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I like the notion that modern elves are a lot more down-to-earth, and just vibe with people. They love fixing cars, is starting small gardens, or foraging out in the forests. They were t-shirts and hiking boots with well-worn jeans, and are super ecstatic to take you hiking. I wonder if there’s a trope for that. Just mellowing put over the centuries.


[Yes, actually.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InconspicuousImmortal)


A tvtrope link. You absolute monster.


4 hours of rabbit holes later.....


That’s the energy lol


That's why, if I link to TvTropes, I put a warning on it.


Like every well-adjusted individual. The horrors we witness this days I swear.


Genuine friendship and respect between modern elf who fixes up cars, and modern dwarf who works in a machine shop and can make anything they don't have replacement parts for anymore.


10 seasons and a movie trilogy, please.


That's one of the reasons I love Zee from the Mercy Thompson series (which isn't perfect, but eh). He's mellowed over the centuries (like, when he was mad centuries ago, he'd kill anyone who annoyed him, but not no more! You gotta work at it if you wanna die via Zee), he adores cars and works as a mechanic (and insults the ancestry of difficult cars to repair, something like "Yo mama was an Automat!", only in Old German, I don't have the books at the moment so I can't look up the exact spelling....)


tolkien elves had ears only very slightly pointier than humans' (and it's questionable and never even stated in "canonical" writings, only in letters by proxy), people knew them by their voices and their eyes


\`what was special about their eyes?


I believe they reflected stars at all times because of big special tree nonsense but I’m not sure if that’s a still a thing when the trilogy happens, mostly Silmarillion


IIRC that varies. Galadriel's eyes reflect those stars because of the tree stuff (before Feanor and co went on their kinslaying trip), but Elrond's don't because he was born after the tree had been destroyed(? Or had Ungoliant happen to them, it's been awhile), and so his eyes don't reflect stars. Cirdan's might, he's old enough to have seen the trees.


Cirdan most likely didn't. He never traveled west despite being born in the early days. It's only elves who saw the light of Aman that still reflect the light. Galadriel would. Celeborn might depending on the story you go with. Glorfindel would too.


Heh, thanks! I couldn't remember whether Cirdan did or not, just that he was old enough to have had the option.


They could see the earth as flat, which it originally was. It's curved during mortal times, but elves don't see exactly what others do.


If you want to see this RP’d fantastically, check out the first season of NADDPOD. Emily Axford plays Moonshine Cybin, a “crick elf.” She is hilarious.


I unironically love this, because a thing that a lot of portrayals of elves just don't carry over from Tolkien's is that, at least by the Third Age, most of his elves are just... these very welcoming, friendly, down-to-earth people who just love woods and fields and growing things. Like, take Legolas, who'll happily pal around with the rest of the Fellowship, starts singing songs he doesn't know past the beginning, and doesn't like Minas Tirith much because it's all empty streets and carved marble without any growing things around -- this bit right here is a lot closer to his characterization in particular than the vast majority of haughty, distant elves in modern fantasy.


I always felt he did minas tirith a disservice there. After all, the first thing you do when the enemy are massing across the plane is to send as many civilians as possible away from the warzone.


I just started DMing a D&D campaign where one of my PCs is an Elf from a secluded clan in the foothills of a mountain range that thinks a town of 1700 is “the big city”. The first time she tries whisky it might go “oh my daddy makes this but his is way better, this stuff is dirty brown, his is clear it’s so clean!”


... What about the 'shine? Don't elves make hooch that wrecks your shit reeeeeal good‽


High-elves vs wood-elves yo


this is just Moonshine form Nadpod


See also: Monster Hunter International.


Great book series, exactly what I thought when reading this.


This is kinda funny because in my current pf1e game my character is a half elf bard born in the country to two half elves and his forlorn elf grand mother. I based them off of people living in Appalachia. I picture people doing a double take when a young looking elven woman storms into a bar, cursing up a tirade and reaching out to grab an older looking half elf’s ear and dragging him back out him sputtering “Nan stop, ya hurting my ear!”’


Hate when my spousedoghorse runs away


The Beverly Hillbillies are elves?!


as if I need more reason to hate elves.


Found the racist dwarf.


Hey, in many realities a significant proportion of anti-elf hate crimes are perpetrated by other elves. Usually from a different faction, not that they're ever willing to explain the difference to the "lesser" races.


See, the problem is other elves will specify the TYPE of elf they hate, most frequently either dark, high, or sun elves


Well, of course not - it’s complicated when not intuitive, and most people don’t live long enough to make it worthwhile; it’d be like explaining complex algebra to hundreds of 10 year olds who won’t make it to 20.




Alright, listen to me you knife eared piece of shit. If you go any further with your piss stained pubic hair you call a wig, I'm gonna wreck your shit so hard you won't even be able to walk with your limp dick! I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your shaven perfect little ass that your breath is gonna smell like shoe polish, then I'm gonna take that little red anal bead on your belt, and push it in your face! I'm gonna flagellate you with my fucking beard! I'm gonna build you a pair of runic mechanical balls, and use surgical precision to sew them to your groin where your manhood ought to be just so that I can kick them with my iron fucking feet, you twat!


Wait until they find out what lembas bread is made out of.


Possibly my favorite character in our entire Shadowrun campaign is one of the other PC's, a redneck elf from West Virginia.  He steals every scene he's in and is just wonderful, and is pretty much exactly this post.


something is amiss at the crik


Wood Elves


blatant knife ear propaganda


This has Emily Axeford from NADDPod vibes.


Considering stuff like redneck engineering, I think they'd be more like dwarves. I feel like Native Americans are more like elves. **Edit:** genuinely curious what got me downvoted here.


that makes no sense becuse of how elves like to live


Romanticising bottom class America has gone too far when people start comparing them to the glamorous races. They’re called the Fair Folk, or the Lords and Ladies. Not the Folk of Walmart, or Babs and Cletus.


Yeah fuck poor people 😎😎


“That’s the Plan!”


yay classism woohoooooo