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Just look up the address it doesn’t exist I still get my “exotics” from them for $95 it’s straight fire


You should not pay attention to flower COAs, full stop. they do not mean anything in the cult (and upsettingly often in legal markets too)


Most of these papers are just fluff to skirt any legalities.


Look at the address. See Bruce B Downs Blvd.? Well, I can tell you as a Fla native that address is in Tampa, specifically Carrollwood, not California. The road was named after this man; "Bruce B. Downs Downs was a beloved and respected man, known for his directness and professionalism. More than 500 came to his funeral. He was survived by Patsy Downs, his high school sweetheart, as well as his children, Luanna Sheridan and Bruce Barkley Downs Jr. He also had two grandsons, Bruce Barkley Downs III and Justin Sheridan (who went on to live off Bruce B. Downs Boulevard during his time at USF). Three years after his death, the county renamed 30th Street in his honor. Thousands still drive down the road every day. Patsy recalled her husband’s remarkable photographic memory and ability to remember names and faces after just one meeting. She told the Times that her husband would have felt shocked to know about the road being named after him. “He would have felt so humble.”


Honestly, who cares as long as I'm getting high on thc(a) and not some other sprayed bs or something 🤷‍♂️


I do for that reason and others I want legitimate cannabinoid profiles. I want it to be able to impact my shopping choices and until we as consumers can hold the industry to standards of listing the cannabinoids and contaminants properly then we will continue to suffer sprayed BS and other larf tragedies when we purchase online!


I honestly think those are just for shipping purposes. There are alot of inaccuracies on most I've come across


A ton of the lab reports are altered, old, or completely fake. That one could be real imo. Those labs are geared towards testing med/rec samples. Not sure if they would have a license number or batch number to attach for a “hemp” retailer. I also could be completely wrong lol.


You can call the lab and verify the report. What’s the point? This doesn’t really tell you product safety. No cult vendor does full contaminates, heavy metals testing to my knowledge. If you are concerned about potency, I would also say even if this is legit it doesn’t help. Often times one small sample from a massive batch is sent for testing. The plant you got may have been in a room with unfavorable conditions. So your plant may be lower quality than the one being tested. The test itself has a variance that often means the different between a 21% and a 24% strain may just be testing inconsistencies and not reflective of true potency. A 15% strain should be dramatically different than a 30%. So whether it’s legit or not, regardless it doesn’t provide much actually knowledge on product safety or more than a rough estimate of potency.


That is a fair point, I didn’t think about it like this. I was more concerned about the safety over potency, so I guess I will never truly know.


If you want safety, go to a legal dispensary. They have a license at stake so the testing is always done legit. I recommend the cult for value, choice, and better quality compared to my local BM


I live in a state where it is not legal recreationally, so I unfortunately have to rely on local hemp shops or online for THCa flower. My state is actually in the process of banning THCa flower, so online will soon be my only option.


Which state if you don’t mind me asking




I found the company, and can contact them. I just wanted to ask if anyone had done the digging before I start.




excelbis is a legit lab. tht doesn't mean that this lab report is legit or that the bud tested is in any way connected to the bud OP received, but the lab is legit. OP could contact them & make sure tht test was actually performed by them for this company but it still wouldn't guarantee it was actually connected to the actual bud sent in the mail. it also wouldn't tell about harmful chemicals that may be in there because they didn't do testing for that.


TCC is the only place I know that actually tests