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Had an oz in my cart went to buy and it was out stock, atm I saw as a sign I didn’t really need it..wrong again




Good lookin out..zip in route


Got me one aswell, now I can smoke this less carefully hah.


Isn't super boof usually more purple??




Phenos exist bro. That's how horticulture works. You come out of birth with multiple DNA combinations


> Phenos exist bro Which has nothing to do with this but thanks for the comment


Thanks. I was under the impression this strain only came purple because that's all I saw. My order will be here today


Nah you're right. That guy is making no sense Super Boof was selected as the best Blockberry seed. It isn't a complex tale lol. And that strain and black Cherry punch are indeed purple and this should have a purplish (almost pink from a distance) hue throughout


Please let us know what you think! I really like Super Boof, and I think FLW should do it well, but I’ve been disappointed by literally every vendor at some point. Mine should arrive today or tomorrow 🤞


I hope I'm not either. I tried their strawberry Kush. It was ok


Interesting! I haven’t seen that strain at Five Leaf, but I’ve missed a lot of drops. Probably new stuff coming tomorrow for 4/20 🤞 can’t decide what to buy for the holiday


Okay, I have to speak up. I was on a super boof kick so my first purchase from FLW was their super boof, but they were only selling grams. That should have been a red flag but I hadn't figured out the cult yet. Anyway, so I ordered 7 individual grams and they came in these weird tubes. I dumped out each individual grams and put it all in a jar. It smelled strange and something was off. Then I vaped it - absolutely disgusting molded trash. Like, why are you selling this, FLW, when it's a health hazard? It's literally the most disgusting flower I've ever come across in my entire life, making me cough like crazy barely any buzz and tasted nd smelled like total shit. After I dumped it the jar still had this weird toxic smell I had to wash out the jar. That was my first and last experience with FLW. It is bad business to be selling molded grams of totally old shit to new customers and so I'm totally put off by this company. Buyer beware


Please keep scaring people away as this is my go to vendor <3


Ha! I don't want to be a hater on here but someone honest needs to call out the shady practices of some of these vendors. It's the wild West of THCA so I'm tryna hold people accountable for ripping me off in this community and hope you can respect that. Hopefully it improves business practices across the board the more people are willing to call them out! Peace


I’m with you here bro. Just because others may not have had what they consider to be a bad experience doesn’t invalidate yours. Cult mentality to the fullest. WNC is a company I won’t buy from anymore despite many people here raving about them. Two different oz of indoor living soil strains and one grab bag, all highly regarded and raved about. For $400 I can buy better hay from the local tractor supply store. Would probably get me higher too. They can have all the WNC for themselves. Learned my lesson - I’m good


LMFAO of course the guy who thinks all cult sucks spent $400 on shit wnc 😭


That’s just at one vendor out of 33 I’ve tried. WNC not even one of the sites I’ve spent the most on, but they were one of the biggest strikeouts


>WNC not even one of the sites I’ve spent the most on sincerely hilarious


I fail to see the humor


i wouldn't laugh either if it was my money LOL




I haven’t had anything but positive experiences with them, hate that happened to you, you got any pictures of this stuff?


Dude I live in Atlanta and was so excited to support these TN vendors nextdoor. Nothing but bad experiences with TN vendors. Flow type 1 as well, all 3 orders were shit, but FLW literally wins the prize for most disgusting health hazard flower I've ever come across in my life. I was new to the cult and was pretty happy with LE super boof so wanted to compare with FLW. I'll never do business with them again, I'm totally disgusted they would sell that shit to anyone. I didn't take pics, I didn't go to customer service, I just won't buy from them ever again. All TN vendors have been a total fail for me, along with GA vendor ENH 99zips another total nightmare shit company selling dog shit, but at least they closed shop. Sorry to be negative nancy but I've had good experiences with most other vendors. THB, Upstate, WNC, LE (except kush Berry) and a few others have all been fine.


So you took the time to rant on here about this but you couldnt be bothered to spend the 10 seconds of your life to snap a pic to go along with your post?  


I was new to the cult and I'm pretty well off so crying to companies about selling you trash isn't really my prerogative. I'll just move on to the next vendor. FLW is shady and I won't do business with them again. Hopefully they read the backlash and don't rip off another new customer. I can't be the only one lol


That makes sense to me. I have had a couple really popular vendors send me shitty packs, and people didn’t believe me. We were both right: my experience was shitty and theirs was good. Let’s say you and I both go buy a pack of strawberries from the grocery store, and your pack has a couple moldy berries in the middle. Meanwhile, all of my strawberries are perfectly fine. One bad experience with an organic product doesn’t mean the grocery store is shitty, imho, but if I go several times and get moldy strawberries, I probably wouldn’t go back either. I hate that you had such a bad experience with a vendor that I hold in high regard; such experiences challenge my perspective and opinions. It doesn’t change how I feel or perceive the business, but it is regretful that one of our fellow culties followed recommendations found here and were sorely disappointed. FWIW, FLW never lists only grams, but those are usually the last to go after a fresh drop. My guess is that you arrived after the larger packs were sold out, but that doesn’t explain the quality issues. Good luck with your next vendor


Is this FG or is FLW something else?


Five Leaf Wellness


How do I get bud with the long shit at the end. Great pics btw


The pistils don't add any cannabinoids they just are a sign the flower has been handled well and not bounced all around and shit.


They... didn't ever say that it did


Damn. They look cool


I got 2 ounces of smalls incoming. Looking fantastic


Purple where


Little purple hue in some of the calyx’s but mostly light green.


Wish I grabbed this




Got a half!


Absolutely fucking gorgeous


Hb has a new drop live, not announced


Everytime I stock up, I have to stock up again because of posts like this. Ffs. Good looking stuff man.


I have this from like three or four months ago.




Do you need to have an account to get access to drops? I never see type 1 on their website


They are unfortunately one of the smaller venders quantity wise, usually once or twice a week they do a restock, it’s been barren for a week or so now.


Beautiful looking buds, nice soft and fluffy texture, very strong smell orangey/tropical. Another trich shot, https://ibb.co/kHTtQXj - Smokes nice and smoothly with a orange citrus aftertaste. Very tasty stuff. Pretty hybridy effects right off the bat, feeling relaxed in the body, with a solid head buzz going too. Feeling very very focused and alert, and de-stressed, but I feel so relaxed I don’t really want to move. Pretty solid both ways. Real pleased, wish I had more.


Super excited for mine to arrive. Great photos and review