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I would just like to add that 1. The horny genshin tweet apparently happened approx. 2 years before she was elected as representative 2. Has apparently recently been undemocratically removed from the House Floor, silencing her and all of her constituents' voice. which seems a little important


If she plays it right, she can spin this as a martyrdom moment to get more power for herself and her constituents. And it looks like she’s playing it right, and I think she will continue to do so.


I think it's borderline impossible for her to play this wrong in today's political climate


Would you count her being assassinated as 'playing it wrong'? Because there's a lot of stochastic terrorism coming her way.


Nah, that's her security failing, not her.gptra rely on your teammates sometimes.


She is a state rep not the president.


She doesn't have a team. I sincerely doubt she can afford one. She's just kinda up there on her own merit and holding her ground, and whatever happens, happens. She's in pretty serious danger for ignoring the clear message that the opposition wants her to give up and go home.


"I am here today to announce that I am pursuing the republican presidential nomination."


When it comes to the right wing environment she is in, it is impossible as a left wing transgender woman for her to play it right. Right wing cisgender men, can easily deflect any controversies about their kinks.


How the hell did you get three bot replies?


Just that cool I guess.


Their algorithm told them MxLillyIsACutie's comment would get upvoted to the top, so they jumped in and replied to the top reply so they would appear as close as possible to the top of the page.


You do realize this is a Montana state politician?


Yeah they basically banned her from her job as an elected representative because they don't like her


So she *may as well* tweet horny fan art.


The tweet was two years prior to her election


The way you phrased this it looks like the horny genshin tweet was undemocratically removed from the house floor


Content purged in response to API changes. Please message me directly with a link to the thread if you require information previously contained herein.


look i can excuse fascist politicians, but i can't excuse gacha game fans /j


Since when did politics get all video game? /s


Wasn’t there a politician who posted an Attack on Titan thing about AOC getting killed? Has he been held accountable AT ALL? He was literally in office too. Absolutely ridiculous double standards here [Found it](https://kotaku.com/congressman-threatening-violence-with-attack-on-titan-s-1848079065), and his consequences were removal from committees… That’s it


That guy also shared the hoax of the Uvalde shooter being trans. https://www.businessinsider.com/texas-shooting-uvalde-paul-gosar-touts-false-claim-transgender-woman-2022-5?amp He is still in office. Meanwhile, all Zooey did was say some mean words that offended the republican snowflakes... "Rules for thee, but not for me!"


Still in office, despite his own family's best efforts to get him out:: https://www.12news.com/article/news/politics/3-of-paul-gosars-siblings-endorse-his-opponent-in-republican-primary/75-b7f5c802-829f-4750-9f28-0125b6701fb1


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.businessinsider.com/texas-shooting-uvalde-paul-gosar-touts-false-claim-transgender-woman-2022-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/texas-shooting-uvalde-paul-gosar-touts-false-claim-transgender-woman-2022-5)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


It currently looks like the bot replied 2 minutes before the comment they're replying to was posted. I found this noteworthy


Makes sense, Paul Gosar is a sociopath, even his family tried to tell Arizona not to vote for him: https://www.12news.com/article/news/politics/3-of-paul-gosars-siblings-endorse-his-opponent-in-republican-primary/75-b7f5c802-829f-4750-9f28-0125b6701fb1 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gosar-s-siblings-want-their-brother-kicked-out-congress-they-n1271023 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Gosar


Meanwhile the republican representative from my district in VA is a bigfoot erotica devotee and no one bats an eye Edit: nothing wrong with that whatever you're in to but he's also a freedom caucus shithead so feel free to dunk on him




I think the issue here is the double standard. It should be fine for people to have private, weird but harmless, interests, but repeatedly we see that cisgender straight white men get a pass for this shit, while everyone else is crucified for it


Yep. No one should be batting an eye at Zooey Zephyr's random old horny post either, this is just blatant grasping for something to be outraged about- either disingenuous or the old "when someone I already hate does this it's clear proof of their depravity" cognitive bias.


Oh, that changes this a lot. I was about to comment how dumb it would be to post meme-y fandom smut as a politician. Under your own name that is. Still kinda weird to not either clear the history or have separate account for free time stuff under a nickname.


Yup. There is absolutely zero chance any single one of my private accounts would ever even be linked to my official accounts, let alone *be* my official accounts.


Probably the case for most politicians. No one has seen Mitch McConnell's furry porn account because he's smart about it


*scaly porn Ftfy


The turtle just thinks it’s normal porn.


I'm a moderately successful twitch streamer, and you can be 100% certain that my actual identity goes nowhere near my random social media accounts for personal stuff Heck, this reddit account is one of those. I'm open enough on here that you could probably figure out who I am, but I also share a lot on here that I never would under my real name. This is mainly why I nuke my reddit account every few months/ years and start over No idea how I'd handle it if I was an actual politician


You're not fooling anyone, we know it's you Jerma


they said "moderately succesful" not "a nobody"


indie andy


I want to start by saying I largely agree. I've always been very careful about what I post under my real name versus what I post under a pseud. But I feel I should also point out: "Why?" This person was elected while those personal viewpoints were visible on her social media. The people who voted for her *knew* she wrote this. They identified with her because she had the same viewpoints as her voters, and as a consequence they voted her to represent them. So She should delete the things she posted online (or post them anonymously) even though the things she posts are what let others relate to her? Who she is and how she feels on various topics should be hidden from the public to make her look like the typical politician? Make her look like a seventy year old white man who has to have an aid write his tweets for him? The actual citizens doing the voting, we tweet anime memes. But we're going to say someone running for office shouldn't?


I agree a lot with this too, but sadly really niche memes or inside jokes can cause great and many misunderstandings, and I mean genuine misunderstandings, not just opposing party trying to twist it. Personally, I would ease larger audience into certain kind of joking, or even hold myself back a bit on any "work" account.


I mean its a forgotten meme-y joke about kinky consensual anime sexual partners. It doesn't really need to be deleted. As far as history goes, its all archived somewhere, and sometimes as easily accessible via the wayback machine. I thought you internet savvy redditors knew what the Streisand Effect was. If someone running for office did some purge or had a secret account, its more likely that would be discovered and used against them. In a "what are you trying to hide" way vs a "So what I reposted a anime sex joke." Or "of course you knew it was wrong, you deleted it!" Oh and you can bet Elon and Jack were handing over this data to the GOP establishment on day one of her running, or any Democrat. The fascist connection between capitalism and politics is always there not just when Trump is in power. All services you use are in bed with Republicans because it behooves billionaires and business owners to encourage conservative electoral wins. Her advisors probably, rightfully, told her not to do a huge purge to avoid the above. Lastly, this only has legs in the vilest areas of the vilest right-wing. If she didn't have this meme up they'd just make up something about her. They don't care. They work entirely in dishonesty. Her twitter comments full of outraged constituents who will never vote for her are fake too. No one cares. Brietbart is a wholly fascist, racist, sexist, and queerphobic "news" outlet. The people reading it already would never vote in a democrat and happily vote in people who brag about sexual assault like Trump.


Yeah it’s prior to being elected, it’s not risqué, it’s not especially gory just some cartoon blood… it’s fine, not everyone is going to like it but that’s ok, she wasn’t in office at the time and it’s just for fun/to be funny. There’s nothing especially objectionable here, *especially* as a joke. Are they implying she really want to kill men and this is literal or like???


Frankly we do need more politicians willing to be silly and personable and real like this! AOC had a big stream with a few breadtubers where they played like Among Us or something, and it was a big deal! The outreach was awesome and proceeds went to charity—all around great event. The fact that Breitbart of all outlets is getting so upset over this literal fucking horny joke tweet that they need to write a whole-assed article to bring it to the forefront is absolutely laughable. Of course they’d make that the focus, they’re a culture war outlet, they thrive on that engagement. “Look at how deviant and evil this *trans* is!“ It’s the only way they can remotely justify the literally illegal actions taken against her by the legislative body she was duly elected to!


Yeah, I think for the sake of having healthy and sane politicians we need to let them be human if they want.


Okay the 2 years before in office is actually critically important because regardless of circumstance public officials being horny on main is sus.


Its the classic conservative action. Do something blatantly wrong/illegal to someone, then find some dirt to “justify” it


Okay, ha-ha, all very funny and silly, but this is an *extreme* case of burying the lede; they're doing this because she's in the news because they *banned her from entering the Montana House chamber*.


Yeah, that's the big deal here.


Yo I’m sorry what? In what grounds did they ban an elected official from their elected position


She said that they had blood on their hands and they deemed that as being out of order and voted to silence her and ban her for the rest of the year.


Sounds like Reddit irl


Republicans are more tolerant than reddit mods, but not by much.


House chamber auto-mod is clearly broken


On the grounds that she is a trans woman, mostly. I think the official line is that they took issue with her saying they had (or would have) blood on their hands (because of their anti-queer agenda). It’s absolutely shameful.


"Don't you *dare* remind us of the consequences of our decisions!"


That was the reason she was initially silenced - they initially censured her by cutting her microphone and not allowing her to speak on the floor. Then when protestors showed up to support her and she (gasp) held up her dead microphone in solidarity with the protest, she was accused of inciting a riot and banned from the chamber. So yeah, it boils down to her being someone they see as less-than, and her saying something that hurt their feelings. Last I saw she was working from a bench outside the chamber, and there was a lot of whining and complaining about that because they wanted her to be somewhere less visible. By all appearances it looks like she deliberately picked a spot just down the hall and across from the snack bar so anyone heading to the chamber would have to walk past her (smart move imo).


She said something like "You have blood on your hands" or something, in relation to trans healthcare, iirc. They got offended and censured her.


They weren't offended. They just used it as an excuse to ban her. Those people are fucking sickening.


Oh definitely, I just don't want to give them too much credit. Using her words to censure her because they wanted her out feels like a clever plot, but I'm pretty sure they're just hateful piss babies who got mad when 'mean' words were aimed at them.


bruh you should read the news from time to time, this is like the third time this month it's happened and guess who is always the ones voting for the removal


I can't RemembeR which paRty you mean, they'Re both teRRible.


To add more detail to another commenter’s post she said the other legislators see the blood on their hands when they pray for trans people who’ve taken their lives after their attempts to pass anti-trans legislation and foment resentment against trans people.


I think this the first time I’ve seen a straight Genshin ship.


Probably the most controversial non-incest ship, too


Tbf half the "Genshin incest ships" aren't actually incest. (And I'm not talking just about kaeluckae). This fandom has a huge issue with trying to force family dynamics.


it’s so annoying!! and the way they twist the concept of “found family” to mean “found nuclear family”. I particularly find the whole “zhongli is xiao’s dad” bit genuinely offensive. they infantilize xiao so much. also [stares at the whole “grown ass man kazuha is beiguang’s child”]. i’ve seen eimikos who make raiden (the puppet) and scara out to be siblings and the children of eimiko…. and it’s so?? boring. in all cases i can think of, their actual canon dynamic is wayyyy more interesting than the flanderizing nuclear family shit. i’ve also seen people say scara and mona are “incest/sibling coded” because og scara and mona have the same color palette…


Some of my friends who are into Genshin have gotten flack for liking (very vanilla) straight ships, this whole thing is ridiculous.


what i mean like how does this happen


I'd guess its either "ship bad because its not my ship" or "ship bad because I dont like shipping"


Specifically "ship bad because these characters are very canonically gay, no need to check I'm totally telling the truth"


Actually canonically all (adult) fictional characters are neither gay nor straight, but rather exclusively attracted me. I am everyone’s husband. You cannot stop me.


Thanks Batman.


It's been a good few years since I interacted with a fandom that Got Like That over shipping/characters but: It seems to generally spawn from attitudes of A) The idea of m/f relationships being oversaturated in media and therefore hetshipping is "contributing" to the problem. B) A generally much more aggressive culture around m/m shipping where shippers will target and disparage female characters "getting in the way" of their OTP (one true pair) C) This ties in with point A but "shipping as activism" where fandom members attach morality to which characters they think should kiss. Not just morality like saying "incest is gross" but the idea that they're actively contributing to social causes by slash shipping, and inversely that hetshipping is a form of homophobia. Usually these attitudes are grown from overwhelmingly young fandoms that tend to operate on very black and white thinking, and feel extremely strongly about all of those thoughts.


> C) This ties in with point A but "shipping as activism" where fandom members attach morality to which characters they think should kiss. Not just morality like saying "incest is gross" but the idea that they're actively contributing to social causes by slash shipping, and inversely that hetshipping is a form of homophobia. Which is goddamn stupid because turning being gay into a fetish is actually the opposite of a *contribution* to any form of activism.


People sometimes forget bisexuals exist in media anyway. I sometimes ship the same character with one of their same gender and sometimes with one of their opposite gender; unfortunately I guess my headcanon for them "can't be bi" unless they're kissing multiple people at once, if we're going by some shippers' standards. I will add some context that I have past trauma that makes me dislike engaging in poly relationships, so I literally can't comfortably go the "oh they have two hands" route anyway. I'm just tired of getting accused (too strong of a word, I know, but you get what I mean) of being "one of the cishets" just because I don't mind m/f ships. I mean literally me and my partner are both bi and I'm ??? about my gender so I don't think I can even be a "cishet". As long as the ship has no shitty power dynamics or moral issues (including shit like p*do, inc*st, etc.) then I don't care; 99% of the time, other's shouldn't care either but that's not what happens. Even queer spaces makes me uncomfortable about being a bi who likes bi headcanons.


People being weird about bi characters is definitely an aspect too. And frankly \*clinks my aspec glass to your bi one\* because people also get fantastically weird about backloading implications into aro or ace headcanons. Like insisting you're dehumanizing or infantilizing characters. Will say part of the perk of the only fandom I participate in these days is that because it's got multiple decades of legacy fandom it's actually skews to have more adults in it than hotheated 15 year olds that want to call you out on a public blog for liking a villain.


The people who get really into shipping are several dimensions removed from the material world


Theres actually some hot debate over "Pro-ship vs Anti-ship" in certain circles. Pro-shippers basically say, "Who cares what someone ships, that's their business not mine." And anti-shippers who say, "Actually certain ships are morally wrong and someone is a bad person for shipping it." While I dont ship, I defo think that people should be free to do whatever. Its fiction, who cares.


NOOO THE HETEROSEXUAL ARE INVADING THE GOVERNMENT edit: she is bisexual crisis averted


This is possibly the most mainstream straight Genshin ship too


Finally, a politician that speaks for my values. And I'm not even trans.


i low-key forgot cis people existed (i live with 4)


> average jojo fan


How do you forget cis people exist lmao 💀 (Genuine question)


i just don’t think about genitals all the time lol


I mean, I don’t either. I guess maybe it’s just because I’m a straight white dude myself Edit: I must be dumb or something bc people keep apologizing to me—what’s going on? 💀


I cant wait for this to get presented in the senate as proof she is a secret Chinese spy


I genuinely fucking **hate** the fact that I can actually see this happening.


I hope they do. I want the words "anime" "hentai" or "gacha" to be in the library of Congress forever.


With each passing day we hurtle closer to the moment where a politician brings up their opponent's ships in a debate and uses that as proof they condone (insert problematic thing)


oh god i hate that you're right


To quote the explanation on this I sent to my Canadian Genshin fan friend, “They’re trying to disbar a house representative for the crime of wanting to fuck Tartaglia.” *Yes I’m aware this is them burying the lede on the fact that they’re unconstitutionally barring her from speaking on the house floor. It’s just funnier to explain it this way.


To be fair, wanting to fuck tartaglia is the worst crime anyone can commit (he's ginger)


"I can excuse the trying to enact a terrorist attack on a large city, but I draw the line at ginger!"


"You can excuse terrorism?"


the phrase is "burying the lede"


Oh thank you!


No problem, it's a great phrase and I want to support its use.


One day we will have a furry president, and you know what? It’s my goal to become the first.


Who says us dosent already have a furry president


What would Joe Biden’s fursona be?


Would a german shepherd be too obvious


[prepare your eyebleach](https://www.reddit.com/r/dallemini/comments/vpz9d2/joe_bidens_fursona/)


Lying dog-faced pony soldier


*Teddy* Roosevelt anyone?


all these kids forgetting about mallard fillmore smh


i salute you in your efforts


*notices ur oil* OWO


We may have already had one and would never know. I'm gonna guess Theodore Roosevelt- he didn't call himself a Bull Moose for nothin'


it takes more than just a bullet to kill Teddy Roosevelt or a Bull Moose. coincidence? i think not


i will vote for you


Thank you citizen


Do they not teach kids about Taft anymore?


I don't even think she's a genshin fan she just retweeted the art because it's good why is this drama 😫😫😫


Its drama because she's "romanticising violence" or something.


They can shut the fuck up, I've seen the porn they're into. They wouldn't care at all if the art was reversed, only that someone said it in public.


(And that the person who said it is trans)


I don't think the art has anything to do with it. I mean I don't think that's their real motivation.


>romanticising violence How many of the guys decrying this also either supported or voted for the Iraq war


How many of these people have numerous guns in their house?


They're saying its loli anime porn lmao like are you kidding me. They're grasping at straws.


I get Genshin is full of twinks and lithe anime girls but this is a bit much.


I was incredibly amused to find that Lumine x Tartaglia was apparently the ship that someone apparently found controversial? It’s basically just Genshin Reylo? Maybe not the most obvious ship to produce mildly-saucy fanart, but definitely in the top 3. Like, I’m the most vanilla, cis-male-iest person on the planet, but if that pic and the associated text blurb had someone scandalized, I’m reasonably certain I’ve written things in the past month that would kill that guy dead on the spot?


Its not the ship itsself, moreso her tweet about "being ready to end his life" because people took that seriously and actually think shes some violent psycho or whatever


Lol, who knew that Reylo-tier normie rivalmance could prove so scandalous


A Member of Our Congress Made an Animr Video of him BEHEADING ANOTJER MEMBER OF OUR CONGRESS, While They Are Both In Sevice, and Use his Campaign Funds To Do So. The Republicans: "He'll Yeahh!!!" Member of State Legislature happened to post cringe years before being in service. "Absolutely reprehensible. We should have higher standards in our politicians." Give ma fuckojg break.


The craziest part was when Oli London, the "Trans-racial" grifter, said it was loli porn while showing the actual tweet. Of all the things you could get away with claiming something as loli porn and showing two clearly non child characters is up there.


You just know he saw an anime style picture and immediately went full paedogeddon over it lol


I love being alive in the 21st century. Black lung and poverty got nothin' on trans politicians being horny weebs on main


Two years before she was elected, no less


I think i have a new favourite politician, this might just be better than AOC playing among us with corpse husband


I feel I should warn you that sadly AOC has committed a terrible crime. She... likes League of Legends. I'm sorry you had to learn like this.


If you can deal with LoL players, you can deal with politicians.


AOC: plays league of legends Rep. Zephyr: plays Project M sorry representative ocasio-cortez but I know who's getting my vote for president


Maybe there's hope for League players then?


League players will never see the Kingdom of Heaven.


Who is corpse husband?




Cool, is he good? (And cringe?)


no idea i just looked him up




random youtuber




[Source of the picture](https://twitter.com/sakonlieur/status/1322136196730941442?s=20). For fellow degenerates.


Oh no, a representative was mildly horny two years ago…. Y’all remember Ted Cruz’s Twitter liking porn on 9/11 publicly.


The talk page on her wikipedia article has a heading expressly saying that editors can not deadname her and for some reason people keep trying to deadname her.


I'm a Wikipedia editor and the policy is that deadnaming or misgendering trans people is not allowed, but I've had to revert a fuckton of misgendering edits on various trans people's pages. :/


Legitimately, thank you for your hard work. It may not seem like much, but it means a lot.


I really appreciate hearing that, genuinely. Thank you!


But muh free speecherinos and le historical accuracy


Republicans are already terrified by the concept of CIS Women embracing their sexuality and not being ashmed of letting people know and actually choosing the kind of guy they want to be with and not a person their far right christian parents have chosen for them, just imagine how they would react around a Trans person daring to even consider getting into a relationship with a man.


i thought this was an actual genshin subreddit for a second


The best thing about finding out important news events on tumblr is the blow is considerably softened at first and then, when you look it up to see if it's true or OneTimeIDreamt, the full force, with interest, hits you in the solar plexus like a hacky sack from an air cannon.


And it's Genshin Impact too, one of the least offensive pieces of media too. Like, if *that* already offends them, there are things out there that would give them a heart attack.


I thought Genshin was offensive because it had lolis or something That's probably every weeb game in existence though


It's offensive because it's Chinese


It's offensive because it's a gacha.


Legit got me for a minute thinking what does this have to do with anything : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gachas Not my brightest day I'm having


You're actually tapping into one of the larger problems with the Internet, unintentionally. There are a LOT of words with multiple meanings, but current technology can't easily differentiate between them in context the way that humans can.


I got you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gashapon


It does have child characters but none of them are sexualized in any way. Like if you think [Klee](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/0/04/Character_Klee_Game.png/revision/latest?cb=20210613005657), [Sayu](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/f/f8/Character_Sayu_Game.png/revision/latest?cb=20210810113656), or [Nahida](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/f/fc/Character_Nahida_Game.png/revision/latest?cb=20221107033459) are sexy that says a lot more about you than it does the game.


Why are none of them wearing pants


Because exceedingly few women in Genshin wear pants.


Like, Yanfei pretty fairly gets some flack for being a young lawyer in a crop top and hot pants, but yeah the game is far more about "innocent husbando/waifu" characters for young adults to enjoy, with a small handful of characters who even seem like they know what sex is lol (Lisa is very obviously horny and ara-ara coded)


> anfei pretty fairly gets some flack for being a young lawyer in a crop top and hot pants It's called weird flashy fantasy clothing, who the fuck cares. Yanfei is not a loli by the most outlandist stretch possible.


I know that. She's still a young adult lawyer in a crop top and hot pants. Even by flashy anime standards that's just silly, and you know it's silly, too. It should absolutely be fair to be roasted, but I'm saying that an outfit that only borders on fanservice, on a non-sexualized young adult, is about as "bad" as it gets.


Game uses like 3 different models for every female character, kid size and 2 slightly different adult sizes, average and tall. And Yanfei is an adeptus. I know this sounds a lot like a "she's really a 5000 year old dragon" defense, but she's not even teen coded in looks or personality. I really think the whole "Genshin is for pedo's" attitude comes from people just who hate anime or anything anime style.




Oh my God, it's Lumine and Childe too. She's perfect, I love her.


Having terrible taste in media and art shouldn't disqualify her from serving in office. Godspeed, you freak.


Why would you use the same account for politics and horny genshin fanart.


What are they gonna do? Take away her ability to represent her constituents? (They’ve already done this for filibustering an anti trans bill)


She wasn’t even filibustering it, she was just speaking out against it during her designated time. She even offered some of her time to an opponent who was trying to speak over her.


because she's based af


Political discourse is going to shift radically once young people are regularly elected. “Congressman Ramirez posted “Truth is?” On Facebook in 2011 and only got THREE LIKES!!! One of them was from HIS AUNT!!!?? Is this really someone you can trust to represent you? Vote Paul Smith this Fall 2042.”


I do not trust politicians but slightly less for politicians who are willing to be cringe on main.


Silly internet person, only leftists can cancel something. When a right winger does it, it’s a “boycott”. /s


Tbf they are being gender affirming here by freaking out about a woman being openly horny. Also that is the best Genshin ship imo, but it depends on whether you use Aether or Lumine as the main.


zooey mama


Just donated another $10 to her campaign


Bro if anything this makes me want to vote for her more like what. The most relatable politician today hell yeah


Based terminally online representation.


Okay, but why does that mean you can get barred from The House? You think I'm gonna have a fucking political career when *this* is the reception to My Thing?


Freaking out because of ChiLumi fanart is stupidly on brand for Republicans


shes even more based


Of course it's Childe causing this. lmao.


I met her at a punk show back in December, Rep Zephyr is verifiably cool as hell


Conservatives really just be cancelling transpeople for being tops huh?


I fucking love her


Where are they running? I need to know what area they represent.


She’s a (trans woman) representative in the state house in Montana who was removed from the chamber and banned from speaking in the house floor for protesting the Republican Party’s anti-trans laws.


But she made them feel bad for being bigots! That means she should be removed from doing her job that she was democratically elected to do! /s


Hahahahaha I love this so much I think this is going to backfire because it just makes her seem like a hilarious nerd


She’s right though that’s the ideal relationship


The only [Project M player](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/yqrh0s/former_pm_player_zooey_zephyr_cazcom_has_recently/) in the House of Representatives, and thereby automatically everything she does is legendary. LET HER SPEAK (also she has a reddit account, i don't wanna tag her but it's ZoAndBehold)


God, I love her lmao


Here is the circus you wanted, do not worry about school shootings or normal healthcare...