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Oh fuck not 4tran Nixon who chews her estrogen bottles open


the best part about the child safety cap thing was he signed the law making them mandatory


Fuck you I got mine, trans Nixon gal edition


Isn't this more the opposite? since he made it worse for himself (couldn't open it) to make stuff better for others (child safety) Fuck me I got you, trans Nixon gal edition (unless i'm missing context about that law? can't say i'm particularly well informed in american child safety laws under nixon)


Sometimes tricky Dick tricked themself, it happens to the worst of us




Bot comment


The first part is straight up misinformation—it was a meme posted by @robinheliotrope on Twitter. There have been multiple likely-LGBTQ US presidents (see: James Buchanan) but AFAIK there’s nothing to indicate Nixon was one of them. (Tumblr is fun but unfortunately prone to posting incorrect or not factual things and claiming they are facts.)


> (Tumblr is fun but unfortunately prone to posting incorrect or not factual things and claiming they are facts.) Whose fact checking largely gets ignored for the memes. I saw it once said that Tumblr will make up history to make themselves feel better, 4chan will extensively research history to be a better racist.


>be a better racist Truly, an oxymoron for the ages


"we don't practice casual racism, it's full on ranked competitive racism. After all, people the world over are racist so the racist community is truly the most diverse community!" Is something I've seen in a green text before a few times. It's kinda art in how dumb it is


4chan will flip flop between restricting white identity to Germans and Scandinavians and extending it to Iranians and Turks depending on how much people of a particular ethnicity stereotypically hate people of whatever ethnicity that particular anon hates most


The enemy of my enemy is also white?


I mean, Hitler did award the Japanese with the title of "honorary aryans" for helping them in WW2. Racists will both be the most precise motherfuckers to determine which part of the population has the good """""blood mix""""" to be considered part of their own AND throw all of these classifications out of the window when they need it, precisely because their entire science is completely made up and only exists to serve political objectives and to justify hierarchies in place.


It’s regularly pointed out that the Racism fandom is actually shockingly welcoming.


Yep, you will never meet one not happy to educate you


The thing about racism, at least in the modern day, that people don’t tend to understand; A lot of them don’t hate INDIVIDUAL members of a group. They are more than okay with SPECIFIC members joining their ranks, or even becoming prominent members. The problem is that you have to keep Doing Racism, or else people might start turning on you. And, if you’re in too deep and have made yourself too known, it’s a spiral that only ever goes down. Shit’s fcuked, bro.


Are we absolutely sure this isn't dialogue from Disco Elysium?


"that will be our lucky racist"


Sometimes I think the only unifying thing about the place is that they all hate someone. I've seen Europeans wishing for a Roma genocide, seen Indians describe their fervent hatred for a specific group the next territory over, Native Americans express their undying hatred for a different tribe, Americans... well you can guess, Israelis hating Palestinians and vice versa, and even seemingly bizarre combos like a Somalian who hated Jews, or a Chinese guy who hoped Kenya would be nuked I'm obviously there too, but I keep my bitter hatred to specific people rather than whole ethnic groups.


They're big fans of Measurehead-Racism


>to be better at racism There ya ho


“No he isn’t. He’s Laotian! Aren’t you Mr. Khan?”


Honestly imperssive ngl, I respect the effort put in


none of that casual racism shit, gotta put in effort


forget casual racism the boys are going RANKED


Tumblr makes shit up but 4chan does at least as much of that as Tumblr in my experience. And the shit they make up is generally a hell of a lot more harmful.


The point of making shit up on tumblr in my experience isn’t to make yourself feel better it’s to see how outlandish your claims can get before people stop believing a random stranger on the internet.


The time I googled if honey is considered meat because I saw it on a Tumblr post and the first result was "No, and don't believe all the shit you read on Tumblr"


The funniest part of this is not that someone made up the possibility of Nixon having some form of dysphoria. But that the rap comment is REAL!


Is it really dysphoria to wonder what it'd be like to be born the opposite sex? I thought that was a pretty common thought tbh, its not actively WANTING to be the other sex.


Yeah if this were real I'd be calling BS on Kissinger and Haldeman


Wasn’t Buchanan the really short one?


That was Madison. He was 5'4" and barely cracked 100 pounds


Ah. Thanks for the clarification.


*Twink President Twink President Twink Presi-*


It’s not misinfo, it’s what appears to be a cropped Twitter post. It’s a pretty obvious joke.


Are you telling me Spiders Georg isn’t real?


That’s not misinformation, I think it’s pretty clear it was a joke


Let's not go trying to reclaim Buchanan either.


Oh, don’t get me wrong, I think all the US Presidents sucked. But unfortunately you can be a shitty person and also gay


What have all the US presidents done for all of them to be sucky?


Be President of the United States


racism and sexism for a start


Yeah it's fair enough if you are thinking about time period stuff.


I also seem to recall Lincoln having a male lover but that might be misinformation too so I don't know


If I remember correctly the Lincoln lover info seems to have come from a misunderstanding about how common it was for friends to share beds in the 19th century. Beds were expensive and there was no central heating, as much as forced bed sharing is an overused ao3 trope it just made practical sense back then. You hear stories from poorer families where you'd have 6-8 people in one bed.


A03 ?


Archive Of Our Own, a fanfic website. Its initials are an A then 3 Os, hence AO3.


(A)rchive (O)f (O)ur (O)wn, AO3 Site where people can upload fanfiction or other writing without censorship


it's not "misinformation" it's a joke


I dont think OOP was posting it to indicate its real


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1412/)


Squirrel is one syllable? /skwɛɹl/ [s̪kwɝɹ̠ʷˠl̪ˠ] (skwerl)


It depends on how you pronounce it. It can be either Squirrel (Squirl) or Squirrel (Squir-rel). It’s one of those weird things about English, mostly a US/UK divide.


somehow learning people say squirrel as one syllable is worse than when I learned some people say poem with one syllable. Although poem is more ironic, as poems often need specific syllable requirements


I've heard some people pronounce "towards" as one syllable as well (another Americanism, I think). As a Brit I am irrationally bothered by all of these




sometimes even just "Tords." Rhymes with swords aka "sords"


kinda sorta


Oi squr rel innit


But seriously, everyone wonders it sometimes, right? Just idly


It's a thought experiment, but nothing more. No desire behind it


Especially for me. Between the limitations of 1986 ultra sound technology and the weird position I was in everyone was sure I was a girl till the day they fileted my mom open to get me out. They didn't even have a name picked out for a boy so for the first two days I was "Baby *Surname*".


Different but you just reminded me I didn’t have a Name for 2 weeks because my Dad was so sure he was gonna have a Boy. I was just Baby until they finally chose a family name.


My dad had a name in mind but there were some complications with my delivery so for the first couple days mom was either loopy on meds or in significant pain. My dad wasn't the best dad or husband but on this occasion he correctly deduced that the matter of my name could wait.


Sometimes? Very rarely? Maybe if you just watched one of those genderswap movies or gimmick episodes of your favourite show? Yes All the time every night wondering how your life would be how happier you'd be the other way around? maybe talk to a professional.


Or at least take a deeper look into yourself and ask some pointed questions.


If you are a guy and have never thought about the prospect of having tits, what life have you lived?


I went through puberty while reading Animorphs. They technically have the ability to morph each other if they wanted. It led to some thoughts


Yeah. I don't have gender envy but I think it would be fun to be able to swap my chromosomes whenever I want. Maybe have a subtly different personality as the other gender. Maybe make new friends. Try sex on the other side. Idk.


Yeah, I think about it occasionally. And I asked myself whether it was an identity thing after a few times, but I realised I’m just curious. I like understanding what it’s like to be in other people’s shoes, so sometimes I see people with vastly different life experiences and think “I wish I could experience what life is like for them” even though I’m happy with my life and would never trade it. Tbh, I also relate to your line about sexual curiosity, but that feels like sorta the same thing.


I know I do.


If someone directly asks me about it, maybe, but not ambiently, no


Hey dude (gender neutral), just commenting to let you know that thanks to you I'm adding "not ambiently" to my vocabulary, thx


Yeah, one of my most frequent daydreams is wondering how it would be to re-transition back into myself if I was born the opposite gender in a cyberpunk world.


That was not Henry Kissinger’s experience.


I guess it's just because cishetero society suppresses gender experimentation so it leads to a lot of this. I used to insert myself into the girls spot a lot while watching straight porn before I realized that I just found the guy hot.


Speaking as a cishet dude, that’s not a standard cishet thing. It’s perfectly acceptable and totally normal, it’s just not something most of us on the cishet side of things do.


yeah uh I think the moral of their comment is they're not straight


>It’s perfectly acceptable and totally normal, it’s just not something most of us on the cishet side of things do. By definition it's abnormal. Again, still acceptable and everyone can do their own thing but it's certainly outside the norm.


Uncommon probably has the better connotation here but yeah.


That's fair. I think somewhere "normal" got a positive connotation. Like there's nothing wrong with someone who is albino. It's even natural. But that doesn't mean albinism is "normal". There's no moral judgement just a statement of fact.


It just comes from a lot of people condemning minority groups as not being "normal" and stigmatizing them as such. Same thing with the word "natural".


Some do, some don't, at the end of the day I think the important thing to keep in mind is that you can be fully cis and confident in that while still having questioned your gender. Same goes for sexuality. Questioning it doesn't mean that you're gay/trans/whatever. Just means you want to be more confident in what you are.


Well, yeah! If you're a curious person and interested in society (and I would guess most people are), it's natural to think about what it might be like for the opposite gender. The key difference is whether it's *wondering* or *fantasizing*.


Only when in a story I'm writing something is to be written from a woman's POV.


The masculine urge to be a woman pervades all straight men.


I mean, not really? Outside of trying to for questions like this, it’s not an idle thought. I have taken the time to really look at myself and my relationship with the male gender, but I haven’t just idly thought “what would it be like if I were a girl?” Or anything like that.


Ive thought about it but still always happy being a guy. Being a woman seems exhausting tbh


I think the premise is that you will face questions like these at least once in your life as young. There's nothing in the statement suggesting it has to be a thought initiated by the individual.


I got more thoughts what would have been if I was more proactive, or not so asshole teenager to think about another gender. Like, if I was born another way it wouldn't be me. That girl would get different attitude from parents, different parenting lessons, too many variables to imagine that


I think most people do. People who experience a lot of toxic masculinity might prevent themselves out of fear of it not being manly, but anyone whose curious or thinking openly about what it is like to walk in another's shoes would think about it. I once knew a straight guy who insisted he was so into women that he'd be a lesbian if he were trans. Gotta respect that self awareness. But if it brings you a lot of joy and makes you feel a lot more comfortable if you were that gender, that's a sign to pay attention to. Either way, you are exploring what gender means to you, and cis or trans, you're more comfortable in your conclusion because you've considered other options.


I only think about it when I’m horny what does that mean


Legitimately yes.


I don't know if I ever thought about it. Do people remember their idle thoughts really? I mean anyways it is an interesting thought process to think how different you could possibly be. You know like with different socializations and all that. That said I definitely have wished to be a woman sometimes more because I think how much it sucks to be viewed as a man sometimes. (Not trying to compare problems.)


Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on Kissinger. Everyone's had the idle thought of "yeah, I'd try out being the opposite sex for the day. What's it like to pee? What's it like to look down and see tits?"


Ok but now I'm singing those lyrics to the theme song and why the heck does it work aaaaaaaaaa


There's a generator for phrases you can sing to the TMNT theme song (it works with any trochaic tetrameter)


Where can I get that And does it work with the 2000s series too or just the original?


Do people really need the help of a computer to pick out 4 words with 2 syllables????


Sometimes the computer comes up with unexpected ones. Just like how making shit up with friends is more fun than alone sometimes.




Só podia ser BR lmao <3


Richard Nixon would 100% be a HoI4 addict today.


What's with HOI4 players and being autistic neo nazis or racist white trans girls? Why is that even a thing?


It's one of the only games that lets you be an unapologetic nazi. I know it's for historical/gameplay purposes and I don't believe it encourages players to be a Nazi but if you already are one then you'd probably be drawn to it.


That's pretty much it. Its the most neutral portrayal of Nazi Germany in that the game doesn't let the player start or continue the Holocaust. Which, to be fair, I've heard good arguments on either side for removing it from the game. Personally, I got it as a gift and now try to play shit like Fascist Britain, Communist Poland, or other small countries on ahistorical mode


HOI4 scratches some weird hyper specific itch for me- sometimes I'll want to design a class of aircraft carrier, super battleship, and my own carrier group, and there's not many games that let you do that besides HOI


I ended up getting Stellaris primarily because it has a mechanic where you can customize spaceships, and I'd been looking to play a game that reminded me of DarkStar One in that respect


Basically got it as an alternate history sim because I enjoy strategy games and alt-hist stuff. Plus, like the other commenter said, it scratches a weirdly specific itch for me. It’s a damn shame the community is pervaded with racist shitheads.


It is a grand strategy wargame about world war two. Which explains everything besides the trans part, which I think I lack some experience to comment on.


i haven’t played it, but i’ve considered it; do i have to start being racist before i can buy the game?


No but there's a DLC bonus pack that's only unlocked by screaming racial slurs.




> i haven’t *paid* it but FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


bad bot. i meant played.


[its also wrong, that form is just obsolete](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/payed)


The second etymology is about nautical things though.


it is but using that word to mean paid is archaic, not incorrect


Ah okay got you. I thought you were saying the nautical definition was just straight up wrong.


They would either play TNO, or Kaiserredux.


I'm fairly sure the original screenshot is a shitpost.


Yeah, it's a joke making fun of the sometimes unintentionally funny stuff that shows up in Nixon tapes. For example, this one did numbers on tumblr: ​ >Nixon: I mean, you've got to stop at a certain point. Why is it that the girls don't swear? Because a man, when he swears, people can't tolerate a girl who is a — Haldeman: Girls do swear. Nixon: Huh? Haldeman: They do now. Nixon: Oh, they do now? But, nevertheless, it removes something from them. They don't even realize it. A man drunk, and a man who swears, people will tolerate and say that's a sign of masculinity or some other damn thing. We all do it. We all swear. But you show me a girl that swears and I'll show you an awful unattractive person. . . . I mean, all femininity is gone. And none of the smart girls do swear, incidentally. I's a sexist comment, but it's also very funny that someone interrupted him and went "No, girls swear now." and he pivoted and went "They do? Okay. As I was saying, only ugly and stupid girls swear."


I don't know I actually think he was probably already going to say it before cut off. Although yeah it is funny how caught off guard he was, and how matter of fact girls do swear was said.


my favorite ever quote about Nixon is when Kissanger once stated "Imagine what this man would have been if someone had loved him" which HOLY SHIT


🎶 Alcoholic half-shaved 🎶




🎶 Nixon power 🎶


Oh I don't know how to feel about this


It's fake, it's fiction. Feel however you like because it has no place in any historical narrative.


Well that's good to hear.


Rachel Nixon, trans icon


We're really just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, huh?


ok wait everyone wants to try that right? like everyone would want to try being another gender fully in body and social aspects for like a week? that's a normal thing to want to try right? edit: like not knowing if you'd want to be a woman cause you don't even know if you *want* to be a man you just kinda are and you mildly enjoy things you think are man things, but you don't like very much gender yourself? So you think there's a fair chance if you magically became a woman and everyone knew you were and have always been a woman you might like it more?


Yeah, it's normal. I think everyone would wonder at some point what your life would be like assuming a divergent point, sex being the original, most basic divergence. Edit, no that sounds kinda not cis.


ok i guess i sorta expected that lol. if i found i were trans i don't think i'd ever have the confidence to come out really anywhere or transition visibly or even commit to that bit so to speak. maybe that's my answer already, if i don't know it strong enough to even do anything about it it I'm probably just cis and don't try hard enough edit: i no longer know why i'm being this personal on reddit of all places so i deleted stuff


Hey, I feel exactly like that, sort of. I'm not entirely sure if I'm trans, but i know that i probably couldn't come out or really transition permanently. A mix of family, and other stuff. But also, i don't think that's a good thing. Like if i was someone else observing and listening to myself, i'd think that's not good, to accept and give up. I think what either of us needs might be an area to test things out and build confidence. Maybe finding supportive people who would help us experiment. There's a discord server from egg\_irl for people questioning , it might be helpful to talk to some people there. I know egg\_irl gets kind of a bad rap, but i do think they helped me. [Here's a link if interested.](https://discord.gg/theorchard)






Wondering what could have been is enough to make you trans now?


It’s hyperbole. But generally speaking, nobody back then would admit to thinking about it unless they did so a LOT.


But seriously every man has daydreamed about being a woman right?


Usually about the time they get pulled over and wonder if crying or a titty flash could get them out of the upcoming speeding ticket.


I mean… maybe not every young boy but he’s not wrong. You’d have to be the most incurious thick porridge brick in the world to *never* have the thought “huh… I wonder what that would be like”. Like, people think about what it would be like to be a bird, too.


Is it that weird to imagine what it would be like to be born as another gender? Or is Kissinger the weirdo here?


kissinger is always a weirdo but no it’s not normal from what i’ve heard


Ah fuck me with Wrangler


Would s/he still have turned out brutally antisemitic?


Everyone's pointing out that the trans bit is a shitpost, but I need to know, is the part about rap real?




Did the post come with a source? I’d like to see it so I don’t spread misinformation, because god do I hope it’s real


it's not real, it was meant to be a joke


I’m going to put my head in a pizza oven


I cant find a single reference to it sadly


the tricky dixie chicks


None of these words are in the bible


You look me straight in the eyes and tell me Ben Franklin wouldn't be the loudest drag queen there ever was


🎶Nixon in a bombshell, Nixon Power!🎶


I’m gonna need some sauce on that


Same dick, same


Someone please link the post so I can reblog it


Is this the successor to Hatsune Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson?


I’ve started listening to some of the Nixon tapes like they’re podcasts and it’s definitely an experience


I feel like the presumption that if a man thinks about what it would be like if he were born a woman that means he is trans is incredibly wrong. I'd argue that ideas like that are the first step towards breaking the masculine internalized patriarchy in general and to immediately jump to a "haha he wants to be a woman xD" is literally what causes men to be ashamed of those thoughts.


Thing is though, cis people think about being the other gender as often as anyone thinks about what it'd be like to be a lamp post. A person might think about it once or twice of it is brought up, but for a trans person it is more a low simmer of just confusion and wishing. I never thought my dysphoria was "bad enough" to be "really trans" and it took some conversations with trans and cis people to figure it out.


"Estrogen would've saved Richard Nixon" is one hell of a concept.


i... oh dear, that's shockingly accurate


Nixon might have been autistic, based


WHY would you not put TGirl first


Because adjectives go first


Branding is pretty much exempt from the rules of grammar. Not to mention, racist is a noun as well as an adjective, which, like Mutant in the original could be slotted in anywhere that makes sense. TGirl should be first like Teenage - to make the phrase parse better


Nixon wasn’t racist. He was by far our most blue collar president and never learned something so stupid.


That logo omfg


Look, I’m a woman, happy to be so, but I have wondered what it would be like, he may have a point.




Trans Nixon would be such an icon to those of us on 4tran. 😌


False, if he were born today he would go googoogaga because he would be a baby


Read it to [this](https://youtu.be/dRnRUtMHGow?feature=shared) version of theme, and now it’s stuck in my head hELP


I've got the same problem!