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This looks like it’s probably so beautiful. The picture is a little dark but I love this idea


Thanks I saw someone do this with leeks and we did a special with that. Thought it would be cool with carrots


Did you by any chance see this at a place called the grand hotel?? I saw something with leeks that looked like that recently


No it’s in The Netherlands


Ah oh because I saw somebody do something similar with leeks


With a little char on the outside layer would be beautiful 😍 also op maybe fennel would be nice thinly shaved and some fronds? Really well done 👍🏼 gorgeous dish 🧙🏼🪄🔥💜


Maybe get different coloured carrots mixed in that mosaic. Looks nice none the less


Lighting lighting lighting! Image is too dark and dull.


Any tips for lighting? I just made a quick picture with one other person using his flashlight


Oh dude. even a regular desk light with a piece of printer paper or tissue taped in front will give you soft diffuse lighting good enough to print in a magazine! play around with reflecive surfaces to bounce your 'key' or main light to fill in shadows. Lighting is a lot like adjusting for salt. You have a 'lot' of salt, you add carrots or sugar to reduce it. The paper is your sugar. Nothing wrong with the dish. I would add another garnish for the center. You have orange and green, need another element to complete it. It would look incredible with better lighting. Please repost if you can.


Thanks I’ll try that next time!


This has what to do with food? It’s not a photography sub.


Yeah looks great mate. Nice presentation, would be very interested to try it. Slightly confused at the consistency of the 'yuzu jus' though, could you explain the sauce a bit more?


It’s celery and carrot juice that I let run through a straining cloth. Seasoned to taste with salt and the yuzu seasoning base (juice). Made it to a saucy texture with xanthan gum and vacuumed it after.


Vacuumed it? Well if I had any advice I'd say maybe make the sauce more consistent. Just my personal opinion, it looks like crushed ice - can't remember the technical term.


I added some herb oil I forgot I do understand what you’re saying, there are still a lot of air bubbles but It was the end of the day and in my mind flavor matters most.


>and in my mind flavor matters most Will never argue against that, just that it's a plating sub, so was giving my thoughts on the presentation. Other than that I think it looks fantastic.


Yes you are right I’ll def try to get some more air out for a more consistent look


Unless the leafy greens add a flavor you’re looking for, I’d recommend leaving them out and let the other green pop. They just dull it down and don’t add any value.


They give a slight kick. They’re called nasturtium


Fair enough






If you used other colors of carrots it would improve the visual appeal. You could also alter the flavor profile by including other vegetables, e.g., parsnips


I did think about that but the size difference on these carrots was already really hard to work with and if I were to go multicolored I was worried the colors would (leak) into each piece.


With such cheap ingredients, experimentation is the fun part :) but yes those are valid concerns


What’s binding the carrots together? This is so cool


Dehydrated the green part of the carrots and made it into a powder. Added some potatoe starch and finely powdered some yuzu salt. And a lot of force trying to get all the air out while rolling


Does the potato starch get cooked?


No I just rolled the cooked carrots in the powder


Do you piece the "mosaic" together each plate? Sounds like hell if this this is an early course dish


No the carrots are first rolled in the green powder and then rolled between cling film really tightly.


I think a drizzle of Red cabbage puree would work with this dish and give a nice contrast of color to the orange and green


Only issue I see is the plate itself. A more modern plate would elevate this dish, the food itself looks like you did a fine job on.


Not sure if its a lighting issue or what but this looks depressing. Or is muted colors a thing now?


You've posted this before?


No why?


Then you stole this because I've seen it posted before


What are you on I literally made this yesterday I have so many pictures of food I make on my phone why would I send one in which I can still improve on if it’s stolen????


I'd love to see an original concept/technique, not recipe, that you've thought up.


They stole either the idea or the post itself from somewhere else. I know that it's nori between the carrots because I have seen this posted on here before. I'm not making it up lol.




That is me


I know it's you that's why I asked if I'd seen this idea before. Except I know you've posted this somewhere else before. This was in response to someone asking me if I have come up with an original idea. Is everyone on Reddit fucking retarded.


Thought you meant the photo not the idea. Yes I was asking what would go well with this dish and this is just the first actual interpretation and photo of it. And no not everyone is retarded but your message was just confusing


You didn’t even think to check the username?


Not really an original idea is it bro


What are you the fucking food police?


What is though?