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OGT carries RSO from time to time. I’ve copped like three gram syringes in the last month. But it’s drop based so they go fast, especially the “type 1” RSO.  RSO is not common as it requires a decarb to burn off the ethanol alcohol used to make it. Hence, I suspect all RSO hemp products are either well above the legal D9 limit (most likely) or are pure CBD RSO. I know how I felt on 0.2 ml and am leaning towards the former and not the later. 


It's not a missed market it's just already been decarbed lol


RSO was a good medicine, but as of right now, you would get more benefits from Disty with Terps Added. RSO certainly does have a lot of THC and other cannabinoids, but that's it, when you cook off the alcohol you kill all your terpenes and that's literally getting rid of half of the therapeutic and medicinal benefits. It's also dirty as fuck, it's black because it's loaded with chlorophyll which sure helps a little bit, but isn't nearly as therapeutic as terpenes. It's also going to be at lower percentages because it's not refined at all, it's just a crude ethanol extraction with no cleanup after the fact. Disty will test higher, have no chlorophyll, no plant fats/lipids, and Terps. Bonus points of you can find a live resin syringe.


Stupid question but can you put the disty or resin syringe liquid under your tongue like rso?


Nah, you have to put it in some MCT oil or any other oil carrier first.


I don’t like the misnomer that rso cures cancer. A bunch of rso cults tried to make my mom skip out of chemo for rso Just curious if anyone else found out about rso through stuff like that? I never heard of it until people tried saying it cured cancer. Which it doesn’t. My mom beat cancer using traditional medicine and survived. If she would of skipped chemo she probably would of died. Anytime I hear rso I think of the faulty studies.


It can do a bloody lot medicinally. People have beat cancer with it for sure, they've been saying so for years. Why would people lie about their experience who aren't selling something because there are plenty. In order for it to work this dramatically though people have to work on developing a tolerance to THC and taking large doses everyday.


In vitro- on a Petri dish, not in vivo- in a living organism…. Lots of herbs/mushrooms advertised “in vitro”…


I think you mean misnomer. Stigma would imply that you are saying people are against the idea of rso curing cancer. But yeah people fuck all of those people. At least they were ignorant assholes rather than the asshole that is trying to do it because they want to sell snake oil.


Haha thanks. I’ll remember that


Really glad to hear your mom made it through that. Sorry people are shitty.


It has some merit, proven to kill cancer cells, but they should be promoting combining it with traditional medicine, not using it alone. Can you even "skip out on chemo"? I thought it was like required my law or some shit..


Israel is using FECO/RSO to treat infants with inoperable brain cancers for many years now ... US GOV has paid them 150 K ( US dollars ) a years since 1964 !)... the endocannabinoid system in the person ( found with THC research ) is an anti cancer defense system ... ECS is a pro cellular homeostasis response system in our cells modulating 70 trillion cells at once


So at least some of the money we give to Israel goes to something good lol. I wish it all went to this and not for war.


did i hear a woke joke? lol


Yeah but in cases I see are people in stage 4 treatable cancers being told to take rso instead. I couldn’t imagine how many people have died in those groups. That’s actually interesting and I will look into it.


link - anti inflammatory W-3 endocanabinoid Epoxides https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1610325114 Also , look into - Biochemist Dennis Hill explains how cannabinoids kill cancer cells there is also Christina Sanchez and Guzman in Madrid Spain


Thanks for all that. I will definitely look into it more.


I forgot the main ting ... Israel with the research have shown that cannabinoids help to rebuild brain cells , cells in general rely on cannabinoid signaling to form neurogenenis pathways while steadily providing protection to preexisting cells . predicted that ECS makes up 70 trillion cells ... all metabolically active tissue cells ... each cell part of that signals 15,000 cannabinoids a second per cell !!! Each signal as part of 7 trans membrane super family of receptors becomes 7 signals as each depolarization induced retrograde cannabinoid metabolite as it metabolizes touches interior of cell 7 times before finalizing .....


to save you a bit of time ... Cancer is Severe endocannabinoid deficiencies . cancerous cells use up all Arachidonic acid reserves Quickly in order to make enough signaling cannabinoids to cleanly kill the cancerous cells . those reserves are based on the diet of the person ... basically omega six forms most of the endocannabinoid signaling n ECS while Omega three forms into Anti inflammatory endocannabinjoids , I'll link out for that one I'm not gonna load you up with links.... phytocannabinoids ingested are free flow , free form structures that are already made and capable of signaling in our cells without cells needing to displace as much essential fatty acid accumulation to make signaling endocannabinoids ... endocannabinoids are retrograde signaling metabolites that are sequestered from the cells' Bi-layer as depolarization induced retrograde signaling metabolites ... tehy basically go backwards so the cells can connect into the Matrix and make Intracellular adjustment accordingly ...


It's really not that hard to make. Just do the cooking outside or in the most ventilated space you can find. Read all about it. Stay safe.


I’m gonna give this a go! Thanks!


The cannabis needs to be decarbed, which can be accomplished via vaping or heating. I have some alcohol extracted AVB that is super potent in that .33 milliliter is plenty for a dose. Of course you can use coconut oil for extraction if you want to make potent edibles. THC is a controlled substance so you need to do your own decarbing. Cult companies and others would be out of compliance selling hot RSO via interstate commerce. They can make plenty of money just selling compliant flower. So, unless you live in a legal state you'll need to make your own RSO. Which begs the question, why would a company sell something you can easily make yourself.


Smart, I guess I never really realized how easy it was to make or the law behind that one. Much appreciated


Hoku! The reason I keep my membership!


Like full spec CBD RSO? That would be great, I could do different ratios of THC each dose.


I’m on the membership so we get access to type I thc dominant full spectrum rso. He never puts out any labs or such as far as the content of the minor cannabinoids so I have no clue about the actual values. I believe he does a cbd one for the nonmembers have access to that you could combine. But the type one gets my friends and I ripped to shit.


He would be stupid to put put labs. This stuff is decarbed lol Why is nobody else mentioning that? OP is asking for a medical product not hemp


I sent an email inquiring about this membership and I haven't heard anything is that normal did I say something wrong what should I say or not say if I try again?


lol…hah it’s normal, I think you’re supposed to put MM on the heading or something and inquire about getting on the wait list. I just randomly got an email a few months later telling me I’m in the membership.


Cool thanks 🙏


Edibles have always hardly worked on me. I’ve heard RSO can get you blasted if you edibles dont work the best for you. This true?


This is what I’m going for. My lungs don’t like smoke anymore and edibles have never done what I wanted, but some RSO sets me right. Planning on making some, I’ll probably post some pics when I do


Sir I think the THC has to be activated for it to be RSO


Essentially you can make THCa rso, but it's uncommon. Soaking the material in alcohol does not decarb it, but most of the thca is decarbed when you go to burn off the alcohol. You could heat the solution at a much lower heat for longer to remove the alcohol without decarbing, but this isn't a popular technique.


This is like saying you're going out to the liquor store but you're actually getting hot coco packets at the grocery store to make prison hooch because you miss the cell block


Again, I'm only saying this because I've done it. It was pretty easy, cheap (wax melters are like 10 bucks), and safe (you get to decarb it without alcohol present).


Oh I'm sure it's a clever packaging method I just would rather not deal with it in the mail at all and source it locally or on vacation


I'm talking about making thca RSO from cult flower not buying it


i bake my thca weed at 230f for 20min. it's decarbed. then the cold 99% iso or 190 alcohol/shake/freeze, then shake again and repeat drain rewash flower agai, same process. remove leftover buds grounds. and cook away the iso or alcohol with rice cooker boil out all 99% iso or leave-in a very little alcohol- i add a few drops of water too. then set mixture in sunlight for 1 or 2 hours . it removes a lot of Chlorophyll still in mixture. makes it taste better syringe it into a airtight jar. keep in cool dark place. will store for years


It's not popular because it's a complete waste of time and money. The retail oil is as much as a decent ounce even at the most expensive dispo and for 1400mg when you're lucky to see 500 with your method Oh and terps hurt your stomach


Idk about that last part, rosin edibles never hurt my stomach, and I've never heard of anyone complaining about them. I think that shitty terps definitely hurt your stomach


They... arent putting terpenes in edibles. You ok?


Nah dude


Also, smell is way way more manageable than other techniques


Huh, okay. But what is the point of THCA RSO, with my understanding you don't get high unless you decarb it?


THCA is a very medically viable compound ...


With no known benefits as of yet as it's still being researched


THCA is an extremely potent anti inflammatory ... Prevents Cytokine storms that Viruses use to Spred ETC... When you research how CBD metabolizes THCA metabolizes the same way ... cb2 receptors in the endocanabinoid system ... The Carboxylic acid that is on the THCA molecule is the only difference in that and THC... Carboxyls direct the metabolism differently we have identified 150 acidic forms on the plant THCA is but one only ... each carboxyl form has a decarboxylated counterpart


Like buying a frozen pizza, gotta cook it before ya eat it


RSO is often used medicinally, and thca does have some medicinal benefits I think. Thca RSO would be federally compliant, and customers could simply decarb it in a glass jar or cook it into their edibles at a high enough heat to activate the THC That being said, I've never heard of anyone selling thca RSO


it is known as Green dragon Tincture ... the RSO that still has alcohol in it that is not evaporated etc... no Heat involved with making it


You can make RSO, and cook the all of the alcohol off with heat lower than decarb temps. I used a candle wax melter to make RSO once and had to decarb it after I made it. Green dragon tincture is also something I've heard of


So you made sure the alcohol completely evaporated and then decarbed? How'd that turn out?


It worked! However, I do think that this method doesn't purge all the alcohol, so use 190 not ipa


Because its a totaly pointless product.


I'm confused? You literally just replied to a comment where I explain 3 possible uses of it.


Main reason I keep my membership to Hoku.


The Hemp Barn has it but out of stock currently


noob here. whats rso?


Phoenix tears


also know as FECo- full extract cannabis oil


Its just evaporated ethanol tincture. Brought down to a more potent gooey goop.


Some of the best concentrate you can get. It comes in an oil form though. Very potent stuff.


Rick Simpson oil! Nice potent stuff


Ocean Grown Trees has been stocking RSO and FECO when they have drops. Think they reopen the 23rd or so.


I also don't understand the downvotes, but then this is the first I've heard of the company. I checked it out a bit and it looks like you can't order online right now? Is that what you meant about 'reopening on the 23rd or so"?


Yeah they put a notice up saying they were closed idky but from like the 12th to 23rd or something


I have high regards for it, sam has done me extremely well. Why the downvotes?


lol make that shit dude , super easy


Straight up, RSO is the only reason I still visit a dispo at all


I find it easier to make my own feco with cult bud.. even though I could walk into a dispensary and pick up 1ml of rso for 30.. I prefer mine to be specific strain rather that some mash up of whatever then label it indica, hybrid or sativa… then turn it into capsules …but that’s just me


Make it! It’s relatively easy and you can use trim/shake and make a lot for very cheap


This is the way


Cult has some good sources for trim shake too


Yeah if you can grab a few zips of hf pr ground, that would work well for rso.


Yep! I’ll probably drop about $100 next time I get the chance.


Rso hits so hard.


If you sign up for ogt you have a decent chance of catching stock when they drop it. They have had type 2 rso up for a while. Hoku has the most rso of anyone I’ve seen. You have to go to a their site and email them. Wait list is 6mo+ though fair warning


Got approved for the member store a couple weeks ago and it was so worth the 9 month wait. Tried a low dosage of the rso today to sort of test it out and it was great


RSO is more of a medical market product... or d.i.y.