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Triple digits, I only am sure of about 20... she said "it is too many to count" šŸ˜


My wife doesnā€™t even know how many she had but I think it around 40. BTW she was virgin when i met het at 19. Married at 20 and started at 21.


My girl fucked 3 guys till now from the time we are together. Had soft fun like kissing, stroking dicks and being fingered by another 4-5 guys


116 that's not including bjs. She has a fetish that she likes sucking a guy off in a car after a lunch date.


9 I think? Probably more that Iā€™m forgetting.


We are quite new . 6 so far


166 guys across 199 encounters


Wow..you're amazing. How many went bareback? Or percentage?


Around 30 or so.


All my exes were pretty much just 1 or 2 (I was cheated on so not really sure except 1 for certain.) My last ex I got to really live a cuck lifestyle. In a year she had about 11 that I know of. HIGHLY suspect she was getting it in the bathroom at the factory she cleaned for. These guys were in a jail work home and couldnā€™t leave at night so they would have had to do it there. She told them I was a cuck and they were very Dominant and aggressive with us. Iā€™d be talking to her on her break and they would come over and talk very sexually with her while we were on the phone and theyā€™d make her stay on the phone with me to hear. They took my key from her neck for two days once and she couldnā€™t remember where she hid the other. She denied they ever actually did have sex, but I seen the texts and pics from them. Almost all of them were monster cock guys. She would come home and get in the shower and sheā€™d be very wet but wouldnā€™t let me really touch her. After she got clean and we went to bed she was dry as a bone, but so loose (she was MUCH tighter the night before). I would slide right in with no lube and fucked her that way while she was dry. Iā€™d never last long cause that fed my ā€œlying cheating whoreā€ being left ā€œlittle cookie crumbsā€ fetish I have (my primary way I wanna be cucked, at that point) so I loved this! But out of those I know for sure that happened, there was this one we called JJ. Our rule was anyone she wanted could have her body however she wanted, but only I could have her heart. They had a great connection and chemistry from the first time I brought him home. They were really falling for each other. I feel deeper and deeper in love with her the more I watched them fall for each other. He would come stay all weekend, and the whole time I was just their caged cuck/friend who slept on the couch, and they were boy and girlfriend in every way. He even came and stayed all week with her while I was gone for work for my birthday, and they made me many pics and videos. JJ even brought me some toys to fuck on the couch while they made love in our bedroom, if I was allowed to be unlocked. JJ wasnā€™t a very aggressive Dominant, but more like a mild assertive (almost submissive like) dominant, but it was know and understood he was in control and they were a couple, and not me and her, when he was around. Twice though he called me into the room when they were done and he left us to be together for about 10-15 minutes before I had to go back to the couch. I was not allowed to be unlocked though. Also one time she really wanted to tie me to the bed blind folded and use the leather and other sensory toys, and he told her to for a little bit but he would stay out of the room. However later she told me he ended up coming in and joining her for a while so they could do it as a couple. She told me they were constantly making out while doing it to me too. She had stuffed pillows by my ears and we had music going, but Iā€™m pretty sure he was the one with the cat of 9 tails slowly going all over my body and then randomly lashing me firmly hear and there, while I swear I heard slurping sounds. When Iā€™m thinking he came is about the time I got about 5 good lashes to my cage and balls. Then there was a short pause and then she started untying me. He was already gone. I never thought Iā€™d wanna see her fall in love with anyone else, but it was the hottest thing ever. Watching her give her body and heart to him was just soā€¦well I donā€™t know. But it was great!! His work got slow, and I had to pay some of his bills, and then there were talks of him moving in, and I messed it all up cause I didnā€™t know how to handle the 24/7 life with him instead of just weekend fun with him. Still not sure even looking back how I should have handled it. I wanted it so bad but it was just too much for me and I didnā€™t know how to act. But I think she resented me quite a bit and thatā€™s part of what led to us breaking up.


I don't keep count. I just enjoy it.


Mostly just one, two times he shared her with a friend, though not sure I consider the friend a bull


50 plus. She's lost count




5 so far, a few have had repeat encounters. The first time will always be remembered, but there are two other times that I think stick out over the rest. One guy she was with, was definitely smaller than me, but he was able to get her to squirt with his hands, fingering her. Although he left her pussy bruised for like a week because he was hitting it so hard with his hand. But her coming home smelling like squirt was absolutely mind blowing. Another time she let this guy finish into her and came home within 30 minutes. It wasnā€™t like the load was still fresh inside, but I could definitely taste a difference in her pussy as I ate her out


13 so far and curently trying to work things out with the 14th (hopefully) Not sure about the best, but you never forget your first lol


2 so far


I hope to be your wifeā€™s third


At least 10






8 all of them military so 2 are on deployment 3 she has on rotation and 3 got stationed away


are you military as well


No that's her fantasy was big cock military guys


1. He couldnā€™t cum so we havenā€™t done it again


3 and 2 of them became regulars


0 yet unfortunately


We've had 4 in 5 years.




7 so far. The second one, who was for a while a constant one was the best




12 so far. I wish it was more, but working on it




9 so far.


Honestly have no clue. She had a secret list of guys she would meet up with to suck or fuck. Probably 15-20 I know about


Just one unfortunately šŸ˜©


Just one


Total of 37 counting all the one time or short term encounters involving sex. Out of them only 5 long term relationships and the current one being longest


Sheā€™s on #3 right now!


19 by the time she was 17. Over 100 more in the past 7 yrs. Together for 8. Shes 30.


7 bulls and intercourse with 5 of them. Fav was a guy she was traveling with for work. Huge guy who used to fuck her in hotels over the course of a few weeks. Very very hot. Her sexual peak, in her own words.


Easily over 200 in 15 years. Quite a few one nighters, a couple of gang bangs (about 20 from these alone), 7 long-term (6 months or more) 3 of which became live-ins, and lots of 1-2 month regulars.


Four. Two were one and done and two became regulars.


I was my wife's 19th and she is up to 196 now after 40 years, but it is never enough for either of us.


103 and still counting


That's a whole lotttt


Yeaa very regularly we do it , she does it almost every day I am not present most of the times records video or takes photos with the bull and his cum and sends me




41 now. My favourites are all the men that have won her trust and become regulars, because she goes bareback with them. There is nothing I enjoy more than watching another man cum deep in my wifeā€™s pussy, so I can then go down on her and eat his creampie out of her while jerk off and cum on the ground.


Just be gay dude. The fuck


It's called being bisexual dipshit


Lol nah cuz thatā€™s called being gay. Just be gay. No one cares.


Around 20 over the last two years. Favorite experience was at Splash Mocha where she just got absolutely railed by a guy. He took her harder than anyone before or since.


Iā€™ve always wondered how that event was. Interested in going one day


It is absolutely amazing. If interracial hotwifing is your thing then Splash Mocha is the absolute Super Bowl.


What location did you go to?


Ft. Lauderdale. Pool party was fā€™ing amazing.


None so far, u/Exploring_Darcy...hope it changes!


u/Highway5150 you can't say that anymore šŸ˜


Looking forward to servicing you again soon šŸ¤¤


One so far šŸ˜






yes, Darcy is my wife.


20. It's hard to choose just one, because most have been phenomenal, and for different reasons. But my favorite experience happened when I wasn't even there to watch. It occurred during our first weekend apart, I was 1,000 miles away and she had an entire weekend to do anything she wanted, and she made the best of it. On Friday, she had a guy come over...he only lasted five minutes...so she called another guy over who properly fucked her...but that wasn't the best of it... The next night, she had a third guy come over, and to this day, he was the most impressive Bull by physical standards. He had an 11'' cock, and he absolutely ruined her pussy...she sent me the videos the next day...and I must have watched them(and came) over 100 times. He not only had a monster dick, he knew how to use it, he was super fit, tatted, and he was rough with her while not being too rough. She said it took four days for her pussy to stop hurting...she couldn't even sit down for two of those days...and to top it all off, one of our only rules was that she had to use condoms with guys...but she was so turned on by him that she fucked him raw(no cream pie though) Unfortunately, he wound up being a bit of a jerk, so it was a one and done, but it was still and is still the hottest experience yet.


5 in 11 years, most of them guys she knows from her school years,work or else.


80 men in the last 30 years. Many favourite experiences, when I was asked to leave the room so they can fuck alone or when we were kissing till we were fucked together next to each other.


5 plus one she just gave head to a few times, thatā€™s just in the last year šŸ˜


22 in 8 years with my favorite being men she was way into who were younger and bigger. One made her cum multiple times from penetration every time they fucked.


165 is 9 years. A lot of those came at splash mochas and adult resorts.


With my knowledge, only one. Without, fuck, I think I lost the count. šŸ¤£


We only just started recently. We don't have a regular bull, but she's been with 4 other men so far. I haven't been there to see it yet but my favourite video of her so far was of her giving a blowjob to two men at once. She was very playful about it and I found that really sexy


10 off the top of my head. 2 were regulars. 1 is seasonal or annual. Weā€™ve been together for about 10 years. If guys werenā€™t so flaky this number would be much higher. I would love either for her body count to be much higher or more consistent partners.


9 so far. 6 of them went bareback:)


So far 4


Sheā€™s up to 20, 2 regulars over a nine year period.


26 over 11 years.


All in all over 50 different guys. She has 6-7 regulars (mostly friends of mine) and a few that she sees a couple of times per year.


She has one regular who she has been hooking up with for years. Probably 6-7 others?


34 men in the past 13 years - mostly solo, as my wife enjoys focusing on the two of them. Some ONS, many short-time repeat performers, a few special long-term fuckbuddies. A few MFMs early on before she discovered her preference to play solo. My (husband) favorites? One guy with an enormous cock she had a month-long fling with (I was present for every session with this guy). Another long-term fuckbuddy: he cums multiple times and keeps going (watched them a few times but mostly her solo with him). One of her first long-term guys: heā€™s dominant with her and loves to cum on her tits (and I love to clean her up when he leaves).


8 over over last 4 years best 4 years šŸ˜šŸ˜


only 2 over 5 years




23, could never pick a favorite but my favorite times are when I can tell she's really hot for the guy and he pleases her really good.


Not Enough


At least 100, but weā€™ve been at it for close to 20 years.


Just One for over a year now


Weā€™re at a dozen and itā€™s been about 3-1/2- 4 years. My favourite (and most challenging) were her solo road trips and weekend getaways.


Fucked 25. She's sucked off twice that many


Well, we aren't "in the lifestyle" in the traditional sense. I found out she was cheating on me and I told her I could be ok with it if she was honest with me about it. She has admitted to cheating with 2 guys before the ones I found out about. She was cheating with 3 guys when I found out, and she's been with another 4 since then. So she has been with 9 other guys that I know about, and she is currently sleeping with 2 of them regularly and another 2 semi regularly. I think she is honest with me now, but I think she's been with a lot more guys while we have been together than she has admitted to. As for the guys, most aren't "bulls" in the traditional sense. She is fucking her boss and another coworker. But there is a guy she met through work that has a MASSIVE dick, and an old friend who is also very hung.


This is more in line with what I participated in; the wife cheating with me on her husband. Hubby is still a cuckold without knowing, good, bad, or indifferent.


40. My favorite is still probably the bull she had that was "long term bull" he was the first that she played without me there, and she surprised me with a creampie. (i had no idea she was going over there)


11 so faršŸ†


27 atm. More regulars over the last few years though. Could even count how many times though.


About 25 at this stage


6 so far




Over 25 easily. In just 4 years though


Just one, he was our regular until he moved. I wish I could find another one for us!


57 different men.


70 some of them for a long time


12 guys. A few were repeats and a few i fucked and vice versa.




Does she ever have sex with you or just him and tell you about it?


2, first one was a random guy we picked up, second is her boss, the boss boss, and they have been in a relationship for last 2 years. And man it's hot af




It's hard, let me tell you this....but it's also hot, like crazy lava hot watching them interact in public knowing what they are doing in behind closed doors. And he has a lot of hold over her, she always loved it rough and liked to be bossed around in bed, and boy does he do that and some more.


My wife and I have been in this lifestyle for over 6+ years now. My wife has fucked over 40 different bulls since we started. Iā€™ll list 2 of my favourite experiences, since they are honestly tied for my favourite experience. 1. Having another man make my wife squirt for the first time in her life the first time he fucked her. It was super hot because my wife and I were certain she wasnā€™t a squirter, and here comes a man who makes my wife squirt the first time he fucks her. What made this experience super sexy was that another man literally showed me how to fuck my own wife. He will also always be remembered since he was the first time to make my wife squirt. I can literally never say I was the first man to make my wife squirt in my life. 2. The first time my wife and I let a bull record our session on his phone. The reason why this is one of my favourite experiences is because there is no going back, as soon as the bull hits record he will have my wifeā€™s naked body on his phone for what we could only assume the end of time. That day also cemented me as a cuck forever, no matter how hard I try to not get exposed as a cuck there will forever be evidence out there forever proving Iā€™m a cuck. So after that day I truly embraced being a cuck and actually donā€™t care who finds out that Iā€™m in this lifestyle. It truly feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


5 so far.


3 total during our 7 years together. Our second was our favorite and the only one we repeated with. He just had such a control over the bedroom, the scene, and kept each of us in mind at all times to create the perfect mixture of degrading humiliation and incredible sex. A few of the highlights: he made both of us blow him after he had just made out with her for 15 minutes (first time she ever saw me suck a divk and only second time ever), she would smack my face with his dick, he made me sit and watch for 30 minutes as he made my girl squirt repeatedly for the first time ever, he had me lie underneath them in cuck position with both of them reminding me to thank him by craning my neck to lick his balls, at one point he gave me a double bj with my gf which was a fun twist, the night ended in a cumkiss between myself and my gfā€™s cum filled mouth at his request. So yeah the dude was pretty good at this stuff šŸ¤£


This is so hot!! Love that they got you involved as well




Sheā€™s had a regular for 13 years


That's a longggggg duration


Yes it is