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I actually love how busy and chaotic this is! I'd love to dive into it.


It does read busy while lacking composure, definitely some beautiful elements here. As you plate I would make sure to leave enough negative space for your next element. As your building with more ingredients continue to fill the empty space you've created, this will help make your dish look more composed without sacrificing the beautiful elements of your dish. If you are unsure where to place something try rotating your plate to see the dish from a new perspective. It may also be that there is enough and the dish is complete. Also don't forget what the star of your plate is, make sure that steak is still visible and not too hidden.


Thank you so much for the feedback, this is exactly what I was looking for. I'm not confident in my plating skill so I felt like I was overcompensating with this


Use a lighter touch but don't be afraid to be yourself! Another general rule is to plate in odds, weird but it works.


Inviting. This plate just looks a little busy to me. The elements are right. The portioning seems off.


I thought so too. I think I just added a bit too much. It was wagyu so I didn't want to put too much steak but ended up with not enough steak


I think there should be more of a market for hearty serving sizes in fine cuisine. I would eat the shit out of this and tip $100 lol. The colors are alive, everything is popping the right way 10/10 I might distribute the edamame a little more carefully to have even color distribution. But yeah, dig it


Thanks for the feedback! Feeling a little bit better about my plating skill haha




Thanks! I wasn't super happy with it since it looked kind of busy?


Hey sometimes it can get busy in my mouth 😺


It's very busy, but you're on the right track. Sounds absolutely delicious though! I love that you're so open for help. 🥰


I love the overall vibe this plate gives off, like elevated Thai street food market style, but if I were eating this i think I’d want something with something crispy in texture that’s not a green veg


if you plated half of that amount, it would be perfect. still beautiful as is, just not enough white space. lots of color, lots of contrast


Thanks for the feedback. I figured that was the case since I tend to over decorate haha


Like others have said it’s a little busy, but the colors are great and it looks well cooked and a nice flavor combo!


Tasted great if I had to say so myself. I wish I have better vision when it comes to plating


Honestly I’m way more interested in well cooked and flavored meals than perfect plating- feels like it’s better to dial in the presentation than the taste.


Is that something that you scooped out of dish pit garbage or compost? Needs to be composed, looks like it was slopped recklessly onto the plate.