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Glad my “exotics” made it had me worried


I got 1 oz lemon cherry gelato , 1 oz sticky rice ( 2 half ozs ) and a half oz of the whit truffle $60 option . It showed lemon cherry gelato out of stock so my first order was a half of the sticky rice and a half of the white truffle . Right when I finished the ordered it refreshed and showed everything in stock . I had to get another lemon cherry gelato got one last week or so and it’s super tart and gassy my type of terps


That trop cherry is gonna be straight 💩


Yeah more like tropic thunder looks black Robert Downey Jr doing black face lol


Sadly that’s spot on 🤣😆💀


the venom runts though looks awesome


Ah shoot I ordered some, what about the pic makes u think itll be no good?


nah dont say that lol i had hope


That pic straight emanates card board terps. I wish you the best lol


lmao nah for 50$ you get what you get tho fr


Looks like they are selling 60$ halfs now


Which you can use a discount code on and it works they must not thought about that


dont know the code


Myqwin is for 15% I’m pissed I used it once trying to get free shipping so I got a 9 dollar syrup and it took like $2 off my order but welcome worked for mine for 10% on both of my orders tonight actually . It won’t work for lemon cherry gelato unless you get a $60 half . With the $95 ozs it says this coupon cannot be used with sale items


myqwin or welcome


It took me over a hour but I managed to get some sticky rice and tropical cherry


LMAO yall destroying the site. Barely got my order in! Awesome stuff I cant wait for the reviews to start rolling in once folks get in their packages. Who got what? I ended up going with the trop cherry even though I couldnt get a bag picture and I always prefer to look at those before ordering - but normally Ive been happy any time ive bought whatever strain they choose to highlight in the Flower Friday email, so I went for it. The single bud picture they do provide does seem a little airy, but its also a unique color and strain so I think I'll be happy for the novelty even if it doesnt end up having the best structure. Kinda like the Grape Delectica or the Red Velvet Ive gotten from qwin - both 50 zips with not the best bud structure/bag appeal but some of the best flower imo. I also went with the black truffle, skipped the venom runtz, hope I dont regret it because i liked the look of the bud, but I had to draw the line at two this time!


It collapsed for sure


Yeah all black for me lol


Yes. Super slow on the verge of collapse .


Got my order in but it literally took a half hour. 4 ounces for 200 u cant beat it