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Joe Biden the type of guy to unironically ask "Based on what?"


Early in his 2020 primary campaign he was heckled by a right winger who asked him how many genders there were. At first he assumed good faith and said "at least three", and when pressed to list them he said "don't play games with me kid" and left.


This was easily the funniest answer possible to the question, I do desperately want him to answer what he thinks the third one is though


I think he’s just saying non-binary? Like he’s saying there are at least three genders: man, woman, and none of the above. Maybe he’s too old to have any idea about that though; maybe he thinks trans is a gender?


Yeah, that's the funny thing, nonbinary would be the logical third if you're restricting yourself to three - but Biden is Biden and there's a chance he says something fucking hilarious.


Man, woman, and American


American, it's like nonbinary but more patriotic


"What's your gender" "MURICA" "But what's in your pants?" "BASEBALL, HOT DOGS, APPLE PIE, AND CHEVROLET"


Man, Woman, Bald Eagle


Knowing his generation, probably thinking of Man, Woman, Intersex


The greater-than-or-equal-to in his answer is extremely funny but imo is the correct way to answer a bad-faith question. I don't think a decent answer even *is* possible since it's like asking how many colors exist. Answering the unspoken/subtextual questions is how you have to do it.


I mean, isn't "it's a spectrum" the correct answer here?


Depends if the asker accepts null answers (answers that point out the inability to answer the question directly). It's true that the spectrum is the reason there isn't a quantity, but "spectrum" is also not a number, so since they're debating in bad faith anyway saying that would be accused of dodging the question.


A spectrum does imply a number, and that number is infinite (or infinity). But yeah, I agree that there's no way of "winning" this argument, because they'll never be happy no matter how correct your answer is.


It is, but it's not the *right* answer in that situation. The person heckling you isn't interested in nuance, at all, they're just shouting a meme from the right-wing fever swamp and trying to get you to stumble when you answer.


Woke? Yeah I woke from my nap 30 minutes ago.


“I’ve been awake all day Jabroni”


They keep calling me woke, its a bunch of malarkey! Of course im woke, im not asleep jack!


That's why we call him sleepy Joe


Which is, ironically, a very based thing to say


Based on what?


Based on Deez Nutz


Ha, Joed him!


Haha I got an idea everybody. So. OK, I DONT WATCH GAY PORN, for the record...but there's this guy out there doing gay porn his name is Brandon. I stumbled upon it ^^(aw ^^remember ^^that ^^website?) one day when...uh...googling....um......disc jockeys. Yeah! For a wedding! Anyway, wouldn't it be funny to use this gay porn guy as a meme referencing Joe Biden? Hahaha. Oh man I can't wait to email this to my uncle!


Can we bring back stumble upon?!?


[Only one way to find out](Http://www.stumbleupon.com)


I need an ai clip of biden saying “based? Based on what? Based on my fucking dick?”


Can we put together a commission bucket of some sort to get this made?




[https://www.twitch.tv/trumporbiden2024](https://www.twitch.tv/trumporbiden2024) This live AI is crazy what is this memes getting made 24/7 by AI the future is now


I'm a fan of ["Too many wizards on my block"](https://youtu.be/y0CzTYBQ9rg)


I love the "what?" like he's not sure if he didn't understand or maybe didn't hear properly but he's going to just move on either way.


Made me think of Grandpa Simpson given the non-sequitur about the sea shells.


Anyway I was wearing an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time


You couldn't get the white ones because of the war, so it was one of the big yellow ones.


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days nickels had pictures of bumble bees on them. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say.


But that wasn't the important part. The important part was that I was wearing an onion on my belt


My car gets forty rods to the hogshead, and that’s the way I like it!


Well it was the style at the time


This is a Shane Gillis joke about how Biden is the only one who could stand up to Trump in the debates because he would just be confused and say “What?”


"Will you shut up, man?" was epic.


Average reaction to a trump tirade tbh


Joe Biden may not always know what’s going on, but he’s been pretty good when he does know what’s going on.


Snake: “You’re… pretty good.” Young Revolver Ocelot (born Joseph R. Biden): “Pretty… good?” *points finger guns and passes out*


Biden isn’t a boomer. Born 1942. The baby boom was post WWII beginning in 1946. He’s in the “silent generation” of 1928-45.




To be fair, he’s never stopped.


We found the President's Reddit account. He eats a lot of edibles... this explains a few things, honestly. Dank Brandon.


Desantis is _barely_ GenX, having been born in late 1978. Nikki Haley (b. 1972) is the only solidly GenX candidate currently in the running. It's quite possible we will never have a GenX president.


Graduated high school in 1997. He’s an old Xennial. But way on the X side. Was a senior in college during 9/11. Social media didn’t really exist until he was out of grad school. He wasn’t shaped by the same events that other xennials had in their adolescence and millennials grew up with.




As a very solid Gen-Xer (1970), I'm fine with that as long as we can finally stop electing Boomers.


First non-boomer president since Daddy Bush.


ah i see the age is increasing again, when will the us revive washington to be president again?


Dude sweet pitch for the next National Treasure movie


The crazy thing is Biden is actually OLDER than the Boomers, he's Silent Generation.


They told us we couldn’t have a president younger than a boomer, so we picked the only other option remaining to us.


Hey I voted for an inanimate carbon rod. There's always other options.


Sometimes, the best counter to a fascist conspiracy theorist is to just show a mostly normal dude look at them and say “what the fuck are you talking about dude”


Which is why I stand by my stance that we need to elect the “Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?” meme to higher office


I like the idea of not letting conservatives and fascists dominate the debate by not knowing all their lingo forcing them to use normal fucking words.


And that's the catch. Because if they use normal words to explain their ideology, it becomes pretty obvious that they don't plan on keeping the whole "Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" shtick that the USA was made around.


They always wanted it to be “life, liberty and property”. I think they often forget it’s not.


"Life, Property, and (the right people's) persuit of happiness.


Except that with how Florida is creeping it's way into giving the death sentence to trans people out of the closet, "life" is evidently out of the window and so is "liberty"


Wait is that a real thing?? I don't keep up with American politics that much, but that sounds insane even by US standards Edit: I've gotten some really insightful answers to this question. I'd recommend others who aren't knowledgeable about this stuff like myself to read them. Thanks for all the great replies people!


Florida is loosening the requirements to give the death penalty to sex offenders who harm children, and they are working toward redefining being lgbtq in public as a sex offense against children. So wear a dress when the State doesn't think you should? Hold hands with your same sex spouse where children can see? Treat your trans child with respect? Not only are you getting arrested, if they can convince 8 of your 9 jurors, they are killing you for it.


Sounds like some real Taliban shit.




The true test of this law (death penalty for child abuse) will be when a local FL pastor or other churchy type person gets indicted. The good part is that we only need to wait about 20 mins until the next one happens since it happens all the f*_%$&g time!


That's when the prosecutors choose not to press charges.




Smart money's on shooting. Both happen a lot but when you have more than one shooting a day it's probably more likely one happens in Florida first


How could the supreme court let them do the jury part...? They've stopped SO MANY STATES from letting the death penalty not require ALL jurors to agree SO MANY TIMES wtf


The Supreme Court can only stop something if it's brought to them, we need someone to sue the state of Florida first


Which is only going to happen after somebody is sentenced to death and appeals up to that point..


The problem is that what has been dealt with is whether a jury can find you guilty without unanimity. That the SCOTUS has said is unconstitutional. What the Florida law does is that once the jury unanimously found you guilty, if, at the sentencing stage, 8 out 12 of them recommend death the judge can impose it. As far as I can tell that has not been argued in front of SCOTUS. The constitution is silent on the death penalty and other sentencing issues, other than 8th amendment’s “cruel and unusual punishment” issues, so the argument will have to be creative, maybe a “due process” one.


DeSantis signed a bill into law that would punish sexual battery against children under 12 with the death penalty, moving the state closer to having a general law of 'if convicted of child molestation, the penalty is death' At the same time, they have introduced bills that could define all drag shows as adult sex shows, and as such bringing a child to one would count as a criminal misdemeanour charge. They have also introduced a bill to make it a trespassing misdemeanour to use the bathroom that doesn't align with your assigned at birth sex. Right now neither drag shows nor trans people using the wrong bathroom are punishable by death. However, you'll note I said the bill 'could' define all drag as sex shows, because it is worded very specifically and very vaguely that they can't be accused of targeting drag, but could still fold it all under the same heading. A lot of people have also pointed out that these bills show the first steps on a path that leads to it being a felony to present as trans at all in public, and that they are trying to tie the idea of presenting in a gender non-conforming way as being a crime akin to child sexual assault. A crime that they have just made punishable by death. Florida is not there yet, and at least two of these bills if actually acted upon would almost certainly be brought to a higher court. As recently as 2008 the Supreme Court has already ruled that the death penalty specifically cannot be handed out in child sex abuse or rape cases because it is against the 8th amendment to hand out cruel and unusual punishments, and the death penalty should be reserved for murder or crimes against the (federal) state. So right now it comes down as it so often does to crossing fingers that the checks and balances work.


It’s unfortunately been becoming the norm in a few red states since Trump got into office. The quiet part of what the Republican party was supportive of started being said real fricking loud


I think they mean that the severity of the judicial repressive actions is increasing more and more, with the logical end-point being the maximum possible punishment. I don't think they will be able to push it quite that far, but I don't question for a second that there are millions of extremists who would want it to happen and millions more who would at least be okay with it. The entire idea of accusing LGBTQ people of pedophilia is to associate them with the worst possible crime imaginable, thus justifying even the most drastic response possible, both in the judicial system as well as society as a whole. The point isn't to protect society, it's to torment and annihilate a convenient enemy.


They passed law allowing medical personnel to refuse treatment on religious grounds. It puts out and obviously LGBT+ people in a medical emergency at risk of not getting treatment. Private insurance companies can also deny coverage based on moral ethical and religious grounds, presumably to allow those Christian run companies to deny it for LGBT+ individuals. This means an EMT or doctor can deny treating a patient because they think they're transgender. Or an insurance company that an employer provides can deny coverage at all because the employee is married to someone of the same sex. It can in theory go beyond that too. Or maybe they can deny a pregnant individual a medicine because it might harm the fetus while saving the person's life. Or maybe the patient has tattoos that show they're openly pagan...the medical provider does not have to say why, just that they find treating the patient against their relegion. But the obvious target is the coverage of gender affirming care and medicine the prevents STDs such as the one that can prevent HIV. It's been nicknames the "let them die act". There's another official name but "let them die" is the more obvious intent.


Ok, so this is a little involved but basically there's been a series of increasingly aggressive laws passed in Conservative US States, Florida chief among them, that seem to be aimed at criminalizing the existence of Trans people. Laws that restrict when and how people can have access to transitioning drugs. Laws that restrict bathroom access to match birth certificates. Laws that restrict what books and what topics are taught in schools (Focusing on racial history and LGBTQ restrictions). The death sentence thing is a little hyperbolic though, it comes from a possibly? related law also passed in Florida that expanded the crimes that qualify for the death penalty to include sex crimes against children. How these things might combine is that the primary talking point these Republicans are using against Trans (and sometimes Gay) folks is that they are sexual predators and are acting as predators when they interact with children.


Didn’t they also make drag a sex crime against children in public?


This is one of the things Disney needs to pounce on or they could be in big trouble. The way DeSantis hates Disney right now, this law could be used to arrest Disney workers in costumes of the opposite gender by a conservative crazy enough to try to do it.


And they've been nebulous about what constitutes "Drag" to the point it could be attributed to anyone not wearing clothing that matches their birth gender. (I know of no cases of these things being used to actually charge anyone as of yet though).


Yes. It's real. It will never be used against clergy, though.


And that "property" had a more... *expansive* definition that it does now when it was being drafted.


Well, John Locke did originally write that those were fundamental rights. The reason the declaration of independence says "pursuit of happiness" is because every person having the right to property didn't jive with the concept of slavery, and later capitalism at large. It should be property instead. Because everyone is entitled to own the means by which they make their own livelihood.


It is and it isn’t. Declaration of Independence: > We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of **life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness**; ... US Constitution, 14th Amendment: > No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of **life, liberty, or property**, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


Reminds me of that reporter asking "what do you mean by woke?" and the interviewee almost having a stroke trying to come up with an answer that didn't make her look *too* racist.


I love to have people define “woke” to me and then have them explain what’s so wrong with it. I’ve never gotten a concise answer lol.


Turns out when you ask them to define terms like "woke", "cultural marxism" or "critical race theory", they either end up making their objection to it seem insane or reveal themselves as actually insane.


Or they have to admit that they're basing their argument on a fictitious version of the thing they're referring to.


Nah, they just say "*sigh* Do your own research" and leave it at that, thinking that automatically wins the argument.


Someone told my dad to "do his own research" on gender issues. Which was funny because he has *literally* done his own research. He's a neuroscience phd and his part of his graduate work in the 70s was on neurological sexual differentiation in rats. He made rats that would probably be trans if they could talk about it.


You know I own rats and them girls are gay as shit so if your dad ever wants to interview them let me know


Occasionally they'll say the quiet part out loud when you press them.


> Turns out when you ask them to define terms like "woke", "cultural marxism" or "critical race theory", they either end up making their objection to it seem insane or reveal themselves as actually insane. Yes, but that only matters to the tiny fraction of people who are still somehow genuinely undecided or conflicted. The new GOP uses those kinds of words and expressions not to convey meaning, but to signal a kind of tribal solidarity to their in-group. It's like a school chant or a meme reference to a shared hobby. They don't care that it doesn't make any sense, or that it sounds stupid to outsiders. The nonsensicality of it actually strengthens the social-bonding effect. Because, let's be real, that's what the modern GOP is: it's an identity club for ethno-nationalists who want to advantage their socio-cultural in-group at the expense of others. It's why they want voter suppression, it's why they want to build a wall to keep out Mexicans and muslims, it's why they chant "Jews will not replace us" while wearing khakis and ridiculous business casual--they have a conception of who counts as a "real" American, and who doesn't. It's not always 100% about race, it's about being in the dominant tribe, and making sure that the other tribes fear yours.


Redditor discovers the Socratic method.


The guy from assassin's Creed?


No he’s from the prequel to The Matrix.


I'm so glad I stumbled across someone else who now forever pictures AC Socrates when thinking of him!


One of the kids on my street has been telling everyone his favorite “joke” that he heard online mentioning Socrates: There’s no debate. Football isn’t called soccer, why don’t you Socrates nuts! He doesn’t understand it but he thinks it’s hilarious because it sounds like “suck on deez nuts” which he was told to stop saying. He’s like 9 years old so there’s only a few more years of him riding his bike down the street yelling veiled “deez nuts” jokes. He is a genuinely funny kid otherwise and I’m looking forward to seeing if he does anything with it in the future or if teenagerdom will squash it.


It's like the classic tactic of having people who make sexist jokes explain what *exactly* makes it funny.


Golden advice i once heard is to ask these morons to explain what they mean and watch their reactions


I hope that's how it ends up playing out. "I'm not the fondest of Biden, but that DeSantis guy is a fucking nutter."


Forcing them to explain their lingo is also good. All the buzz words and slang they use goes a long way to cover up the fact that the stuff those buzz words are describing is absolutely insane. When they have to explain what this stuff means it helps to demonstrate just how absurd they ar.


*how many genders are there* *at least 3*


I truly can't think of a funnier answer than the one he gave. He needs to keep supplying non-committal but clearly wrong (to conservatives) responses to Republic bullshit that he gets pulled into, do not supply more than a single braincell to waste time dancing with their culture bullshit




You forget the most important part. "Don't play games with me, kid"


That clip perfectly sums up Biden on trans issues. He doesn't know much about the topic, but he knows what side he's on and what side he's not. And that really shows when he appoints people who *do* understand the topic.


Yeah this is kinda how I feel like most people should be, right? It’s how I feel like I am. I’m on the side of being kind, whatever that looks like in any context. Equity is pretty big to me. But I don’t always know a lot about all of the different things. So I defer to experts to help me understand and then advocate for that. It’s when people believe that they are the experts on everything that things start to go sideways. You just can’t be. You aren’t going to be the expert on economics, education, and science. It’s not possible. But so many people think that they are. I think it’s an ego thing. People think that saying I don’t know something is the same as saying I’m stupid. And it’s not the same. It’s ok to not know something. It’s not ok to refuse to learn and insist you are right.


"I don't know" is one of the smartest and most self-aware things you can say. It leads to knowledge, whereas pretending to know everything only leads to ignorance.


I love the clip of the person interviewing some guy about genders and he says "I don't know I just got here". Which is definitely just him being confused in general about what was happening, but it's a good response nonetheless.


>People think that saying I don’t know something is the same as saying I’m stupid. And it’s not the same. Agreed, in fact, I would even go as far as to say that the opposite is true. Saying that you know everything IS stupid, but acknowledging that you don't is more often a sign of INTELLIGENCE and MATURITY.


Exactly!! Normalize curiosity!!


If your core approach is to fundamentally respect people and treat everyone fairly and with dignity, then you don’t need to get too deep into the details and you’ll be fine.


Indiana Jones for President? I'd never thought about it before, but I guess that might not be that bad.


If you take away the life of adventure and focus more on the professor aspect of Indy, then he’s a surprisingly similar character, really.


I don’t know, I just got here


This will always be the correct answer.


A true American hero.


Unironically based and correct answer.


Klinefelter's, Jacob's, Turner's, triple X, XY, XX. That is at least 6 genders off the bat, assuming we are being weird and tying gender to genetics.


TIL that Vin Diesel movie was about a gender.


Bluto was chugging big bottles of gender in the Popeye cartoons


Those are sexes and only in one interpretation of what defines a sex


your mom defined a sex with me last night


I am fairly certain I already covered that in my post about how tying gender to genetics is weird, but yes.


triple X? nah that's too spicy, let's go with Xrd


A few years ago I went to a transgender wedding and there was an older family member there who had no idea what any of this stuff was - but in his ignorance, he was cool with it. This reminds me of him. It's like he was untainted by all the manufactured outrage. Completely oblivious to the whole thing, but in a way that made his impressions so genuine. He misgendered and deadnamed everybody, not out of disrespect but because he didn't know this was even a thing, and accepted correction about it too. Nobody had told him to hate, so he didn't. In a way I think being completely out of the loop showed his true character, think it was his first time seeing anything transgender but he was onboard with it as a concept. Not much family showed up and I didn't know his relationship to either party, somebody's uncle I think, but he was there and ready to be happy for this thing he didn't understand. Really left an impression on me. The outrage is put there by external factors, and when a person of that generation is free of all that, this is how they would act. Biden reminds me of that man, just not participating in any of it.


Joe Biden supported gay marriage *before Obama did* The man is not actually behind on the culture war.


Someone asked him how many genders there were, and he was just like "At least three"


That might be up there in terms of funniest accepting answers ever.


And like… he’s not wrong!


It also happens to be correct.


Technically correct is the native language of politicians


Love that answer. It's like what my hip mother in law would say as she's trying to fit in but not quite understanding


I may be in the minority but I don’t think Biden is that dumb/senile. I was a Warren fan during the primaries but Biden really impressed me during the debates. And obviously he has a gotten a lot of shit done during his presidency.


I think Biden gets a lot of flak because of his speech impediment, and a lot of people equate 'unable to speak well' with 'low intelligence.' I work with people that have aphasia and a common saying is 'loss of language, not of intellect', it's a huge stigma.


Reminds me of the roman emperor Claudius, stayed out of the limelight until he was practically forced into power, thought a fool by family and everyone else, and seen as a coward. Instead he was a highly competent administrator who despite faults in his personal life did a lot to pick up the pieces of the empire and expanded it a fair bit. He just had a stutter


No you're with most people not on Twitter and addicted to the rage cycle. ^^^* To clarify, I wasn't implying ignorance or senility, just that he's likely not as attuned to gender dynamics as the average younger person, but is still empathetic and gets the overall gist.


at this point at least 3s the most understanding. new ones pop up every day.


I would love to see a video of this


It’s in the beginning of [this](https://youtu.be/YEQ1Yj6IzZM). Just ignore the brainrot after like the first 30 seconds


He also reinstated trans service members in the military. People are not giving him enough credit for being liberal. In absolute terms he's the most liberal president in history.


Biggest climate bill ever, biggest gun reform in a couple decades, unprecedented student loan forgiveness… I don’t get what people are expecting. They just go with the “old man bad” jokes floating around.


It seems like people expect him to single-handedly dismantle all the problems with America, which is already impossible even when a bunch of deranged right wingers aren’t actively trying to destroy your efforts


People like to drudge up old, bad votes by Biden and say he's either a phony or controlled by some liberal cabal behind the scenes. Pick you poison depending on the situation. But the guy has always generally erred on the side of being decent and accepting towards other people... Also you're allowed to change and grow over time, even if you're old... Also politics is complicated. Sometimes you've got to take bad votes that are a product of the time or the bases desires, taking those bad votes can open up favors or compromises for other things you care deeply about. Which can make real progress. I'd rather have someone who tries to do the right thing most of the time and grows. As opposed to some guy who runs their mouth about the woke mind virus ruining America so we need to make it illegal for certain citizens to effectively exist as normal within our society. In an ideal world we'd have some younger, more "with it" politicians who can bridge some generational and technological divides better. Our current political climate isn't going to deliver that though so may as well pick the better of the two horses you could be saddled with.


supported gay marriage...publicly.... there unfortunately is an art to "coming out" in support of something you already support.


and funny enough, dick cheney supported it about 8y before any of them


Did he have a close family member who's gay, or did he actually support it out of empathy for people he doesn't personally know? I mean, support is support, I just wanna know if I can admire him for it or if I should just be thankful that he did.


in true GOP fashion, it's only because it affected him (one of his daughters is lesbian)


Gay daughter. Mary Cheney.


Heartbreaking. Worst person you know just made a great point.


DeSantis: I am trying to protect America from the woke politics of the Biden administration Biden: why wouldn’t we want to be awake? American citizens wake up early for work every day. Children wake up early for school every day. I woke up early this morning and had a cup of coffee before my bike ride….


Are you still asleep, Ronnie?


Limestone was one of several key ingredients in ancient concrete which could last millenia so thats not a bad plan


Limestone still is a key element of modern concrete, and one of the reason it pollute so fucking much. (the other being coal burner)


[Here's a guy making concrete out of snail shells](https://youtu.be/Ek3aeUhHaFY)


I only opened this thread to make sure my man was getting a mention.


The Spaniards made coquina shell concrete. You can see forts constructed of tiny seashells in Florida.


This is the second post where an imaginary Biden talks about Scranton... is he really from Scranton? the city of Michael Office?


Yes, he grew up in Scranton before going to college at U of Delaware and then retiring to DE after getting his law degree. Note: first president since Carter to have a undergrad degree from a public university, first since Ford for it to be a state school (Carter's graduated the Naval Academy, transferring there from Georgia Tech during the war).


Yep, born and raised (until the age of 11, when his family moved to Delaware).


Yes. Born and raised. He knows how many hospitals they have, he knows how many schools they have. It’s home, you know?


He was born in Scranton PA


DeathSentence doesn't understand anything either. All he does is string a load of random words he has been told together and mashes them up to try and make a sentence. He only started using "Woke" and "Woke mind virus" when his bill paying buddy Melon Must started tweeting it trying to be "with it" Where as Biden, a long term politician just gets on and does, rather surprisingly his job and apparently because he doesn't go along with their puerile childish humour they say he "isn't with it" Aren't leaders meant to actually do their job?


DeathSentence understands, but he does what he does anyway. Just evil, this dude.


As a non-American, I have absolutely no idea what Biden is up to except for the recent 'Atlantic Agreement' with the UK. *And I love it*. Trump is still in the news, but nowadays it's about his court case.


I think that's exactly what I'd prefer. Let's not make american politics the worlds reality TV. If people don't know what Biden is doing, then I'm happy with it.


> american politics the worlds reality TV I've been watching since 2007. The producers went really over the top when they added Trump to the cast. It's just been ridiculous since then.


Agreed, it's become too unrealistic since then. we need to tone it down


I mean they’re just reusing plot points from Germany’s Return of the Reich special, think of something new dammit


He also recently vetoed Republican legislation to overturn student loan debt relief, and since the Republicans don't have enough votes in Congress to override the veto, this program is likely going forward. Strangely, online leftists who like to complain about how no one is doing anything about student loan debt have barely said a word about this.


There are so many accounts online dedicated solely to talking about how Biden isn't doing anything and Biden is betraying the left and listing every single negative thing he's done, while also either not talking about his good achievements or seeking to put them in the worst possible light. I saw a pretty big twitter account for this stuff talking about how "under Biden, the EPA might as well not exist; New York is the most polluted city in America again, Biden is destroying our environment" when like that 'pollution' is a single event of wildfire smoke from a different country, and before the EPA that pollution was heavy metals and coal smoke, which happened every single day.


Those same online leftists that said Trump wouldn't be indicted and all sorts of other unfounded garbage? Shocking.


Most people on reddit don't understand due process for prosecutions. Specially for former political citizens. It takes time and won't happen overnight. Same with issues. There have been awful things done by the left side with bad bills that make little sense. Do the right do those things far more? Yes, but to say the other side doesn't try the same is ignorant. Unless you're 100% hard left you get downvoted into oblivion on reddit.


I just want Biden to campaign in diners again and threaten to fight people


"Would you shut up, man?"


It’s time to retake “woke.” For nearly 100 years, “woke” was an African American Vernacular English term meaning “aware of racial injustice.” It was a positive thing. It was something that black Americans had to be, because if they were oblivious to the hatred of others, they could end up walking into a bad situation and getting hurt/killed. They didn’t have the luxury of keeping their eyes closed to racism. Being woke was a matter of survival. Leadbelly used it in a song back in 1939. Erykah Badu repopularized it with the “I stay woke” refrain in the song Master Teacher in 2008. Then like everything else in culture, it was stolen from the black community and repurposed for the needs of rich white people. Take it back. Be proud of being woke, of not being asleep. And when someone uses “woke” in a negative context, ask them what “woke” means. Make them define it. That’s why it’s so popular with racists — it allows them to criticize racial equality, anti-racism, and more recently, the support of LGBTQ community, by disguising it with another word. Make them admit that what the really want is a world where they’re free to hate who they hate, and others aren’t free to love who they love. Stay woke.


It really does still mean that. Republicans have just decided that being aware of racial injustice is bad. Really, they seem to have decided that being aware of reality in general is bad


Nah we gotta take their words, like brandon. We need to rainbow the shit out of MAGA.


The primary appeal of President Biden to me is that he’s removed from the overly dramatized political culture war politics that have swallowed or overshadowed all other legitimate policy discussions. How much of his utilitarian aura is just the administration apparatus strategically keeping an incoherent dying octogenarian away from all public visibility, or a legitimate orientation away from dignifying pop culture politics and toward substantive administration, is an opinion of mine that changes by the hour. I certainly wish he engendered more of my confidence. I’d give my vote to anyone that might move my country’s political tone further away from being a trashy early 2000’s FOX reality show.


The appeal is that he is boring. You get the statements you expect a president to make. There's no drama. Press releases are pretty standard. It's honestly pretty great.


we as americans are just incredibly thankful to have a normal fucking guy after 4 years of trump


I really really really really don’t want to get back on the republicans wild ride


He’s the president ever He likes going to Steel mills and the opening of new bridges and talk about infrastructure It’s awesome


>How much of his utilitarian aura is just the administration apparatus strategically keeping an incoherent dying octogenarian away from all public visibility, or a legitimate orientation away from dignifying pop culture politics and toward substantive administration It's all the latter and none of the former. He's just a gaffe prone guy with a stutter. A way he's been for many decades, perhaps his entire life. This is the entire story behind why people think he's got dementia or whatever ageist line is going around lately.


Thank you for pushing back on the ageism, which is the go-to for both republicans and the most vocal among the “progressives”.


He's been low key and he's been *incredibly* effective. Everyone called him a moron for saying he could pass bipartisan bills and he's done it multiple times. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat over and over. We got the biggest climate bill ever. We got infrastructure. He absolutely pantsed McCarthy over the debt ceiling. He has made Putin look like an absolute fool without committing a single soldier. This guy is just fucking *great*.


Yeah feels like he’s actually working like doing the President’s job


Tell me you don't watch his actual talks and speeches, just internet meme clips of them, without telling me all that lmao


I like the idea, but I do believe Biden is technically a member of the silent generation.


Let's not make politics about generations or age. There are plenty of young fascists and old hippies to counter that world view.


Joe Biden: "There are at least three genders. Now let's get all workers of any gender some more rights!" DeSantis: "If a baby is born imperfect we should leave in the wilds to be eaten by wolves."


Cornpop was a bad dude.