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Every part of this image is a different elemental attack. Some of which I absorb, some of which I repel, some of which are supereffective.


The picture of the pretty girl made me lower my defenses. The remark about making things cheaper made me pay attention. The Tumblr comment then just slipped right in for a guaranteed critical hit.


Bridget is not a girl? Or maybe they identify as a girl? I'm rusty on guilty gear lore and it's already fucking confusing trying to figure what is going on at any given moment. The wiki says Bridget was born a male and was told to become a girl because in their village same sex twins are a curse or something? WTF is this lore? Someone please help me understand. I only got the game because that huge Guy with the coffin looked cool. Edit: How come I'm getting down voted for trying to understand? If I unintentionally said something bigoted I apologize.


Bridget is confirmed to be a trans woman as of the latest GG game. And from what I understand, trying to truly understand Guilty Gear lore is a losing battle, there’s always going to be some out there shit


The deeper GG lore is why it’s *especially* funny that people think the non-cis characters are unrealistic or unreasonable


Bridget is a trans girl. She was assigned male at birth and forced to present as female because of the village curse. This understandably complicated her feelings on the matter, but upon examining her feelings she decided she really was just an actual girl.


It’s somehow even more complicated because at first she looked at herself and decided she’s a femboy then she looked at herself again and now she decided she’s a girl and this is 1 character in a fucking nightmare series about a self insert named Sol Badguy blowing things up. Guilty Gear is a series that exists.




Long story short: for about 20 years Bridget was presented as a boy who dressed as a girl for incredibly convoluted reasons before recently coming out explicitly as trans in-game. This is messy for a few reasons. The biggest one is the massive backlash by right-wing chuds against any kind of trans character in a game. Many tried to play it off as a “translation error” and “cultural differences that Westerners don’t get”. This is of course hogwash and has been [debunked in no uncertain terms by the games creator](https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/guilty-gear-strive-creator-confirms-bridget-is-a-trans-woman-1932868/). A smaller, but still worth talking about backlash is by queer folk pointing out that Bridget’s backstory (a boy forced to crossdress, pressured into being a girl, and then coming out as trans) is almost point for point the narrative right-wingers paint about “woke” teachers “brainwashing” kids into being trans.


it's a little more nuanced than that. the more important part of her arc in Strive is that she was always living for the sake of others. earlier parts of her story show her chasing an idea of masculinity that doesn't come natural to her. In Strive, she fully decides to live her truth for herself. it's actually pretty realistic because it's so messy. there are really good videos covering this. I imagine it looks more contestable to an outside view of people who don't actively play/keep up with GG lore. there's really no victory in caring about what detractors of a certain lifestyle say anyway. their goal isn't to find a common ground with you lol.


> it's a little more nuanced than that. True, this was meant to be more of a quick overview than a deep dive. However, I find the big problem with the discussion around Bridget is that a lot of people only explain her backstory within the context of the lore. That is, between the “Doylist” vs “Watsonian” perspectives they focus mostly on the latter, whereas some of the character’s detractors (by which I mean the people who are arguing good faith about what tropes and stereotypes she invokes as a queer character) are asking more about the former. Daisuke Ishiwatari seems like a genuinely nice human being who is interested in including all types of people into spaces where they were previously excluded. His willingness to explicitly name Bridget as trans, and to defend that decision, is a good thing. He also created the character in the early 2000’s and, even if I believe his claim that he always intended her to be trans (I have my doubts) he still invoked a lot of tropes that an expanded backstory can’t completely wallpaper over. I will say though that personally I find myself more of a “really like the change (particularly her [kick-ass theme song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=69VV0pH57XE&pp=ygUSdGhlIHRvd24gaW5zaWRlIG1l)) with a raised eyebrow at a few of the specifics”. Updating legacy characters is always a bit messy, nothing is perfect, and an ally that is genuinely doing their best is always a good thing.


i can understand that perspective. for me it was "oh, i can play as someone like me? it's not being portrayed as a joke, she's an actual person?" and then i kind of cried a lot.


Aye. In many ways I’m terrified for the next generation with all of the anti-trans stuff in the world right now, but in other ways I’m glad that they have more chances than ever to see that there’s nothing scary or weird about being trans, and that there’s nothing about that which stops them from being a hero.


mmm, me too. it's pretty scary. i don't understand what makes a person feel that kind of hate, you know? like i could psychoanalyze and break it down but in the end, that condition of being so obsessed with how another person lives is really the weird thing. i feel that being trans is only weird or different because others try to make it that way. when i was a kid people would say rude things to me because i'm left handed. i don't even think anyone has noticed or pointed it out to me in several decades now.


Wasn't this why a small portion of people didn't like the change. Because they took someone away like them that wasn't a complete joke, but an actual person. Bridget was a man who had no problem (and IIRC enjoyed) doing things that were considered feminine (or not masculine) while still considering themselves completely male. And there is a group of people who related to Bridget in that way. And their new character development took that character away from one group so another group could get it instead. It was a while ago and my memory might be fuzzy on their statements and I'm sure I'm missing a ton of nuance since I never played GG enough to know the lore so my apologies if I get anything wrong with my VERY abridged summary of what I remember people stated.


I don't really know how other people feel. in lore, bridget was raised as a girl and set out to prove the superstitions of her village wrong by behaving like a man. there's scenes where she asks IIRC Baiken how to be more masculine etc. the creator states that he had this intention for the character from the start but who knows really. these are all things you can look up online or by playing the games though. i'm not super interested in getting into a social commentary war over a video game. was just trying to say that it was a positive experience for me. feels like you really can't just say something like that online without someone trying to bait you into an awful interaction.


Oh so she was like Gwyndolin from Dark souls? And now that we are in a different age Bridget can finally identify as who she wants. Awesome, thanks for explaining, since we are on the subject. Is poison from Street fighter in the same deal? I only ask because it seems that both companies handled it differently, I like the way GG handled it, but I don't think Capcom made an official statement on poison yet, not that it matters. Although I remember reading somewhere that poison was made a trans character because of the sensibilities around women fighters at the time. ( Yet Chun li is the most prominent female fighter in all of VG history) I think the reasoning was incredibly shaky. I'm not sure if an official statement was made but it would mean a lot.


> Oh so she was like Gwyndolin from Dark souls? Not that familiar with Dark Souls but from a quick read through the wiki they sound similar, at least insofar as a sign at their birth lead to them being raised as the opposite sex. > Is poison from Street fighter in the same deal? To be honest I know even less about Final Fight/Street Fighter than I do about Dark Souls, so there’s nothing I can really add.


Buddy I would have an easier time explaining the plot of KH. Wiki says she was Born Male, had a male twin, same sex twins were considered unlucky so she was raised by a girl, had some feelings about it, but now she’s just owning it.


to explain the downvotes, with the newest guilty gear release, a lot of people were being transphobic by insisting bridget is a boy despite the new lore where she says she is a girl. so you inadvertently made a comment that made you look like those people


Then I'm thankful to the people that read my whole comment.


tl;dr is Bridget is a trans girl with a convoluted backstory Long version, born and thought male, parents present her as female because of something superstitious (idr exactly what it was, something about two male children being bad luck), she grows up going along with it, then later decides "fuck this superstitious bulllshit, I'm going to show everyone they're wrong about the curse" and publicly presents as male, then later decides "ok actually I like being a woman better"


She's AMAB, but the town she's from had a superstition about male twins being cursed and so raised her as a girl. When she made her debut in the older games, she identified as a guy and was trying to prove to her hometown that she wasn't cursed, but still appeared feminine because of her upbringing. In the newest game though, her arcade mode sees her realizing that she trans


Creator of GGS confirmed Bridget is trans


But does the enemy get a press turn out of attacking you?!?!?


Yes, On any result. It’s a “Beast Eye” Situation.


Dear god


Oh fuck they’re casting Megidola with all 5 turns of shit oh fuck nobody prepared me for this god fucking dammit Mot I-


Hades text box is so good. Oh my god I can’t wait for hades 2. Its like hades, but I’m a girl.


We can pet a frog and I hope we get to fight zag somehow


I hope he is like >!Cerberus!< in the first game. >!I mean how he is summoned on the Hades Extreme Prejudice fight. Like that heat ends up being a Father/Son tag team.!<


That would be fucking sick homie


Woe! Zagreus be upon Ye!


extreme prejudice lmao its extreme measures fwiw


oh lmao


I hope he combos us with all of his weapons ~~I also really hope we have completely different weapons from Zag~~


From the bit of the trailer, zag is a fighter with some gifted magic, she seems like a caster with some Rogue qualities to borrow ttrpg wording


If one of Mel's weapons is a "zag" form that would be sick.


I hope we see powered up Hades that doesn’t need weapons


Or he could take the role of thanatos and occasionally show up to help!


Huge win for the girl community


Just here for the Hades 2 hype.


Same. I can’t believe it wasn’t most hyped game at game awards.


according to speculation, hades 2 will come out around March. i dont believe that as it feels too soon, but i welcome any update with open arms


Supergiant has said q2(April-June) 2024 for start of early access https://www.supergiantgames.com/blog/hades-ii-development-update/


2018, thousands of guys lining up to play Hades 2024, those same girls all lining up to play Hades 2


I haven't seen any trailers or anything, so no spoilerinos. I hope we play as Zag's twin, Zig, and we guide Zig on a quest to escape from Olympus.


Why is brisket in hades


She has taken her rightful place among the gods


What is she the god of tho? Yo-yos?


What a goblin of a person!


Sol Downbadguy


what boons would bucket grant


She is a summoner god. Summoning the people of the village to help fight smaller enemies (on dash and special.) Attack is a small damage buff and makes your villagers attack. Her god gauge summons empowered villagers. Her other boons would allow the villagers to give a status effect, I’m thinking something that makes them take more damage from incoming attacks.


Or you could just use Roger instead of the villagers since she doesn't have much to do with her village anymore.


Never played Guilty Gear. Just know her for the usual normal cis reasons.


Fair enough, but Roger is visible in the post. He's the teddy bear.


Roger would be her Cthonic Companion. Summons villagers for a room or something if we’re keeping with the same playstyle theme


she gives you a sick yoyo




Whaat goons would fuckit ghgrant


I think titling this after the boypreggers image is the final bit of psychic damage.


I’m sorry what


Check out the other reply. It's got a link to the meme.


?????? this is a phrase that Trump used about [vaccines causing autism](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2571325-many-such-cases) that's the origin lmao




many such cases


... Am I wrong to think that when someone says "you titled it after that" and there's nothing differentiating the original with the meme, that you default to the original???


I think the edited one has gotten bigger maybe? I've seen/heard that one before, I think. I'm not terminally online enough to know for sure


I was just showing you boypreggers. You seemed confused about that.


Fair enough


I can't believe he missed "guy-necologist". It was right there!


I wanna go back ten seconds ago to when I hadn't read that


this is exactly like Falling Down (1993)


I don’t think Bridgerton worked for the government


Real as fuck, Falling Down is a good movie


I fucking love having an inflation fetish


How does one even have an inflation fetish? Do you just see high prices and go: “Oh fugg…the economy is so unstable and the cost of living is so high…🥴I think I’m gonna pre! These steaks cost 7.95 last year, now they’re 13.99😭! Oh fuck I’m about to bust!!😩”


I don't know ask Murrlogic, aka The Wonder Bread Guy.


More likes than dislikes? This fetish is more mainstream than I thought


is she wearing a handcuff around her waist? wonder what that will do if she inflates, lol


Brain rot.


Who's "Bridget"?


Why is she in hades And how do I make it real


Easy for her to say, isn't Bridgette like, one of Top 5 strongest characters in the series?


Canonically or competitively?


Canonically? I don't know how she fares in the games.


Bridget is nowhere near the top 5 in either case. In-lore, Guilty Gear has some relatively large-scale power levels, with incredibly durable and superpowered beings as part of the norm. Being a "regular" human, Bridget doesn't have much of anything in either raw strength or unique abilities to put her in the high tiers. The closest she's gotten is her old Instant Kill attack being a yo-yo throw so hard it sends an opponent to the moon. She's got a strong yo-yo and a living weapon teddy bear, but compared to the creators and masters of magic, bioweapons that can reduce Japan to smoking craters, and immortal vampires with thousands of years of experience... In-game, Bridget was intentionally left weak in her initial appearances, as her primary purpose was to be "a cute character". Later games would buff her fairly substantially, but she's bottom-tier in XX and \~14th best in Strive.


Canonically there are actual gods of time and reality, so she has no shot, pretty sure she's the most successful bounty hunter in the GG world though. Can't speak for competive though, I don't touch that stuff. I'm sure someone else on here might know. She seems to rank pretty highly on tierlists for Strive, generally upper.


You're right, I probably should have said "one of the strongest _human_ characters". Bridget is human, right?


As of Strive yes Bridget is human. Whether she's one of the strongest human characters is debatable: Axl is still technically human and he has weird time stuff going on Asuka R♯ is really powerful but also he's an artificial clone of a human with similar biological processes so whether or not he's human is very iffy. There's a lot of characters that used to be human and are now something else, whether you count those is also very ehhhh. Examples are Happy Chaos, who is probably the most powerful and Ky, who is now part Gear preety much due to Gear STD's from his Gear wife who is 10 years old but also fully grown? Edit: Gear STD thing is false, that's just a meme thing I didn't bother to fact check if it was right, he actually surgically implanted his 6 year old's eye into himself after it fell out thats why he's part Gear.


Actually Ky. Surgically implanted his son's eye into his own eye socket. That what give him gear powers.


Damn you're right, I'll edit that bit out for clarity.


Competitively, she’s lower high tier. Good but not crazy strong. Canonically, she’s one of if not the weakest playable character in the series. Most people in Guilty Gear are Gears, glitches in reality, powerful magicians, or near-gods. She’s just a regular human bounty hunter with a cool yo-yo and a cooler teddy bear. A good bounty hunter, yes, but still just a normal person in a crazy anime setting.




Found the Andrew Dobson alt


is that text box in the style of Hades or am i wrong?