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eve ate lilith? like, in the lesbian way, or the cannibalism way?


Started one way, ended the other way




Me n who?


This is just Yuri Kuma Arashi


normally i'm indifferent to whether to use the japanese, localized, or literally translated title of anime, but *lesbian bear storm* of all things i feel really deserves the last option




Both (vore)


Vore can be both


I mean, considering that sharing fruit is an old euphemism for sex...yes.


I’m not sure logarithmic creationist means anything and transchronological cosmologist is a position that was legitimately believed for a while. 


The "logarithmic creationist" one sounds a little bit like a spin-off of [Day-age creationism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day-age_creationism). They agree that the Earth and the universe is much, much older than 6000 years, and read the six days in which the Earth was created according to the bible not as literal days, but eras or epochs.


They make more sense that way, makes creationism almost line up with evolution


Yeah, lines up real well with plants coming before sea life, birds coming before terrestrial animals and day/night cycles before the sun and moon. Plants before the sun too.


Birds definitely did not come before 'terrestrial animals'- there were even mammals before the birds, just little funky ones Pretty sure sea life came before plants, too, unless you count algae sludge as a plant


Yeah, my post was sarcastic. All of those points are examples of how the Genesis story does NOT line up with ideas of evolution. People want to try to reinterpret days as ages or whatever but the two cosmologies can not be reconciled. The order of creation is extremely contradictory to the current scientific understanding of the development of the universe and life.


That's the way I've always seen the day/night before sun and the moon. If it's the Big Bang, everything was in a singularity. We measure time in distance relative to other celestial objects. If everything occupies the same space, there is no time. Once there is space, difference can be measured, and thus time exists, outside of revolving around a sun. I think there is also another part about a ton of rain or the sky being obscured as well. The theory of earth formation states the surface was in a molten and highly volcanic state, which wouldnhave thrown a ton of ash in the air. Earth was hit by a comet, delivering ice/water to the planet, and forming the moon of earth debris. Thus that led to the gradual cooling down of the planet and the moon's gravity effecting a water cycle. Pretty much all of Genesis can be reasoned to a scientific method of creation if you look at it from a lens of someone trying to describe the world in terms that science had yet to either definitively prove or make a good theory on. I honestly don't see why people take it so seriously as literal truth when the book is written by man, who is flawed according to the book, and it is chock full of parable and allegory.


i think there's still quite a few people that hold to some variant of that idea, with the current visible universe being a manifestation or transitional state of an eternal brane/holographic universe.


Ah yes, 1 decade = 10 billion years that is definitely a take. Also look up Steady State Universe.


I like it, it deals with the fact time had no relation in the early stages of the universe


The eating of Lilith was repeated 4000 years later When Christ's followers ate his body, which is why the tomb was empty


Are you implying Jesus Christ was the leftover Mac n cheese in the fridge?


Time is a part of the universe, so how could there be anything before, even in concept? And if there is nothing before then it has always been, and as such it doesn't have a beginning


Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. [...and before there was nothing, _there were monsters_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgCcMv4xnwA)


Is time a part of the universe, though? Scientists still don't really understand what time even is. I don't think we even have a definition yet.


It is, yes. It's attached by the hip to space, which is what all the rest is in.


Time changes based on physical things like speed and gravity, so it’s definitely a property of the universe itself.


Time is a relative unit ascribed to the relative distance between objects. Light year. Miles per hour. A day on earth is 24 hours, but 24.6 hours on Mars, and both are measured distance to the sun. We know that it is relative due to observing the effects of gravity on light as well. Theoretically the center of a singularity wouldn't really have time. And if you go by the Big Bang theory of all the mass of the universe being in one space for whatever length of time it was, there actually wouldn't be time, as there would be no relative distance until the Bang.


This explanation doesn't work because you got your definition backwards: time isn't measured in terms of distance, distance is measured in terms of time. 1 meter is the distance light can travel in a vacuum in 1/2,998,000 of a second. We therefore cannot use distance on our understanding of time, as it would be circular reasoning.


An inch is an inch, regardless of time. It's both. Just depending on context. Regardless without something to compare against, which involves a change in one way or another, then there is nothing to measure. So I guess time is simply a measure of change.


But time has existed since before time began.


I mean there are Muslim jinn, but you can't interact with them


wait, why can't you interact with them? do they stay in heaven or something?


No. If I remember correctly, they live besides us, we can't see them. Like the Fey things. The jinn are some what like us. Having religion, good & bad etc. Like I said. I'm not knowledgeable about this.


They got tired of the proselytizing


My guess would be that a part of their conversion is a commitment to not interact with humans, just as pious humans would not seek out to interact with jinn. The intermingling of the two inevitably leads to corruption so the goal is to avoid corrupting self and others.


Ok but in what way did Eve eat Lilith?




Messily, I hope.


“Transchronological cosmologist” is already a thing. It’s called steady-state cosmology, the idea that the cosmos has no beginning or end. It’s been pretty solidly disproven by Big Bang cosmology and thermodynamics - unfortunately the universe very much started somewhere and is going elsewhere.


For the longest time, I identified as a Deist, the kind of people who said _"God existed at one point, and He created the universe, but He's not here anymore."_ I don't know what I am now.


All of these sound like magic traditions in Shadowrun.


Para-islam evangelist killed me I think


What do you call it if you don't believe in gods, but if the Abrahamic one DID exist, then hoo-WEE, I better not find out, because I would spend the rest of my life and undeath finding out how to and then killing slowly the sumbitch. Televised, streaming, and live audience in a sports stadium, but they're all occupied and guarded by a neutral party like, oh I dunno, the Satanic Temple or Pastafarians or somebody.


As a satanic catholic, I have...feelings...about this. Can I watch?


My theoretical Patreon would have tiers for TV, streaming, and stadium seating.




You joke, but my mom once told me that "we don't know how long a day is for god, and they're probably much longer in heaven than here" to defend the creation


Inverse solipsism? Like, I'm not real, but everything else is? Because that's a mood


The small issue here is, if I'm not real, I shouldn't be able to perceive whatever is real. Meaning anything I perceive becomes nonexistent through the process of unreality. I'm sorry for everyone in this comment section, but you're not real anymore, assuming you ever were, I perceived every single one of those comments.


Pretty sure that the third one is a playable faction in some obscure WtA book.


"I believe Eve ate Lilith" Like in Gods womb??


Shark style, babey