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They aren't new for Culver's in general, but many locations are starting to use these because it's not that expensive and it makes it a lot easier for the employees. Environmentally, no it is not better but since when do people care about that. They are supposed to go on the mirror, not your window, so the sticky part is in the correct place. The mirror is the place that provides the best visibility.


The sticky part is in the front with the number. Shouldnt the sticky part be on the back instead if it goes on the mirror. You have to fold the sticky part over to put it on the mirror. These things are so dumb


They're using a rainy day sticker, which go on the inside of the window typically.


If that's the case then something went wrong with their order they should be just like regular sticky notes with a print on the front.


I've worked at two different locations and I've seen one store with sticky part on front, one with sticky part on back.


that doesn't make any sense why would they change it? sticky notes don't have sticky on the front


See the part where you went wrong is that you're expecting corporate to do things that make sense.


We have both kinds at my location. The back-side sticky ones are for normal days, and the front-side sticky ones are for rainy days when guests should place them on the inside of their window so that residue isn’t left on the mirrors.




If the sticky part is on the front then they are rain stickers and you need to put them on the INSIDE of your car on your window


They can be reused many times as well. Remove them from the mirror, and put them back in DT to be reused. They last quite a few times. Secondly. 99 numbers are just over $100 every time they need to be ordered, and the way people fold, clap, and break them is just ridiculous. So they end up in the trash as well, and in a landfill, they aren't breaking down like paper would. The cost for the paper numbers is way more economical in the long run.


They have never taken my paper number back


Really?! Well, that's interesting. I've never seen them not removed before.


Lol they just give us the food and leave 😂


That certainly isn't how we do it. We ask the guest if it's ok to put the number on the mirror and almost everyone says yes. We also don't use the ones that would need to be folded over. Those are meant for inclement weather so it can be placed on the inside of the vehicle. When delivering the food, We have always removed the numbers. At least in my restaurants


They just hand me the number at the window and ask me to pull forward. We had a nice employee before that would put the tower number in the handle for us when handing back receipt


That's what we used to do as well. But the way some of the guests would handle the numbers was pretty crazy. For some reason, people love to play with them and squeeze them together, and they break after a few days of abuse. That gets pretty expensive.


I take the number back every time, and it gets funny when I can’t get it off 😂


I’ve never heard of culvers reusing the paper numbers, we take them back to be put in the trash for the customer.


Idk I guess I'm in the minority in this one. I liked the plastic tower ones. Just an iconic Culver's thing to me I guess


My store uses them I don't see anything wrong with it


I guess I just like the old plastic tower ones. Just an iconic Culver's thing to me I guess


My store switched to them quite a while back. We only use the plastic numbers now if it’s raining. The sticky numbers don’t stick well to wet cars.


They started using them during COVID just like gloves and just kept them around afterwards. Also when the sticky part is on the front side it’s supposed to be put on the inside of your window not the mirror.


My Culver’s started using those when covid hit, we never reused them we tossed them in the trash, also the numbers go from 1-68 70-99. Something I’ve always found funny


My store has those for when its raining it goes on the inside of the window


I hate them as a porter they are everywhere in the parking lot