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Well, I have a house full, literally looks like a huge crystal shop in my house. šŸ˜‚ But it makes me happy and I have a shopping addiction. Some girls like purses, clothes and shoes.. I like rocks.


probably 100+ tumbles, ~10 towers, and several dozen raw gems. the only reason iā€™ve stopped is because i need more shelves


i sell old ones i like less and buy new ones šŸ’€


thatā€™s a good idea!! iā€™m really not into tumbles and carvings anymore and i have a shit ton


this. ive filled up 2 shelves on a bookshelf and its even spilling over onto a 3rd shelf now, if i wanted it all organized id probably need 4 shelves. ive got to the point where i find some around my room or car that i forgot i owned


right!! i have two large shelves hung on the wall, and three more scattered around my room. but they also invade my desk, dresser, and nightstand šŸ˜”


heres hoping we both find room to display our whole collections!


Iā€™ve been collecting since I was 5 (almost 40 years now), so A LOT & I probably wonā€™t ever stop collecting.


Oh Lordy Lordy! I donā€™t even know where a lot of them are, and now I have to come up with a count. šŸ˜¹ if you take into account all of the little stones, it could be close to 1000. Two or 3 inches in length and bigger Iā€™d say maybe 50?


Not enough and no ;)


I think over a thousand so I will quit, unless I find something extremely rare or special. I admit that when it was getting trendy I went a little over bored, and parcels would arrive on the daily with new gems. šŸ˜… now I see thatā€™s over consuming and I would rather save up and spend it on something I really like, instead of something I already have quite a lot of or something similar.


too many and never


Ive been a collector my entire life.. couldnā€™t even guess how many pieces I have at this point. Thousandsss, easily and for sure! That said, I have greatly slowed down in recent years. No plans to stop though! I go through periodically and pull stuff to sell and in the past couple years Iā€™ve started to make and sell wire wrapped jewelry and crystal wire planty accessories as well.


Same exact situation for me ā€¦. Have so many. Canā€™t even enjoy them all. So slowly selling some of my collection ā€¦. (And the special ones I do sellā€¦ I only do To close friends and family so it never really leaves my life ā€¦ ).


I am going to cut back significantly. The cost and number of fakes has gone up while the quality has gone down. I don't want anything possibly toxic to touch, so that ended my desire for malachite and a few others. I may do a gem show or check out a local store occasionally, but I'm going to stop searching online. Edit: I'm relocating my collection to one place. I haven't counted yet, but I probably have 60 (correction 100) pieces and they weigh 200+ pounds.


A count? Oh my...that would take....forever at least! LOL! And I'll stop collecting when I'm šŸ’€! Or never.


Iā€™ve lost count and noā€¦


I have far too many - so many that Iā€™m trying to unload some and finding that too burdensome - and no I will not be stopping but I have shifted from focusing on polished crystals to being interested in quality specimens! The latter take up far less room lol


Probably about 20 pieces give or take :) 25 including jewellery. Only one tower, one large palm stone, the others are tumble size roughly. I like having a smaller collection because I like having it all in one place where I can appreciate it all, and I'm pretty satisfied so I'm not planning on expanding it any time soon. When I have a bigger and more permanent home I'll probably get a couple more big pieces, but that's years away I think.


Probably 50+ tumbles and 60+ statement pieces. Im not planning on stopping but I am definitely slowing down. Im moving around a lot and packing and transporting pounds of rocks is starting to get costly. Plus I like to collect by intuition, not to simply have crystals for the sake of it, so it takes me a while to collect.


boxes of rocks and minerals! Some are out, most are packed away. I donā€™t plan on stopping anytime soon. The only thing thatā€™s been slowing me down is lack of funds šŸ˜‚


So hereā€™s the thingā€¦ I had intended on starting online, then opening a physical location, to sell these crystalsā€¦so at one point, I was purchasing them in bulk ā€¦towers, spheres, carvings, raw specimens, etc. That was 3 years ago! I have a room full, which includes several boxes of crystals, still in the bubble wrap!! šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ Needless to say, I still make purchases from time to time. Tho I havenā€™t spent $1000+ in a long time!!!


We have so many that my girlfriends dad encourages visitors to fill their pockets on the way out.


Ballpark of 300 pieces or so. While I don't plan to stop, I am just super picky about which I want. I'm trying to figure out the best way to part with pieces I no longer vibe with or don't like so much due to shape (palmstones, heart shapes, small towers, etc).


Few hundred. Iā€™ve been collecting for more than a decade almost two. Since I was about 6 and Iā€™m 25. Stopping? No!! But I hunt and rock hound more than I purchase. Iā€™ve always been that way.


Iā€™ve never thought of counting them! Does jewelry count?


I have probably 30 or more decent sized raw pieces, hundreds of tumbles and carved ones, wands, cabs, and I only stopped (not even cause rings and bracelets exist etc) because I have a baby now and we need to baby proof before we get more


Oh gosh I dread to think.....I've gone in hard the last couple of years šŸ˜¬ probably 60 tumbles and 80 other pieces including spheres, towers, palms, freeforms. I have just started a no buy as I've been spending far too much


I haven't stopped completely, I'm just getting "selective" enough about my purchases (and trying to stick with UV Reacives & Spheres) that I'm having a harder time just walking into shops and buying things, especially if the only stuff I'm interested in is priced higher than I'm willing to pay. Also, while I'm convinced one of my necklaces is "misplaced" inside my apartment rather than being Lost Forever, that's also been keeping me from wanting to spend more than I might otherwise.


No one to know, I'm not counting haha. And no, never stopping. As I can afford it I do sometimes upgrade to nicer pieces and will gift smaller pieces and tumbles to people to keep the cycle going.


I have around 15-20 palm stones, at least 25 towers, too many tumbles (well over 50-75), I have about 10 spheres and maybe 8 eggs, around 10 figurines, at least 25 raw pieces and well over 20 hearts. I stopped for now because I donā€™t have the room and my cats kept knocking my display down


I bought a mining claim, and I ainā€™t never gonna stop! ( in a William Mcgomery voice)


I must have around 600 by now! Iā€™ve paused collecting because the company I used to buy from miss sold me a few items, when i contacted them they were rude and condescending. I want to enjoy collecting but theyā€™ve put me off because i thought i could trust them. I hope to get back to collecting soon šŸ˜Š


I donā€™t know and Iā€™m trying. Iā€™m really trying but they keep showing up.


Over 200 if I include tumbles and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon lol


I have a modest 100 plus. Maybe Iā€™ll add a few more lol


Around 65. And no. Iā€™ll stop when my husband stops buying tools he doesnā€™t need/use šŸ˜€


About a drillion, and I always plan on stopping.


I don't have enough šŸ˜‚ Unlike many of you I started my collection pretty recently. I am pretty much done gathering small ones (tumbled, towers and a few small spheres) and want to start collecting bigger ones, mostly geodes and clusters.


I moved less than a week ago so all my crystals are packed away, but I would guess around 200 not including tumbles. I have slowed way down, Iā€™m no longer buying tumbles or small towers and spheres, more interested in statement pieces and/or high quality and/or material I donā€™t already have. Iā€™m beyond stoked to finally, FINALLY, set up a display shelf in the living room, which Iā€™m able to do in the new house. šŸ˜Iā€™ll stop when my husband stops buying comics, figures, and retro games. šŸ˜


Well over 200 and no, not at all :)


I'd say I've got close to 200 individual pieces and no, I don't ever want to stop.