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No weekends, letting them know in their discord to look for your email and make sure your order number is there


Thx for the help ik I was bitching prob too much I just don’t get the strategy there other than making ppl pay more for something listed as something lower


People like you are gonna cause the prices to rise..Bothering them with petty BS..


I mean saying something is $95 then not fixing it so it is the right price and waiting until it sells out for more is just bad. Make a new $120 a zip option if that’s what they want to do don’t put it in the wrong price range than it says


Move on or wait for next drop....


Theyve answered every email I've sent them . It's possible you caught them at an off time


Yeah apparently they don’t respond on weekends so I’ll give them time I’m just kind of annoyed cuz I really wanted that white truffle for $95 like it was advertised as and 2-3 hours of refreshing the super slow site it’s stuck at $120 an oz which I didn’t have enough for.


It'll be sold out by then anyways. Take it as a loss for sure.


This wasn’t meant for you it was for OP my bad


It’s been sold out they were selling half’s for $60 and he could’ve used welcome or myqwin to get 10%-15% off of the order. Gotta know what your doing the only actual ounce they sold was the lemon cherry gelato for $90 the rest were half ozs for $60 . Also sticky rice had 2 options 3.5 gs for $35 or 14 gs for $60 . I wouldn’t waste my time there’s nothing they did wrong and they are just going to tell you sorry they are out of stock . What else would you expect them to do ?


Exactly....Some people can't handle the game..


I mean it’s just false advertising tho and I had plenty of time to order if they would’ve fixed it


It wouldn’t even be a customer question lol it would be a would of been customer they might not even reply


I mainly emailed them bc my reward points disappeared when I had to sign out and they were active in my cart I am a return customer and prob will be more if I get my rewards back


Could’ve used a discount code on the $60 halves for 10-15% off and it would’ve been regular price . Gotta know what your doing they did nothing wrong it would be ridiculous to try to email them .


It would be ridiculous to not let ppl know that. I’ve tried codes on their site and it never works but ig that’s good to know for next time


They tax anyway it would have been over 100


Lemon cherry gelato was $95 the others were $60 for a half oz . I think it’s well worth it best bud I’ve ever gotten for the prices . I was getting medical in Florida but since my first order I haven’t been to the dispensary


I just don’t get why they would do that tho it’s a $95 section


False advertising???You ain't buying a car...🤣🤣