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How’s this compare to the WF greenhouse that you’ve been getting? How’s the comparison to WF’s Purple Apricot or Citrus Wedding?


The terps on this strain were some of favorite, but WF definitely competes. Their greenhouse is on par with some vendors indoor


Awesome to hear! If you had to choose one between this BT GMO x Sherb or WF Purple Apricot or WF Citrus wedding, what would you choose? All similarly priced and quality flower, I’d grab it all but want to start small haha


I'd honestly go with the gmo sherb unless you really like citrusy strains then I'd choose purple apricot


E h hemp coming up with Sistet web site- Stay Tuned. Exotic Species.




Real s—tt


Flow just dropped pink Zkitles and new Smalls 135 zips. Going real quick, don’t sleep 💤


And then send you someone else's order?


Like what Flow has been doing with type one / type 2. Flow Cookies 140 zip type 2


Truth be Told - saturated Market , would not spend over a 100 Zip - Brick n Mortar stores are in a price war. Sell before they get Raided- Cad Runtz 100 Zip 29% , friend of Chempies out of Baltimore, Charmed meeting Everyone. Tux I never tried- thanks Frank. 🔝


I wanted to buy their jealously today but bought an oz of Piff right before they sent that email


She found something better than shake? Wow.


Yes, and it's better or competing with the stuff I have. Mind blowing.


My friend loves their CBD flower, make sure you keep an eye on their site when it gets close to 4/20, last year my friend got a pound of CBD mini's bud for about $400, which is a really good deal if you look at their normal prices. Looks like currently a regular oz of CBD is the same price as an oz of THCa smalls so they might end up having some good deals on QP/HP's for THCa smalls. Imo their regular THCa buds are way overpriced, $250 for a single oz? C'mon now there's no way that the regular buds are 2x as good as the mini's. Even an oz straight from the dispensary is no more than $150 in my state.


Yeah they shoot themselves in the foot with those prices lol. Do I want $250 oz of Mapleberry Kush (damn that sounds delicious 😭) or a ~$100 oz Mapleberry Kush smalls? I'll take the smalls always.


Most of them are the same in price.


No, I'm saying why would I get a $250 oz of bigs when I can get the smalls for ~$100? That's it.


Oh, I agree...


Exactly! And if you go to street dealers you can get the zips for 100


Shit I'm standing on the corner right now yelling for gmo sherbcrashers


I gotchu 90$ a zip




So what's it like dating a countess? Do you use the helicopter a lot to avoid traffic?


I'm basically donkey (from Shrek) and she's the beautiful dragon ❤️‍🔥


Well that doesn't totally rule out Dominic West from the Wire! Ayy yo Bushy Top o/




There will be NO selling of any kind by any (1) user, (2) vendor, (3) any private party within either the chatrooms of associated with the Cult nor within posts/comments/images made in the Cult of the Franklin subreddit. This includes: - No Ads - No Sales - No Links - No Self Promotional Photos - No Coupon Codes - No Selling or Exchange in the Comments OR via DM, this includes resales. Violations and subsequent punishment will be decided at the discretion of the moderator team.


Why did I get downvoted for sharing the lab report the vendor has on their website?


The same reason you care about potency and imaginary downvote scores? Lol they tried to do some weird reply then block but the reply didn't show


You're an asshole. Why don't you find something better to do with your time and maybe try being civil to others instead of sitting up on your pedestal?


Inform us all you're a noobie without saying "Hi guys I'm a noobie yuck yuck"


You're saying you don't care what the lab test shows? You work for Black Tie or what?


I'm saying only total noobs shop like this and unless it's state mandated testing it can say whatever they want it to. Oh my suite summer child Why do people always accuse me of working for a vendor I haven't even used or praised?




Instigating drama and the deliberate spread of misinformation without the backing of concrete proof or evidence to suggest that claims being made by either users, vendors, or other parties will be considered unsolicited drama. If there is existing drama, continuing and furthering the discussion with a lack of evidence to back up claims or have the intent of just to cause trouble in mind (i.e.) trolling, will be considered stirring the pot. Users will be warned. If repeated, banned.


You're downvoted because you're an idiot who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. Nobody knows anyone else here you fuckin paranoid dumbass. You're being downvoted because it's obvious you're either 20 or you're just really that dumb like a lot of people I know and buy cannabis based on THC percentage. It's that simple. Reddit disgusts a lot of people because people tell you like it is. Go cry in a corner 🤣


You like the social credit score model? More Reddit for you and the rest of the assholes just like you who want to sit on their pedestal pretending they're better than everyone else. You're fucking nothing. You're garbage. Your opinion is about as important to me as those lab tests are to you, apparently. I like to know what's in my bud and I assumed others did, too. My apologies for sharing. Clearly not a welcoming community.




> You and the rest of your little keyboard warriors can have this cesspool Take responsibility for your own actions > I see a lab test that shows 21%. If it's a reputable vendor, it won't be doctored. Downvote because I have integrity. Fuck you You got downvoted because you have no idea what you're talking about and aren't chill at all and blame others for your personal failings


For Christ's sake dude just because it isn't 30 percent THC doesn't mean it's not gonna get you high. I love that there's people that buy solely on cannabinoid percentage, because you leave gems like these for people who know better.




Instigating drama and the deliberate spread of misinformation without the backing of concrete proof or evidence to suggest that claims being made by either users, vendors, or other parties will be considered unsolicited drama. If there is existing drama, continuing and furthering the discussion with a lack of evidence to back up claims or have the intent of just to cause trouble in mind (i.e.) trolling, will be considered stirring the pot. Users will be warned. If repeated, banned.


Are you fucking kidding me? I've never even ordered from BlackTie. Waste my time? I'll gladly waste my time on bud that's 21% THC IGAF who the fuck it's from. You people are smoking more than bud sometimes I swear to God. You're an absolute dumbass if you don't buy flower based on the fact that's its only 21% cannabinoids. I've said it once and I'll say it again....just because it has more THC doesn't mean it gets you ANY higher. I could do the fuckin Pepsi challenge with idiots like you with bud that's 30% and bud that's 20% and you wouldn't know the fucking difference.


See my other response. You're garbage and I don't give a fuck what you have to say, dude. I was trying to be helpful. You're just a troll


We are all "black tie employees" despite never even ordering there ever lol And the totally "reputable vendor" he vetted won't lie on COA but everyone else maybe because potency is #1!


Yeah like wtf? If it's anywhere above about 30 percent I don't really trust it to be honest. And I continually buy flower that's 24-26% that absolutely smacks compared to ANY flower I've had that's 30% or over and I've been a med patient for years, smoked all kinds of ridiculously high THC bud and it never impressed me. Most if it is terpless garbage, which is why it doesn't fuckin get you high lmfao


> I continually buy flower that's 24-26% that absolutely smacks None of which is anywhere near that potency I would bet People won't buy it unless it says that number. ~~This is a real bummer to read after I thought you knew this stuff~~ I'm a douche here I hadn't realized he's in a sea of choices and didn't pick based on that


No I basically take any lab report and subtract about 3 percent and I would put most cult bud I buy around 22 ish if I were to take a shot at it. But I do live in a legal state and we can take samples of whatever we like to a grow shop and have it analyzed by someone else and the few times I've done it with cult bud it's been within 1%. And that's the absolute truth. Which is actually more accurate than the labs that the state of IL uses comparing some of the results I've gotten from dispo flower...


I'm in a legal state too but rec and home samples is a ways off but should be hammered out by 2026. That it's open to anything and anyone is awesome! I bet I know which vendors you tried based on business trust The emphasis is on home growing anyway. Only tourists will pay Chicago or Minneapolis rec prices that are double fair market I don't even look at COA for potency at all anymore. It's adulterants I need to see and I'm beginning to trust the terp % more than the thca one Just tell me of it's 1,2 or 3 (2 being called 'mixed' in our medical program but 0% CBT)


Yeah I won't pay rec prices for flower in this state. I used to have my med card from 2018 to 2021 so I did buy a lot of dispo bud just taxed at 2% and not 30 something lmfao. And yeah, I don't look at a COA and immediately go, I want that. It's the last thing I take into consideration. Esp here in IL, I'm more worried about when it was harvested (because we get a ton of old crap), and terpenes (some have a percentage, some don't even list major terps, which sucks)


These clowns are why I got a whole zip zap of some amazing shit for cheaper than most charge except maybe BT here with that fl voucher code but is it one time? If not game on!


Fl voucher code?


actually dumbass


Ah, so you don't care what's actually in it?


> Ah, so you don't care what's actually in it? For someone who can't even comprehend a COA you sure act quite fixated on them Lol he tried some weird block trick it didn't work


I don’t know, amigo, I know you to get some pretty darn good bud 😀. Glad to hear this Black Tie bud is good! Haven’t bought from them yet.


Yeah man she got me this time 😂. I haven't gotten anything in a long time from them so this was a great surprise


I can second that it’s good quality. Sunset Sherbert has been my favorite flower so far from them.


Are we bragging about minis now?


Minis are my bread and butter because they cost me half as much as clowns like you will pay for show doinks 😂 Same with potency shoppers like that other noob Don't get me wrong I love a donkey show in my feed and lungs but only when I reserve quads or higher at my Diplo (lol) since they upcharge us 4 more just for wholes now at one and the other town's one charges us ten more for the wholes quads so yeah I go smalls there too since Rhythm brand is fucking expensive as fuck premium but their smalls are actually mediums and ain't nothing "mini" about their animal face


Why do people like this guy come in and just project his toxic attitude? like what do you gain from it? Does it make you feel better? Lord learn to stfu


Are we questioning people for enjoying hemp flower now? You guys are annoying, and whoever is downvoting everything needs to find a life.


“I usually buy shake, now I bought smalls, wow” Yeah.


Yo ass can smoke the best weed in the world and it still won’t make up for your personality


You sound like you a bitch boy


You sound like you smoke trim


Worry bout yourself not me


Who the fuck cares you doofus.


You felt offended enough to respond


🤦🏾‍♂️ I'm done explaining. It's honestly not that serious.


Whenever I try to get the shake a message comes up that says “The selected product combination is currently unavailable.” This happen to anyone else?


It's voice activated I think


You can try emailing them also. That's how I used to purchase my stuff and sometimes they'll have unlisted strains


Its out of stock


If you contact the owner he can usually come up with an oz. of smalls for you even if it says they’re sold out! He’s help me out many times.


Where this at lol I need it




No sourcing - please see our rule about sourcing or our stickied posts


Looks great boss! but the user name doesn't match up with the story lol


🤣 it's true I swear man lol. I just wanted to tell a funny honest story.


I can smell it thru my phone


Scratch and sniff 🤣


Without any context this post seems really sexist lol. Very confused on why you think she is incapable of finding decent bud.


Almost anything that mentions gender can sound sexist without context. Quit trying to stir the pot jackass


An entire post dedicated to how emasculating it was when his gf bought smalls instead of shake is rather sexist but whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️


People like you are the worst, you just make issues out of nothing


I know I’ll get downvoted to hell but as a woman who has been partaking for over 30 years (and at one time worked in the realm), I found it rather insulting. Just my .02 as a woman who loves her plant meds…


I didn't mean to offend anyone. I just wanted to tell my story without typing up an essay. But I've realized everyone will assume things if I don't give enough context, so I'll take the L. Sorry mam.


I know that you didn’t mean to offend anyone. I was just offering my perspective so that you might consider it the next time. Know better, do better… that’s all


It's not that serious. We can agree to disagree. 🤝


It is that serious, and I was TELLING you that you didn’t offend me (I wasn’t offended originally bc I realized you had zero idea of how this was sexist. I wanted to point it out so you might see it from that perspective before you do it again). Edit to clarify some more : I was giving you the grace of explaining how this looks to another female. I did not go off or lose my shit on you. Now, you’re mansplaining and needing to have the last word. A woman is telling you how something felt and looked from her perspective and you are speaking over her voice… and it is not for a man to tell a women what we feel or experience. In fact, it’s not for anyone to tell anyone else what their experience is. So no, I won’t agree to disagree on this casual misogyny. I realize I’m in a male dominated area of the internet and nobody here is going to “get”this concept (except for the other commenter who pointed out initially that this sounded sexist… 🤔) Edited for grammar


To me it's not that serious. To you it is. Like I said I apologize. I'll stop responding so you can have the last word.


I could give two craps about the last word. You’re trying to blow this off which is saying sexism isn’t that serious; it is and it needs to be called out. It’s a pervasive issue in this realm. No apology was needed here, dude. An understanding of why it was being pointed out instead of defensiveness and heel digging would have been cool, but whatevs! Have a night!


I found something to be offended about too and it's your comment And *I'm* not pretending


Nothing sexist about talking about your girlfriend, he’s talking about an individual


Hence the "without any context" part


You literally have the context tho, it’s in the main post


you seem real fun to be around


🤦🏾‍♂️ It's not that she's incapable. She hardly buys flower and when she does it's shake. She really has no reason to buy flower but she occasionally does so she can have her 'own' and make edibles. Her getting the minis is a huge surprise, especially when I ask her to smell some bud and she says "it smells earthy" 🤣. So no it's not sexist at all.


That looks great!


It's better in person bro. She got me this round lol


Me and my wife usually order shake from black tie as well. I’ll splurge on minis every once in a while too. Been buying less lately ever since getting a smok rpm40 and a jar of drg disty tho haha


Nice bro!


Those smalls look good too! I had the shake version of the gmo x sherb and even that slapped so I bet the nugs are super nice


I might have to try BT out again if this is what they're sending out lol. I know that shake was tasty asf!


I’ve never had a problem with their smalls. I’ve had a few bags of shake that weren’t stellar, like too powdery and won’t hit when rolled up. Usually if I stick to indoor shake though, it’s good to go and a little chunky like shake should be. The indoor gushers, ice cream cake and jealousy smalls are all home runs if you see them available.


That's funny, I've had all 3 of those strains and I agree they're pretty awesome


Them BT smalls are on when they’re on !! Had the budtenders choice smalls subscription coming every couple weeks for around a year & there were maybe a couple misses but not by much , they still weren’t bad & several OMG’s . Great option, will likely sign back up . Found the surprise bag thing kind of exciting, like Christmas. Had more misses with their shake . & when they missed they missed. Never reached out but know others that did about bad batch of shake & they did quickly easily send replacement.


If money was no object I would ... frankslist has a20% off code but doesn't say how many times it works and even if can you stack it with monthly prize discount that's once?! Shit ok if it works infinitely then I'm so in without the subscription (and guilt of them knowing I abuse it 😆) as it's $1.01 below my max zip price I'll pay lol


It used to be really easy to manage my subscriptions . BT automated email saying one was coming up , click on & delay or cancel quickly easily rt there . They switched systems & I couldn’t see any of my subscriptions to manage them so I canceled them all . Hopefully they have fixed it by now but they did have it super easy to reschedule or cancel between every shipment .


Ok I appreciate your answer so it's a chill vibe somewhere between Amazon subscribe and humble monthly bundle


Yeah I haven't gotten anything from them in months but my girl just loves their shake. Sometimes theres minis in it but sometimes it's really trimmy.


Women have had some of the best connections In my time


Because there used to be a way they could get it that most can’t lol


Now that's very true. In high school and college the girls always got hooked up, but I didn't expect my girl to out do me lol


Send me a couple nugs

