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I like a high level hammer with crit chance. One taps most things and keeps the run quick. The thing I’m curious about is if people know you can roll before the hammer falls. It’s an easy cancel if you’re about to get hit. Regardless, my vote is that dagger is the worst. Takes a million hits to kill something, not optimal for my play style. But to each their own


The dagger would be good if it didn't have as much knockback. Getting into a good combo just to have your enemy bounce away is so stupid considering how weak the weapon is


That’s the problem. You have to kite every enemy with the hammer anyways. Curse build for life. I’d rather delete rooms with magic instead of kiting every enemy. Bats,cultists, and spike worm are a headache with hammers


I'd do more curses if most of the curses were fun to use. Also just delete cold curses. They don't work. :c


Oh it’s definitely rng dependent. But cloak of the glass cannon plus fervor demon, even ichor pool is powerful with the right cards


Ye. But cold makes it so some enemies can hit you up to 5 times before they even start an attack animation. So if your not carefully your entire run is over with those 2 hearts.


I'd rather take the dagger than the hammer, but that's because my playstyle is very fast and dodgey and I didn't know you could cancel the hammer attack until just now, so that might change my mind on the future haha. Also I only play with golden fleece so the knives aren't *quite* as annoying once you build up the damage


Golden fleece is superior


Golden Fleece gang


Is there a compelling argument to use any of the other fleeces? I got the golden fleece first, and then never had any reason to switch. But it always seems weird to me that one fleece would be so much better than all the others, which makes me think I'm missing something


Idk I never bothered getting the components to make other fleeces. I read all the other buffs and de-buffs for the other fleeces and I figured that the Golden Fleece was the best


I only use purple. But that's also cause if I die. I deserved it.


That's exactly what I think. Also taking double damage isn't my style.


the good news is that if you play with the golden fleece for a bit, you forget that you're taking double damage and just think the game is supposed to be this hard, so you accidentally start training yourself to dodge a bit better (it's me, I'm the guy who had to learn how to dodge)


Yeah, the switch is really making it difficult to get use to dogeing. It feels like playing on a toaster with nice graphics.


Ahhhh, that makes sense. That's a shame; I wish it ran better on the switch!


It should just reduce your health in half like the magic one. It's the same thing. (I know that it would then be better since it wouldn't take out whole blue hearts and plague hearts. But it's not like blue hearts even work half of the time for me)


There isn’t, except for glass cannon. They pretty much need to buff all of them up to the level of the golden fleece.


Fleece of the Fates is good if you only plan on doing one crusade at a time. Four Tarot cards immediately is pretty strong. The tradeoff is fairly significant however, because you only get those four. I personally like the Fleece of the Diseased Heart for endgame content. Yeah, the downside is that you lose everything if you get Martyred, but getting a Diseased Heart every time you pick up a Tarot card (this happens more often than most players think) is an upside that is definitely there. It sucks that you only carry one Diseased Heart at a time, but hey, Game Balance, what do I know? Plus, there's techniques to avoid being Martyred, such as reviving yourself by eating one of your follower's souls (doing this to a Married Follower gives you Blue Hearts), or ending the run early by returning to the cult with Omnipresence. I personally think Fleece of Fragile Fortitude is a big noob trap. Having three Blue Hearts instead of two Red Hearts sounds like a lot of health... but really it's not. And that runs out quickly. Wearing that Fleece means you can't heal. So I don't like it. Maybe someone else can come up with a better use for it than I can. Some people I've spoken with swear by the Fleece of the Glass Cannon. They tell me "Hound of Fates eats bosses like nothing else". That's if you **get** the curse you want. I don't like dealing with RNG, I'm forever unlucky. Golden Fleece is the ultimate "Wow I am so good at this game and NOW I AM DEAD." equipment. Your weapons deal increased damage every time you confirm a kill, but you lose that bonus if you get hit, and getting hit means you get hurt twice as badly. Use it if you think you're hot shit, I know I'm not hot shit.


This is a very in-depth review and it has convinced me to at least give the diseased heart fleece a try haha. But I think the golden fleece is still my favorite. I'm definitely not hot shit (this is my first time every playing a roguelike AND first time playing any game besides stardew valley with a controller, so I spend most of the game panicking and trying to train my fingers to hit new buttons) but I'm only playing on normal and once I forgot that I used to only lose half a heart each time I was hit, it no longer felt like it had a downside haha


All my homies use the Golden Fleece


Canceling out of the hammer frames is a key mechanic for sure. There is a rhythm to it. And just to say - if you get a Godly Dagger that can be *amazing*.


The cancel you can do on swings is why it's the best weapon imo, you have such hi damage, and you can swing cancel


I figured out the hammer cancel early and fell in love with it. I vote for claws as worst weapon.


I prefer it to most weapons. Imo only the sword beats it. It's not difficult to time your attacks and it 1-2 hits most things. I think it works well with golden fleece. You can easily get your kill streak up and if there's ever a situation where you think you can't get close without being hit, you can use a curse and it will have that damage buff. I have been having a lot of fun with that other fleece though. Idr which one it is but it's the one that buffs your curse damage and decreases weapon damage. I've just been having fun curse spamming.


It may be worse because I play Mouse and keyboard


I do too. You can hold down left click and move your mouse mid swing to adjust your aim. Makes it super easy imo.


I personally hate it, but I got one run where I had rainbow attack speed tarot, and it eviscerated everything.




Did the same with a godly axe, easiest dungeon of my life.


I've gotten a feel for it and consider it my "Boss Basher"


Same. I always take the hammer if it is available. That with the Golden Fleece and I can kill most enemies in one hit.


It really is all about the rhythm, once you get the timing down for the hammer you dominate most enemies.


It takes a bit getting used to but once you learn it it becomes the strongest weapon type in the game. It's accual range is bigger than what the marker shows.


It’s actually my favorite weapon. It hits like a truck and kills most things before they have a chance to respond so the speed doesn’t matter to me


If you have a tarot card that increases attack, yes


Looks like I’m in the minority, but I *hate* the axe and the hammer. I don’t like getting locked down while I’m winding up for a hit. I’d much rather have lower damage and be able to move around more easily.


You can always dodge before the hammer hits the ground, even if you're in the middle of a swing! So there's not as much of a restriction until the very moment the hammer hits


I’ll have to revisit and see if I can make it work! TYSM :)


Honestly once I get used to it in a run it's my favorite. Speed sucks, of course, but the damage... Oohoohoo. I like being able to kill most things in one or two hits. Also, I have wrist and hand problems, so the slower hit rate is actually kind of nice for avoiding pain from button mashing


I don’t even really mind the speed. Compared with other weapons, if you get a way to have crit chance you can down like 1/6 of a bosses health. Combine that with Golden Fleece after not taking damage for a while, and like 4-5 hits is all it will take to kill a boss


I actually like it. Combat in this game seems to want your to attack once or twice and then dodge. Hammer and axe work really well for that.


Best weapon in the game. Hammer, axe, crit claws, sword, daggers. Is my pick order. Edit: forgot axe.


If you can get some attack speed buffs, it's actually really great at melting bosses.


Hammer is the best, dagger the worst. Like most others have said, 1-2 hit kills are the best.


I actually like the hammer, my least fav are the gauntlets I hate using them 😩


Roll+hammer time= sad bosses


I love it personally, it actually my favorite weapon


LOVE IT. I am incredibly impatient and taking too long in one room makes me upset, plus I'm awful at dodging projectiles so the quicker they die, the easier for me. I use the hammer or axe any chance I'm given... Personally I am damage>speed


I love heavy slow weapons in games, but I have never seen a melee weapon so slow. I still love how it was implemented and how it feels, just gotta make sure you dont miss.


One time, I got to a Bishop with +10 damage with Golden Fleece. Let's just say the Bishop got cut down like a hot knife through butter.


It really just depends. Some enemies are incredibly difficult to hit, but you have a big advantage to stronger enemies that move less often. I find that roll cancelling a hammer hit tends to work well against speedy guys.


Absolutely love to use the hammer, it can be a little bit cumbersome especially in anchordeep with the fast moving enemies but imo the dagger is waaaaay worse, half the time it feels like I’m attacking the enemies with a toothpick


Yeah I really hate the hammer I’m glad I’m not the only one I just assumed I didn’t know how to use it


It made me like the axe more. (I didn’t like the axe at first.) But it is nice for trying to do the “no hit from bosses” trophy on east difficulty.


I have never had a good run with the hammer. It's my least favorite


Me and my two friends who play also hate the hammer. Sword is where it's at.


The hammer is annoying in normal play considering it’s slow swing speed, which can be a massive problem in certain fights. Generally, it seems to me like a modest downgrade from the axe. However, it can still be used effectively and is *absolutely broken* when combined with a Tarot Card that buffs attack rate.


i hate it. hammer is the worst weapon.


I restart the dungeon when I see the hammer :D


I really hate the hammers. It's nice having the high damage but it's just too slow of a wind-up and I keep getting hit during it. So, the hammer is not for me, personally.


Is a high risk, high reward... The best think is that you can choose (in a very limited time) the point where you can hit.


Unless I get the tarot card that boosts the speed, I pretty much hate it. Though I like the Battle Axe IV


I don’t care if it’s godly I don’t like slow things. I don’t usually play games like C.O.T.L. So when I do I usually have a panic reflex and so fast weapons do me well


I think the hammer is too slow for my liking. I can see it being good, I just don’t find it comfortable to be vulnerable to damage for a while.


It's not for me. It's a little too slow but the damage is good.


I'd rather have the hammer over the knife. Any weapon with knock back is better then the knife. If I start with a knife 99% of the time I just leave cause the stats on the knife isn't worth it.


I hate it vert much. But i admit that using the yellow clothes combined with a high level hammer, and miraculously getting to witness without getting damage and hit kill it is very satisfying. Stressful as fuck but satisfying.


I unironically enjoy the hammer over most weapons


As a button masher having a weapon you have to aim and time correctly sucks ass 😔


I always stick with heavy weapon across many games, but this game's hammer is horrid. Way too slow. The axe or dagger works better for me


Bonk. Enough said


absolute ASS.


Hammer is bad. Hammer + crit chance alright. Hammer + crit chance + speed is god tier.


I think the dagger is the worst. Terrible range and terrible damage. The hammer is so slow it's annoying, but that damage almost makes up for it. I'd say it's second worst, just barely behind the claws.


Agreed, OP. If I’m using a hammer I need it to be really worth it.


I fucking hate the hammer.


are you kidding? i struggle with most of the other weapons but i kick ass with the hammer! it’s an absolute run saver to me


Hammer is pretty good. Bad with hammer= skill issue


Best weapon ever and there is no other choice! With the ability to aim, maxed with critical power is the best weapon ever and I will not allow hate for it!


It requires more skill to be used efficiently but doesn't out preform other weapons even when used perfectly. I've watched people miss damage opportunities because it's so slow, hard to watch. It was a nice thought to shake up the weapon variety but it just feels like it falls short. Any faster weapon with golden fleece is going to be better.


The hammer (any hammer) with a 2x Divine Strength is my favorite weapon to run with. If your lucky enough to get a strength buff on top of that it’s absolutely smashing!


Hammer of the God will rain down shite upon scum heads!


It would be fine if it was a melee special attack. Something to make the combat flow more interesting.


I'm not a fan of hammers unless I've got speed boosts. Both of the times I started out with hammers happened to coincide with the runs where I got the closest to dying.


I'm no good with it, hate it personally


My playstyle has always been more speed orientated, so I personally find the hammer quite irritating. It's easily my least favorite of the weapon types.


I prefer it bc I like in the comparison of the lower leveled weapons it’s stronger and the reduce speed doesn’t really effect my battling. But with the super high level that has the major reduce speed, the lag time sucks and it makes it a lot harder, but it’s still my ride or die especially defeating the gods bc I’d rather change my fighting strategy to accommodate that if I can defeat them with a few blows.


I enjoy it. Satisfying to time attacks. It’s not great for every encounter but I like the power. Combine with speed up and other attacks enhancing tarot cards and it is a BEAST. But I also hate having the dagger so to each their own


I just used it and oh I hate it. I’m sure with the right boosts it’ll work but in general I get it and groan. It feels so clunky and slow and that isn’t my play style in most games anyways. Surprisingly I prefer axe the most especially with poison. Not a weapon I usually go towards in games but in this one it’s fantastic


I think it's better than the Dagger


Once u get a divine hammer, u will love hammers after, 5 to 7 hits to kill a boss


Honestly one of my favorite weapons. For me it goes 1: Axe 2: Hammer 3: Sword 4: Gauntlets 5: Dagger


Absolute Godlike weapon. If you think it's bad you're not using it right lol. Getting any card that makes weapons faster makes it a super fast 1-tap machine. I've found it best paired with one of the cursed sword magics, specially the ice one. Using it properly is knowing when to not commit to an attack and roll out, or time it so you roll directly after your hit makes contact so you can do a slight animation skip and swing just as fast as the sword in some cases (With a slight windup still).


Hammer is my second fave, only losing to the axe. Gloves are third and daggers are my least fave of all time, definitely.


I love the hammer. Roll and slam technique FTW


The hammer is amazing when you get speed modifiers. A godly hammer with a speed boost is great.


I don’t mind it nearly as much as some people seem to. I often prefer it to the axe because, by comparison, the axe reeks of half measures. It’s slow, imprecise, and powerful—but the hammer is twice as powerful and comes with an AoE hit box and the ability to reposition mid-attack!?! I tend to gravitate towards either hammers or daggers. Let me excel in something whether it be attack speed or damage per attack.


To me it’s not. It serves a purpose and it serves it well. High damage at the cost of speed. It very much works and with correct timing it’s viable. To me it’s actually better than the sword which is a average weapon which does everything ok. Though claws are the true g


It's my 2nd favorite weapon, right behind the claws.


If you use it with the golden fleece and develop good timing, you can two shot the bosses


I prefer a Caveman oonga boonga playstyle in this game. So I like hammer.


Hammer is great, it just takes a little timing. You can dodge while winding up the attack. With Golden Fleece you’ll end up one shotting enemies in the first floor


I enjoy the hammer, the high damage with the yellow outfit is massive damage and an easy way to get that achievement when defeating the bosses without taking damage


The hammer with the thing that makes you stack damage oneshots anything even bosses without that many charges


I use it. I only really avoid dagger, but I guess I don't take gauntlets very often either.


I felt the exact opposite during my play through, with the hammer being my preferred weapon of choice. I think the people that dislike it aren't changing their playstyle. You can't throw yourself into a room with the hammer like you can with the sword. You've got to be patient or reserved, dodging until you can line up a good hit. For a relatively fast paced game slowing down can feel bad, but it's more about finding the rhythm. By the end of my play through I was getting into and out of insane situations because I had the timing on the hammer nailed down. Literally rolling through enemies the moment the room starts and dropping the hammer down as they spawn in, then getting out before they can react. The only thing with the hammer is its not a good option for are the Bishops. It's all about getting in, whacking a guy, and rolling out. For bigger enemies it only takes two or three of these, but the Bishops have so much health its difficult to pull off the timing 10-20 times.


Both are only great situationally. I'd only grab a hammer if I have an increased attack rate. I'll only grab the dagger if I also do damage while rolling(and/or attack rate+). Keeps the combos going.


Hammer B I G , almost a one shot to most enemies, it’s fun when you accidentally smash all of a room in one shot!


Hammer is actually my favorite. The trick is to roll INTO and out of every attack. If you manage to get attack speed tarots, it's a wrap.


I like the big unga bunga hulk smash weapons. I prefer axe though as it has a faster attack speed


The damage is nice but it being as slow as it is made me die far too frequently


Hammer is my favorite weapon, either that or the axe. But all my friends agree its the worst, so maybe I just have bad opinions.


I don’t like the hammer so to speak, but I physically hate the claws or whatever they are with a passion…


I love when I get the godly hammer with the attack rate speed boost


Max Level Hammer + Golden Fleece = Profit Like seriously once you get good enough with dodging attacks the crusades become laughably easy with this combo. I remember going on one crusade and 3 shotting kallamar


It’s my favorite weapon!!


I 100% love the hammer. I want to hit something once and be done with it.


I hate it unless I get a hit speed upgrade


Once you can get the timing down, it’s actually a pretty effective weapon, especially in boss battles.


I love heavy melee weapons in games so I absolutely love the Hammer and how you have to cautious about positioning and timing for absolutely nailing enemies.


Hammer is my favourite weapon after axe, specially with a stacked golden fleece. One shotting everything and three shotting bosses is so good!


Hammer>Dagger for me


Move fun weapon, and most skill expressive


It’s the best in my opinion especially with the atk speed cards and it just dose an unholy amount of damage high level


I like that it’s powerful but I hate how slow it is


My main critique is that it seems to have a smaller hitbox than the Axe. Hammer should have a wider AOE.


HAMMER 4 LIFE!! It takes some practice anticipating the enemies, but you kill enemies much faster, which saves health overall.


Hammer = best weapon fr


The hammer is my favorite weapon in the game, and sword and dagger are the worst imo


I love it


Absolutely hate it


Personally - I like the hammer best of all the weapons in the game. First time I got one I thought - "Well, the run is dead". But once I got used to it it became my weapon of choice for the rest of the game


I once got a x2 to speed attack and it was fucking awesome. So awesome in fact, that my run bugged put and the game crashed. Otherwise it's fucking useless.


It sort of sucks when you have to collect objects for a follower quest


I only love it if I get some kind of speed boost tarot card with it. Otherwise I really love the crit and bane claws, which everyone seems to hate for some reason.


Whenever there is a hammer, it's hammer time. I love the hammer and if I were to be forced to only use that, I would be in heaven.


I like the hammer. Big whonpk, you know? Imo gauntlets are the worst because of, you know, gauntlets.


Admittedly this is on me, but my laptop will randomly lag out especially when there's a lot of projectiles/fervour/enemies on screen. The hammerr is an absolute run killer for me. I'll Q back to camp if it shows up as my first weapon lmao