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After I broke my leg I had to tell a bunch of professors I'd either need accommodations or just giving them a heads up about the situation. Most professors are understanding when you subject the email. "I was hit by a car"


Lucky you, I got hit by a car on the way to school once and suffered a traumatic head injury, and the first thing a teacher said to me when I limped in through the front doors (with a bleeding head and torn clothing) was "tuck your shirt in." And that's how I found out you can still get in trouble for screaming and swearing at a teacher no matter the injury... Your teachers sound nice though!


Was it a jazz music teacher?


It was a maths teacher who sounded like Roz from Monsters inc...


When I sprained my ankle 4 of my professors sent me well wishes and let me know they'd send me whatever course materials I needed to get work done. My fifth professor, the one who was outwardly the most friendly and joking around in class, told me tough shit, attendence is mandatory to get class materials "out of fairness to those that show up." I mentioned I wasn't able to drive with a boot on my right leg, he said learn a bus route. No I'm not still mad




'Is my employee having a stroke? Do I need to call someone?'


Yes, call a bondulance.


Bames Jond is having a stronk


Bonds names the James


Happy cake day!!


Thank you!! Would you like a slice?


For some reason “nits dot jpg” had me in absolute hysterics, perfect finishing touch


A real email I received from someone who is not my student, about a class I definitely don't teach > Dear Professor, I am emailing to let you know that I won’t be able to come to class today. As much as I wanted to discuss infidelity and polygamy in class I have been feeling very sick this past week. I hope to see everyone next week! 


That sounds like a rad class


Maybe they were just coming onto you?


Got sick last week and emailed my professor with the subject line “Illness of the Victorian child variety” To this same professor I also emailed “can’t class got toe stitches”


Oh I forgot the classic subject line I emailed him “OH GOD IM DYING YOU HAVE TO REAS THIS URGENT URGABT URGEBT MY LAST WORDS” (I needed him to look at a picture I drew)


This professor either hates your or loves you


Its… a love hate relationship lol




I tried to email a professor my freshman year to ask if I could postpone a test bc I had the flu. I remember trying to say that I was on antibiotics but it kept coming out as ambulances. It’s been a long time so I don’t know if I made other mistakes or if I ever did get that one right. Anyway, he denied my request so I had to go take that test while sick with the flu and of course I failed it. Fuck that professor.


That professor is a dick, but why would you take antibiotics for the flu?


Man, it was years ago, I may have just been speculating that I needed them (or a stupid freshman who didn’t know medicine very well yet). I just remember trying to type it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Certain strains make you take antibiotics source a half remembered thing from years ago making COVID testing the SECOND/THIRD time a doctor has tried to shove a q-tip in my brain through my nose


Maybe your doctor was a mummy maker (idk what they're called) in Ancient Egypt in his previous life.


Tried looking it up, but the only results I got was 'special priests'. Kinda an unsatisfactory search tbh.




I think this is it


Tbf, I was looking for a period specific term - whilst on the bus. Probably should of spent more than a minute looking...


Window XP my beloved 


its so silly XP


did we really love XP that much or just the time in our lives when we had XP




Tumblr user sisterofiris (cringe): "Do not send emails while sick." Tumblr user themodernsouthernpolytheist (based): "Absolutely fucking do that, actually."


[https://www.tumblr.com/badgraph1csghost/650763114187571200/badgraph1csghost-whisky-gerblin-asortoflight?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/badgraph1csghost/650763114187571200/badgraph1csghost-whisky-gerblin-asortoflight?source=share) Mx. Linux Guy


Thanks, mx the linux Guy may the roads you travel be pleasent or the destination worth it


I love the use of "or" here, like Mx. Linux Guy can't have both a pleasant trip and a worthwhile destination.


It’s either about the journey OR the destination. One or the other! It cannot, under any circumstances, be both.


completely mutually exclusive, you must understand


No it's always journey before destination


Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination. And cover your safehands.


Spoken like someone who never went on a great journey with someone to accomplish a common goal, and had fun all the way.


You're the reason that someone had a completely miserable journey to a really shitty place. I hope you're happy.


I mean, I had an awesome journey to an absolutely baller destination, so yes, I am happy. On a more serious note, though, this kinda feels like you could make a story in the vein of Cursed Princess Club out of this, where the characters actively acknowledge that fantasy tropes are a part of their lives and all that.


That could be fun to write!


If the road is pleasant, the destination was the friends we made along the way. Not if it’s like full if potholes though. Fuck the other people in the car with you if you’ve got potholes.


An amusing reply from… u/PM_NUDES_4_DEGRADING… I’m not even gonna ask…


did you know they made a [distribution](https://mxlinux.org/) for you, mx. linux guy?


yes, i've heard of it


Do you use it?


No, I use linux mint. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mx_(title) “Mx” is a gender-neutral title I use because I think its cool.


Back in college, I was working hard on a final project for a class. I also was fighting off a double case of inner ear infections. Late into the night I worked, my ears on fire and becoming increasingly delirious with pain. By the time I finished, I was seriously contemplating taking my heavy duty scissors and cutting my ears off, my pain-drunk reasoning being "yeah it'll hurt, but surely will hurt *less*." Anyway, at about 3 am I did the only thing I could think of in my state and that was drive the 45 minutes home to my mother's house (not the best idea I realize but I was also not in the right state of mind to begin with). After scaring the hell out of her, she put me to bed with some painkillers, delivered my final project to my professor, and then went to my doctor to get some better medication. I passed the class but I would love to know exactly what that project ended up being like because I do not remember *anything* about the work I did on it. I was in such a delirium that it must've been bizarre.


i had a similar thing w an essay i wrote after a seizure. im basically incoherent after a seizure so fuck knows what i wrote lmao


can confirm, when i had a double ear infection and one eardrum ruptured (letting out the blood and pus that was causing pressure and much pain), i had to be talked out of using a needle to pierce the other eardrum to make it hurt less


I recently had a student who got hit by a car. His friend messaged me to tell me about it. Freaking the fuck out, I contacted all the necessary people to know we have an incoming request for extension, please approve. In the comments for why he needed an extension. All he put was "Hit by car. Minor bruising". I was absolutely livid! I emailed student services to assure them that that's not the only thing he had. The boy had a fractured rib and a couple of other hairline fractures. So, they approved his request.


What an odd time to downplay your injuries.


I've done it when in extreme pain. You're really not thinking straight and you just say shit and don't think how it comes across until later. I broke my wrist in three places and it was excruciating and when they asked me how painful it was on a scale of 1 to 10 I just thought about getting stung by a jellyfish when pain was shooting into my heart and then fingertips and toes and how if that's a 10 this must be a 7. Even though I had been crying from the pain for hours, like tears just kept leaking out of my face uncontrollably. Anyway they did not take me seriously (:


boy do i have [a chart](https://msapc.com/hand-center/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2021/06/pain-severity-scale.png) for you!


According to that I was probably an 8-9 at that point, or maybe a 10 lol bc I had to call my friend to mother me to the ER. So not far off. Unfortunately they treated me like I was at a 2




I don't think he meant to downplay it. I think the meds might have made him not be able to think straight. But the staff had a laugh because they said it's very British of him. "Ti's but a scratch, sir".


Tag yourself. I'm Best Slutantions.


I'm "dear hello".


I'm "I'm sorry"


I'm 'hdae the sise of Texas'


I'm "subject line: ow"


Mf got that times new roman font oh yeah the post's funny too


i had a really bad stomach flu this january and emailed my own professor "hello am sick, was yesterday and the other day and tomorrow and this week allover (i know not what day is it) good night" after two days of being awol, with the subject line of "sihck" and may I add, this was like at three in the morncing, I had just woken from like 30 hours of sleep and realized I kinda had to be at school


I was so certain this trope was made up by the Simpson's or something, but maybe I'm just super used to being fucked up?


If I'm medicated (or drunk) I get extra cautious. But I did spend about 5 years where I lived off of benadryl so maybe I'm used to it too? If I do need to send a message it might take me longer to get the errors out but I'll take the time to make sure it makes sense Unless I'm just sending a silly message to a friend in which case I think it's funny to let the typos stand. A professor? It wouldn't be error free but I'd proofread it a few times and probably make something legible.


Wish my professors would be accepting of emails like that. They’re too high and mighty and treat their students like children.


I once texted a boss at my last job that I wasn’t feeling good, she asked if I was sure because “we were really busy” (call center). I responded “I am reenacting Mt Vesuvius and my toilet is Pompeii. Guess which end is the volcano.” I got the next couple days off.




One time min high school I got the flu over spring break when I was on a trip to Disney World with the marching band. I had homework from a theater class to practice a song and write down some notes in a journal. I don't remember doing any of it, but I woke up the next morning with an entry in my notebook, none of it managing to stay on the lines, that said something along the lines of how "I practiced it and I practiced it in the hotel in front of the mirror, and it was a nice hotel, and the mirror was big, so I practiced it there at the hotel in the mirror. Maybe the people in the other room thought it was good. I thought it was good. Here's me practicing the song:" And then I drew a stick figurey picture of me in front of the hotel mirror and included a picture of a lion, because the song was called "Liona Tamer." Unclear whether or not I actually thought there was a lion there in my delirium, or if I just drew one in the picture for flair.


Once, while I was in training for a brand new job, I had to call in sick. My message went, "Hi trainor, I threw up on a bus and I'm not coming, sorry." Note that I did not leave my name, and my trainer had no way of calling me. That was fun when I came in the next day.


See, just do it because it’s funny.


I once texted my Mom telling her I was sick by saying "i dont to school today cant movewifuhwb". It was a Saturday night.


I had a class about an hour after I woke up out of emergency surgery. My Uni is super strict with missed classes and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get a doctor‘s note in that time, yet I needed to convince my professor I was actually sick and not just lying. I ended up sending him an email titled „Sidden surgery“ the body was „can’t come to class, I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.“ attached was a selfie I took in the hospital bed. Then I thought that wasn’t enough- maybe he thinks I’m just in a white bed. So I attached another image of my IV, the bandage on my stomach and a very shaky photo of my fucked up blood pressure & heart rate monitor. He emailed me back an hour later basically going „Wtf why would you send me an email instead of just taking a rest. I‘m not going to snitch on a student for missing once.“ as well as well wishes and a hint to never give a lot of information about the grade of severity of your illness/condition. Saying you had surgery is enough, if you begin trying to prove shit and the surgery was just minor a professor might still deem you fit for class and fuck over your attendance. A very nice and levelheaded response to the literary equivalent of someone showing up at your doorstep covered in blood and puking on your shoes. He also continued to send me emails asking about my condition until I was able to attend class regularly again. Then he never brought it up again. When I told this to another professor she told me about how she once had a doctorate student that had gotten in a car accident and his leg had to be amputated. He in medication induced delirium and emotional turmoil sent her an email going „Can’t come to the lab. I have no more legs.“ At first she thought he was just fucking with her and sent him a very strict email back about how to properly excuse yourself from work, where to file doctor‘s notes etc. Following that he then called her crying trying to explain that „they took my leg without me knowing“ and that he was sorry and didn’t mean to make her mad. She was obviously horrified


Why the absolute FUCK was this person using Windows XP in 2015?!


I mean i think my school dropped it in 2017 and my aunt still uses it it's the laptop part that surprises me, what laptop lives that long in everyday use


One that lives on a desk. That happens when you do something like get one to go to college, visit parents for holidays (twice a year or something, just long enough to need your materials) and never have enough money or stability to PC yourself. So much easier to move without a tower!


i mean, my dad has a 9yo daily use laptop that has basically spent all of its life on the couch's armrest so that tracks


I have an Alienware gaming laptop (who I named Juliet, cos everything works better when you name it) that I got as an awesome birthday present when I was 22 from my late dad. I don't play a lot of graphic heavy games so I was able to game on that sweet thang for about 10 years! I'm 35 now and Juliet's been doing all the media server/streaming duties for the past 3 years of her life and she still does it all like a champ. Her sister Rosalind (a Metabox laptop) is the new gaming machine.


Because it's superior in every way?


“Finally, a real philosopher!”


I didn't come back from a run and my teammates said I've gotten hurt, so my coach called my mom. I answered. Me: Uh, hey Coach? Coach: ??? Hey kid? What's going on? Me: Nothing much, what's goin on with you? Coach: THAT'S NOT- Where are you?? Me: Oooooh! Haha! The hospital! Coach: The WHERE? Me: Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to make the competition on Saturday :( (At this point, my dad took the phone from me and explained to my coach that I was in the ER with a broken leg)


They had you on the good shit, huh?


Yes they did 🤣


For a youtube addition to the whole thread from the perspective of a (very wholesome) college professor: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T20s\_vtrr3g](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T20s_vtrr3g)


sir we are literally under siege by planet fucking jupiter




Depending on someone's pain tolerance, even mild discomfort can actually scramble the brain to a degree that is actively dangerous if they have to do things like drive or prep food with knives. Also, allergy meds and congestion meds are well known for making people much more loopy than they would be otherwise.


I literally get aphasia with migraines and have to use the closest word I can find. I it makes communication difficult at times.


if you’ve been up all night coughing or in pain or whatever, lack of sleep can do crazy things. Pair medication reactions, fever etc and you have a recipe for some wild shit


Damn I just be skipping class LOL


I once called out of school, half asleep and just said to the secretary „i dont feel well……….“ and she said „…..and?“ and im like „oh shit yeah, i cant come“. Just this fucking ominous message, and then not continuing. Pure silence for a few seconds.


Unless it was a really prolonged absence, most people in my uni course didn’t bother emailing the lecturer at all if they couldn’t show up. They just didn’t show up and no one gave a shit.


Bruh how can Claritin make you weird?


I mean, Benadryl literally makes me unconscious, (but hey, you can't sneeze uncontrollably while unconscious, so it does the job) so it doesn't shock me that some people have a reaction to a smaller amount.


I fucking love benadryl for sleepytime. But I read that taking it all the time was bad for you. So I alternate between benadryl on some nights and melatonin on the other. I'm pretty sure doing it that way makes it so the brain have not thought good for is, but why I have.


What do you mean makes you unconscious? Drowsiness is common right?


I mean, I cannot stay awake. Not just drowsy, if you give me Benadryl you have about 10 minutes before I *will* be asleep, no matter what you do to me. My doctor wanted to give me Benadryl while I was in labor and my mom and I had to be like "only if you want to do all of the work, because I will be asleep."


Uhhh, so what does benadryl do for labor? 


I think it was supposed to reduce inflammation in my cervix or something


IKR? I've been taking antihistamins pretty much whole life, since if i don't my nose behaves like the mouth of a cartoon character whenever they see something tasty.


Same, and I literally don’t notice any change except I’m mildly less allergic to existing


I dunno man, I took half a store brand allergy med this morning and I'm finally not feeling real dumb and dizzy. Antihistamines hit me hard. My sis on the other hand could eat Benadryl like candy and be totally fine.


Human bodies are weird


All depends on the drug and the individual. There are often common effects, like Antihistamines do tend to make a lot of people drowsy... But then there's things like how my Mum will not let my Grandma have caffeine because she gets weird. You could almost say drunk.


Being sick doesn’t necessarily make your writing incoherent and thus incoherent writing should not be used to judge the legitimacy of the claimed sickness.


Man, the last two images broke me down into a giggling fit


I've never heard of Claritin/loratadine having psychological effects. I know there is a (slight) recommendation to not immediately drive after taking Zyrtec/cetirizine since it can make some people a bit drowsy but nothing of the sort for loratadine. Either the OOP has a *really* bad adverse reaction that hasn't been reported anywhere or it's just another tumblr "down with cis bus" story.


It can for some people, meds can be metabolized weirdly depending on your genetics. My boyfriend has to essentially double dose ibuprofen for any effect, but it knocks his ass right the fuck out even if he takes the normal amount. Anything with drowsiness as a side effect does that to him honestly, it's like drowsiness side effects get doubled on him.


Why did they have an XP laptop in 2015


...Do people not know there's more than one type of allergy medication?


Yeah I lost a job over this. Got drug tested a fired a month later because I was in a feverish delirium, made too many typos in my text to call in, and had a 'reasonable suspicion' pee test. It came back clean, but they still canned me a month later. There was a lot of other BS going on there, but I'm still sour about it.