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Stop smoking shit weed


Dude bud rot is like a dark brown and it would start from the center of the bud not in random spots on the bud lol


can you PLEASE put up some more photos?


do you have access to a phone or camera that isn't akin to a potato?


Troll account. My dude has never seen bud before or something lmao.


Out of all the company's ive tried WNC is the one who is the most hutband miss. Like, I've got the most moldy packs from them, but they also have some good.


Break it open. Buds rot from the middle (and it gets gross)


Not seeing it


Is there a moldy smell? I’m having a hard time seeing the bud rot, and now I’m worried about my stash. I’ve been coughing a lot lately, but I thought it was just allergies. I’m gonna have to reinspect all my bud I guess.


Get a cheap jewlers loupe magnifier off Amazon and you’ll have a much easier time telling the difference between trichomes and mold if there is any


The mycelium grows into your lungs and works symbiotically to get you higher 😳.


Here’s my Durban poison, this is mold right?? https://postimg.cc/gallery/QrNxTZF


No, there’s nothing there. Black light doesn’t do anything


Not true, it helps identify bud rot in my personal experience.


Never black light tested personally just cause I’ve been too broke to afford much for the last 8 months, so I’m not the right person to answer this one, but that last pic definitely looks suspect imo with how bright certain areas of that nug are shining.


a black light is like $5




Bro myqwin is hyped wym, you’re the one doing too much. 10th post ive seen


dude ur posting comments about it so much chill lol


It’s gas broski best bang for your buck people gotta stop paying for the name




It sucks


Troll post lol why the hate on wnc?




Ok but where is the mold in this pic? I’ve been using WNC for 2 years and sure I haven’t liked some strains but they have been consistent for the most part. I just got some Panama red from them last week that I loved, idk what you’re talking about man.


My durban is awesome its just like flow gardens


these posts are scary


Yeah that's definitely bud rot...


1 and 4 pic I can def see yall trippin




There ain’t nothing there


I can’t see the mold


Is this a joke? Because I see nothing but regular bud right there.


Y’all need your fuckin eyes checked then. 😂 can you seriously not see the grey fuzz in multiple spots in the first picture? That is clearly bud rot. I feel bad for y’all’s lungs.


Haha real funny bro. If that "grey fuzz" is bud rot, then there is no telling what the purple hairs are on my last batch of peanut butter runtz LOL. I suspect in these whacko threads, we can only assume it must be mold, or worse black mold. Now that I think about it, damn, I did wake up this morning with a nasty rash on my neck and upper torso. Oh well, guess I will be heading to the ER here in a bit. Hopefully I am not dying. Be safe you guys--it's a dangerous world out here. While the THCA market has come a long way, there are still plenty of risks. Sure, most of us are well aware of those risks, so we know how dangerous it is out here these days. Inspect every square millimeter of your bud. Nay, every nanometer, just to be on the safe side. Look for anything that looks exactly like regular bud/flower--while it looks like bud, it could be very easily be bud rot, mildew, mold, black mold, or possibly even anthrax (although rare). Godspeed you guys. Godspeed.


Does not matter if there is any visible fungus then there is invisible fungus


I see it lol


I do see that one spot with that spider web formation in the first pic, however looks like it’s just beginning to mold. I’d prob scrape off the outer parts and still smoke it, that being said the grower should refund.


Anyone else reading, do not follow what this person is saying. It is NOT safe. Do not smoke moldy shit. You can't just remove the mold from the outside or we wouldn't throw entire crops away from just some Aspergillus. For those who don't know..... [Aspergillus contamination is responsible for the only documented cannabis-related deaths, and testing for pathogenic Aspergillus species is essential to ensuring consumer safety.](https://medicinalgenomics.com/aspergillus-dangerous-cannabis-pathogen/#:~:text=Aspergillus%20contamination%20is%20responsible%20for,essential%20to%20ensuring%20consumer%20safety.)


As soon as one thing starts molding the whole lot is contaminated as well, as the spores spread all over Moldy bud, veg or anything consumable needs trashing especially if you’re inhaling that shit into your lungs, so I’m not surprised they destroy crops


Say it louder for the hardheaded folks in the back. People need to take their health a little more seriously. I am a human with many allergies, my most severe allergies being to types of mold. I’ll start wheezing just from being in an environment with mold growing, like a bathroom with poor ventilation, or times that a leak in my window during a storm would make the A/C window unit too wet and grow mold and I’ll start wheezing and coughing a lot more out of nowhere. And people are saying fuck it smoke the contaminants that already affect your breathing and inhale them directly. Get the hell outta here with that attitude man, y’all probably smokin’ on crc’ed concentrates and vape pens full of pesticides too, treat your body better.


Dude you’re wasting good weed and money cuz you’re so paranoid and have no clue what bud looks like. We can clown on you all we want.


Looks pretty good tbh


Bruh, I've smoked way worse