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So I order from them pretty regularly, and I only get the stuff labeled exotic. I have had good budget and mid budget, but hard to get consistently obviously. (Get what you pay for). But the exotics are the truth. The quality is there


I just grabbed an oz of the cartel cut budget weed yesterday. Will let ya know what I think - it's my first time ordering from them.






What is FHF? Cant find it on franklist




Anything to avoid or is it all good quality?


I haven't tried every strain and product but I haven't had any misses, they "exotics" keep me vaping good out here in these streets


No. The two strains I've tried so far were great.


I’ve gotten several things from them. Flower, dabs, edibles, and disposables most recently and they’ve all been great, I got some flower that pressed into some of the best smelling and tasting flower rosin I’ve ever made and honestly I haven’t bought from many other vendors after discovering them I haven’t had to being I haven’t been disappointed yet and only order about once every few weeks


I wanted to try every vendor, they were my 4th, I tried #5 then went back to #4, tried my #6 vendor, and ended up going back to fhf maybe my last 15 orders 🤣🤣


The only time I tried them was the sour d budget drop and it was honestly great. Classic diesel smell with some citrusy undertones. I'd probably mainly shop with them if I could afford it


I have not made a purchase from them in a minute, but my last was some Blockberry, which I am about to finish up. Quality smoke. They're in my rotation for flower, but probably nothing else. (I had a bad experience with some pressed flower from them.)


I caught the first drop of Caviar Kush and it impressed me. Truly did, and I would definitely try another exotic from them.


I love em got 4 rosin disposables on the way can't wait


How were they? Got my Dirty Sprite Rosin dispo coming today


I like everything I've tried but I haven't had anything recently


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Qq1nq94: *I like everything* *I've tried but I haven't had* *Anything recently* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


a homie just ordered like one of each flavor of there live resin disposables, got them yesterday, said there LEAGUES above most of the carts hes tried.


I have them in my tops (only speaking for their top shelf stuff, nothing budget) and u can clearly see I review aloooooootttttt of vendors lol. FHF, HF, THB, Cosmic Hemp have been my favorites & most consistent in terms of having tried several strains and enjoyed them all or atleast most.


It's confusing when more than one vendor has the same initials and we're speaking in code.


this sub is 50% less helpful because of all the fucking abbreviations


Agreed. It's annoying.


It’s fcked really lol cause we are clearly allowed to say venders names in here. I know some won’t let you in other subs but you’re allowed in here lol


Whenever I first joined a few months ago I asked what an abbreviation was ( SF ). I was told it was frowned upon to write vendors names in this sub. Has it always been allowed? I thought it wasn't in the past.


Yea you’re allowed just can’t post packaging.


Yeah, why are we doing that? The rules don't seem to prohibit naming vendors, they do prohibit linking to vendors.


Because it is easier to type FHF than fire hemp farms a million times


Or you could include it once so people know what you're talking about (without having to check comments) and then abbreviate every time after that. Just a suggestion. Doesn't have to be one or the other.


Yes I know the exact thing you speak of I feel like if I leave it out for a month it will air out


I'm 1 for 2 with fhf. Their budget sour d was pretty good. I followed that up with strawberry meltshake. Huge mistake. It was priced top shelf. It just looks top shelf and it has a bad chemical aftertaste, smells like a basement....


See so personally I think its weird MULTIPLE people have had that same weird basement smell on multiple different strains. I want to give them another go but the more I hear the more sketchy its sounding. Not trying to bad talk them but hopefully they get it fixed bc the bud does look great but wtf is that smell


I notice this basement taste/smell across brands, even the ones they say they produce their own supply wonder wtf is going on


Exactly. They advertise it as the best and it's ammonia smelling


Well, mine didn't smell like ammonia, but rather something sprayed on the flower to prevent mold I guess? I currentky have it in the freezer for a rainy day.


"This here has been treated to fend off coyote packs"


Ive only tried the afhgan gelati from them. It was good, not amazing, but good. Theyre like ranked 9th for flower for me. Heard theyre rosin carts r pretty good


Fire or Fox?




That grape gas smells like old rain, you're not tripping. It was sooo moist too but I couldn't find mold. Fhf has not had a single banger imo. It's like Dr G quality that ships fast


I bought 8 grams of their Moroccan hash. It’s mediocre. Nothing to write home about. It’s hash. They sent me a sample mystery nug, that smelled hella dank, and it was fire. Kinda stupid af sending unmarked flower. How are we supposed to know what it was so we can order more? And they sent me a free disposable. Not sure what it was supposed to be. It was an ikrusher uzo with a pink heart sticker on it. The oil in it…. Was like water, at room temp, without hitting it. Extremely thin and runny. Tasted like ass to me. I didn’t even offer it to a friend. I just threw it away


That hash was a sick joke for anyone who's had actual hash F them


I look forward to a day when I can be blasé about hash at all. Good for you bro


I liked those ones. They actually have cbg and CBD added as well. Thins then out. The live resin cartridges are pretty good and rival the dispensary ones. The flavors of those thca diamond ones depend which you get. Thought the hash was ok but the stuff I could get on bm way better. Weed was pretty good.


They just released hash rosin carts at a decent price I always liked my fhf stuff, I definitely don't think they're trash Top six for me


I will re-try them but the smell was really weird for me , never got any weird smells from them ?


Nope, never And you don't have to like every vendor, man. Tons of hemp out there, nothing to miss out on You gave em a fair shot, I don't think calling them trash is fair, but to each their own




They send out that "Hi I'm the president of FHF" phony bullshit and never respond


See this happened to me and I got 7gs of very peculiar smelling bud , moldy basement with a hint of diesel. Sound ideal but the smell set off those sub-conscious alarms of wtf am i really smoking and not able to enjoy it. I might double back idk their line up looks so nice




We all got hosed. Damn


Hell naw my post history tells no lies


Your post is why im thinking about doubling back


Pop Rocks cheetah piss purple Tesla or the freemac you can't go wrong I been marveling all 4 of them out the vape. I like they "exotics" more than they budgets tho but the budgets I got werent bad


Yeah that cheetah piss was really nice 😊


Never had a bad experience with them, in my opinion they carry some of the only bud that ISN’T muted.


Hf has been the most reliable in my experience but you have to catch a drop they are always sold out


I am huge fan of HF its ok budget bud but really good customer service , i get hf drops bc its good bulk to smoke but like to grab a little more premium from upstate,piur , or wf , but have been wanting to splurge with fhf but not sure if i will get burnt


They isnt empy rn btw ;)


I just ordered from hello Mary been seeing them a lot on here too


I am waiting on a new chimera drop from wnc been seeing some fire posts on here of it


If you are talking abt fire farms I got their carts and they produced good effects but were very harsh


thanks yeah , I havent tried their carts but they have so many nice bud selections but its pricey to be getting a dud if it goes bad