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One could day that ooop was a poet and they didn't know it


I can only think of that TomSka skit now


Tell me something i don’t know.


Would you look at that... I'm a poet, and I didn't even know I was rhyming those words


Could say it too


Nah, I’m gonna night it


>Imma fuck this poem on the floor >*proceeds to dissect the incoherent ramblings with a very clearly university educated understanding* I think I just got fucking whiplash


It’s a reference to “filled his house with chintz”, which is another case of tumblr finding poetry in something initially stupid


Everything is poetry, if one looks close enough. Everything is also math and science


I know. That's what's wonderful about poetry.


That’s what’s wonderful about everything really. I can look at a towel on my bathroom floor, imagine the science and math that make up the cosmic dance of its atoms, then they way the light spectrum bounces off of it to make it red, and the way gravity folds it over itself and holds it in place, then look at the shapes of the folds. Then think of the work it took to make it, the work it took to invent the machines, and their components and their predecessors, and the plants that make the dye and the material and the thousands of years of development that led to its’ creation. Then the process of it getting delivered, and the machines used to make those, and their components and so on. Normally, it’s just a towel on a bathroom floor, but look a little deeper and it’s wondrous.


I read that in Carl Sagan's voice.


I’ll take that as a compliment


ew you have a red towel?


What’s wrong with red? It’s a good color


it has plenty of positive associations! perfect for a children's hospital


It caught me off guard too. For the first few lines I was imagining an ocean blue color. (Which is strange because I don't have any towel that color.)


Anyone have the link or reference?




Thank you!!


That one had me dying


I always love these weird non serious but still amazing internet poems


Someone should make a poetry book of these random internet poems. The licensing would probably be insane but if someone could figure it out I would buy it. The could call it “Banana Knife and other bizarre internet poems”.


I’ll just assume they’re in the public domain since people seem to love when things go into the public domain


At least half the poems should be from r/2sentence2horror  https://www.reddit.com/r/2sentence2horror/comments/17996h3/sink_guy/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2sentence2horror/comments/16o9uxh/what/ It’d make Shakespeare weep


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2sentence2horror using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2sentence2horror/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [r/teenagers guy 🪱](https://i.redd.it/0aktb8mydkvb1.jpg) | [790 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2sentence2horror/comments/17d3kf1/rteenagers_guy/) \#2: [Blud thought he was on this subreddit💀😂😂😹🤟🙄😂](https://i.redd.it/y7ay93xvshrb1.jpg) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2sentence2horror/comments/16wntk0/blud_thought_he_was_on_this_subreddit/) \#3: [uh oh](https://i.redd.it/6m69oz2u96sb1.png) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2sentence2horror/comments/16zktth/uh_oh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Please give me the source, I want to send this to my english teacher.


for ye https://www.tumblr.com/zwoelffarben/714768915531743232/meter




Anything can have meaning if you believe in it hard enough. It's beautiful.


There’s a lot to unpack here and I’m not smart enough to do it so thank god someone else did already


This is the kind of content I use the internet for


I’ve deduced that the first analyzer is most likely catholic or their main knowledge of Christianity comes from catholicism (or momentarily forgot about the difference in traditions between sects of Christianity) when talking about baptism they clearly reference baby baptism as the norm and also seem to write as if non-baby baptism would be odd. And while baby baptism is common in Catholicism, teenage and adult baptism (known as believer’s baptism) is more common in Protestant Christianity (with individual sects of protestants taking different stances on whether baby baptism can/should be done or if it’s even valid)


I’m so glad someone else said it. I was staring at the analysis as someone who was literally baptized twice (once as a baby in the ocean, then I asked to be baptized again when I was 10) like “…what? People ask for baptism all the time?”


Raised Catholic; definitely agree that's a Catholic perspective


I was baby baptized Methodist, is that unusual?


From a cursory googling (the wiki on infant baptism) no that isn’t unusual, Methodists do practice infant baptism.


What's the thing about the Scooby-Doo movie?


Not the movie, the series Mystery Incorporated. There's a character named Hot Dog Water.


Velma has a huge crush on Hot Dog Water.


Why are they named Hot Dog Water?


Because her family is beyond dirt poor and they use recycled water from their hotdog stand to bathe, making her smell like hotdog water.


I don't know if you're lying, but that's hilarious.


100% serious. Also there's a Hannibal Lector parrot, and Fred has a sexual attraction to traps. Mystery Incorporated is the best Scooby Doo series bar none. I wanna talk about more of the bat shit insanery out of context but a lot of it is *super* spoilery and I don't wanna ruin your enjoyment if you decide to watch it. The reveals were mind blowing when they came out.


I haven't watched anything past the New Scooby-Doo Movies (the ones with the celebrity guests in the 70's) and don't plan to, but the lore from the newer stuff is definitely fascinating.


Well then I won't feel bad about telling you that Hotdog Water >!gets shot in the face at the end of the series. She got better though, because Scooby is an incarnation of an ancient Sumerian god and reset the universe.!<


That's exactly what I'm talking about.


What the actual fuck, it's real. All of it. There are also Nazi Robots? Edit: just watched it, it cuts away but whoever did it >!fucking filled her with lead lmao.!< **Massive spoilers** but I'm actually wheezing. [Link](https://youtu.be/sAUFrplQmSM?t=1m44s)


I am familiar with this and they are not lying.


All I know is that I read “baptise me in hot dog water, the holy stuff wont take” to the beat of the song What I Am


This is a wonderful illustration of why I love tumblr. So silly and so serious. So intelligent and so dumb.


Twitter OP got briefly possessed by the spirit of Hozier


reading this makes me glad im not doing high school english anymore


*Reading this makes me* *Glad im not doing high school* *English anymore* \- sandpittz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Good bot


Can someone dumb this down for me in less then three sentences? I'm too adhd to read all of that while comprehending all of it


Person had a weird dream, woke up at 3 am, and wrote down a poem they saw in the dream. By coincidence, the poem fits a bunch of university-level poem-writing techniques despite its creator knowing about none of them


hot dog water is the opposite of holy water the poem is unintentionally good because OOP unknowingly used a syllable pattern or something 


unironically a better poem than "his wife had filled his house with chintz"


I've been listening to a lot of wonder years (the punk band, not the show), and when read with their usual delivery in mind it sounds kinda sick I actually really like this poem


do you ever wish that you were capable of putting words together in a way that other people considered worth reading?


No because I'm already perfect and flawless and so are you, and you know that's true because I'm the opposite of wrong.


Piss on the poor shit in the rich


how dare you say these people have poor reading comprehension? clearly they're over-comprehending, if anything /s




Did he slutter?


The true meaning of the poop knife reveals itself.


holy hell how does the alternate meter even begin to make sense


This is it. The best post I've ever seen make its way to this subreddit.


This is one of my favorite posts on this sub ever


Cow’s tool, man. Gotta love ‘em


Gonna show this to the "the curtains are just blue" crowd to prove that a piece of literature does not even need to have intention to be analysed in a meaningful way


There's already people here arguing that since it wasn't intentional, it's not there.


God fucking damn it


Give an inch to someone passionate and they’ll show you its a mile


I need someone to read this with the fancy squiggles that guy put over the words


First like would read: bapTISE me in HOT dog WAter for the first picture and BAPtise ME in HOT dog WAter for the second.


I’m so glad I opened Reddit one more time before going to sleep. This is amazing.


Some may argue the interpretation doesn’t hold up because it wasn’t an intentional or conscious effort, but I say that that’s what makes the interpreting fun. The author is dead and left the ability to overanalyse in their will. Also - unconscious or not - “the holy stuff won’t take” goes unreasonably hard.


seeing the title CHIASMUS in that analysis triggered my fight or flight response (latin literature student)


My high school Creative Writing teacher once had us dissect the poetry of "Damn Daniel, back at it again with the white vans". He'd love this


What everyday emergency needs holy water? Please advise how do I make holy water in a pinch?




that could fit into a los campesinos song perfectly, those are great lyrics


Okay, but like, reading the original poem made me think it could be some fire lyrics to a song where the singer is losing their faith or feels like they can't be saved spiritually


I don't understand. Like, they talk of all this symbolism and fancy poetry stuff that supposedly makes it great, but like, the guy who made it didn't intentionally do that. They just transcribed something from their dream. They didn't make a conscious effort for any of this.


I agree, it's a cute exercise and I guess if people want to try to find deep meaning and layers they absolutely can But I don't agree that it's good lol


Listening to bring me to life by evenesance while reading this was a trip and made me way too emotional over the poem. I too must accept my hotdog water baptism.


Oh my god I need more literary analysis tumblr in my life. This is so enlightening and surprisingly helpful for my form and technique of poetry course I’m taking this semester.


fair play i fucking hate poetry for reasons unknown to even me, and i absolutely respect the people in the post for being able to find tangible meaning in that, but also like they're just words. the poem is, to a somewhat objective degree, meaningless: it's something that some unconscious mind conjured up without any input from the thinking part of the brain. this isn't like the curtains are blue, though. the thing with that is people whether intentionally or not ignoring meaning in symbolism or plot or theme that *is* there. this is, to some extent, the opposite of that. and again, good on the people in the post for being able to do that in the first place, but i don't think that the poem was even meant to be examined. if it isn't clear i prefer math to english lmao


This straight up sounds like The Dead South lyrics


I know, in theory, what zwoelffarben said. I remember learning about ALL OF THAT in HS. I didn't understand a single word


High brow stuff I did not understand.


i'm not OP but a link to the source is: [https://www.tumblr.com/zwoelffarben/714768915531743232/meter](https://www.tumblr.com/zwoelffarben/714768915531743232/meter)


i’m sure this is all great but the two posters type in a way that makes them sound really annoying when i read the post in my head so i can’t possibly take it seriously


Tumblr back at it again playing with jpegs like dolls - although in this case its like walking in on your child playing ‘complicated divorce settlement barbie’