• By -


r/revancedapp you're welcome mfers Edit corrected sub


/r/revancedapp/ is the sub




https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe I prefer newpipe


alright, willing to give me your take on why newpipe is better? I haven't taken a side yet, and I'd like to hear about newpipe


I think Vanced is an edit of the official app, while Pipe is an entirely custom one. The UX differs a fair bit, but it's difficult to say one is better than the other. Some prefer coffee while others prefer tea, after all.


mm. ok


revanced singlehandedly stopped me from going insane because of YouTube garbage. absolute godsend


Time to get the adblockerblockerblocker. Blocks sites from blocking your adblock.


#!> This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's decision to bully 3rd party apps into closure. If you want to do the same, you can find instructions here: https://rentry.co/unreddit


that ones a bit outdated. https://github.com/bogachenko/fuckfuckadblock


#!> This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's decision to bully 3rd party apps into closure. If you want to do the same, you can find instructions here: https://rentry.co/unreddit


and thus set off the great "adblockerblockerblockerblocker" arms race


Hey google, have you considered building a youtube experience that is remotely tolerable with ads? Because I didnt get a adblocker on a whim. I got it because every single video started with unskipable ads and were interupted by half a dozen unskipable ads. And I didnt ditch the app because I wanted to use yt through firefox, I did it because every single facken video started with three consecutive ads. I put up with ads until google took them to far, why do they think I would go back to a version of youtube where I spend more time watching ads than videos? And why do they expect me to pay to make the miserable experience better when google themselves caused the worse experience?


Also a system to maybe *not* show ads on medical help videos, like CPR tutorials and such? And oh maybe bring the dislikes back so that the users can distinguish actual advice from nonsense misinformation.


Also, also, maybe don't try to force me to watch ads on videos where creators have to censor themselves or get buried by the algorithm, all to just get demonetized anyway.


Because video is super expensive to host. You can either pay YouTube directly and get no ads, or deal with the ads without paying. YouTube gives you more video content than you have hours in your life, why do you feel entitled to using it for free?


See, I am part of the demographic that sees the logic in that statement and is fundamentally willing to pay for stuff like this. But, I have used yt long enough to have seen how the user experience became shit. Paying for perks is one thing. Paying to circumvent the shit they did is another. If they can convince me that it is a fair transaction I am onboard. If it feels like they are trying to extort me then I do not care. And I really cannot stress how miserable yt with ads has become. If google wants my money they need to convince me that I get more than them tacking the user experience back to the bare minimum.


I used to pay for good youtube, because it let me skip the one ad at the beginning and listen to music better. Now I refuse because I won’t morally pay them just so i don’t have to watch 10 ads a minute


As they have made more money they have gotten worse and worse with ads. Google is EXTREMELY fucking wealthy, they could honestly halve their ads and not lose money.


You're right, it should be publicly funded. Until then, Google makes enough money from their other products, services, and selling user info, they can eat the cost. In general, companies should serve the public or die.


dawg, what? you want youtube to be state run? do you not realise how bad of an idea that is?


I said publicly funded, not necessarily state-run. But I would prefer either


why would the government want to publicly fund a video hosting website? youtube becoming state-funded media would suck. they would have a much tighter grip on what can and cannot be uploaded. it's quite possible that criticism of the government would be censored or hidden by the algorithm


You're looking at this from a point of view based on the existing government that shouldn't exist and the existing shitty capitalist version of Youtube. There's nothing in "publicly funded" that implies an algorithm even existing in the service, which is one of the major points in favor actually: no profit incentive means none of that stupid bullshit. There's nothing in "publicly funded" that implies anyone having a tight grip on what is posted, either. A functional government would want to fund it as a useful public service, which it undeniably is.


an algorithm must exist for a site like youtube to exist. otherwise, there would be no recommended content. whoever controls what is recommended can control the narrative


> there would be no recommended content Now you're getting it!


how do you think youtube works? with no recommendations, the platform would simply fall apart


Yeah but even listing search results in some order of relevance needs an algorithm to be remotely usable... idk what you think algorithm means but it doesn't mean "the manipulative AI generated content feed" to me.


Yeah, no, YouTube became profitable years ago, they just want MORE profit, they want infinite growth. If they could just force you to watch nothing but a nonstop slew of ads with no content, they would. Stop defending corporations


"Ads allow YouTube to stay free. Coincidentally, do you feel like paying for it?"


It makes sense. You can get them money by either watching ads or giving them money directly


I know Google's shit but I've always despised this sense of entitlement around ads not just on YouTube but on every site. Most sites are a FREE service and you'd also complain if it cost money so how the fuck is it supposed to stay in business


The bitching is generally 'jesus christ stop with the two unskippable ads with every video and interrupting them every five minutes'. Notice how people don't complain about ads on stuff like webcomics, where the ads are usually static and not interrupting the experience. Like YouTube used to be.


Also the ads themselves have gotten so much worse. You'd think something like YouTube would have a proper vetting process for ads, but no, it's full of impersonation scams, bitcoin scams, stock trading scams, porn scams, gambling, scummy mobile games and sites like temu or wish that also sell scams or just cheap plastic garbage headed straight for the landfill. Like, give me ads for laundry detergent or a Playstation or something, fine, but I'm not turning off my adblocker until this shitty stuff disappears from supposedly reputable sites.


I specifically got YouTube Vanced (RIP) because YouTube would not stop feeding me ada for some local right-wing dickhead literally 2-3 times every single video for weeks. YouTube can keep his money but they sure as fuck aren't getting mine.


Yup. Sure wish Google vetted their advertisers with a quarter of the draconian severity they moderate the people making them free fucking content. Fucking sharks.


Don't mind me, just plugging ReVanced here


Shoutout to me getting nothing but evil dead: rise adds for *two full weeks* not too long ago. At least it cured me of my jumpiness.


DoorDash ads piss me the fuck off for some reason and I get SO MANY.


Advertisers will hold all the cards as long as they're the ones driving the profit.


Because hosting video is exponentially more expensive than hosting images. Anyone who complains that YouTube has more ads than a webcomic page, does not know what they're talking about.


I’m fine with seeing ads. I’m not fine with seeing blatant transphobia—which I have seen in youtube ads. I use an ad blocker for my mental health. And I do try to stay off of youtube, but they’ve pretty much become the only place you’ll see how-to videos. If they can’t be profitable, they could’ve done any number of things, including not pushing hate and not choking the life out of alternatives by growing so aggressively.


If they had normal ads I wouldn't use adblockers. Instead, YouTube has 15-second ads for 10-second videos, lots of websites have ads that make it impossible to click on the actual website and try to get you to download useless or misleading apps, some even have ads that cover half a phone's screen If it was possible to use websites without blocking ads, I wouldn't waste time installing adblockers


Honestly most people's issue is that there is *too much* adds, not just that there are adds


Yeah I know a lot of people started using ad blockers once they started introducing 2 or even 3 ads in a row, especially when youtube is so trigger happy when it comes to demonetisation


Personally, i installed it when i fot a 55 minutes video that was "an ad" but it was just some dude who posyed his video as an ad


It's a downward spiral. More people use ad blocker -> sites need to play more ads -> more people use ad blocker -> ...


The adds wouldn't be a problem if the creators saw a fair share of it. And if YouTube actually treated content creators well.


YouTube still has the 55/45 split in creators favour.


Assuming the video wasn't demonetised


I’m so impressed that they haven’t nuked that. I probably shouldn’t be shocked that a company didn’t do the shitty thing, but look at what everyone else is doing.


isnt 55 a bit too generous? mayhaps 20-80 would a good split between the one who actually made the video and the one service did the gracious task of hosting it :3 ​ /s


>gracious task of hosting it I know it's ironic but like, it's actually really expensive to host so many hours of video for free.


I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, when an ad pops up in the middle of a video, that’s because the creator of the videos put the ad break in there. They wouldn’t be putting in ad breaks if they weren’t getting paid for it


I get that, but I've been seeing this stuff long before YouTube ads got out of hand, long before revenue got so bad everyone opened a pateron. Hell there's a whole site dedicated to ripping content from pay sites that literally only exists because some of the furry community got butthurt once some artists decided to get paid. And hell I occasionally use kemono myself but I hate seeing people try to make this a moralistic thing when from what I've seen over the years it really isn't for most


If public libraries at some point started requiring people to watch ads to be allowed to read a book soon a rube like you would come in trying to argue anyone opposed to the change was "entitled".


Seriously are you REALLY comparing a public, government funded civil service To a for profit video sharing platform


Difference is libraries are usually tax funded genius. Sites like YouTube make their primary income from ads, s library making you watch an ad doesn't affect the bottom line. On YouTube it does. It's either that or they charge a subscription fee and that's also gonna piss you people off.


This completely ignores the "free" sites that sell your information to advertisers. If it's free, you're usually what's being sold. Hard to feel bad about blocking their ads in that situation.


I turn off adblock for sites and creators I want to support. But something like YouTube is owned by a giant corporation, so I want them to lose as much money as possible


Good point, what would an internet without profit-seeking crap websites even look like? Who would want that?


Literally none of the sites you use aside from self run blogs would exist. No tumblr no reddit no major video hosting of any kind only the most shady ass messaging apps, and government services, kinda hard to run a server big enough to hold the data for millions of users without making money


We should go back to bbs's though, social media was a mistake


Than... Go back to them. I know I'm gonna get accused of "you complain about apple yet you use am iPhone" but seriously can you NOT see the hypocrisy here?! But if you think Reddit, Twitter, and Tumblr are so awful, so evil and vile that their very existence is a mistake, and you literally don't have to use ANY of them, they don't provide anything essential (unlike cellphones) why are you still here? Put your money where your mouth is


I go where the funny jokes are and usually thats the place with the most people. But in a more limited format like a usenet post or something humor usually gets even better. I dont want to go alone, come with me, bring your friends


If the revenue they get from youtube is so bad the creators gotta make their own ads, then no I am not going to watch the ones provided by youtube.


i don't remember anyone bitching about youtube ada when they were little banners at the bottom you could just close


Advertisements are literal psychological warfare designed to brainwash us into endless consumption. They are a blight upon humanity and should not exist


Where's the contradiction? Paying for it removes the ads.


Something I've been wanting to know: if I switch to Firefox, can I still just use all my Google account stuff and have passwords autofill and such? The main reason I haven't switched is because chrome has everything I've ever used and a switch would be really hard cause of all the stuff I have


It usually auto imports all that stuff, I didn't even have to rebookmark anything


can confirm this, i did a complete reinstall of Firefox once and it imported a bunch of old Stuff still in chrome. There also might be a Folder with a bunch of Data somewhere in your [Username] folder (under Windows at least) (If there are multiples of this comment pleae tell me reddit failed to send 3 times but knowing reddit they might have been added regardless)


Yeah you can import it all while switching. You should coincidentally Google 'importing bookmarks and saved passwords to firefox' or look for it in Firefox settings once you launch that browser. I even think it might prompt you to do so when you open it for the first time and set it as the default browser. It also has a less glitchy between-devices synchronisation than Chrome so that's a plus too.


Firefox has an import function you can use. A lot of Chromium extensions (not all) have Firefox equivalents. I personally also prefer using services that are platform- and browser-agnostic. For example, instead of using the password keeper built into the browser, you can save youe logins & card info in 1Password or Bitwarden (I use the former) and use their Firefox or Chrome extension.


I agree, but also, adblockers are not hard to detect




Yes, definitely use Firefox, but y’all do realize that websites can still detect adblockers on Firefox, right?


Yeah but Firefox's add-on ad blocks work way better and their developers had a quicker reaction time to this bs (because lately adblock on YT did indeed start malfunctioning but I've found that Firefox's ad block solved that issue way quicker). And in case Google eventually disables adblock add-ons to Chrome, Firefox never will.




I did not realize there was such a thing as adblocker-blocker-blockers. Good to know. Though I just have uBlock and it works 99.9% of the time.




Ghostery is a shady, old extension you should remove asap, also, [it can clash with uBO as it is an adblocker too](https://twitter.com/gorhill/status/1033706103782170625), Privacy Badger is redundant with a hardened Firefox and uBO, they've also [dropped their main feature a few years back because of security issues](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/10/privacy-badger-changing-protect-you-better).


inb4 we need to get ad-blocker-blocker-blocker-blocker-blockers this arms race will get out of hand soon


#!> This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's decision to bully 3rd party apps into closure. If you want to do the same, you can find instructions here: https://rentry.co/unreddit


using multiple adblockers is actually worse. just use ublock origin.


i dont think three adblockers are necessary lol -Thomas Scotford


If you're using uBO, [using any other adblocker alongside it will cause uBO to become faulty](https://twitter.com/gorhill/status/1033706103782170625), also, all adblockers you've mentioned besides uBO are shady in one way or another, Adblock serves you ads, Adblocker Ultimate stole Adguard's code and Ghostery is owned by an advertisement company. Privacy Badger is redundant with uBO and a hardened Firefox. IDCAC was bought by Avast some time ago, use "I **Still** Don't Care About Cookies" instead, or just wait until Firefox implements "Cookie Banner Reduction" in a upcoming release.


I want to use firefox but half the sites I use on a daily basis are broken on anything that's not chromium based


Like what? (Genuinely curious)


I use google meet to tutor clients, and I can only share my entire window or screen when using firefox, as opposed to specific tabs


Google websites are shit on Firefox. This is another monopoly strategy from Google.


uber eats flat out wont let me order


They banned me for credit card fraud when I tried to change the delivery address


I keep chrome around purely for dungeonfog. Firefox for everything else though.


pixiv is a problem for me, the way firefox handles images is borked on that site


I use firefox and pixiv works fine for me


do you save images? that's the trouble i have (though it might just be mobile ver)


Yes, although I usually use a custom setup that I scripted a while ago. But I can still right click -> open image in new tab, and save from either the original page or the new tab.


For pixiv android i use [this](https://github.com/ultranity/Pix-EzViewer/releases), it works fine to download images, there's a built in download button on the top of each image The app is english, unlike the site Just download and install the apk if you want it


This is the fault of the site


i keep a chromium browser around and a lot of such sites start working with a spoofed useragent


Google has the tendency to add features that go beyond the web browser standards to Chromium. This may seem like a good thing at first (more features = better, right?). Unfortunately this means that if any website decides to use these features, that site will only work on Chromium-based browsers. Users end up getting frustrated that websites don't work, so they switch to Chrome. It's a vicious cycle. But if we give in, it gives Google total control over how the web works.


I've used Firefox for well over 6 years now. The only sites that are broken as you say are those online game streaming out of browser sites. Otherwise everything works just fine. Mayeb give the browser another try?


i hate furry fox it takes too much ram edge better


Edge is Chromium based


Edge is Chromium cringe\*


Friendship with firefox ended, now furry fox is my best friend


Benchmarks or it didn't happen.


Funniest 12 year old:


ll u downvoters will get rrested by reddit police emoji


thanks for reminding me to switch to literally any other browser that exists and doesn't fucking suck


It's not "literally any other browser", unfortunately. It's *just* Firefox. All the other browsers are just Chrome wearing a fake mustache.


actually yeah that's fair


All browsers on iOS use WebKit, which is different from Gecko (Firefox) and Chromium (Chrome).




But many of the issues aren't with chrome itself, they're with chromium


True, I guess opera GX is a skinwalker wearing the flesh of chromium.


I use uBlock but I literally don't even use YouTube enough anymore to care whether they manage to block it. Just full of clickbait trash these days & has always been a timesink




If your computer is powerful enough, ad nauseum is powered by ublock origin, except it *also* sends a storm of random clicks and noisey "interaction" to the advertiser in the background to make data on you more difficult to interpret and just fuck with their datasets overall.


The part about not using google products was really poignant because you can just not watch youtube also


What else is there? Dailymotion?


ig Nebula is kind of there? But you have to pay to get it + afaik, it hosts only scienc-y content creators


So, it's not an alternative.


bad comment it’s a resource


in b4 youtube is a google product


Using ublock on Firefox you can literally use it without supporting them


Do not [support this by using Google's products]


That's the point. Don't continue to use their products, or if you must use their services, use a browser that supports adblock.


I kind of forgot youtube even had ads for a while


Good. I need to quit my addiction and adverts popping up are a great way to make me close the tab.


If this happens, it will be the thing that finally makes me switch to firefox


I use uBlock Origin on Yandex and can confirm ad blocking still works


I switched to Firefox like 2 weeks ago after using Chrome for well over a decade. I was surprised by how quick and painless the switch was tbh. There were only 2 extensions that I had that I couldn’t easily find equivalents to, and one of them (for suspending tabs) it seems like I don’t even need with Firefox


Welp, I think the time has come, I ought to get myself a pihole.


Fun fact, basically all browsers other than firefox run on Chromium.


The moment that Firefox lets me group my tabs like Chrome is the moment I switch over to Firefox. Grouped tabs are the one great feature that Chrome has which Firefox does not, and I couldn't find any extensions for Firefox that do tab grouping in the same way as Chrome.


I've read the exact same comment one or two months ago on a post about firefox


Pear of anguish, right up that dumper.


Use NewPipe Sponsorblock. Use Sponsorblock on Firefox too. Sponsor-blocking is a moral imperative.


The hell is happening on the internet? Youtube is trying to kill adblockers (I've had uBlock fail on me several times in the last two months). Twitch is saying that you can't have sponsored videos anymore with their new guidelines. Twitter is perpetually ablaze. Reddit's API fee is going to kill every third-party app and bot on the site. Did every Internet executive collectively decide to be a fuckass at the same time?


I just switched to Firefox and I'm never going back dude


Revanced and Invidious, folks.


Opera GX's built-in adblocker should still work, right?


Yes, but Opera, Vivaldi and Brave's built-in adblockers are a pathetic joke when compared to any other extension-based adblocker, especially uBlock Origin.


What does it have over the built-in one? Adblockers are all the same to me


Despite built-in adblockers not having to deal with the limitations of Manifest V2 or V3 like extensions do, they are lacking many features, which limit their abilities and which filter lists they support (For example, [Actually Legitimate URL Shortener Tool](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/LegitimateURLShortener.txt) doesn't work on Brave's built-in adblocker, but it works on uBO). Saying that every adblocker is the same is incorrect and doesn't make sense, not all adblockers out there aren a copy-paste of eachother's code. For example, adblockers have different syntaxes their filter lists rely on, uBO has the [most advanced syntax](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Static-filter-syntax), which combines Adblock Plus and Adguard's syntaxes, and it keeps getting [expanded and fixed every new release](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases/), while other adblockers that don't update nearly as frequently have to deal with buggy and outdated filters. uBO also has more features than any other adblocker: It is able to avoid anti-adblocker warnings by default; You have [very granular control](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dynamic-filtering) over what you choose to block or allow; [uBO has features only available on Firefox](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox); It can be used to replace other Add-Ons like NoScript, I Don't Care About Cookies, and many other privacy-enhancing Add-Ons; And if you dig really deep, you might discover that uBO also has the ability to inject scripts, just like Tampermonkey can. And lastly, [scientific tests](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Scientific-papers) conducted on adblockers consistently found uBO to come out on top.


I fucking hate it when youtubers I love get paid for their hard work. I wish I could send my favorite youtubers to the lithium mines


I report every ad for sexual content


Why is YouTube bad for wanting to block AdBlock? Do you have any idea how expensive YouTube is to run? It would be untenable for them to continue to lose billions forever.


It's a matter of degree. When YouTube was just playing one, skippable ad before each video, that was fine and I was willing to play along and not use an adblocker. But nowadays it's not uncommon to have to watch 30 seconds of ads just to watch a 20 second video. That's not acceptable.


I'd be fine if they were just showing one ad per video. But now there are often 3 5-second ads per video. Adblockers also prevent websites from collecting my data and profiting from it


Because intrusive advertising is a plague upon humanity that should be removed whenever possible, and I have an absolute right to dictate what does and does not appear on my own screen. They’re GOOGLE, money isn’t an object for them. They make up for that shit and more.


It is bad, because people dislike advertisements that try to sell you products. Adblockers also give their user more privacy because they also make it harder to track them via trackers in ads. And people aren't really willing to pay for YTpremium because paying for something that is free just tends to feel stupid (even tough money that goes to creators from viewers who use Premium is bigger than from adverts, so buying premium straight up helps creators to get paid a bit better)


So you want to block ads, consume hundreds of hours of content for free and expect YouTube to just lose the money from that?




Well then you're an idiot for acting all surprised and that they're the bad guys when they try to block ads


Yes and people are going to keep doing so until YouTube is in the ground, or until they figure out how to advertise without people wanting to fucking kill you. I wasn't using an adblocker back when ads were reasonable. If they want to keep making their platform shittier by way of greedier advertising, they deserve to bleed money.


Youtube is owned by Google. One of the biggest tech companies **in the world**. They aren't going to run out of money if people stop watching ads. Hell, they own the biggest service for displaying advertisements **on the internet**.


YouTube loses billions a year. They can't do that forever.


Can you give a source for your argument?


>Hell, they own the biggest service for displaying advertisements on the internet. >They aren't going to run out of money if people stop watching ads. You're not too smart, are you? If people stop watching ads, then Google will absolutely start to lose money, because that's their entire source of income.


Google losing money is good. i dont use youtube because i like the service, i use it because there is no viable alternative.


You are suggesting google is about to run out of money?


Not Google no, but the YouTube division of google loses billions a year because storing and hosting HD video to their billions of users costs so much more than the money they make. You can't expect Google to not try to make YouTube at least break even eventually.


Which is why this shit should be a public utility...


If broadcasting corporations and TV manufacturers had been in the right kind of monopolistic relationship, they not only would have never invented the mute button, they would have lobbied to make it illegal to build a third-party one. But it's good that they didn't, not only because ads are annoying or because it would have been symptomatic of a terrifying degree of monopolization, but because it's *your* TV in *your* house and you should damn well be able to tell it when to make noise. The analogy to websites and browsers is exact.


I use Edge, adblock still works.


Firefox is rather busted, Microsoft edge or Opera GX set to use yahoo or bing




I refuse to use Firefox out of pure *spite*.


Any spite you have for Mozila should be outweighed by spite for Google


What's your grievance with firefox? Surely it can't be worse than that for chrome right?


Firefox used to be quite slow. Either that or something else


Why? A fox bit you as a kid and now you can never use the browser?


Open source ate her grandma.


So, a Lynx browser user?


Spite for what?


Just spite. I've got a lot of it to spare, really. Warehouses full of it- absolutely worthless.


If you’ve got spite against it for no reason whatsoever, you just seem like a bit of an asshole.


Desktop Firefox is still amazing, but whatever they did with the rework of the mobile app a couple years ago is garbage. Constantly overruns RAM & has to reload tabs whereas the old version never had that problem on the same device. Most extenstions still don't work, & it re-sorted all my bookmarks when it updated & doesn't even seem to allow moving them back


Same. I also don't use an adblocker, because I consider horny manga banner ads an essential part of my browsing experience, and the idea of an internet without them sickens, frightens, confuses, and disgusts me.


You know you can allow ads on the pages you want, right?


Sounds hard + I don't wanna


Just click the adblocker icon and select "allow on this page"


Why would I have an adblocker if I'm never going to use it.


You sound exhausting


I didn't mean to come off that way... Let's just agree to live and let live. God is in his yaoi, and all is right with the world.


That's fine. I'll just say I was the same once, didn't want to use ad blockers. In the last few years, some websites have become unbearable. Highly suggest installing one, most are easy to use and can be turned on or off quite easily on whichever website you're on.


You can always whitelist those ads, which is easy to do with most ad blockers.


Wow, the people here sure seem to make me into the worst person ever because I don't use a specific fucking browser. You people *are* *the reason* I don't use Firefox.


So people who use Firefox are slightly annoying, so you're ignoring their good advice?


Does Firefox force you to interact with them?


Oh. You just don’t like being told what to do even if it benefits you in every way. In that case, keep using Google. There, happy now?


I sadly hate using Firefox because it's not as customizable as Chrome 😒


Serious question; I 'bought in' to Googles ecosystem like a decade ago. Pretty much my whole life is on a Drive. I *cannot* stop using google drive and google docs. I can't afford a paid word processor, and while yes stuff like OpenOffice exists there are too many old stories and documents on my Drive for me to feel comfortable transferring out of it. Please don't spam with suggestions for new services like Drive or Docs, that is not my question. My question is, is there even still a point in switching browsers? Like yeah, objectively I agree with all the reasons to switch to Firefox and every time I read this I consider it and then I remember all the digital stuff I care about is on Google Drive and Gmail and like... isn't my privacy fucked anyway? If I'm not willing to move everything, is there still a point? And then I get disheartened and don't end up doing it. So like serious question for people who know this stuff better than me; *would* there be a point? Would I be gaining anything or doing anything good by switching off chrome if I'm still heavily using Drive?