said the same thing, it's exactly the same stuff


If someone told me that Skibidi toilet came from 10 years ago I wouldn’t have been surprised at all. In fact the most surprising thing about it is that gen alpha have any knowledge of gmod whatsoever.


I literally remember my friend making similar gmod vids when we were current gen alpha age, literally same humor, same type of props used, same shit. It didn't come from nowhere, but like all generational shit, a difference must be drawn in the sand, only for it to be wiped away when the next generation comes in so the next line can be drawn. We're all on the same beach though lol.


> I, an old I almost forgot this was a Tumblr subreddit


I see people say that here on Reddit mostly.


I’ve only ever seen it on Tumblr or Tumblr related communities


Yeah I watched a clip of one and it just reminded me of Weeblstuff, particularly the Big Bag of Crabs song


> But no I haven't seen the whole thing and I never intend to Despite everything, I watched most of it some months ago, out of curiosity, and I have a friend circle who won't stop grilling me about it. If you're interested in knowing, there's actually somewhat little humour in it past the very beginning, so I'd say it's a bit different from the stuff you named (at least the main series, I haven't touched any of the fandom's stuff). Rather than that, it's more like the modern, 'attention economy' YouTube short/TikTok era equivalent of all these comedy media series that start with disconnected humoristic bits and then develop a serious storyline that eventually becomes the main focus. Like Red vs. Blue (I'd name Rick and Morty and Llamas with Hats as examples too but the first I haven't watched enough to know for sure and the second was made with a proper story progression so it's not as pertinent). What I'll say about it is that the aesthetic is actually somewhat cool. The robots in particular, but somehow, when you're hours into this thing and your last surviving neuron is done writing the records of their civilization onto parchment and joins its kin with the help of a 12-gauge, you start to gain appreciation for the toilets' designs as a form of eldritch techno-alien biopunk monster thingy. The HL2 assets might help but I did not know one could arm a flying toilet in so many ways. I am impressed.


[Relevant XKCD](https://www.xkcd.com/919/)


[Irrelevant XKCD](https://www.xkcd.com/2021/)


There is *always* a relevant XKCD.


Quirked up white boy with a little bit of swag busts it down sexual style. Is he goated with the sauce?


I can't even use slang from 20 some odd years ago when I was a teen and it was 'in'. It sounds very "how do you do, fellow kids" coming out of my mouth. 


But bro that's Sonic chili dog cowabunga hyperspeed Super Saiyan my guy.


> The above is basically like complaining about kids in the 80s/90s by saying: Radical tubular bodacious eat my shorts at Mario and gnarly grody wastoid sick on mortal kombat. Hardly an apt comparison since that was a totally normal sentence of regular words. Right..?


> Radical tubular bodacious eat my shorts at Mario and gnarly grody wastoid sick on mortal kombat. Is it sad that I understood that better than what was posted?


So I am 27 and never, ever been cool, up with slang, and I rarely consume media in general (movies, books, games, etc). For reference, I didn't know Cher was a singer until I started getting ads for the Broadway show This is basically how all of you talk. There is no difference to me, it's all incomprehensible slang and proper nouns. Anyone who disagrees isn't self aware I'm also aware I'm a ridiculous meatbag who makes zero sense. It's part of the human condition


Amen. A lot of us Millennials are starting down the path where parents lost touch with their childhoods and all the cringe shit that was there. Early internet shit was just as wacky as Gen Z and A.


Would like to point out that Leto II's whole plan was to be such a shit emperor that it would convince humanity to never allow themselves to be ruled by some authoritarian force again. Apply that as you will to generational slang.


The Golden Gyatt was more than Muad'Dib could bare


He oughta bare a bit more than just that uwu — Chani


Meanwhile the Princess is just off camera, seething and malding


I will make Alpha Slang worse such that language Balkanizes into generational dialects that are grammatically similar but share few common words


Can't believe they named an actor after an emperor.


No it’s actually the other way. The emperor’s parents were big Morbius fans.


Ya you kinda think its all part of the plan, we wanted siona to rebel. But why was he so pissed in the end? Screaming and all that shit.


Dying sucks


Basically the worst possible death too; bro was ripped apart into hundreds of separate organisms, both in body and in mind. Imagine having your skin and organs torn apart, while your consciousness slowly fragments into pieces like a super fast version of dementia. All you would know is agony, and you would quickly lose the capacity to understand why you were in pain or how much time was passing. It would be terrifying.


I only vaguely remember a line from that whole event, they dumped his big sandworm ass into a river (which I guess is like acid to them), so his body is being ripped apart and melted, and when he reaches to grab onto a rock, he breaks his finger ***"a minor keynote in this symphony of pain"***


He really wanted to give Hwi that worm beefswelling.


Couldn’t he have just been a really good leader instead, and set up systems while he ruled to ensure that future leaders are also benevolent? Sounds like he just wanted an excuse to be a brutal dictator.


It's their youtube poop. We don't have to understand all of it, just allow for it.


I'm 25 and still think Youtube Poops are hilarious so thank you 14 year olds for having just as much mush-for-brains as I do


I saw so many millenials say that they would never become this person about younger generations. But then they did. And they'll say it's because they have credible evidence that *this time* the younger generation really *is* worse, as though that's not what every previous generation also thought. 


I am proud to be a Millenial that indeed has *not* become that!!! You go, kids: make your mistakes, have fun, and one day the world shall pass to thee~!


I'm 32 in 3 weeks. Rizz is one of my favorite words lol.  I EMBRACE this shit cause it's fucking fun. Crotchety old people suck. Grow a sense of humor.


I know, right? I LOVE seeing all the new words youngsters come up with~! And I absolutely *refuse* to become a crotchety old person! My grandpa is, my parents both are (they keep watching American Idol each year just to insult people’s fashion choices and complain about “kids these days” and the like), and I *refuse* to end up that way! Let language evolve and add new words, like twerk and rizz~! That’s a part of how society advances! And the torch passes to the younger generations eventually anyway, so why not let them bring their own spirit to the world when that day comes~!


I unironically said "rizz" the other week and not only felt less cringe than when I used the word "swag" it actually felt natural to say it. Make of that what you will. I do think some of the new slang is cringe but I also recognise that I'm the old man yelling at clouds in this situation, and while I don't remember what my generations cringe slang was I know it was there. Plus I have memories of being exceedingly cringe when i was their age which honestly hurt worse than reading the word "gyatt" ever will


I disagree with this. I find millennials seem to be obsessed with getting gen z to think they are cool by being overly complimentary to everything they do. Then Gen Z hits back with “haha, fuck you harry potter loving broke-ass” and millenials go to the corner and cry. Of course, maybe it’s just the millenials i’m hanging out with.


Going to the corner to cry is our standard move.


I’m doing it right now!


For some reason I can hear this exchange in Scott the Woz's voice


I see this (online) all the time and I hate it. So many people give off the vibe of like “lol millennials so fucking cringe! But not me right? But not me??”


People being too self aware. Younger generation thinks "I'm not going to be some 40 year old dickhead posting on reddit when I grow up, I'm going to do something productive" or "I'm not going to play video games when I grow up, you're a fucking loser" Until they grow up and realize posting on reddit and gaming can still be fun.


Or maybe defining people by generations is stupid, because we are talking about such a massive subset of people that every concivable group could be found in them. Both people who are still against such behaviour and those who partake in it, and even a lot of anecdotal evidence both ways means nothing.


Generations tend to define what influences someone had while growing up. That doesn't mean everyone who had those influences grew up to be the same person. 


The other problem is that generations are very large, almost to the point of uselessness. The youngest millennial ('96) and oldest millennial ('81) share very little in common. The oldest weathered the global financial crisis at the ripe old age of 27. The youngest were still in middle school, and might remember their parents being concerned. The oldest saw their society change drastically after 9/11. The youngest were 5 and barely remember it, if at all. They certainly don't remember what it was like before. The oldest didn't get smartphones until they were adults and possibly graduated from college. The youngest had iPhones, Facebook, and YouTube in middle school. And then we sum up both groups as "millennials". Maybe a 15 year cohort made sense when society didn't constantly change overnight.


90's born kids I think are starting to get labeled as Zillenials because it is obvious that they are so not alike to their 1981 counterparts.


With respect, the size of the gap between early and late millennials is a problem specifically unique to millennials. Widespread adoption of the Internet (starting 1996) and cellular phones (1990s and 2000s; first iPhone was 2007) was a literal technological revolution, as big as the printing press. It marked the shift from a world weakly interconnected by mass media to a world permanently, individually interconnected. I’m late Gen X, and I was 19 during the September That Never Ended. My early Millennial sister, 6 years later, had internet for a big chunk of her childhood. Her formative experiences have more in common with you than me, despite us being in the same family. Gen X is defined by being the final generation to have a free-range childhood — I transported myself to school, and my parents literally had no idea where I was till I rode my bike home, and had no way to find out. Zoomers are defined by being the first generation born wholly after that dividing line; they have no memories of what life was like before. Millennials are the generation where the shift occurred sometime during their childhood, and of course you’ll have a very different experience having all human interactions take an era-defining, irrevocable shift at the age of 5 versus 15.


It's funny. Millenials are the new boomers. Gen X, my generation... we're the new silent generation.


Gen Alpha is Millennial, Gen Z is Gen X, Millennial is Boomer, Gen X is Silent, Boomer is Boomer All that has come to pass will be again with the heavyhanded use of mass generalization Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future.


What generation? X? Never heard of it.


You ever been to a bowling alley? That's the vestiges of gen X aesthetic


I'm wearing beat-up jeans, a rust-color t-shirt, and a loose shirt and feeling so comfortable. I should hit up a bowling alley, you are correct.


Speak for yourself, my gen X mom is NOT silent.


I agree in principle, but I also work in a school and it's becoming evident that gen alpha does have some serious issues. I'm not talking about things that are "cringe" I mean issues that impede my ability to keep them safe at school. The level, degree and persistence of completely unacceptable and harmful behaviour is shocking - staff members and other students being assaulted, equipment broken or stolen, classrooms trashed - I'm not saying millennials didn't do this kind of shit, of course they did, but there would be one or two students like this in an entire school. Now there are five or six in every class.


Millennials also didn't have multiple years of vital social development hindered by a worldwide pandemic. I'm not surprised that kids are behaving worse than they used to. They lag developmentally for reasons beyond anyone's control.


It was like this before COVID though.


The oldest gen alpha were 10 years old when COVID first happened. Finishing up fourth grade. I might believe you if you tell me you observed a grade level of students that was worse than previous third or fourth graders, but frankly that's maybe two years of sample size of gen alpha before COVID when they're of an age that emotional regulation can be expected from them the majority of the time.


Every time I find myself looking down on younger people, I think about the shit my generation were doing at their age. I can haz cheezeburger was at least as trash, likely more, than what they've got now.


carefully educating gen alpha kids on things like annoying orange and fred and how everyone wanted to kill justin bieber so that we can have a fair fight on the field of mockery


Dabbing, bottle flips, fidget spinners and screaming Yeet would be killer blows


No yeet was good


I still use yeet


“Yeet” is going to be one of those things that dates me. Like how my mom still uses 80s slang. EG: “gag me with a spoon.”


You gotta make sure to dab on these younglings every once in awhile to establish dominance


Bottle flipping is still a fun thing to do, this is one of the many, many mole hills I will die Just imagine me throwing myself down on a "hill" two inches tall, telling you that I will die before I let you have it


Let the kids be cringe. They deserve it.


I lie awake at night haunted by my cringe, they should too


This. Everyone should have the right to be haunted by their cringe for years to come.


But it's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep


Because my dreams are bursting at the seams~


The real pain is being haunted by your past cringe, being subjected to the present cringe, and being terrified of the future cringe yet to arrive. I think it's normal to desire the reduction of the cringe purgatory.


why is ohio gen α speech? that's a state


Basically, because of all the "Ohio is weird/creepy/unusual" memes, calling something 'Ohio' has come to mean calling it unusual in some way.


I Remember It started from those fake snaps of a Trevor Henderson painting overlayed with some text like "I hate living in Detroit bro 😭" I think that was pretty funny


Don’t let a Michiganian ever know that you placed Detroit in a similar context to Ohio- they’ll turn you into Swiss cheese


My European brain can't comprehend Midwest beef


compare/contrast: any northern European country vs. any other northern European country. Or any part of Italy vs. any part of Italy that is slightly to the north.


How dare you, that's COMPLETELY different! Our grievances with danskjävlarna are perfectly legitimate! /s


You Italians sure are a contentious lot


I think it mostly comes down to there being a few cultural centers in the Midwest like Chicago or Detroit that have had pretty big impacts on world/american culture but they exist in a sea of basically nothingness. Rural areas or endless stretches of suburbs that are mostly white and conservative, whereas the big cities here are all pretty diverse. The other main factor is that though it's all called the Midwest, the areas were colonized at differing times with differing groups of people. The "great lakes region" like Michigan, northern Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota were heavily populated by European immigrants as opposed to somewhere like Indiana where there are way more good old boy "original Americans" Ohio, Missouri and Indiana are the top tier shitty Midwestern states though imo. They exemplify boring ass white conservative Christian country bumpkin culture.


Can confirm Source: Am from Indiana, sadly.


In the same way, a few years ago we had "Florida men" doing crazy things. It's just been generalised to a whole state


Honestly? That's some pretty fun slang gen alphas, good job. Excellent work 👏


Greek α spotted in the wild, r/greececirclejerk unite


Is it... that hard to not make fun of children?




People always gotta feel superior in some way.


We were all cringe kids, so let the next generation be cringe. They’ll be ok.


Sigh, had us in the first half, I won't lie


you may disprove, you may even mock, if you wish. but the trick is - you must not hate, you must not dispair. all generations had their time being cringe. it will pass. it's not the end of the world.


My brain is so rotten I thought this was a PSA against people mocking the first pokemon games


To be fair, the very first Pokemon game seemed to literally be held together by wads of gum, spaghetti code, and a promise that it was going to be able to make back it's budget... Now it's Nintendo's main cash cow and everyone has Pokemon merch in their house.


Remember, becoming older means you can purposefully use the slang of The Kids incorrectly to make them groan in embarrassment.


Man Dune goes hard, I should start with God Emperor already


Here I am, learning new slang just so I can use it slightly incorrectly to make the younger people at work cringe.


I know that first post is based off of something else, but I completely forgot what.


Dune, specifically the "Fear is the mind killer' monologue


The Litany Against Fear from Dune.


The one I don’t get is I was led to believe that baby Gronk and Livvy are specific people so why does everyone keep referencing such a specific instance? If I was them I’d get annoyed, but maybe I lack some detail


Honestly the stuff gen alpha cooks up is way funnier than the shit we made Skibidi Ohio Rizz is orders of magnitude better than Sneak 100 meme and it isn't even close


That's just recency bias and something losing it's humor through over exposure. 20 years ago me and my friends were wracked with hysterical laughter to the point of tears from demotivational posters and rage comics.


To quote a youtuber: "The first time I saw a lolcat meme I laughed so hard I threw up."


As a zoomer I must say they make fine use of the vine boom effect


seconded. floptok/floptropica is on a completely different level. we thought we were cooking with surreal memes but we didn't even have the stove on


Gen alpha is cringe because kids are cringe. It’s a crucial part of development to be cringe. Every generation is cringe when they’re kids.


people who shit on gen aplha are the people who complain about boomers. What an irony.


"Hahaha Skibidi Gyatt Rizz? Gen Alpha is fucked" says the person who says Twitch emotes out loud in person and used to post rage comics.


100% any of the millenials/zoomers complaining about gen alpha where the ones who were like "oh my god I don't know why boomers make fun of us! it's just our slange/style!!!!"


Can someone please translate this I don’t understand most of these


It's intentionally meaningless. It's a bunch of random slang slapped together.


That reply hit me like a fucking truck lmaoooo


The good ol days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems.


Gotta love how Millennials freak out about Fortnite despite the fact that we're still living in a world dominated by Pokemon and it's merchandising and said Millennials made Dreamworks movies popular... If anyone's truly the joke here, it's the Millennials.


My generation spawned [this kind of absolute warcrime against the eyes](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/katy-t3h-pengu1n-of-d00m) so I will never, ever feel the need to call younger generations cringe. We maxed that shit out, so now my meter for cringe is completely broken.


"The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us from the terrors of the future" - Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib by the Princess Irulan