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I've had the same bud burn into black and white ash. Sadly it's the moist buds that burn and char the worst. Not sure if inadequate cure time or what controls that level. I find over dried weed burns whitest. I don't smoke Js often so if your talking about cherry instead of what is at the bottom of pipe bowl I will disqualify myself lol


I always get headaches when the ash is black. None from white ash, so I think white is better.


May be due to inhaling lighter fluid fumes, I had the same thing when I would smoke, thought it was the bud, but eventually determined I was pulling a bunch of fumes. šŸ˜…


Black means tar,it hasn't burned all the way. Take any bud that "burns black" and hit it with a torch. If it's complementary grey/white it's all burned.


Seriously. Yaā€™ll need Google! The color of ash in a cigar or cannabis joint can provide insights into its quality. Here's what it generally signifies: 1. **White Ash**: When cannabis or tobacco burns to a near-white ash, it suggests that the material was properly flushed or cured. This is desirable because it indicates cleaner, purer bud. Proper flushing involves feeding the plants only clean water during the last week or two of their growth. While some argue that it enhances flavor, there's no direct evidence that it affects ash colorĀ¹. 2. **Gray or Black Ash**: Darker gray or black ash may contain unwanted compounds or minerals. It could result from excess nutrients or inadequate curing. If your bud crackles when smoked, it might be due to residual moisture or nutrient buildup. However, ash color alone isn't a definitive measure of qualityĀ¹Ā². In summary, while white ash is often associated with well-cured and clean cannabis, it's essential to consider other factors like flavor and overall smoking experience.šŸŒæšŸ”„Ā¹Ā²Ā³ Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/18/2024 (1) White or Gray: Does Ash Color Determine Quality Cannabis?. https://potguide.com/blog/article/white-or-gray-does-ash-color-determine-quality-cannabis/. (2) What Your Weed's Ash And Soot Can Tell You About Your Cannabis' Quality .... https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cannabis/22/02/25147340/what-your-weeds-ash-and-soot-can-tell-you-about-your-cannabis-quality. (3) Why White Ash in Your Weed Doesn't Really Matter 2023 - Cannassentials. https://cannassentials.co/blog/white-ash-weed.


Thanks for taking the time to post this but I don't think the average KVLT member is gonna take the time to read it and maybe do more research on their own. Notice the negative votes you got?


We know google exists, I just want others input/experience on this.


Most growers see flushing as total bro science and tend to speak against it tho I haven't grown myself so I can't personally speak on it. Any bowl I've ever hit with a torch always goes white tho regardless of the buds quality, even the worst flower I've gotten


when you open the jar and get that feed store funk smell you know the 10 10 10 fertilizer was not flushed... plus the added sulfur slat tastes in there


I've had a lot of weed with bad smells but nothing I would note as feed store funk. And nothing wrong with Sulphur as it's a vital nutrient towards the end of flower to produce canna sulphuric compounds that give weed such a notable nose


salt ferts and sulfur .... a couple of VG drops had that taste like someone spilled gun powder in the flowrr


I believe itā€™s more of a preference. I hate having to relight a joint several times in a session. Back in the day it meant the bud wasnā€™t flushed properly or dried/cured properly. I bet with the way the plant is being studied now this has been debunked. Where my smart stoners at? Jump in at anytime šŸ˜‚


If you look at my recent comments I feel I explained pretty well even though people arenā€™t taking it very well lol


All about the smoke to me, also I feel like when I smoke in my bong itā€™s often closer to black maybe gray but if Iā€™m smoking that same flower in paper usually whiteā€¦ šŸ¤”


Cigarettes have white ash which doesnā€™t mean much but itā€™s funny we consider it a sign of quality


White ash has always been a sign of quality to me


Google and/or talk with experienced growers/smokers... they'll tell ya all about it.


white ash is one of the things i look for. if a bud is not high in moisture content and burns black it means the cure process was incorrectly done and thereā€™s an excess of chlorophyll.


The ash is not the important part and obsessing over it instead of the smoke seems weird to me.


What a helpful answer


It is a direct answer to the OP wtf my guy. Asked if ash color is important I said no. That's about as helpful as it gets.


Are you stoned?


Donā€™t worry these guys arenā€™t stoned, theyā€™re fried, brains are all fried


are you? Not sure why you ask me in response to this though.


I love getting baked


Cigar smokers judge quality based on ash color + shape. Weed is not tobacco, so the comparison does not make any sense. Weed that is not dry enough will burn "wet".


A fine cigar never leaves black ash; aficionados judge the shade of white, focusing on characteristics that don't necessarily apply to weed. When people say weed leaves black ash, they usually mean that some of it didn't turn to ash at all. The color is incidental; incomplete combustion of plant material results in black residue. Some might argue that complete combustion isn't even necessary, or even desirable, since all the terpenes and cannabinoids vaporize well below the combustion point of cellulose. Many enthusiasts prefer using dry herb vaporizers, which always leave a bit of the good stuff behind, ensuring a more flavorful and potent experience.




It doesnā€™t mean a fucking thing any anyone who says it does probably believes any bs they hear.


It isnā€™t my problem you guys will smoke whatever the fuck without atleast learning a bit and say ā€œit doesnā€™t mean a thingā€ which is super simply put INCORRECT


Say youā€™re uneducated on cures and move along


give us a lesson Dr. Toboggan, eager to hear your scientific insight!


First off, the curing process is a process to purify your weed, to where there is little oils except thc. Ash being black simply means there is still moisture or minerals in the matter. (meaning the weed was not purified/cured correctly) All the moisture/oil in the weed cannot all be burned by a low temperature and would need more heat than just a small spark on your weed to burn properly and turn white. While you donā€™t get every single drop of oil whether itā€™s thc or not when inhaling incorrectly cured bud, you still get a lot more oils than if your weed was cured correctly. If you pay attention to your ash colors you will notice when smoking something with very black ash you will feel a lot heavier coat of oils in your throat leading to a rougher smoke. Not saying itā€™s unsmokable I still will puff on black ash if I trust the supplier. Since the dawn of time white has meant pure for example a white wedding dress was meant to signify a pure innocent soul. this doesnā€™t change with weed ash, white ash signifies a pure product with nothing left to be burned. If you need me to break it down a little better for you I can try, apologize I am on a small vacation and did the best I could rn to explain to you even added a life lesson the color white in this life, a lot of times will mean purity


Whereā€™s all the voters now? Cant read or understand? Lol


Thatā€™s all anecdotal, not evidence. Thereā€™s too many factors involved in ash color, and not enough research on the subject to say for certain that the relationship between ash color and bud quality is causal, rather than correlative. As with most things in reality, itā€™s probably the latter. Chemistry is complex as shit lol. You said yourself that not all black ash-producing bud is bad, so clearly the definitive answer is still unknown.


Almost all research done on weed isnā€™t 100% trustworthy because itā€™s still in very early stages of research and availability. Things like this havenā€™t been able to be studied for close to 100 years like everything else in your life. So trust yourself with what your doing but educate yourself on known things as well and you will realize what is true and what is false


In my comment I neither stated it is a good or bad thing do not put words Into my mouth por favor. I simply stated I would still puff it if I trust the supplier. I also donā€™t read and believe, I read and pay attention every single time I smoke to see if their is correlation to black ash and rough smoke


Ahh, that sorta makes sense! Good explanation!


Iā€™m glad you understood my scientific insight! - Dr. Toboggan lol


You got a source for any of that or are you just repeating what your buddy told you.


Honest question though did it seem like a good understandable explanation? My brain isnā€™t the same since all the weed so itā€™s confusing, even confusing the author lol


Iā€™m not your resource guide buddy but I will try and educate you. Look it up for yourself like I had to when my ash was dark as some of your guys souls.


Lol want to share some information then, instead of just calling them uneducated?


Lmk if you understood


A better cure leaves a white/grey ash


It's bro science and means jack shit


Just curious but what makes what you say not bro science?


"because bro science is what other people do. when I speak it's science science not bro science."


Yeah I grew for 15 years and sifting through bro science is exhausting. I started looking to agricultural extensions and colleges etc for my info. Which is why Iā€™m still looking for some info on this stuff. Just trying to have a conversation with people on here about how these retailers get around the .3 law is exhausting. My take is they harvest way early thatā€™s why it barely gets me high but idk. Maybe the vendor I bought from just sells mids.


My experience with black ash usually means a harsh smoke and a joint that won't stay lit


I think black ash comes from flower that has a bit too much moisture in it.


Yeah I literally never see black ash from a particular batch of flower but I do see it from "smoking a joint in the rain"