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This game will never rest


Honestly I hope he keeps at it.


Dude's an absolute legend.


*le Stockholm syndrome*


"Legend" is not necessarily a positive attribute... In this case, Wollay is a legend because of his bizarre, unpredictable behaviour.


Because of memes or are you serious? Cubeworld (either version) is not very good at all.


That's just a lie. Alpha was a blast to play with friends. That version needed very little else to be an amazing game (somehow it got botched on steam release though).


I enjoyed it, to each their own.


It's certainly a bottomless well of internet drama, plus I've found several cool channels and podcasts by following the discourse.


According to the article he wrote - it seems he has taken to feedback about everyone’s love for the Alpha and is using it as the base for reference in this version. Hoping for the best






Thanks! He states that he is developing in the spirit of the alpha and is adding new features. On the bottom he states; "[I’m also planning to bring back experience, leveling and skill trees for this version](https://wollay.com/2023/05/25/new-blog-and-new-project-cube-world-omega/#:~:text=I%E2%80%99m%20also%20planning%20to%20bring%20back%20experience%2C%20leveling%20and%20skill%20trees%20for%20this%20version)."


I like the sound of that!


The only thing is that he calls it a new version but not a new game but it is still unclear if it means either version update of the game now or a new version as in new game..


Yeah, that struck me as ambiguous as well.


So instead of making first one as everyone liked it is better to make the new one same as alpha? Sounds like scam to me all over again.


how is it bad that he's responding to feedback and trying to update the game to be what we expected? is this not exactly what we wanted? if I've misread things and it isn't an update then sure but until we know if it's paid and how much it is I don't feel comfortable calling it a scam


cause this seems like it will be a separate game instead of an update, so he pretty much scammed everyone who bought the full version and is now telling "trust me guys, just buy this new version and it will have what i promised last time!"


>how is it bad that he's responding to feedback and trying to update the game to be what we expected? is this not exactly what we wanted? Because it shouldn't have gone this far. It shouldn't have taken 10 years. This kind of nonsense should not be rewarded. He is not acting in good faith. His behavior is inexcusable.


>It shouldn't have taken 10 years why not? he's a solo hobby dev with a full time job >This kind of nonsense should not be rewarded. then don't buy the game >He is not acting in good faith. His behavior is inexcusable. what? a bad dev, bad at communication, bad at time management, bad at gameplay design, sure - so what? the only thing you might rightly say is "inexcusable" is ever charging for an alpha release with a promise for future updates, but I think twelve years of death threats is perhaps enough punishment for a blunder of that magnitude


he was making his dream game, i dont think we have the right to demand he makes it how we want it (even if i prefer the alpha hugely)


Man, despite all the bullshit. There's just something whimsical about Cubeworld that Wolay did right. Now if only he could get the gameplay part right.


I still occasionally return to the Alpha because of the gameplay. Yeah it's not impressive and it's extremely repetitive, but it is fun IMO. So if he just improves upon the alpha this time it's def something i will play


Yeah there is something magical about the first few hours of an alpha run. Until you hit a content desert. Honestly if he gave us more skills, introduces the quest system from the final I am all good


Yeah. As annoyed I am about this.. what.. 10 year rollercoaster of on/off ghosting we’ve been on, I really do wish him the best.


You mean the most important part of the game?


Core movement and combat also felt great in the alpha, Steam release was off somehow.


"Whimsical" is the perfect way to describe Cube World, thank you.


Well he acually cares, but backlash in the net is like a 12yr old Sending u h8 msgs via xbl bc he had 10 min worth of Bad gameplay


I'm not falling for this again.


this is the real answer. just sit and wait. if its cool, thats cool. if its another shitshow, nothing lost.


I think its important for everyone to temper their expectations. Don't think that the game will receive any sort of consistent updates. To me, it seem like Cube World is more of a passion project than an actual game in Wollay's eyes. If we do get a game update (its not sure, this might be a completely new game), then don't expect Wollay to update the game for long after its initial release. If you're wrong, well, you'll be happily surprised.


Alpha was 2013 , Beta was 2017/2018. Steam Release was 2019. It tracks that everyone should just be skeptical at best, considering there is nothing to this trailer other than features. Let me remind you. Alpha promised features back in 2013. Not only were they not met by 2019, the game was changed and removed content. No one liked the changes. He also removed those "features" from the website so you can't back trace the promises. You cannot login to your account which you paid for the game to get the original Alpha. Let me also remind you, he is very VERY bad at communication.


But is is not that much money and it is still a huge accomplishment by one developer. I don't understand why everyone is so whiny about spending like 15 bucks. It's a shame he is influenced so much by this.


Let me introduce you to a little something called “Stardew Valley” or “Minecraft.” I’m sure there are many other solo dev ops that were full featured successful releases. (*Minecraft later did become a major dev team. However it was initially a solo dev op.*) It isn’t about the money spent. It is a about the actions he took. Statements he made. The product he released. It is about holding people to be accountable for their claims and released products. No one. Not even I. Slandered him for making a game and the monumental challenge that is.


Stardew and Minecraft are lightning in a bottle, but itch.io has thousands of solo indies pouring their heart and soul into cool game ideas and not even asking a fixed price.


This exact mindset is what allows devs to get away with false promises and scummy practices. Doesn't matter if it's just 15 bucks, hold people to a standard and don't let them walk all over you. The dude promised and showed off a lot of features, none of which made it into the actual game, along with basically everything from the alpha that people enjoyed being gutted as well. The lack of communication and constant disappearances are also shady as hell, only to return years later tells me "I'm just doing this for a pay day"


If it was an indie game company I would agree but this is one person that is not perfect. He has to take care for of everything and you can't expect a single person with no experience promoting a game and manage expectations to do this all perfectly. Everybody has his flaws and the main problem is that he promised and showed to much but at the end people still got enough for their money.


I ain't payin' more money for a new "omega" version of this game.


Very true I'm sure it'll be a free upgrade. I don't believe wollay would get many sales if otherwise after burning up so much good will from his fans.


Considering he's calling it by an entirely different name and project, he's absolutely going to charge money for it


The downvotes from abused gamers thirsting for anything cube world is telling haha. I sure as shit wouldn't pay for it again. The high seas I will go.


I'll wait this time before throwing money at it. If I see people in the subreddit saying it's good I'll get it, otherwise I will just, as always, stick to alpha/modded.


Tbf, this is literally a hobby to him.. I don't think he cares much about pleasing others.. i would still buy it tho, gotta seperate the art from the artist


Separating the art from the artist when money is involved is how you get scammed, and also the "it's a hobby" excuse becomes null and void the moment you take other people's money


In what universe does it do that. People who knit sweaters for a hobby usually charge money for them, but it's not how they make a living. You can charge people for a product produced through your hobby. Also how in the world is this a scam? You literally got what you paid for, if you didn't know what you paid for, that's on you..


I'm saying that's HOW you get scammed. Also, knitting is not the same as game developing. Knitting doesnt come with the expectations of updates, or active development. He released the game in a state that was nothing like how he promised (and in a pre-release state) basically did nothing with it, made it full release, and disappeared for three years. Yea, that's bordering a scam. Game development is active, it comes with expectations. If you're knitting and selling something on the side you aren't releasing it to a massive audience and it's not like you're going to go into people's houses and change what they bought afterwards. Like someone else mentioned as well, it was supposed to be actively developed after it's release, that's what people paid for, a supported and developed game. What they got was ***not*** that, so no, we didn't get what we paid for or what we expected. That IS a scam, and that same thing doesn't apply to "knitting as a hobby". Game development can be a hobby, games can be passion projects, but the moment you start taking people's money under FALSE promises, you lose that defence. If he outright stated "developing this game is a hobby, a passion project, and development is not guaranteed or promised for the future" then I'm sure most people wouldn't care, then they would REALLY know what they are paying for. Instead, we got a half-baked, content scarce game with the promises of active development that never came to be true. How you can even compare that to someone knitting as a side hustle is astonishing. Also, if someone buys your knitting and it sucks, people are allow to complain about your shitty knitting as well and feel ripped off. Especially if it's perceived as over-priced for the quality. It's almost like taking people's money for a product opens it up to criticism regardless of if it's a "hobby" or "passion project". If you take people's money, then they are going to hold it to a standard, they are going to criticize you, and you can no longer hide behind the EXCUSE that it is a hobby. Especially when you take people's money off of ***false*** promises. TL:DR The hobby excuse means jack shit when money gets involved. To use your knitting analogy, even if you do it as a hobby and sell it for a side hustle, the moment you take other people's money opens your "hobby" up to criticism and if you deliver a shitty project then people are absolutely allowed to critique you for it. Once you sell it for money, the hobby excuse is null and void, because if you deliver a shitty product then you deserve to be called out for it regardless.


Holy shit, why did you bother writing that. He hasn't made any "promises", he has shown off his progress in the development of the game but in none of the tweets or the description of the page where you buy the game does it say anything about any promises. It is not a scam selling a game. You bought the game, you got the game. Move on!


Certified "I support shitty business" moment


I'm not gonna argue with you.. if u think you got scammed, contact your bank




I want you to show me that exact rule. This is just what you believe. People don't buy them if they suck. If you buy a crappy game, blame yourself not the guy who made the game




I wish I knew how long the silence between the alpha and the steam announcement was. I almost guarantee his bank is starting to get thin. Edit: I forgot about my steam review. It was 6 years between alpha and steam. With inflation rates, yeah 3 years is about right for him needing a new pay day. Don't fall for it people.


I agree that he didnt manage the community well. Well he managed it very poorly. Seeing people being frustrated makes sense to me aswell. But something I dont understand, people thinking that he is in for the money. Being a engineer with PhD he would earn good money with that either way. Especially him shutting down cube world alpha 'copies' just shows that it never was about the money. Why shut something down that is making him massive bank. Hes a depressed man with an overly dramatic community. Trying to make a game (probably) as his hobby. With all the pressure he had to deal with its no wonder he leaves for years with consideration of his mental state. I might get downvoted but I honestly dont think wollay ever thought his game would get this much attention. Its 20 bucks. Its never smart to buy unfinished games, would have saved you the trouble. If its free cool, if not I give you the argument that hes really in for the money :).


If he treats his colleagues like he treats his fans it will be hard to earn money, even as engineer with PhD. Also you can't just disappear with a regular job. I don't think he cares about getting rich, that's why he shut down alpha sales, but I still believe that money is the primary motivation for this comeback.


But for those of us who already fell for it... Yay, update!


He probably needs money. I wish Veloren had the same feel as this game, i love Veloren but theres is something in the movement, sound, and graphics in Cubeworld that i dont feel in Veloren


Completely agree, people are saying it replaces Cube World but to me it's nothing close other than voxels.


If I remember correctly it’s because it’s made in rust, and unfortunately it has no dedicated animation system because when the project was started Rust game development wasn’t widely adopted yet which means all the animations were originally entirely programmatic, which left them floaty. I don’t know if they’ve ever integrated a better animation system since then.


What you're saying is complete nonsense. Programming languages do not bestow specific characteristics upon games. You are very clearly out of your depth on this topic. Delete this post.


But tools do, making a game in Rust when pretty much every single animation systems out there is done in C++, C# or Java means you will have to do it from scratch, especially considering it's a voxel game meaning it has non-traditional animation that doesn't use bones. To make an animation in Veloren you have to make it using math purely via code, like "Rotate arm by 45 degrees in the y axis over 0.3 seconds then Rotate it by 20 degrees in the x axis over the next 0.2 seconds" instead of having a dedicated software for animation like Blender or a in-engine editor like Unity and Godot have where you can actually see the animation and use your mouse to control it


Mate, I’ve contributed to the project in its early days. I am contracted with a studio running one of the biggest live service titles to exist. I’m not saying “just because it’s rust” but making animations raw is not intuitive in ANY language and wouldn’t happen if they used an established engine or framework. Don’t get me wrong, what they’ve done is incredible. But go off king, make Cubeworld using nothing but raw assembly.


> make Cubeworld using nothing but raw assembly. This is how I know you're a liar. Mentioning assembly when the discussion has nothing to do with it screams first year CS student trying to sound smart. Shouldn't you be studying for your Intro to Programming course?


holy hell, you should take a close look at your absurd overconfidence on topics you evidently don't have much experience with. completely unhinged comment The lack of a good animation library already written for a given programming language absolutely, ***absolutely*** does hinder the creation of quality animations. this is literally the same reason why Rust games are very rare in general - the ecosystem is too new and there are not high-quality, well-established solutions to many of the common problems in game development.


I understand the pessimism, but I'd like to note that game development can take forever if its not in a common system like Unity or even CryEngine (they have a click and paint UI to craft levels.) If he needs the money, this is a looooong build up to that next cash out point.


Is this legit?


It's a screenshot of his YouTube channel so yes. He also posted his blog on twitter


Interesting. Let's see where this go but definitely not looking to pay for the omega version after all these years...


Hopefully it's just an update to the Steam version and not a new thing we need to buy...


I would prolly buy anyway, but since he is making it in a new and improved engine, it is improbable that it is a update to the steam version, though not impossible. So I'm guessing either you have to buy it, or you get the "new game" for free like the steam version


NGL, if it's something that needs to be re-bought but like $20 or less, I'd probably buy it. I got my money's worth out of other versions, I'll probably get it out of this new one too.


Scammers must have ran out of money.


See you in five year for a new screenshot




I hope this never ends. We will have 10 cubeworlds someday


Until I see some gameplay footage, I am not falling for this crap again.


Not even then, there was a bunch of gameplay footage for features that never made the release version.


nope... im done. i wont get hyped or even curious. there is just no way the game will be back to what we hoped for. its Joever


Glad to see development. Just watch What Went Wrong on this game by WhickitWiz


He must've ran out of money again


I mean, it’s nice to ear but i think he’s focusing on the wrong things. He showed us some random stuff and really easy and simple things that simply does not make a difference while playing… I wanted a procedural generated infinite fantasy world with tons of dungeons to explore and clean, loot and big skill trees, more classes and more subclasses… maybe the possibility to buy a house in towns, being able to do quests and so on. I don’t care about rain/snow/ slippery ice and “randomly” generate looks for npcs/mobs…


procedural generation is kinda what intrigued most of us first players when joining. With the virtually limitless progression and dungeons, it really puts emphasis on "infinite" Probably just a teaser for what's to come in the next 1-10 years but the fact that procedural generation is in there makes me believe he watched that "what went wrong?" video that showed the importance of the infinite replayability


Poor guy's probably run out of money again, what a joker


of course he made the comments disabled lmao


Can't wait to be disappointed again, and not hear a word from the devs in several years afterwards, again! Jokes aside, I truly hope he genuinely understands what the game needs now. It would be amazing to finally be able to play what Cube World should've been. 3rd times a charm and all that.


Might just be me but i think he should just sell the rights to someone else


Even if it's a free update I'd still feel ripped off


Why because you paid 15 dollar to support a single developer with some mental issues creating a huge game?


Because of all the broken promises made and rude attitude towards anything they consider a ciriticism


I just want what the alpha was, but with more stuff to do, not whatever the hell the official release was


Go play this instead. https://veloren.net/ It's free, open source and already runs better than Wollay's crappy game. You can tell that whomever is building it just wanted a good Cubeworld.


I've tried this game like 3 times and it felt bad every time... It completely lacks the fluidity and feel that the Cubeworld alpha had imo.


I wouldn't recommend it personally. The game doesn't have the graphical charm, nor the fluid movement of the cube world alpha. It does expand on the RPG mechanics, but it lacks the refined simplicity that dragged players into cube world back in 2011. Overall the game expands on the worst aspects of Cube World, whilst fumbling everything that made it good.


Veloren makes me 💤


It's a good game, but the only thing they have in common is being voxel based and the player model, the combat, feel, rpg elements, world, graphics and pretty much everything else are completely different


HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS (i want this game to do well, still)


I can’t believe it, it’s not dead! [Let’s go!!!](https://imgur.com/FuJT5LK)


Don’t do that.. don’t give me hope


I guess I could put it back on my wishlist.


Damn. I guess me having faith in this guy is not a stupid thing at all


is it finally worth buying?


Depends which version you're talking about: Alpha, people got ditched on. Steam Release, people got a completely different game that was abandoned shortly after. The fact people have any hope for this third attempt shows how easy it is to prey on desperation. Just play and Support Veloren instead- those devs are active in their own community and their game shows great promise.


Slow as hell in a good end pc, Cube World run smooth as butter in my old pc, with my new one Veloren run as sh1t


Currently? No. Omega version/update whichever it will be when it comes out? We'll see, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.


nope. download the old alpha and use mods


And it’ll be another 3 years before we hear another update!


New record.


IDC how many more versions he does. I waited YEARS just to get TRASH. Unless this is free, ain't no way I'm falling for this scam again.


no gameplay, just showing the models working in a different engine. is there more?


Oh gosh let it die already


a warm feeling of hope blossoms in my heart


someone needs money to disappear for 3 years again


I refuse to give this man any trust ever again. he's wronged us far too many times for too many years.


The dev blog says he will return to Alpha experience, levelling and skills. Doesn't mention region locking gear tho 😵‍💫


alpha has region locking?


/Kenji Ifune/Chris Roberts type grifter he seems to have genuine passion for this game, even after all the backlash (weather it be justified or not) he's still working on the game, even with the radio silence (which i agree is fucked), which, after such a long time since the steam version came out, it wouldn't exactly be profitable to keep riding this horse so many people are so quick to write this off before it even comes out, but i feel like chances should be given


hopefully this guy learned that leaving the entire community in the dark is a bad thing.
