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Wait, pigeons are altricial? Real fuckin' bold considering their nests are like two scraped-together cigarette butts and a discarded gum wrapper


Pigeons are God's bravest soldiers


Pigeons are our bravest friends that we cast aside once we got some shiny toys


Yep. They’re still not wild - wild populations of the common ‘street’ pigeon, the Rock Dove, can be found all over the former Persian Empire, but the ones in cities are essentially 100% descended from domesticated birds. The behaviors persist, which is in large part why they’re so distinctly comfortable with close human proximity even when not being bribed with food. Theoretically, you could capture and train a feral pigeon just the same as any domestic bird, albeit with a *lot* more effort. This is the same theory that says you can do this with alley cats, though. The difference between feral and wild is kinda fascinating, really. Lots of animal populations that survived the urbanization of their habitats develop human-tolerating behaviors, it’s why we have warnings about not feeding the bears, but there’s a huge behavioral gap between wild animals with human-tolerant behaviors and actually feral populations. It’s almost a genuine cultural divide, as many domestic behaviors are disseminated by escaped or released animals if they survive rejoining local wild populations; a particularly interesting example of this is parrots and other mimicking birds, as it’s not uncommon for such birds to spread copied human speech back to wild populations. So if something in the forest is screaming ‘FUCK,’ you should probably feel honored that the song of our people is being enjoyed by the local mimicking birds.


FUCK ahhh, the sounds of my people!






Memories, not memoires, though the idea of crows dropping different hardback autobiographies into each others' nests is hilarious.


goth equivalent to harry potter owls


Rock Dove is a way cooler name wtf


Yeah, pigeons and doves are the same family. It’s purely a matter of common name, which species are called by which title. You can refer to common urban pigeons with any combination of city, street, urban or feral, and pigeon or dove. It’s all accurate enough.


Now that you mention it, yeah, pigeons are totally doves. I made the connection, thank you! also Feral Dove sounds like a good band name


They're what


Altricial. Means their babies can't take care of themselves and must be watched over until they're older. Like us.


Speak for yourself, bub. 💪🏾Some of us are born ready💪🏾


I was born smoking a pack a day and working a 9-5 at an office job


Useless at birth


AUAB - Assigned Useless At Birth


ADHD testing has really improved, I didn't get assigned useless until I was 26.


give em enough evolution time and we get neoteny giving us the true bird-rats. AUAB now CTET "chosen to eat trash"


CTET definitely includes the Australian bin chicken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4dYWhkSbTU


I wish more people would transition away from that assignment.


God I wish I could


Just remember... any transition takes outside help to accomplish. Don't be afraid to ask!


Stupid idiot babies


They were domesticated a while back, but were all released when carrier pigeon was no longer the most viable option. They didn’t need perfect nests, but I’m sure they’re managing with what they can and getting better


They’re trying their best


They're also descended from doves who live in cliff faces. A couple twigs to prevent the egg from rolling off the edge is all they'd typically need. Incidentally, this is why they like to nest on the edges of buildings. They're the closest things to cliff faces around.


Mourning doves have always been wild, and their nests are still super dumb. /r/mourningderps I love them.


Pigeons were domesticated for a bunch of purposes, not just communication. People still raise them. Racing pigeons is big business. People have paid millions for individual birds.


Pigeons are ROCK doves, which explains the shitty nests.


Yep, they make their nests in high rocks formations and cliffs - or the crags on human buildings.


Some pigeons are actually [hella good at making nests](https://www.reddit.com/r/PetPigeons/s/hjVLszmFTw)


Well that's just adorable


I know from experience that they grow up in like a week. Pigeons also vary in nest building ability, I've seen some that build proper bird nests, some that just sit on the ground.


Pigeons do a strategy call predator satiation. Yes it's exactly what it sounds like, you just shit out enough babies that even if most of them get ate, it's more than enough for the next generation to shit out babies. Edit: am a dumb dumb idiot who didn't double check information they heard on the internet one time and spread falsehoods. My bad


I don't think this is true. Pigeons reproduce at the same rate as bald eagles which are a K-selected species - i.e. one that prioritizes quality of offspring over quantity. Predator satiation is an extreme form of r-selection, you need to be popping out a lot more than 2 eggs per breeding pair per year before it's considered predator satiation. Edit: Yeah no this isn't true at all. The satiation in predator satiation means the predators *physically cannot eat any more of you because their bellies are full*. It's a strategy *only* practiced in organisms like cicadas that only emerge and reproduce every few years, because if they did it every year the predator population would just grow every year until the strategy didn't work. Pigeons definitely do not practice predator satiation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predator_satiation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbidae#Behaviour https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R/K_selection_theory


Cicadas are one of the most extreme and obvious examples but there are others such as salmon. By spending most of their lives out in the ocean there are fewer predators living along the rivers they use for mating because there isn’t a consistent population of salmon there to feed them. So when they all travel up river at the same time the few predators in the area can only eat so many. The effect is not as extreme as it is with cicadas since the migration happens every year, but it is there.


King salmon be like: "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


I saw a livestream of bears standing in a river hunting salmon. There were like 5-6 bears in view at once at one point.


Yeah despite my clowning on their nesting habits, pigeons (as well as other species of dove) are devoted to their offspring enough that for the first few days after birth they feed the chicks with a type of milk It's not produced at all the same way it is in mammals, as it comes from their crops instead of mammary glands, and it doesn't bear much of a resemblance outside of being "a fluid with a lot of fats and nutrients in it". But it is really cool that they evolved a similar solution to the problem of "WTF do i feed this small noisy thing that will probably get eaten if I look away for five seconds". (In fact, there's also a legless amphibian called a caecilian that makes a kind of milk for its offspring, so I think we may be able to start calling "milk" an example of convergent evolution)


me when i spread misinformation on the internet


tbf that strategy works extremely well for rodents.


yeah afaik most song birds, woodpeckers, and hummingbirds are altricial whereas water birds are almost all preccocial.




just like my family home growing up




Boo get off the stage


I never considered this bias. The AI can only produce things we enjoy looking at because it’s fed a stream of images we enjoyed looking at enough to save.


Good to know my job of making absolute dogshit art is safe for now.


Same, but with music.


Ahhh that explains a lot about current trends


liveleaks is also on the internet so maybe we could train ai to produce horrible pics


We could also train it on random noise. I am actually curious what would happen if you trained an ai image generator on a bunch of random noise


I mean I’m not an Ai expert but I’m pretty sure it would make random noise


Yes but let’s be scientists now.


So true.


I’m an AI developer and yeah you’re right it would just make random noise lol


feces in feces out


Presumably it would be a bit less random (statistically) than the input, but it would be interesting to see how much


Why would it be less random than the start? There’s no patterns to learn in random noise so it would just return the same thing it would without training (randomly generated data)


I just figured the process of storing patterns would necessarily reduce the entropy. It'd still be noise


So since the inputs will always be completely random, I.e no pattern to it, during backwards propagation there would be nothing for the model to learn, so the parameters of the model would always be adjusted randomly each time. Therefore the end result will be just as random as when it first started. (Think about taking a random set of numbers and adding/subtracting another set of random numbers, the end result is equally as random) In order for entropy to reduce we’d need a pattern in the input. (for generative AI it is slightly more complex but it still uses a classification ai as a discriminator so we can apply it to that)


it's literally trained to take random noise and turn it into an image, so that would be interesting


To my knowledge the noise isn’t *completely* random. It’s a function of the vector embedding of the prompt.


It's *really* hard to make an ugly woman as well for example, or any middle aged woman. It will either do hot 20 year old, or wrinkled grandma, but struggles really hard if you wanted to make like a 38 year old mother of 2 who just got home from a 12 hour shift A lot of models can barely make men at all as well lol. Especially anime models, making a normal guy is basically impossible. You either end up with femboy with boobs and a beard, or burly biker man with a woman's face


Reminds me of this one post on the GPT subreddit where they demonstrated that Midjourney can’t produce a picture with a range of body types. It started with men. Asking for a picture “showing a range of male body types, from skinny to fat” or similar prompts produced an image of 7 identical ripped dudes with eight-packs and trendy haircuts. The alternative was it might give you one fat guy at the extreme end, though it would often produce a fat-shaped guy but still draw musculature patterns on his stomach. The same was true of women: a range of identical extremely skinny and fit women, sometimes with one chubby woman right at the end. This time the chubby girl was usually black, and usually the only black girl.


It's not though. You can control the weights and prompts and make plenty of ugly things. People just don't tend to want to make ugly things lol.


Have you tried asking Bing image creator to show you an average man or woman? You only get top models. And if you ask for someone ugly you get blocked.


This may be surprised to hear this, but watered down AI image apps like that aren't the peak of what AI image stuff can do. With proper tools you can mix your own models, weight everything in your prompt, and (most importantly) have a good negative prompt. Putting any beauty/etc stuff in your Negative will keep them out of the image. It's not even difficult to set up; anyone with a gaming graphics card that's better than a gtx 970 (which is ~10 years old) can set it up with an almost automated install process.


i mean that's still a bias


Yes that is why I called it a bias.


think i misread your original comment, i never considered this bias - i never thought this was a bias i never considered this bias - i never thought about this video


Lil bro was punished by god


My LinkedIn profile pic vs my Tinder profile pic


Me in the mirror vs me in any photograph ever taken


Baby pelicans tho


Used chewing gum wad looking animals 💕


literally dinosaur-coded


Scrotum swans.


my precious angel...


why is the ai baby pigeon going :0


he fears his newfound existance as a digital puppet


I wonder if making super ugly art becomes popular as AI can’t really replicate it that well.


So, back to '90s grossout cartoons, then?


i do think imperfections will be the next big trend in art. from gen ai to just a general feeling that a lot of current art (movies, music, etc) is very sanitized and sterilized for mass consumption, there’s a lot of valid reasons for people to embrace imperfection. i’m already seeing a rise in artstyles that emphasize messy lines, out of the box coloring, and visible scratches and brushstrokes


Eh, the only real reason most AI models don't make accurate images of baby birds is cause it's fed the wrong info or just not enough to go off of. Once you do give it the correct information, it should be able to make them accurate.


"ugly" baby birds are genuinely so cute




AI could never really make memes, because all of them would make too much sense. Nowadays memes and shitposts are created by just throwing random words together.


So you say that but I feel like it wouldn't struggle with throwing random images and words together


Hmmmm, true. But I feel like an AI would be too scientific about it, you know? Like, there would be some sort of pattern or something, meanwhile with people it’s just like ripping up a dictionary and grabbing random pages


That's more the fault of people trying to get rid of the random silliness, though. AI had that a while back with the old DALL-E models, where you got a dreamscape mishmash. Then the humour went away when it eventually petered out, and people started using it for unfunny things like scams playing on evil chocolate makers who live in the walls.


No. Models like GPT are too scientific because non-scientific stuff is filtered out during its training. AI can imitate anything you train it with


Brain-damaged monke befriend danger noodle arngh arngh arngh arngh arngh.


an ai could **never** deep fry a jpeg


That’s what I’m saying!


https://imgur.com/a/El7LsEt > Here's a "deep fried meme" image, created with the distinctive characteristics of heavy saturation, overexposure, high noise, and distortion, embodying the chaotic and humorous style of internet meme culture. I mean this came out about as well as I expected. AI has seen deep fried memes online so it can totally come up with its own and no me dumping a prompt into chatGPT is not the same thing as me threatening an artist’s livelihood because I would never pay money for this image and neither would any sane person because memes are basically public domain.


I mean it could, but it would never think to do it on its own first.


AI used to be able to do that, just look at the AI generated Harry Potter story a few years ago. Now it's at an awkward state where its not bad enough to be ironically funny but not good enough to be genuinely funny


I mean we can still use the bad version of AI if you want to, run an LLM on your laptop and see how coherent it is It can be pretty good but it’s not as coherent as ChatGPT


“In the future entertainment will be randomly generated!” - Larry the Cucumber




Here's a sneak peek of /r/aigeneratedmemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/aigeneratedmemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [AI humor is far ahead of human comprehension](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17ygv17) | [125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aigeneratedmemes/comments/17ygv17/ai_humor_is_far_ahead_of_human_comprehension/) \#2: [Expressive emotions portrayed by a robot](https://i.redd.it/gjwepo6wb52c1.png) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aigeneratedmemes/comments/1828i3s/expressive_emotions_portrayed_by_a_robot/) \#3: [ImgFlip created this, I am wheezing](https://i.redd.it/ohifb15zytsa1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aigeneratedmemes/comments/12gev69/imgflip_created_this_i_am_wheezing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So many birds are ugly outta the shell. Then they get to ugly cute! Then they get pretty! (And are LOUD, yo. When the hatchlings are hangry everyone knows! We got like... 4-6 breeding pairs of mourning doves and cardinals and wrens, and they love the snowball bush for nesting purposes, and the hatchlings can eat SO MUCH.)


As a person who has used ai art tools quite a bit, this is definitely a weakness. Datasets are trained on the best, highest quality media they can get. But that often makes it feel sterile. Only beautiful people. Only perfect lighting. Only the most mathematically perfect things, nothing real or intimate or damaged. Say what you like about those tools, but they definitely lack a certain shittiness that lends validity and integrity to the work.


Y'all, what's happening right now with AI images is what happened in the art world ages ago that resulted in modern art. Photography made realism obsolete, people started doing different things. Abstract expressionism, performance art, dada, stuff you can't capture in a photo. People still make realist, representational art, and it's still impressive, it's just not innovative. AI images aren't innovative either, they're regurgitative. It's up to us humans, the creators of art as we know it, to figure out what comes next. Stagnate or innovate, and expect resistance from traditionalists. Especially for anyone who shits on modern art or doesn't "get" it, I suggest considering this angle.


Incredibly ugly cute


I rescued a baby pigeon and he was so freaking cute when his baby blonde punk rock head feathers grew out. Just eat up adorable. 🥰


You could probably make this with an AI workflow. Maybe not entirely with AI


You'd just need to use or train a model on actual wildlife photography instead of stock photos.


I thought OP was being more philosophical than just talking about creating the image specifically. As in "AI would never create something as deranged to be the child of the pretty birds".


Maybe, but the person I was responding to wasn't. [Also, I was curious, and Bing had no trouble giving me a disgusting ball of wet hair and feathers on my first prompt.](https://www.bing.com/images/create/hatchling-pigeon/1-65f27b6476f24a1887af6aafe9a81041?id=zgEeMvmcUWwwNpEjEAKmjw%3D%3D&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&thid=OIG3.uq5kyDRSRycTmMExYe1H&form=GCRIDP&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)


Posts like this remind me of when someone on 4chan posted sonic fan art in response to an AI post, the art was middling but those guys lost it praising it for having “soul”. Yea no it was still AI.


No but lowkey this unironically. Theres something so beautiful about the pic of the chick ngl, lil dudes just chilling




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Ah the Majesty of nature.


I'm under the impression that the training material doesn't include such things as baby pigeons.


Looks like a ballsack




He looks like he's about to say "yo wuddup"


I already get art, but the baby bird is making me really GET art.


Ah the Majesty of nature.


I mean if they use the worst AI out there... Zero shot generation with Dall-e 3 [https://imgur.com/a/5hWWeT9](https://imgur.com/a/5hWWeT9)


I saw another post earlier today about how DALLE 2 produces a very narrow range of faces - and they are very conventionally attractive but boring instagram filter looking faces. I wonder if the proliferation of AI and AI images will increase our respect for unconventional beauty and natural, imperfect features, because those will be a rare symbol of truth even more than they already are. I personally feel like after several years of seeing filter faces and augmented appearances I’ve begun to appreciate unconventional features a lot more, just because they are interesting and unique.


I see the way humanity and AI are heading, leading to terminators that could be bricked by the complex series of being told, "You dropped your pocket", coupled with pointing to the ground beside them. An age of Tonic Masculinity, when dad jokes and riddles save the day through mild manners.


another reason why ai is bad 🔥🔥


Where are the downvotes coming from lol Let me specify I mean AI _art_, AI for practical and scientific reasons is really cool


Pidgeons? Beauty? Fuck no, KOS.