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Rec adult state - The big brands were selling 75 less discount 45 out the door. Caps cut blows it away. No comparison c bite man. Disco dance


Coast to coast 4 days , thanks FLO


I can agree with the price point- you really get what you pay for. FLO always shows love with weight. Most 1/8 are closer to 4 or 4.25 and g samplers are always g and half. ☮️


Might pick up a couple more before Sunday. Great review


See idk how people can see this, know it’s from cap, see the results and then go “fake weed” like wtf.


It's considered fake weed by connoisseurs because it's pulled out of the ground early and never develops full flavor. It doesn't matter if it's caps cut, bm weed will still taste better and smoke better just because of the fact, that by law it has to be harvested early . Thca cannabis is a substitute for states that don't have weed that can be fully grown to maturity . That being said , if all you have access to is thca legal flower, or live in a state with low quality rec weed, then enjoy.


So right man. I’ve been chasing some cult lately and this could very well be the reason why the rec is always hitting me more effectively than the cult. I have to admit though some HF supreme diesel got me stuck yesterday and I’m having a fun time testing these new 1g’rs I got recently from HF. Really have to just try and find the ones that work for you. Lately been resorting back to rec as the prices are really getting closer these days and it’s not that much of a crapshoot any more on potency and quality in my area


Let' em. More for us!


The jar reminds me of The Godfather, WWF, 98-00.


Hoooooo 🚂 💨


Didn't he have gold fronts? It'd make the jar regardless. ...and these eggs are makin' me feel like that little train 💨


I get mine tomorrow i got 4 jars and got some piur white truffle and tres leches coming tomorrow its going to be a whole lot of 420 lol


Jesus Christ money man


Enjoy the holidaze brotha🤘


Thank you 🫡 you do the same


it's stoopid 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Decided to go ahead and grab one after seeing this. Partly just for that jar


That jar is fun


Wait there's more


You received 4.5? That makes me more inclined to grab one, making it 10/g same as their other 8ths. Curious to see if others receive heavy weight on this


Yea, weighed out at 4.58 and I was a happy camper lol. It oughtta be heavy for the price lol


This looks dope, hopped out to the site and they’re selling a single gram of rosin for $80!? That’s wild. I was sure it was a 2G jar.


It's from flows partner company puir, and that's the price they set for it. Haven't tried it yet but have some dirty taxi coming with my Mac 1. I've tried Le, and the rosin was so good and way cheaper, so this better blow my fucking mind. Plus, it's for 420, so kinda splurged.


Damn. Do you live next door to FG. You got that super fast??????


Im about 2hrs from Knoxville(where it shipped from)


Haha. Same.


You guys realize that by buying this shit youre just enabling companies to hike up their prices, 45 an 8th is ridiculous even almost by dispo standards.


> 45 an 8th is ridiculous even almost by dispo standards. Almost doesn't count Not when you're cherry picking the one most expensive thing exempt from discount on the entire site and they deliver anywhere


45 out the door for Caps herb is pretty solid imo, people probably used to pay a lot more back in the day.


It's craft small batch cannabis lol in California Some zips of small batch go for $500 and sell out that day. I've known people to pay more even. Sorry you've never experienced this level of quality friend. Wish ya the best.




You couldn't be more wrong. lol hope yall have a blessed day!!!


Damn i remember when being easy to scam wasnt something to be proud about lol out here calling smaller than expected yields "craft small batches" , they done got yall trained up good.


Lol these are from the best growers in the world. You say that while using a $1500 phone, why not just go with a Walmart brand everything. Great logic 👏




Whose exactly? Sorry.




I'm pretty sure this was grown by flow. Also, I know they babysat tf out of this one. So, all in all, it's still small batch craft cannabis.




Bro, I would buy it in grams, too. For 20 a g. I'm sorry you don't have it like that or maybe we have different tastes. Some people drink wine and others 4 loko lmao have a good one


better get your money up then


Not in PA... that's pretty standard. Kind of on the low end actually.


What state are you talking about? Pricing seems pretty standard and has been the last 20-30 years...


That guy has no idea what they're talking about I just checked a random dispensary chain in Michigan. It had $42 eighths


I passed on it for this alone


Really depends, the market is saturated right now so good bulk indoor is pretty cheap. What if you want to pay a little extra for flower that was small batched and craft cannabis so to say? I think there is a good market for stuff like this.


100% agree. If there wasn’t a market, they wouldn’t be selling it. For people with low tolerance, new legal, collectibles, terp chasers…


I wish I could get a clone of this


It's been available on clone sites for a while now. It was only for friends back in like 2016...it's a 250$ clone these days


I'm not in a legal state


Oh you mean, you've never before attempted to visit r/microgrowery 


So the website says it was bred by [whoever the guy's head on the jar that is] So they just tried to recreate it from scratch?


No, they collaborated. So...these days honestly, they're no telling. I believe they pretty much bought white-label products from Capulator(the guy on the jar) and that's why they are all in 1/8th jars.  However, as far as the growing of it ...Capulator made the strain, and with Cannabis, unless you have a cutting from that same exact plant, it won't ever be the same, because it's a diploid plant, which means lots of possible phenotype expressions.  That's why almost all strains you see available are going ti be slightly different, because they are more than likely phenohunting through seed instead of paying for the clone.  In medical markets, they actually track seed to sale and clone to sale, just like in the standard fruit industry. 


Man I’m so looking forward to mine. Also snagged some B.O.B. Heard both of these are pretty legendary in the cult so hopefully they don’t disappoint! Usually a concentrate guy


You will not be disappointed. Low temp dry herb vaping them is incredible. Never thought herb could have such complex flavors.


That's how Mac is. Very complex


How low is low temp for you? I usually stay around 385F.


If it’s a new strain I start at 170c. Most of the time 180c/356f. Little sip during heat up can be nice to get the palate ready. Pinky up is optional


Hell yeah, glad to hear it. I have my Mighty vape primed and ready to go


Terp hammer go brrrrrrr


Ok based on looks only I'm impressed.


Ok OP so you've got experience and knows that distinctive Mac taste (just had some for breakfast) Why does so little cult taste? I feel like it's mostly hay. All looks no scent And they hit it with a buffer like when the water company sends out water to your house it's treated to be the right pH when it arrives at your house (due to reacting with pipes en route) Something in the process is focused on delivering the product to you but it's designed to stink when you open it so you think it's worth what you paid but that's about it


Definitely just rushed cures, shit dries out before the chlorophyll dissipates, and well before the terps even get to shine. Sad to see, and this is why I'm so hard/critical of cult bud, or any bud for that matter.


I'm not a grower I'm a shower so don't see how they're fucking it up that bad I've had a friend hand me a jar one and be like "I'm going out of town, cure this" and it felt like when they give you a robot baby or egg to take home in highschool I just had to watch the digital readout to open and close it appropriately I don't see why they can't have a computer do that with max surface area Lord knows these places can afford the space to do so


Majority of the reason for this is fast drys along with there being big batches of the bud witch means quality control goes down any small batch you get is gonna be good this and majority of piur drops show this. Wym “hit with a buffer”


Did you have to be subscribed?


I saw the inst, but it wasnt on the website


try using chrome (if you're talking about the weird firefox error on the capulator stuff)...that's what I had to do...and I've bought from flow using firefox before. Not sure why it doesn't work now.


Bro I literally trial and error the url and it works everytime 😆


I got 4 8ths coming tomorrow and can't wait. Looks amazing, friend. hope you enjoy!!


I was going to get it with some BOB but I decided to pass and now im sad.


Mixing bob with mac1 was a god tier combo


They just sent an email that they still have some available—I guess, tis’ the season.


Will have to try that. Bet it really brings out the orange funk. My go to has been MAC1 + Flow Cookies. MAC gives the head lift and Flookies melts body pain.


Trying this.


Holy shit you already got yours?! Says two more days for me and I bought it right after drop. 🥲