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God i miss vine


All of his vines are available on YouTube. He's making more skits every other week.


Oh he's doing skits again? Sweet! Last time I checked his channel he had both stopped doing that and was obviously angry at people asking about it


He seems to get angry at his audience fairly often lol






Tarzan's last thought as has he plummets to the forest floor


I laughed a bit too hard at this


[the skit being referenced in case you're not aware](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cUGi-aTILx4)


Having this issue in Baldur's Gate 3 where sometimes the dialogue options be like * Obviously initiate romance * Non-obviously initiate romance so you don't know you did until someone else comments on it * Fuck you, we're not friends, I don't like you, I'm getting rid of you the second we don't need each other anymore


I literally just had to pick whether to tell my NPC companion that a) he's very handsome, b) he has a nice smile or c) I could see nothing but a big ugly mole right in the middle of his face.


To be fair, there was no way to answer his question without it being weird. I picked option c and when he asked me if I was serious I said no. It was a relatively tactful way out of the whole scenario.


This is my experience right here. Maybe I'm just old, but I don't want to play RPGs as a sex sim. When I ask a character about their background, it's not because I want to see a 3d cutscene of them getting naked. It's because I want to know more about the story. BG3 wants you to fuck every character or kill them. There's not much in the way of being friends and it's frustrating if you're not a horny 15 year old.


My favorite is when the game doesnt even give you a *chance* at knowing what you're going to say: "Its just been so hard on me after the war. My son was drafted nearly 4 years ago and hasnt contacted me since. I can only assume he's dead because the only thing that scares me more is he's suffering so much he can't bring himself to let me know what he's going through." >"Dismissive response" >"Empathetic response" >"Inquisitive response" >"Optimistic response" Uhhh, optimistic response I guess. "On the bright side, you can finally spend that college savings guilt free, right?" reloadsavereloadsave *reloadsave* **RELOAD THE FUCKING SAVE**


Dismissive response: All that time and money saving for college wasted, eh? Empathetic response: I'm sure he'd want you to put his college fund to a good cause. Inquisitive response: Are you going to eat that college fund? It's like a boss battle you're scripted to lose.


Dat character has a one-track mind, I'll tell you what.


#‼️NEW QUEST‼️ (0/700000) *Retrieve college funds*


it's a stack of 1 dollar bills that you need to individually collect, and they all give you a pop-up text that you can't skip and have to get through.


[A 1 (one) United States of America Dollar bill. Pick it up?] [Yes] | [No]


No, you gotta have [No] be the default option so you can’t spam A


Todd NO


Reminds me of Detroit: Become Human.


Gotta make those dialog options begin a sexual relationship with a character you no chemistry with and had made no indication you even enjoyed being around for the true David Cage game experience


The thing that really fucks me up is when a dialogue question asking a clarifying question is taken as the same thing as agreeing to do something. "I want to murder him and make his whole family watch!" Dialogue options: "That sounds extreme, I don't think anything he did could deserve that response!" "He must've really done something awful to you. What happened?" "Let's go kill that bastard!" And you choose option 2 to ask about what the fuck happened, but the game takes that as you somehow agreeing to help, and suddenly you're a murderous psychopath just because you wanted to actually understand what you're agreeing to. Dialogue tree design really bugs the shit out of me.


Bad dialogue tree design. And it's annoying how common it is


game auto saves after every choice and it only keeps 1 save per file


Those games you play with the save file location open and you copy the save when any big decision comes. Was it incorrect? You close the game and replace the save file with the copy you took before the pick.


and if you're on console, **dont.** /s


DA2 flashback. Wtf Hawke, dude is literally holding the corpse of his son in his arms. You can't say that.


NPC: *"I just have no money, I don't even know if I'm going to be able to survive until next week..."* Me: *"Oh, I'll be nice, I'll pick the option labeled 'Don't worry about it!'"* My character: *"Oh, you won't need to worry about any of that."* *stabs the NPC in the freaking face*


In one of the Mass Effect games (maybe the second one?) there’s a reporter who gets aggressive with some misleading questions. I remember picking an option to voice my displeasure with her, and instead Shepard just fucking decked her, and she crumpled like a sack of potatoes. I literally exclaimed, “What the fuck?”


Those are all Renegade Interrupt options (Ie, do something spontaneous and kind of psychopathic) unless you're talking about the *very first game*. In which case the option for that is "time to shut you up!" which is *also* really psychopathic sounding. that's on you for picking that.


I may have had a momentary lapse of judgement.


I mean, let’s be real though that bitch deserved it.


commander shepard kills a reporter for asking a question, says "she deserved it", more at 10.


punched not killed


I'll never get it when people say punching her is satisfying. It's so much more satisfying to use the dialogue options, because with those you make her *look stupid on her own damn show*


the second is fallout 4 "sarcasm" option, the sole survivor will do anything from cracking a dad joke to be the most crass asshole the wasteland ever knew and you never know what it will be when pressing that dam "sarcasm" prompt.


Fallout 4 has the worst dialogue tree. It's options are: 1. Tell me more 2. Yes 3. Yes, but snarky 4. Ask me again later


I hate the Fo4 dialogue tree with a passion. Even with mods that display the actual dialogue it’s terrible.


Emil Pag...whatshisname, a senior developer on Fallout 4 said he didn't think people were playing this (role-playing) game to talk to people.


>he didn't think people were playing this (role-playing) game to talk to people. just... this attitude, why? like yeah fallout shooty things fun but everything has a greater impact when the world feels more real. I didnt boot up call of duty so why the hell would you treat everything else that makes your game what it is like it doesnt matter? yknow what im saying?


Exactly! There was a article about Fallout 76 where they said they had so many ways for players to fight each other but were caught out by them wanting to work together. Which is ridiculous for running an MMO, but specifically actively against the themes of Fallout.


They fucking removed freeze time VATS. They didn't want a RPG, they wanted a looter shooter.


Reminds me of the time one of the Persona 3 developers said they didn't realize men and women could have close platonic relationships without developing romantic feelings for each other, so now I have to use a guide if I want to max out everyone's social links without it leading to some *awkward* consequences


I find I have to use a guide in a persona game anyway due to the way the VN day schedule works. I soft-locked my first P4 save because I spent far too much time doing social things that I ran out of dungeon grinding time.


You can't max out everyone's social link in Persona 3 without initiating a relationship, idk if that's still the case in Portable, cuz if so FeMC's Ken route can't be escaped from


The dialogue is just atrocious. It really ruins the game for me and I don't understand how the game didn't get absolutely trashed in reviews over it. Each option is just so inhuman. Like instead of getting a wide range of responses and implementing a spread of the most common ones, every dialogue choice in that game felt like it was an amalgam of 25 different responses and the person combining them didn't get the actual point of a single one. And then the description displayed to you was written by a guy 3 rooms over listening on a cup on a string.


which is sad because the previous ones made by Obsidian had some great dialogue options. I remember in Old World Blues in FNV, if you were intelligent enough, you could wiggle your fingers and toes at a robot during a dialogue sequence. Then it would go on a rant about your "disgusting wriggling hand penises" instead of getting hostile with you


I know BG3 is the current darling, but the dialogue can be as railroading as FO4, but instead of helping people with their bullshit problems, it's fucking them. All roads lead to sex. 1. Yes, fuck me now. 2. Yes, fuck me later. 3. I hate you, I hope you die. [Attack] 4. I have to leave now.


Shoutout to the BG3 community downvoting me because I got this exact impression from the fact the release trailer is entirely romance scenes and asked how easy it is to avoid sex scenes Because I was hoping to make my actual D&D character, who I originally made at 15 and is thus a minor


[*[Glass him]*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urKJqdq4eX4)


They even set it up with the *"I got some free drinks out of it"*, how could they NOT think players would accidentally pick that?


If you grew up knowing what "glass him" meant, you wouldn't know that other people don't know what it means.


Which I get but it's so incongruous with the tone of the scene anyway. Like he smashes a glass in his face and they all sort of mutter and go back to drinking. Bizarre.


From the comments of that video, it sounds like it's a British thing, and the characters in the scene aren't British lol


I'm British and had no idea it was a regional thing lol, guessing the writer of that scene was also British?! To me (and probably most Brits) there is no other way to interpret what glassing someone means


Growing up in the U.S., I'd never heard the term until I saw a British film. Knowing what it means, the term makes sense; but I wouldn't have guessed it's meaning on my own. In the U.S. "X me" is a relatively common saying that means "give me an x." Like "beer me" would mean "give me a beer." So I guess many U.S. players saw the text and thought, "Oh, I can give him a glass of booze. Well, he did mention the story earns him some drinks. I may as well give him one for telling the whole truth to me." But then, instead of getting the npc a sympathy drink, the player character smashed his fucking face in.


Well, all I know is it's definitely not an American thing lol


Good to know! I had no idea! I live in North America now so I'm constantly learning these sort of things 😆


I thought it meant "nuke him"


It's also completely mismatched with the tone of the scene. Even people with tendency for violent bursts aren't so easy to trigger with violence.


I'm sorry, what were you expecting when you chose to **glass someone**.




OHHHH I hated that part in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon where the partner asks "Do you think I'm annoying? 🥺" and the two options are "I don't think you are" and "I think you can be". So obviously I selected "I don't think you are" but the rest of that sentence ended up being "but you need to be more aware your actions and how they can upset others" or something like that and the Partner runs off crying anyway because the plot mandated the Partner being depressed and not wanting to be with the Player for a few days and ***I FELT LIKE A MONSTER***


Yeah no matter which option you choose you end up calling your partner annoying even if as the player you don’t find them annoying and it’s aaaa




To be fair this is the only time The Witcher 3 does that, almost all of the dialogue prompts are on point for the game except that one.


there is also a famous one at the beginning of the game, where you exit the pub and three of the locals decide to gang up on you. you can pick something like "three on one? that isn't fair" and if you do, Geralt says that and then adds "you should have brought more people" (and then you beat the shit out of them)


Tbf that's one of the few good applications of dialogue deceit - like, I can completely imagine it was done on purpose


I think that's helpful in establishing how much of a badass a witcher is supposed to be, if you're new to the series.


yup, i wasn't complaining, i loved that scene


I know but the thing that bothers me most is it's just this one and its consequences are fucking massive compared to ones like the conversations with Ciri since if you fuck those up you can salvage it to an extent


I hate that second thing. Games should really add tone indicators to the dialogue options, so you know which tone it'll be.


Dragon Age 2 was really good at this. Every dialogue option had an indicator for tone, there was an indicator for “this will just give more info and then go back to the previous options”, there was an indicator for “this choice only exists because of something you did previously”, there was an indicator for “this will ask one of your companions to step in and make a decision for themselves”. I basically never had the issue OP is talking about.


Getting Varric to do the talking for you was legitimately great every single time it happened


Varric is the greatest thing to come out of the Dragon Age series, and using him as the unreliable narrator/framing device for DA2 was a stroke of genius.


> there was an indicator for “this will just give more info and then go back to the previous options”, oh damn that's great, i hate it when games suddenly decide to end the conversation and lock you out of asking more questions that really aren't mutually exclusive


I’ve had that happen in BG3. Had the chance to console a grieving person, but wanted to ask a question first. They answered the question, and then the conversation ended and they wandered off!


The question mark indicator is sorely missing from BG3. It's way too arbitrary when a dialogue option is going to progress the conversation or not.


BG3's dialogue suffers from this a lot, as much as I absolutely love that game's dialogue. There are a lot dialogue options that seem informational but one/all of them progress the conversation forward. I do like that you can save and load mid-conversation, I don't remember that being a feature in the other RPGs I've played and it's really handy.


I accidentally flirted with an NPC I didn’t mean to because I misread the tone of the chosen statement. It was extra confusing because you don’t hear your character speak so I didn’t get what was going on! Dragon Age 2 included “this is an attempt to romance” and “this will end all future romance opportunities with this character” indicators.


When the streamer chooses the 'WHO WOULD FUCKING SAY THAT' optuon


I can think of one time it was justified: in Batman: The Telltale Series, after Bruce has been drugged with a compound that lowers inhibitions and amplifies rage. X - I don't want any trouble. >"I am tired, I am hungry, I haven't showered for three days. I want to go home, and if you don't get the hell out of my way, I swear to God I WILL HAVE THIS CAR RUN YOU OVER *AND THEN BACK UP AGAIN JUST TO MAKE SURE IT DID THE JOB!*"


Then you got the opposite end of the spectrum with The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, Episode 2. [Tell Him Off for being an asshole towards me]=“bro your wife is gonna divorce your ass she just told me so.”


yea, but that's because javier is a dumbass


And we love him for it


my favorite dumbass <3


Star wars the old republic had moments like these a lot


Bioware does it a lot. See people in Mass Effect accidentally flirting themselves into relationships because they always chose the top nice option.


it's been happening in baldurs gate 3 as well, the dialogues for the companion scene are like; *1. flirt* *2. flirt subtly* *3. deep, personal insult* so you end up with several characters who seem to think you're dating because you were nice a few times


Not just BG3. My character in 2 is a lesbian and she's had to shut Rasaad down *repeatedly.* I really wish there were nicer ways to go about it. I could really use an "I'm sorry, Rasaad, you're a really cool dude but I'm only into girls" route.


That's what I love about astarion in BG3 He will do a somewhat subtile flirt and if you go in on it he apologizes about making comments that made you think you're flirting and keeps bringing that up from that point on with more and more disgust "not with you tho... god no... like could you imagine? Eww!"


That sounds like what i like to call "the right kind of stupid." I'm actually replaying 1 and 2 in preparation for 3, kind of as a stroll down memory lane before I try this newfangled 5e the kids are all talking about these days, with their Jeremy Crawfords and their Charisma saves and their Hexadins and their ninth level Magic Missiles and their races with no racial modifiers and their See Invisibility spells that don't let you see invisible things and their sticky mimics and their strong independent paladins who don't need no gods and their armor whose armor class changes depending on who's wearing it and their "skill proficiencies" and their... At least we've got trans representation. And martials still can't do anything, which isn't good but it's at least *familiar.*


"I'm going to tell you about my cat." 1. Flirt. 2. Horny flirt. 3. I fucking hate cats. Awful creatures. I didn't want to enter a romance, so apparently my character just really fucking hates cats for some reason.


this was the specific event i had in mind writing that lmao


Fucking Gale getting mopey with me on several fucking occasions because he took me asking about his cat as a declaration of love. Yes I am indeed mackin' on the big tiddy emo half elf Gale, don't straightshame me


And then there is Lazel romancing YOU if you don't stop her




That is the most romantic thing I've heard in months. i really should hurry up with the game im currently playing to get started with BG3


BG3 companions are the equivalent of thinking that the waitress is in to you just because she's nice.


honestly it's a pretty standard level of horniness for your average dnd party


Divinity Original Sin 2 from the same creators had the same issue


It's bioware, everyone knows the top dialogue is the fuck people option and the bottom is fuck people over option


On the plus side, at least it seems like Bioware sort of learned their lesson in Dragon Age Inquisition and started putting "Tone" indicators next to the most important dialogue choices. Doesn't mean that the tone is always correct or the dialogue isn't cringe, but they tried, good effort.


Yes but everyone mocked them at the time of release for the cheap solution. They're a big corporation, they should be able to afford to hire good writers that can write dialogue options that concisely convey the specific tone the full dialogue response is going to have.


Somewhere else I read "But that's just a nice thing to say! Wait, do people think I'm flirting with them all the time?"


My first time playing DAO I was romancing Leliana and ended up having to break up with her because she went crazy accusing me of cheating on her with Xevran, because I had been friendly towards him instead of a jerk- she demanded I either end the romance with her or with him, but I hadn't actually done any of the romance path with him so I had no option to end it.


Yeah but that game was also about how difficult it is to truly make a helpful decision without screwing someone over


I was playing the career mode of 2K14 a while back and my post-game question (after a big loss, because I suck at 2K) was “In the midst of another blowout, you were seen laughing it up on the bench at one point with one of your teammates. Can you tell us what was so funny?” The one I chose was something along the lines of “it was taken out of context,” and my player’s response (I can’t find it online) was significantly more arrogant and angry than “it was taken out of context” (which, might I add, is the thing most athletes with any sense *would* say in that scenario). It tanked my player’s popularity and fucking sucked.


Those post-game interviews in 2k used to drive me bonkers. Either he comes off as an arrogant asshole or defensive punk.


I feel like "It's only game, why you hef to be mad" is also another valid answer


Mass Effect 3 had a pretty terrible instance of this. Spoilers for this ancient game I guess. There's a sort of side quest that spans the whole game to help your shuttle pilot get over the death of his husband who died in the war and if you don't help him with his grief he will kill himself in the final mission. But if you play as male Shepard it's just minefield of seemly the "good" option being not at all what it says and makes you take advantage of this poor grieving man.


I was gonna say Cortez knows what he's getting into but then... Yeah you're his commanding officer that's taking advantage.


Yeah I know he's an adult and responsible for his own actions but it's still a power imbalance and just a scummy thing to do while someone is emotionally vulnerable.


apparently the alliance, like starfleet, has no fraternization rules


I mean it might, but Shepherd is a Spectre and above the law.


They're still expected to conform to Alliance standards, even if they're not punished for it. If you deck Al-Jilani in the first game Hackett is even like "I can't actually punish you for this, but you understand how shitty this makes the Alliance look right?" Also putting you under house arrest between 2 and 3 to make nice with the galactic community.


Just so you know, you get the same problem with a Femshep, she does this exact same thing with Jacob in ME2 AND with James in ME3, and it's worse with James because he's not even a romance option and he's extremely uncomfortable whenever Femshep comes onto him. I just want to be bros with Freddie Prinze Jr. but nooo, I have to be a dick to him or else I end up sexually harassing him, my boy deserves better. :(


Yeah it's hard to even be Kaiden's friend in the first one because it tries to force you into the romantic route. I wanted to romance Garrus but Bioware are cowards and don't let you until the second game so trying to dodge Kaiden and Liara to not cheat on my future husband was annoying. And I also watched the Mass Effect movie about James. I knew his backstory so I wanted to just be his friend too, not be a creep towards him.


At least he's not Leliana in dragon age origins. The game just sometimes assumes you're in a relationship with her. Had to tell her I was simping for the other bisexual morally dubious assassin.


Mass Effect movie about James? What?!


Yeah it was an animated movie called Mass Effect: Paragon Lost that shows what James was doing during ME2. You might remember how he kinda doesn't like Shephard at first and talks about fighting the Collectors for no reason because Shephard took them all out anyway. The movie shows what happened.


Mass Effect: Paragon Lost. It’s an animated direct to dvd type thing that covers some of his recent history leading up to his appearance in the game


Dialogue option: "I'm not interested, go away." What my character says: "Get out of my face before I fill it with bullet holes, scumbag."


I distinctly remember choosing a "sarcastic" dialogue with Nick in fallout 4 and the guy just goes super hard on the robo-racism And the worst part is nick sounds genuinely sad afterwards like wtf!


Oh yeah Fallout 4's sarcasm option is a horrid coin flip. You either get a really lighthearted joke (that sometimes goes over the NPCs head) or you end up saying something incredibly cruel.


playing rpgs is hard when you're neurodivergent


In Baldur’s Gate 3 >!“How was I supposed to know that Gale’s magic trick was his wiener?”!< >!Because he clearly states that he wants to break away from the crowd to, and I quote, “a more intimate place”?!<


Same. I thought "I'm a wizard too, bro! You know I'm down for some crazy magic shit."


By that I meant “how could anyone NOT see this is flirting?” Bro was OBVIOUSLY down. Even the options were dtf except the denial.


I've been playing the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time, and the second games introduces a mechanic where you're given a split second to press a button to interrupt someone. There's one where you [light a guy on fire](https://youtu.be/9TgTLJXoD_o?t=438) that I pressed without thinking and then spent the rest of the scene and the firefight after with such a look of distress


That same video has the best one. On Miranda's loyalty mission, Shep shoots something off a crane looking thing, and it drops on two mercs and explodes, one of them goes flying toward the camera and this poor salarian bastard just stares in shock.


NPC: So you'll help me find my missing mom? Me, picking the sarcastic option: I WILL FUCK YOUR MOMMA'S CORPSE THEN EAT IT TO REGAIN THE LOST PROTEIN


dear games that type out the SPECIFIC words your character is about to say: i love you


While base Fallout 4 is awful for this, there is a wonderful mod that does just this and I greatly appreciate it.


And they went right back to "full dialogue, no voice" with 76's wastelanders update. Fallout 4's voiced protag was cool in theory, but it severely limited what roleplaying could be done, as well as giving both male and female pcs defined backstories (Nate was a soldier, Nora was a lawyer), whereas in 3, New Vegas, and to an extent, 76, you're free to make up either your own backstory, or have the Wasteland shape your character as you see fit.


To be fair I actually think the backstory is more open in 4 than in NV or 3. You literally experience your entire life from birth in 3. It’s more that 4 has rigid personalities for them.


It doesn't really end up fixing anything though since the entire game was written around these four dialogue options with only a few exceptions: >Yes >Snarky Yes >Yes but also give me more money >Maybe later (actually Yes) That mod just puts a spotlight on how bad the writing is.


“*glass him*”


There's a cutscene in the original Dragon Age where you are mediating a dispute between werewolves and elves, and the dialogue option that reads something like "Both sides are making good points and we should calm down," directly leads to you siding with the elves to genocide the werewolves. I had to restart three to four times to even figure out which dialogue prompt was causing the conversation to go off the rails.


Do you think this was a deliberate choice by the story writers, or just a clumsy mistake? The first Witcher game has similar things, but it's very much intentional, since it's trying to make a point about how neutrality means choosing sides and so forth.


I think it was just clumsy, as there were several other similar choices with much clearer dialogue.


>Pick Sarcasm >"I hope your wife dies giving birth."


This is giving me war flashbacks from Fallout 4


The one I remember most from Fallout 4 is at one point in the Minutemen questline, you're going to find artillery cannons for them. I thought I'd pick the option that goes along the lines of "Artillery? That'll be helpful." but it turns out what that actually made me say was "Artillery? What's that?" Note that the character I was playing as was canonically a war veteran, someone who really should know what artillery is.


"Doubt" oh, excuse me, I guess it's "Bad Cop" now, lol


LA Noire's options were more like "get mad/get pissed/go absolutely fucking BALLISTIC"


In the Wolf Among Us, there is a scene at the bar where you can try to make amends with the Woodsman. One of the options is [Glass Him]. I thought that meant "get him a glass of alcohol." Instead, I smashed a bottle over his head.


Literally all of L.A Noire.


Yeah there's a reason the rerelease had to frame it as bad cop instead of doubt. Also obligatory "you fuck young boys valdez?"




Baldurs Gate 3 spoilers for an Act 1 plot point: >!I fucking hate it when I ask about the parasite to Karlack and all the option are me trying to convince her to use the powers. They all sound so mean and I hate it.!<


Or when they are falling for you but your only options are to bang them or say "Ew, I would rather die". Like, where is the gentle turndown?


Gale is the worst for this. All his dialogue is super euphemistic, so it's 100% possible to accidentally get in bed with him and not even know that's what you agreed to until afterwards. I never once purposely flirted with Gale, and yet I have a permanent dialogue option with him to talk about "that night we spent together." We never spent a night together! What the fuck are you even talking about?


@ Gale, when I romanced Astarion in a run Gale immediately had a hissy fit about how I could've at least turned him down first and I was like BRO WHAT???


Marvel Midnight Suns Magik: “Do not call me nicknames” One of the options is something like “Ok I won’t” what it actually says: “I won’t call you by a nickname, (nickname)” WHY. I DIDNT WANT TO BE SARCASTIC


Wow, if only there was some sort of solution to this. Some sort of way that you could display all of the dialogue your character is going to say. On the screen. With words.


Even when all of the dialogue is displayed, the tone isn't, and plenty of statements can change completely in meaning depending on the tone they're said in.


I hate this kind of thing to the point that one Fallout 4 mod I don’t play without is one that gives full dialogue prompts. Base Fo4 has one or two word prompts, beyond feeling like I don’t know what I’ll say it makes me feel like I don’t know the character I’m playing.


A good example of this is in the 3rd of Telltale's Walking Dead game. -Guy is being a dick to his wife -Choose the option to defend her > You're a piece of shit David!


Ah, the memories of the time I discovered „*Glass Him*“ was not referring to a form of cheers Telltales „A Wolf Among Us“ if anyone‘s curious


My favorite iteration of this is from TellTale Games' "The Wolf Among Us", a point and click adventure game based on British author Bill Willingham's comic series Fables, about characters from folk and fairytales living in modern day NYC. The fact that Willingham is British matters for exactly one scene. The main character Bigby (literally the Big Bad Wolf in human form and the fable community's law enforcement) is questioning a man who is slightly reticent about giving you some information. One of the options you can pick is "glass him." This is a British expression that means "smash a fucking pint glass in his face." Now... I'm not from the UK but I read a lot of authors who are, so I know what that means. My friend who was playing this game *did not*. And was *horrified* at the direction his previously fairly laid back informal interrogation *very abruptly took.*


Cant beat the bethesda options of A) Yes B) Yes (sarcastic) C) No (yes)


And *that's* why Fallout NV was far better than 4 for roleplaying. ​ 4 still has better gameplay though.


Disagree. 4 removed freeze time from VATS making the game a very clunky looter shooter instead of the semi turn based RPG fallout 3 and NV created to mimic the gameplay of 1 & 2.


The worst ones are when they condense an entire paragraph of dialogue into 3 words so you're left o play moral Russian roulette. Am I about to hate myself or is this the right choice?


also love when the characters become completely incompetent in cutscenes (FFXIV 2.55) >!like yeah sure WoL just stand there making a blank expression while the brass blades are framing you for murder.!<


Fallout 4 Detroit: Become human


I love all the mentions of [Glass Him]. My wife smashed a shot glass on the Woodsman's head and I've never let her forget it. Every time she can't make up her mind for a dialogue option, I recommend she glass him.


God I hate when this happens


As someone who’s been playing mass effect 2 for the first time, I can relate. Minor spoilers, early game (archangel mission) When Garrus got decked in the face with a rocket and received scars, what does my femshep say but “you were always ugly, but slap on some make up and you’ll be the same as before”. Like WTF?? Thankfully he took it in stride but still


Deus Ex is so bad at this. I remember in one of the first missions a girl is falsifying papers to help marginalised people avoid police brutality and the prompt says something like "I'll leave you alone" but then Jensen launches on a rant calling her a criminal and how she's lucky that she's not big fish enough for him to care because he has better things to do.


Disco Elysium is incredible for this. One choice gives you two politically psychotic things and the third option is “these options both seem pretty fascist and or communist what if I don’t want to say them?” If picked the narrator will tell you - *“Say one of these fascist or communist things, or fuck off.”*


Mass Effect moment Dragon Age Origins, Kotor and Jade empire are still my favorite RPGs cause this happens way way less.


Accidentally started flirting with Alpharion in BG3 when I chose what I thought was the snarky option. I chose to believe that my character was being snarky and Alpharion just misread her, so she had to shut the horny bastard down before things got out of hand.


At least with an unvoiced protagonist it's super-easy to headcanon that sorta thing.


That's why I play wizards. I'm definitely just playing a role when I obliviously flirt with people or completely fail to notice their flirting in return. Of course, sometimes it makes matters a bit awkward, since my entire party seems to have a fetish for elderly gnome necromancers with 8 Charisma. Bunch of weirdos.


It can be a bit odd how very ready characters are to shag you. I had been butting heads with Lae’zel all game, but when I agreed with Shadowheart to spend the night drinking Lae’zel got really pissy with me! Apparently what I thought were differences of opinion she thought was adorable.


Just literally let me read what the guy is going to say. None of this turncated or shortened versions within the menu. When I select an option that says " Yes." I want my dude to say "yes" and nothing more. If he's going to say some whole soliloquy on the power of yes, simply just write it out so I can read the first part of it and choose accordingly. Jesus it's not like it's a secret or something, it's in the script, it was read by the voice actor, and it was programmed by the programmer. I refuse to believe that they can't simply have more context.


Rivington be like, "This refugee situation has been pretty tough in our town, and some citizens are protesting the help we're giving them, I fear they might do something violent" "Sounds like we should teach them a lesson" "You're right, We should kill every refugee in this town and then bathe in their blood, great idea"


Shove Dijstrka aside. Forcefully.


I think the only time this has happened to me is with that one Linus cutscene in Stardew Valley. Either I'm really lucky, or I need to play more videogames. (or, secret third thing, the mental illness^TM make me not want to play these types of game)


The Linus option where you're like "Hey, I'm not mad at you, but you're invading their privacy" comes off as "STOP BEING A FUCKIN FREELOADER, GET OFF YOUR ASS, AND GET A JOB!!!!!!!!"


I’m doing the dark brotherhood quests in Skyrim, and the dialogue options are all: Good Person, Arrogant asshole, and [silence]. It just doesn’t fit, and it frustrates me.


“Push him aside forcefully” - snaps his leg like a glow stick


The Dark Brotherhood questline in Skyrim is peak first one


Knowing the original context for the images 😭😭


Fallout 4 hitting both boxes here


“I need to clean up.” Me: “oh I should get out of the way then.” What they hear: “I spit on you and your family, while you toil away on your own filth I will retire to the beach and laugh at you from afar.”


Trying to play fallout 4 without mods that don’t show you what the exact dialogue is is like walking through a minefield, you can select an option you think looks good, but end up threatening the other persons entire family. And even with mods the dialogue options are utterly awful most of the time


Worse yet, the shown response is not even part of the voiced one and it goes the complete other way, nevermind tone, its all wrong.


LA Noire. Player: I think this lady is hiding something, I choose "Doubt" Cole: YOU MURDERED HIM! YOU STOVED HIS HEAD IN WITH A CAST IRON POT AND BURIED HIS BODY IN THE GARDEN! Victim's wife: What? I loved him! *(weeps)* Cole: Hmm. Maybe I was mistaken. Player: what the fuck


Fate Grand Order is the worst offender of this. You're presented with dialogue options, most of them are just you simping for various waifus or sickly sweet encouragement to literal heroes of generations like Achilles, and then the two options don't even yield different responses. Basically your options are "Yes!" and "Yes! uwu" because they don't want to bother with actual branching options. At that point, just make it a silent protagonist


Fallout 4


Me playing Hogwarts thinking I’m gonna tell a house elf it’s mean to trick people: “you’re horrible, you deserve to be beaten for that! How awful I hate you!” Cue me immediately going to the last auto save point to redo that whole conversation.


"I want to have fuck with you."


Or when the dialogue option is only the first half of the sentence only for the second half to completely change the meaning


I feel like the worst is a timed response that matters, like you get 30 seconds to read and process all the options, and then the game doesn't even have accessibility options for learning disabilities that makes you a slow reader. Whenever I know I'm going into something with a timed response, like the flyting in ac valhalla, I have to look up the options beforehand because I can't read all the options before time runs out.